Posts by Zyrex

    with the new weapon the k/ch lose more stamina as before with the strength on the hammer and the bad stack of the deff skill...

    Imo the old 104 hammer is better than the new one. You get a little of dps, but loose a ton of stamina. All the new nonstats are useless for a tank imo. So I think, it's not such a big deal. Also, your hammer damage is decently increased, so it should matter less, if you use the 104 or 105 hammer. ^^

    I do like the k/ch the most of all tanks, but I would be fine only with the general tank changes on it. But maybe there is still something more coming for k/ch anyway? Guess we will see.

    Quote from planned patch notes


    Omg. I'm still blown away from that wall of text which I just found, I have so many questions xD Guess I better wait for the stuff to come, before asking 1000000 questions xD But damn, that looks like really good work, finally the long wished tank rework! <3 This hypes me more than Dark Core did actually ^^

    Hello there,

    I would like to suggest, that you always have access to all of your crafting materials, no matter if they are in bank, chests or inventory. Right now, I always have to search for everything in all my chests, which takes a lot of time and is very uncomfortable, because I got like 10 big chests filled up with different mats. They are well sorted, but it still takes a while until I find what I need and put it into my inventory.

    Thanks in advance.


    Wait, isn't there an all-time wish come true? And you still complain? Why not just appreciate that the team listens to what people want? I guess it depends on how to demand for something. I have no clue about leather, but the latest comments about dexterity balancing in terms of equality with strength even makes sense to me. :D

    I think, nobody has upgraded the old gear yet, so restatting isn't a thing yet, is it?

    M/Wl (or Mage in general)

    The debuff of Suge of Malice "Malignant wound" (ID 621192) while Weakening Weave Curse is active, overwrites the Thunderstorm debuff "Thunderbolt Paralysis" (ID 500557). Feels a bit annoying for casting Meteor Shower on the debuff, which is canceled all the time.

    Moin, zum Testen kannst du dir welche beim Ausbilder in Varanas kaufen oder Rote in Custom Content direkt am Eingang beim NPC erwerben. Die laufen allerdings ab, sobald du die Ini verlässt. Bin mir nicht sicher, aber in den neuen Minigames soll es auch rote Waffen temporär limitiert geben. Ansonsten gibt's in ROFL beim Endboss die Waffenfragmente, mit denen du aus einer bestimmten Core-Kombination goldene Instrumente herstellen kannst. Für die genauen Kombinationen sollte es hier irgendwo einen Guide geben, den ich gerade leider nicht zur Hand habe.


    You can buy some from the instructor in Varanas or buy red ones in custom content directly from the NPC at the entrance. However, they expire as soon as you leave the ini. I'm not sure, but in the new minigames there should also be red weapons temporarily limited. Otherwise, in ROFL there are the weapon fragments at the final boss, with which you can craft golden instruments from a certain core combination. For the exact combinations there should be a guide somewhere in this forum, which I don't have at hand right now unfortunately.

    Yeah okay that explains a lot i guess. So in other words, support in most groups isn't good enough to properly playtest a mage nowadays, bcz mage went to be an endgame-only class now that either requires highly tiered gear or the best support you can get for your money? :/ Conclusion: the dependency of other classes has increased again for the mage, is this correct? :/

    Its correct that mages, before the change, was less depending on good support.

    Now they depend more on it just like pdps.

    What do you mean by, increased again for mage, so far i saw mage as beeing the less dependent class which didnt fall off that much when ur support was part-time afk.

    U can try playtest r/ch without any support than u can see what it means to be relying onto support.

    Increased again after the earlier general mage nerf and buff of warp charge in mdmg.. "Again" is relative I guess, bcz some time has passed already since.

    soul crusher for warlock/bard doesnt work id#501920

    i tested it 3 x and its not working .

    can you take a look into it pls

    thank you

    I played the class recently, last week iirc, and everything was working well about soul crusher. Maybe double check your combat log, sometimes a ton of hits went out and spammed away the soul crusher hits as I experienced, but the hits were done for me properly.

    Yeah okay that explains a lot i guess. So in other words, support in most groups isn't good enough to properly playtest a mage nowadays, bcz mage went to be an endgame-only class now that either requires highly tiered gear or the best support you can get for your money? :/ Conclusion: the dependency of other classes has increased again for the mage, is this correct? :/

    right now, pre-patch, m/ch is f**** strong. insane aoe and silly simple 40-50kk single burst dps oO

    Please explain this. From my pov, the class is stupidly weak, can't compete with any magical class in the game, even wl/wd is stronger in aoe and single target in both burst and sustain Oo Sometimes it seems to me, I'm playing on a different server xD

    Ist es beabsichtigt das der Regalwein nach dem Tod verschwindet?

