Posts by Zyrex

    Quote from planned notes


    • Changed Toxic Possession to reduce magical attack by 25% additionally.

    You forgot about the d/r, maybe let Dark Moon decrease its matt by 50% instead of increasing, so that there is another mdps class not worth playing anymore after the coming patch. :thumbup:

    I experienced the very same. In Rofl the class has a good sustain dps, but isn't as good in burst as other cps classes. The gcd thing isn't such an issue imo, but there is not much you can do in between. The delay could be caused by the whitehits, but haven't tested this properly, but also had them in my rotations. Additionally, the CC potential is huge due to the Cyclone and Shout combo, so it can easily be played in hoto or kalin as well.

    I also agree, the electric rage is annoying. On any big pull you need 1.5 seconds to single-target stack up the buff, sometimes even after cycloning, in order not to die through mobs aoe/casts. Maybe some spell would be cool to instantly grant full stacks, like the m/wl one "Will of Pride" (498750) which gives full stacks of its very own buffs. Maybe put this on Intensification or Enraged additionally.

    One thing I'm not sure about, is the Thunder Sword. The damage is too low using it in burst instead of just spamming Electrical Rage. Out of burst it's not worth it as well, since you loose whitehits during the spell channel. Maybe shorten the channel time by 50%, then the spell could be useful and give the class a bit more single burst, which isn't thaaat good, as mentioned above.

    Speaking of class reworks... I would appreciate an overall mage class rework, too. There is literally no mage that is worth playing these days, while having magical bards, druids and scouts as valid options. Maybe M/W, but I already see the nerf coming once I finish my buff gear.

    The major problem is, that your static field is your main attack for 90% of the time. Only a few combinations use a cast in burst situations for like 15-20 seconds and keep spamming static afterwards, too. I really enjoyed the vanilla mage back then, the vanilla Thunderstorm for aoe, etc. Would just be great to have a sense in playing mage again some day. But these days lay far in the future I guess. Unfortunate.

    Guess it's intended, since there are no real crap stats in purple stat lines (as there were yellow craps on other servers). I mean, it would be quite op just having a collection of 3-4 stats per armor for this low price :pinch: However, you just need to spend around 15-20k dias for all the stats you need for one class. That's just cheap for the use of it I guess. I expected them removing shells from the shop, but they didn't :rolleyes:

    However, not sure if they knew, this change made the unknown stats useless for endgame gear. Maybe this is a thing actually.


    the new minigame rework looks decent so far, finally there is a way to catch up for new players or even for alts. But what does the "defense absorption" nonstat mean, which is on some set bonuses? I haven't been into the new minigames yet, but got another question regarding the new sets/stats.

    With my mage, I spent around 15k dias to get all the new stats. But with my tank, I spent around 5k for only 2 useful stats. As far as I can see, there are more crap stats for plate, than for magical cloth.

    For cloth there are only int/int, int/sta, wis/sta in both affixes, but for plate there are sta/sta, str/sta, dex/sta, wis/sta (and maybe even more, haven't invested much there). Means, the chance for a sta/sta is way lower than for an int/int. For cloth it's 1:6, for plate it's 1:8 (at least).

    Is this intended? Wouldn't it make more sense to grant equal chances for any class/role?

    Now you plan to nerf all the average bard classes, but the most op one is still missing: b/d.

    Maybe change the useless spells become useful and rework the class concept... the solo buff is just op, decision between op aoe and op single target burst... but without it, the singletarget isn't existing at all :D

    The only disadvantage of b/m (...) is the channels which disable you to use your CC most of the time. Especially in situations you need to interrupt casts, the b/m can annoy with its channel spells which can't be interrupted by moving.

    Quote from Plannes Changes


    • Changed Fireball Shower to get interrupted while moving.

    I appreciate the speed of changes planned, but think, that's not necessary. I do like the fact that you need to pay attention of your channels/rotation in CC-situations. With the fireballshower being interruptable, the class looses its very only disadvantage/"difficulty", which would be awful. But thanks for the intention tho. :thumbup:

    Also, by interrupting the channel, we could exploit that mechanic and cancel it intentionally after 3 hits for an increase in dps I guess. I would prefer not having such "mechanics" in the class :pinch:

    Edit: to be clear, my quoted post was not a complain at all, I appreciate the channels being usable while moving very much, makes the class deal consistent damage in fast pace situations.

