Dear friend,
should I really call you like this? Friend? I have no idea how else to express our relationship. We both know each other for several years now. To be exact, it was the 29th of May 2016, when we met at first.
We know each other for such a long time, we had good times, but also bad times. Shared so many moments, had such a good time and after all these years I still have no idea where you live - is it a big house, a basement? In a village? A town? I don't even know how old you actually are. Old enough, that for sure. But that's not the matter.
Some days ago I found our old pictures. It was literally a ton of them, I looked at every single one and felt so comfortable, since you looked the same almost six years ago, like today. Only a few things changed of course, but your personality and the things that really matter stayed as they had ever been.
I regretted every moment we were not connected. Cried in my little chamber, when you were not here. You were my anchor for bad days, for rainy days, you made my life more colorful. All the letters and words I typed with you, made me feel happier, even if it was just for a short time.
I know, I'm not perfect, but isn't spending so much money for you, a message of my love, too?
Also I'm sure, the last weeks were difficult for us. So many interruptions in our relationship, but in the end things turned out well for us I guess? These days were the trigger for me, to think about our relationship once again and this brought me to this moment, this exact moment, writing this letter to you. I don't want to waste my time anymore, I want to tell you something. Something that was overdue for so long!
I love you... CoA Server.