    Das ist immerhin ein Itemshop-Gegenstand den man mit Euros bezahlt.... :/

    Könnte man auch für etliche andere Items anführen, wie KFC, Reisklöße... also denke ich nicht, dass es ein Bug ist, es verhält sich einfach wie das meiste andere Bufffood.

    EN: Could be said for a lot of other items, like KFC, rice dumplings.... so I don't think it's a bug, it just behaves like most other buff food.

    Maybe K/M could be changed to inflict lightdamage through LEW by using any skill, so that every physical/magical hit you deal to a target, additional magical light damage is inflicted, similar to warlock Soulcrusher. That would require the player to actually "do" something and wouldn't just bind the LEW to whitehits. Maybe the damage could really scale with intelligence, this way the tank wouldn't be much more powerful I guess.


    If I activate Shield Form and switch into Dissambly Mode, the negative effects of Shield Form stay on the character until I reactivate and deactivate Shielf Form properly. Is this intended? Feels buggy. Maybe let both buffs overwrite each other entirely, makes the class much more comfortable to play. Now I need to cancel a buff before activating another... :rolleyes:

    • Changed Plasma Arrow to Alternative Current; Passive: When successfully use an electric spell, you will be in Charged state for 10 seconds. Charged state will provide same effects as previous Plasma Arrow. electric spells are Electrostatic Charge, Discharge, Electric Bolt, Electric Explosion, Thunderstorm, Voltage Seize
    • Increased Electric Compression duration to 30 seconds from 20, increased Static Field damage gain to 25% from 15%.

    Those electric spells still permanently remove Electric Compression buff. What's the point of increasing its duration to 30s if we lose it every second (m/ch combo for example).

    Change charged state to not remove Electric Compression.

    Mages can't be even viable without this.

    Playing M/Ch now be like:

    Regarding b/r...

    ...I have no idea about the class, but in a different game there is a class that also has 2 mana sources and skills regenerate the opposite resource each. JockelR u know which class and game I mean? :D

    So for b/r a focus skill could regenerate energy, while energy skills could regenerate focus, maybe equal to their original costs? Does this make sense? Haven't seen a class like this so far but think, it would be fun to play. Downside would be, there need to be around 8-10 skills available for this mechanic or it does not make much sense :/

    You should also rework some of M/Ch mechanics that build up rage and will no longer exist within your rework, such as Plasma Arrow and Lv 25 elite (498862).

    What do you mean? From what I understand when looking at the patch notes, its just the same as before without the damage. (...)

    Exactly. But the elite of m/ch needs a rework anyway, since it specially changes the spell plasma arrow, which no longer will exist. So if nothing happens, the elite will change a non-existing spell I guess? :D


    Okay, thanks. :thumbup:

    Quote from planned notes
    * Increased Electric Compression duration to 30 seconds from 20, increased Static Field damage gain to 25% from 15%.* Changed Plasma Arrow to Alternative Current; Passive: When successfully use an electric spell, you will be in Charged state for 10 seconds. Charged state will provide same effects as previous Plasma Arrow. electric spells are Electrostatic Charge, Discharge, Electric Bolt, Electric Explosion, Thunderstorm, Voltage Seize

    Question Byte : If I use Electric Compression, I'll get the Compression buff for 30s. But what happens, if I use a spell to proc the Charged state again (Thunderstorm or Voltage Seize for example) while the Compression is still up? Does it overwrite it (as before) or can I have both buffs at the same time?

    You should also rework some of M/Ch mechanics that build up rage and will no longer exist within your rework, such as Plasma Arrow and Lv 25 elite (498862).

    This happened 2 days ago in SoK: Right after combat started, the boss was stuck in her movement. Nobody able to attack it. ;(

    (video not listed)

    Well at this point i cant really tell if everyone is just trolling with the intention to get their classes overbuffed or something? xD

    I havent played a lot in recent weeks, but everytime i played mage was pretty good compared to everyone else in my guild. Some classes obviously stronger than others but nowhere near as useless as warlocks (lol).

    I didnt even bother upgrading my gear at all with the new content and was still able to compete.