    I used mage/bard a few times and I can say that is a waste of time aswell. Is a mix between a bad support and a really bad dps in ALL aspects, it isn't good in any kind of dmg. It is a copypaste of mage/rogue but with worse numbers in every skill.

    I played it once in hoto and agree, it felt like a bad m/s in a mix with m/wl. At least the elemental weakness was comfortable to use. The class felt pretty massive, but damage was just tiny. Guess the class just misses some base dmg or an increase in elemental dmg passively.


    What I can say is, about playstyle (not dmg), bards are WAY more fun and pleasant to play. Mages have 4-5 min long cds in its buffs, most of its dmg come from spamming static field (...).

    100% agree. Mage always was like spamming static field with some fillers (non-gcds) in between, while using the strongest cast on the boss, more or less. Have you compared bards with druids or warlocks yet?


    For me bard/mage is the best desgined one. Spam a 3 seconds cast after every skill is a single dmg sustain boost that normal mages don't have and it feels good.

    Imagine using an elemental damage flame or fireball proc after every spell on mage :huh::pinch:

    Maybe releasing new classes is too much, but what about reworking deprecated / never used class combinations? There could be a warden/rogue full support class or a hybrid cps/dps mage/priest. Just brainstorming, but classes as mentioned in the entrance post, can be created by certain class combination reworks, too.

    b/m, b/d, m/k

    Hi there,

    I was playing the b/m and b/d a lot these days (in rofl and hoto. Had no chance to try in Kalin yet unfortunately). And my conclusion is, that any bard feels very strong. As a b/m you deal less dmg than b/d, but have more utility and can compensate misplays or failpulls pretty well, whilst b/d has literally nothing in terms of CC (can't even use the interrupt w/o switching to an instrument via macro, which takes too long right now). So the balancing between b/m and b/d is fine I think.

    I also had the chance to compare and compete with some b/s in rofl, which was really fun. The b/m seems to deal more or less equal damage as the b/s. With the planned b/s nerf I think, the b/m could be better overall. However, I don't see any sense in the planned nerf anyways. The bards are more or less equally balanced compared with themselves I guess.

    Only 1 spell isn't as useful: Musical Attack. The spell deals too tiny damage for being useful. In my dps tests, using Fiery Magic over Musical Attack is much better, even without the proc. And if you don't have any support for resources, you easily run out of focus using MA. So maybe consider changing it dealing elemental damage as well, this would help pretty much I guess.

    Last but not least, I compared the b/m with m/k, since both classes seem to be designed pretty similarly (just the way of survivability is a bit different). With the latest m/k stars of light nerf, m/k is entirely useless if you can play b/m or b/d instead. Everything the mage can do is worse than what bard does. Discharge < Chorea, you got an additional interrupt with "The best Song", dps is more consistant and if your ground target hits a leaf or bubble, you won't loose most of your damage as well. The only disadvantage of b/m (and reason to play m/k instead) is the channels which disable you to use your CC most of the time. Especially in situations you need to interrupt casts, the b/m can annoy with its channel spells which can't be interrupted by moving. But that's class design and balances the class in terms of cc pretty well imo.

    So at this point, maybe a mage buff would make sense again? Haven't tried other mage classes yet, but I assume, the results would be equal. Maybe anyone else made some experience about that?



    • Fixed Ethereal Blade wasn’t usable, added cost of 2 Psi.

    After some tests in Atlas Ch3 (whyever this planned change is already working there), I can say, this change is making the class useless. You're not able to sustain that huge psi cost at all, not even if you spam musical attack whenever you can.

    So please, change the psi cost to 1 or improve the psi sustain somehow. I'd love to play a useful warlock class again, but as it looks like, there will be no use to do so. ;(

    Quote from Planned Change Log


    • Fixed Ethereal Blade wasn’t usable, added cost of 2 Psi.