    Awesome, so I just need to join your guild and mage is strong and worth playing again? =O Sounds too good to be true :pinch: And what are warlocks? Haven't seen this class for 1.5 years or something anywhere.

    (this is a troll post)

    You forgot about the d/r, maybe let Dark Moon decrease its matt by 50% instead of increasing, so that there is another mdps class not worth playing anymore after the coming patch. :thumbup:

    maybe read all incoming changes again, think about it objectively and then try to say it again. I think the mage changes are not a nerf for all mages (btw some x/mage classes get a buff), maybe try to test after the patch but it seems that most mages get a specific non-static-related buff. (I think it's better if not all mages don't spam only static)

    Yeah I did. But I still can't see any good point there, unless you got t13+ gear, full cards, so matt nerf isn't a thing for you. If those non-static-spells just were useful or not been nerfed into hell already, I would love not to use this spell most of the time.

    Just to point out M/Wd, this class looses the most of matt, but fortunately it got a useless earth core barrier rework recently which ofc balanced this nerf I guess? For real, I Haven't seen any mage (except maybe 1 or 2 m/r and supp ofc) for a YEAR in any instance. Does this mean, mage is overperforming or being overused? I'm not sure. Is mage recently competing with new bard classes so we need to cut matt from mages and let bards stay as they are? I'm not sure.

    Would it be worth to give up all, what I have already achive over the retail server?

    Okay, here's some real talk.

    I played on 6 different servers so far (including GF one) (not just slacking around, but playing the very endgame each) and this right here, might be the second to best one I've ever been playing on. The best one was an own one I hosted together with some friends some years ago (but has been shut down by GF bcz we stole their players) ^^ But beside of CoA there currently are no other servers that could ever compete. And with my experience and knowledge about private servers, all the free to play server will not work in the long run. End of story.

    On CoA, prices and economy are good and stable, there are a lot of ways to progress (within new minigame rework there are even more possibilities). There is content for everyone, if you prefer solo, group, raid content, doesn't matter. Unfortunately Siege War isn't played as much as some years ago, but there are rumors about pvp content, so I have high hopes already. I also had the server pulling me back from other games/servers 3 times already, bcz the game is just too good for not playing it. And as long as this server equals to my expectations and wishes, I will stay here for longer for sure.

    You can still pay to win, but you really get something for your money, so it's really worth it cashing here (if you know what to buy from it). But there are still viable ways to join the endgame without paying a dollar at all. I've seen many players completing this way successfully.

    It would take ages to list all your benefits compared to other servers at this point, so I just tell you: It's definitely worth it on CoA, at least having a try. There are a lot of helpful players around that may help you even if they don't know you.

    There are only 2 major disadvantages I feel uncomfortable:

    First, the balancing process (which lasts for over 2 years now and I can't understand why, since we finished that within 3 months on our own project back then). People told me I should think about it like seasons and your classes are being reworked within every half year all over again, but tbh it's just annoying in the meantime, especially if you made your own experience with balancing in this game... :rolleyes: The major issues about that are: 1) more patches make stuff more and more complex and 2) communication isn't as good.

    Speaking about communication, this leads me to my 2nd point. Communication in general could be improved at some point, there are feedback threads existing and devs do respond here and there, you can make suggestions that might be accepted and implemented, but chances for bad ideas being implemented instead of good ones are quite high. So one could say, 90-95% of the posts in the balancing feedback thread are just bullshit bcz ppl complaining about their favorite class(es) without being objective at all*. But to be fair, this was the case on any server I played on since.

    Tldr: the devs seem not to be able to properly decide between bs posts and really good suggestions (at least it feels like that) and sometimes, out of nowhere, decide something between absolute trash and insanity and nobody knows, why. :rolleyes:

    (*: I'm not excluding myself from that statement, since everyone would always fight for his/her own class. But exactly THIS is the problem in this topic. So this entire thread is not useful as viable "feedback".)

    However, these decisions are just the minority, most of the content is really good (and god bless we have more than only 1 class a player can play per role). I do like the minigame rework, the nostalgia group content, even the custom core instances (except inferno, i still got ptsd from its release).

    Regarding your question: It doesn't matter what you leave behind, since it's all about fun. And fun doesn't scale with material or virtual things, but with your situational feelings. So I would recommend to give it a try. You don't need to delete your acc on other servers and maybe come back if this one doesn't match your wishes and expectations. :thumbup:

    Have a good one. UwU