    I'm not quite sure if that's a good thing. The class already got a psi spell and Ethereal Blade would be an additional hit. If you require 2 Psi there as well, you literally can't keep it on cooldown whithout having dwarven beer active, which would suck. So if you insist adding psi costs, change it to 1 Psi.

    That should be way easier to sustain, since your bard cast recovers 1 psi as well. Would be a good combo then. But the class still needs more psi than most others, at least it did in my tests (when Ethereal Blase rarely was working properly) and the current psi sustain doesn't really help out that much, you barely have time to cast muscial attack for psi sustain, but need to use many additional spells to sustain focus and dps instead.

    Edit: Example for the first rotation: cast Ruthless Judgment -2 Psi, cast Ethereal Blade -2 Psi, cast Severed Consciousness -2 Psi, all the Psi gone. So either you start spamming musical attack right there, or use a full psi restore spell/potion/iss/support...


    The musical attack transformed into earth damage is entirely useless. The Quick Rockshot (or whatever its called in en) (id 1491184) deals much more damage, has lower cast time, no focus cost and is aoe.

    What the class misses (correct me if I'm wrong, haven't playtested it yet) is a strong single target cast, like flame of mages. So if you quadruple the damage and make it a 3s cast, this would be fine I guess!?



    Lv 90 ISS Stolen Music seems not to apply the magical hit on this combination. Only the physical hit goes out.


    If you have your Firerune active, casting the Lv 90 ISS "Stolen Music", the burnmaster (buffid 1501896) doesn't proc.

    Bard in general / Lv 90 ISS

    How about removing the gcd from Rhythmic madness (id 1491098)? This one feels kinda useless on any combo and makes the Lv 90 ISS pretty much useless as well. Who wants to use a low scaling hit after a single target gcd? Maybe it would be even better to rework the Lv 90 ISS entirely, since I don't see any reason to use it on magical bard. Correct me if there is a use case on physical ones.

    Dear friend,

    should I really call you like this? Friend? I have no idea how else to express our relationship. We both know each other for several years now. To be exact, it was the 29th of May 2016, when we met at first.

    We know each other for such a long time, we had good times, but also bad times. Shared so many moments, had such a good time and after all these years I still have no idea where you live - is it a big house, a basement? In a village? A town? I don't even know how old you actually are. Old enough, that for sure. But that's not the matter.

    Some days ago I found our old pictures. It was literally a ton of them, I looked at every single one and felt so comfortable, since you looked the same almost six years ago, like today. Only a few things changed of course, but your personality and the things that really matter stayed as they had ever been.

    I regretted every moment we were not connected. Cried in my little chamber, when you were not here. You were my anchor for bad days, for rainy days, you made my life more colorful. All the letters and words I typed with you, made me feel happier, even if it was just for a short time.

    I know, I'm not perfect, but isn't spending so much money for you, a message of my love, too?

    Also I'm sure, the last weeks were difficult for us. So many interruptions in our relationship, but in the end things turned out well for us I guess? These days were the trigger for me, to think about our relationship once again and this brought me to this moment, this exact moment, writing this letter to you. I don't want to waste my time anymore, I want to tell you something. Something that was overdue for so long!

    I love you...


    Omg WTF! I have never seen so much text with so tiny content in this entire forum :pinch: Stop complaining about the existance of MMORPG-aspects in this game, which - surprise! - IS an MMORPG. I really thought, there were consistant information regarding the patch waiting on the last 2-3 pages of this thread, but all I see is complains about lately released bugfixes and how barbarous a specific endgame guild would be. :rolleyes: Please go clear up those things somewhere else, I don't care what stands between you guys.

    Can't we just appreciate the content we got (which is totally fine in my opinion)? &) We were one of these guilds fighting through the instance really much and hardly (turtles still trigger my PTSD) and we managed to clear it multiple times already, but imho the instance is awesome! ROFL was just a joke, Hoto had good ideas but the only difficult thing about it was, not to pull the entire instance with a wrong auto-tab. And Kalin finally contains both, complex mechanics and rewards depending on playstyle. The better you play, the easier the instance is. And that's everything to be said about it. Keep it up Devs, we're finally on a good track! :thumbup:

    btw: Am I wrong or are there actually Devs speaking to us and asking about feedback ingame, that is actually being implemented? :huh: