Posts by Zyrex

    B1 is also strong to beat for lower dmg groups.

    it is a kind of gearcheck.

    I think it's good requiring a well geared tank, since the instance gives a (new) best-in-slot gear piece. But I think, it's more a tank check than dps check. Even with lower geared dps you can just wait longer and deal max damage, but the tank has to sustain for longer. However, tank gear is not that expensive I guess. Even titan or unknown stats are quite cheap (afaik). And with some timing of your defensive cooldowns and support, you can stand up to 60 stacks more or less easily.

    In my opinion most of the instance is fine as it is. Maybe b1 can do a bit lower damage for lower players (don't know the values of boss, but with strong dps a red gear tank with few dps Chain parts is enough. But I think at a certain Point even gold gear is not enough)

    I think, requiring golden tank gear makes playing tank finally more useful. Before, everyone was able to tank the "endgame" with red gear, some even without plate gear. Now, the tank needs way higher values, which is awesome in my opinion.

    Well, the boss is growing to infinity, if I guess right? The buff is never ending to stack up, so in the end it's just a timing of the right immune/dmg mitigation skills in the right order. I think, it's quite fine as it is.

    Quote from deszcz2

    I would like to ask if every "%dmg reduction skill" is working as intended on whole instance? I feel like i doesn't matter if i go as mage/x with no %dmgreduction or as d/wrl with 75% reduction. Hits from many sources fills same for me.

    We also experienced some flat damage hits, like the buggy b2 "bloodthirst of whatever" oneshot and also the Icicles from Muses seems to be flat. There no dmg reduction doesn't work. I think, that's intended, since it IS possible to outplay these flat damage values entirely at some point. ;)

    @Devs: I really appreciate the instance and the gameplay as a tank. Even as a dps you have to watch out where to stand and if you fail, you just die. I also like that some mechanics are not displayed in tooltips and need to be found out by us. It's quite a good challenge and I'm looking forward to the fixed Regin event! <3

    Go hard or go home

    That's what she said...

    I know many ppl who need certain bosses for badge titles leveling or such, but most ppl don't wait with killing them unfortunately. Seems like some ppl got too much time for spawn camping them. So if you need some of them for quest or such, try to ask in the global chat, maybe you get a chance for killing them yourself.

    the last time when i saw wl/wd or wl/r they were still op

    So these 2 are equal in dps in your opinion?


    :pinch: Game over I guess

    warlocks are not worth playing in my opinion atleast not for dps as there are multiple better class combinations for magical dps that perform better

    I came to the same conclusion, even by not running random that much. :thumbup: Fully agree to you. The Soul Crusher could fix all problems at once.

    Yes, it's possible. Years ago I played with an xbox controller. You just had to bind the original keyboard keys to your controller with a certain software tool. In Win7 there was even a setting to do so, but I can't remember, it's been a long time... But look for a solution, you will find one for sure. You may bind the W key to gas pedal and S to brake, then you can drive through the world on your horse on the most immersive way.

    PS: as far as I remember, mouse clicks were the most difficult to bind to a controller key. But just for pedals, you're good to go I guess. :thumbup:

    i would be glad if u would remember this tool, i like playing by pad more than keybord and mouse

    ps: any update about servers?

    Check this out:
    Haven't tested it, but seems to be what you're looking for. It's meant to work on a controller, but pedals should work the same way I guess.

    wl/wd is maybe the best class what you can play atm. ppl do bossevent complete solo with it. you can also do a lot of other inis with it solo. is it enough what i should say about that ? also the dmg in rofl is one of the best.

    Hmm interesting. Yes, you can solo a lot with it, but same works with wl/k, wl/ch and even d/wl. But the performance of a wl/wd in rofl is just bad these days. Tbh I see no use in playing any warlock dps at all atm. Maybe wl/r has some potential, but everything else is not as good as other magical classes. However, wlwd is maybe the easiest class and has a very good survivability, decent support (since it's a warlock with good psi sustain), can tank (if you have enough skill for it) and deal a bit of damage at least. From my pov, the class is strong in the long run, if your party isn't that strong and mobs live for longer, same for bosses. It's sustain damage and offburst are very good. But that is worth not much these days. Even a S/M has a better offburst than Wl/Wd.

    But since we wanna balance for rofl, the fact of soloing isn't necessary, the class is just below average imo. The class was the best to play at its release, but in the meantime... are you really sure we're playing on the same patch?

    *just throws some cents into the thread*

    Wait, are we playing on the same server? Why would you think, that wlWd is op? Not even mentioning the other classes listed here.

    I think this class need a nerf? Yes. A nerf to overall dmg? Not much. Depends what meta you are considering. Is better than warlocks but on point with some mages, for example. The biggest dmg of the class is BY FAR in organs. That require a 25-30% nerf for sure.

    Well, if I remember correctly, the scrutinizer bar of my d/wl was 15% in front of the second one listed. The class was even able to compete with scouts in Balton burst and in the trash sections... well... Sandstorm is your friend I guess. Feels like Sandstorm hits much faster than any warrior or champ does. So either the d/wl in entirely busted or all my other dps guild members can't play their classes. I would say, the first one makes more sense... :/

    i like so much these "this class is to strong", "too much patt/matt" told by players (or by people looking on their dps) with t12/13 golden gear with XIII runes, t16/17 weapons and carts that give 20k patt/matt

    Me: *Complaining about certain classes being too strong*

    Also me: *Wearing a t11 mage gear with t15 weapon and t12 runes, which is almost average*

    ps: does anyone know if it is possible to bind gas and brake pedals to action bar?

    Yes, it's possible. Years ago I played with an xbox controller. You just had to bind the original keyboard keys to your controller with a certain software tool. In Win7 there was even a setting to do so, but I can't remember, it's been a long time... But look for a solution, you will find one for sure. You may bind the W key to gas pedal and S to brake, then you can drive through the world on your horse on the most immersive way.

    PS: as far as I remember, mouse clicks were the most difficult to bind to a controller key. But just for pedals, you're good to go I guess. :thumbup:

    I think, he's right on D/Wl, and also W/M is better with 1h, even after the recent changes. But Wd/D is far away from being op imo. It has potential, but the talisman at least balancing it. About the M/Wl I have no idea, never tried with 1h tbh. But the D/Wl is just too sick at the moment. Maybe this is a good time to rework the class to a CPS one, as it was done with the D/R in the past? And the D/R is pretty well balanced and useful for any raid nowadays.

    Also agree on what u said on debuff WWC and d/wl but should we think like that ? Should we balance one class depending on other classes ?

    Actually this is, what we do here. Without the support of given support classes, some classes would just suck. So we already "are" balancing depending on other classes' synergies.

    For the rotation, write me ingame, I can tell you mine there by linking the specific skills. Would be much easier than any explanation I could post here.

    If you nerf the 10% dmg and the 100% to 75% we should check both before it get more nerfs to dont destroy the class again and balance it.

    As a d/wl tank I just need to press Sandstorm to hold aggro on both trash and bosses, no need to buff up at all... so... yea, I think, even if we cut the entire 100% aggro to 0, it would still be able to tank. But I also prefer smaller adaptions, but more in the long run. Adapt, test, adapt, test, adapt, balanced. But thinking about how long this entire process is already running, I have lesser hopes here :D

    Could you give your opinion on Scout/Warlock pls ?

    Sure, S/Wl is pretty okay at the moment. Not the best overall, but a decent burst and fun to play. It's one of the better magical dps classes, but also requires a bit of resource management, since you only have focus and your skills require a lot of that. So you wanna setup your rota on some specific way, finding the sweat spot between costs and dps.

    Would not the Weave give a posion debuff (can't think of anything for this skill give dark dmg debuff) ? and Joint Blow have more range and poison ?

    Weakening Weave deals poison damage, Joint Blow does not, which is good as it is. Another spamable would be too much for the class imo. Maybe only possible, if it's not as strong as the one of S/M, but similar to the normal Shot or Vampire Arrows of S/Wl. Sometimes, if you run around a lot, you don't use your channel/cast spells, which sometimes brings you to the point, that no other useful skill available. Then I use the Manadraining Shot, in order to use a gcd for the Elemental Discipline (which is still better than no spell at all on a dead global cooldown). So yes, 1 more skill could match into an optimized rotation as a filler, but not more than just a filler.

    The debuff of WWC shouldn't give poison damage received, since other poison type classes would also benefit from that. Imagine a druid/warlock with such support... :pinch:

    The job of the tank is not only making aggro and getting low dmg, but also CC/interrupting deadly casts for the group. it is not only the job of dps/support to interrupt something. and if you do that as a tank, it is not so boring. Yes, you do anyway always the same -> making aggro, interrupting/CC.

    But tbh: What is a dps doing?

    Well, interrupting in a tab target game with cast bars isn't such a thing I guess. But yea, dps is just all the same too in some ways. Personally, I'm a manually tanking one, just got some small macros for like auto-tabbing + holy strike or such, but still... compared to other games, it just feels boring. Unfortunately switching the knight's subclass doesn't bring the intended effect for me, even if I press 10 different buttons with it. But I just got the solution for that: Not to play knight for long, but switch to other main classes every few weeks.

    But this entire thing is not about complaining about tank being too easy or too straight-forward, it's more that your subclass of knight doesn't really matter in terms of diversity. And the way "how" things are done, is always the same. Like Threaten, some aggro skills, holy strike fillers, continue... just playing with Threaten and AoEs only, is enough for most parts of certain instances - on any knight combination :rolleyes:

    P.S. but one point should be said: dps gets buffed over and over again -> more dmg/aggro. Tanks (knights) doing same aggro like class balance started. just saying

    Maybe in 2023 tanks will get a piece of the cake called "balancing" :/

    This is absolutely not true

    I think, he means the situations at certain burst bosses, like Balton or some Hoto bosses, where a specific well balanced ranged dps class is almost dividing the boss hp by half within a (felt) global cooldown, letting the tank no other possibility than to taunt the boss for holding that aggro. And if half of your dps play such classes, a red geared tank might struggle there. But that's reasonable imo.

    But I agree to Midan, tanking in this game is just always the same. Some call it difficult, some call it easy, we call it boring. Doesn't matter which knight combo you play, there is maybe 1 or 2 skills changing in your basic rotation, maybe you got a bit of utility, maybe another defensive cooldown for emergency, but that's it. That's why I like the other classes' tank combos, such as Warrior/Knight, Warden/Knight, Warlock/Warden, etc. They are played entirely different, which is awesome. But in terms of diversity, the knight class is just bad, there IS NO diversity at all.

    I remember the days where a knight had to handle additional sigils for getting back some mana and such, but nowadays most tanks just play with kitty on all knight subclasses and it WORKS. And it does work, because you can play them all the same way, maybe a bit more than Midan wrote, but still: boring. How fortunate that rofl is such an exciting instance, so tanks are not bored at all 8o

    Don't forget that warriors get 24% less AOE damage. Furthermore the lvl 50 elite also reduce the dmg taken by 12.4%, which could be seen as 12% bonus def, but is better than flat def.

    Is it really better than flat def? I thought, damage reduction is calculated multiplicative recently, so the actual amount is less than 12.4%?

    Knight/Warden has way more burst aggro. waayyyy more :D

    Haven't played this class as a tank yet, thought it's a dps class, since plenty aggro buffs give no further aggro :/ Such as Holy Power Explosion, Truth Shield Bash and maybe more.


    I played the Warrior/Knight a bit these days and it felt pretty good. The only thing I'm missing is: The class feels a bit weak in terms of defense. Maybe change the Concentrated Precision (ID: 492914) to increase physical defense by 15% but increasing HP only by 5%.

    The class feels a bit of an HP bubble but has not that much defense, since it uses Berserk on cooldown for max dmg -> aggro, which is overwritten by Defensive Formation. It felt a bit strange using Shield of discipline while running berserk and switch to Defensive Formation right afterwards. I'd prefer either having Berserk not reducing my Def at all, or give the class an additional def increase passively.


    The Offensive Sacrifice still feels a bit clunky. Stacking the buff to 10 requires 10 hits of Holy Strike, which is in a normal rotation around 15 global cooldowns, means, the class is reaching its maximum defense after 15 seconds. A good thing is the increase even if the target is immune, but it still doesn't feel good, since the stacks can run off. Maybe don't let all 10 stacks run off once the buff runs off after 20 seconds, but just lower the stacks by 1 any 10 seconds.


    The class just feels too strong. The meta shifted from Knight/Rogue to Knight/Mage and I rarely see any other combination out there. The Holy Light Domain is better than the Warrior/Priest Debuff, which makes the class as a supporter useless if you have a K/M in your raid. Also, the increase of light damage through Intensification is just too strong. There is no other knight class with a better burst aggro imo, at least I haven't found any yet.

    My suggestion is here, to lower the damage reduction of the Holy Light domain from 21.8% to 11.8% but let it stack with the W/P debuff. With this skill (which has no cooldown btw and can be kept on a 100% uptime) you don't need any crowd control and even can aggro mobs while you're feared, since it's running more or less passively (if you include it into your rota or simply use a holy strike/light domain macro).

    I would like to see a more diverse tank meta and Warrior/Priest should be more useful, in any raid setup.

    Druid/Warlock tank

    The class is pretty decent with specific cloth tank gear, even better than any warlock tank imho. In terms of gameplay, it's just too easy to hold aggro. Even a full support scout burst is no match for it if you have at least 0.5 seconds left for casting your first spell. In my opinion the strongest aggro burst in game by far. But it's way too easy for being such an insanely strong tank combination. So I would suggest lowering the aggro bonus of Toxic Possession (ID 1490628) from 100% to 75% for the moment. The aggro bonus is nothing for a dps, which just uses some recon runes in mainhand and offhand, so it just affects the DWl tank.

    I mean, for real: I'm just standing next to the melees, using sandstorm on the mobs to pull them and the aggro within this single sandstorm is enough for them at all. I just keep spamming spells for damage, since I got like 1-1.2kk matt all the time with no further support. In burst I even reach 1.5-1.6kk matt, which is insane. In a full golden cloth tank gear, I could reach 1.8kk for sure, while being at 1kk hp.

    Warlock/Warden tank

    If there is a druid/warlock tank, I also want my warlock tank being better. This class requires everything the druid does not for surviving. I can reach the same damage mitigation, but need to work for it decently more. Keeping up Psi, while alwas standing on the Mind Barrier and channeling the Otherworldly Whisper. If I have to move out of the Mind Barrier, I can't even channel my Whisper, making me vulnerable to being oneshot to bosses, like Jerath.

    My suggestion is: Increase the damage mitigation of Stone Shell while under the effect of Willpower Construct from 12%x4 to 12%x6 again, as it was at release of the class. This will be 72% less damage, with specific cloth tank gear, also reaching the cap. But since aggro on this class is more difficult than on the druid, it would still be balanced I guess.


    This class is not good at all, as it currently is. There is no point of playing it at all. Better play a warden/warrior, but there is also no point imo. But Warden/Knight "could" be a decent tank with some love.

    - First, let the Spirit of the Oak become a buff, no more a pet or prevent it being targeted/attackable by mobs and don't let it pull mobs neither. The pet dies too often for being useful for the class. In Gorge for example, it's just useless.

    - Holy Chain (ID 1490664): Give it an additional 15% aggro boost. The taunt is quite useless currently without such a boost, since burst aggro on Wd/K is one of the worst of all tanks.

    - Energy Absorb (ID: 1490866): The amount of damage reduced for raid members is too low for being useful. Increase that from 15% to 45%.

    - Also Energy Absorb: additionally increase the caster's physical damage by 30% (from 15%). And increase the duration to 30 seconds, as most other 60s cd buffs have become.

    EDIT: Btw, please change the Warlock/Warden Stone Shell to only decrease taken damage by monsters, or everyone will play this in pvp...


    why does a magical poisonous arrow (Druid/Warlock skill Poison Arrow, id: 1490621) not have a travel time and a magical bite (Mage/Rogue skill Cursed Fang, id: 491578) does?

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    Maybe because the cursed fang does not build up any buff/debuff stacks :/ Would be a mess if the deadly poison increase triggeres after the travel time, I guess. We all would cast an additional poisonous arrow before we cast the poison of nature <X Or we had to use timers depending on the amount of stacks on the target, which wouldn't work properly due to the travel distance delay.

    However, I think a lot of spells shouldn't have a travel distance delay at all, there are only a few which really make sense. :/

    Use pet control macros and avoid tabbing through walls, that fixes it for us. The possibility to pull with pets/cenedrils is a quite good mechanic for big pulls in there. Would be sad to have it removed :/

    A working macro could be like this:

    /script UsePetAction(5,true);
    /script UsePetAction(4);
    /script UsePetAction(1);
    /script UsePetAction(2);

    It stops your pet from attacking, disables the primary attack spell and lets it just follow you. You can actually use some if conditions to check the current state, but this one always should work well.

    Merry Christmas my dear dwarves, humans and elves!

    I took a screenshot in my second basemend, in front of my fireplace, right next to a friend I found in the forest of the forgotten legends. Sorry for the background and the resource bubbles, couldn't hide them on the UI without uninstalling them.

    Have some relaxed days! <3



    if anyone wanna craft something, come to my house - got all bonuses on 1k under my footmat &)

    I forgot one thing like i always do. Its important if you change like this to fix the Aoe Sandstorm, because if you cant inturrubt it, you cant replace it if it bug

    You can interrupt it, but damage taken doesn't, which is quite cool for a tank, but wasn't sure if it's intended. I appreciate the current mechanic how it is tbh, my post was just about the class being too strong overall for its difficulty. The planned poison dmg nerf could already fix it, I guess.

    You don't lack of any dmg in any situation like for example mages have bad single target burst compared to scouts and rogues

    Exactly, even for faster pacing combat you have earth arrows or even Sandstorm, which is also good as a single target instant <X

    Edit: I guess your tests was with new golden talisman?

    As dps yes, as a tank I used my shield in the run. Just built a tanky one today as well, that would fix some single-target burst-aggro issues due to faster cast I hope ^^ I mean, the dmg mitigation on the shield is useless while having hoto and golden jewelry and parry... who needs parry these days xD


    I had some time playing the "new" d/wl these days. The rota has become easier (instead of a 4 spell combo, now it's a 3 spell one), so burst is almost as good as a scout and AoE is now insane, equal to a warrior. As a dps, this class is just too broken. In a single guild run, I joined after B1 and was easily able to catch up in overall damage before Balton and reached the pole position in dmg on the way to Asta. At some points, I had aggro, because I forgot to equip my recon runes, but it didn't matter, because my dmg input was low enough to selfheal everything.

    I mean, yea, I was called at Jerath, so it's reasonable that the overall damage was that high, since an average d/wl can solo 2 organs in a row with just food twice and a phoenix... what the f*ck?

    This op'ness reminded me of the good old Warlock/Warden (which nowadays isn't more like a joke due to nerfs of doom), so I decided to try d/wl as a tank in the same gear I used for Wl/Wd. And WTF... just WTF... as a warlock, I had to control my psi all the time, put the mind barrier at an uptime of 90%+ or I would die. As a druid/warlock, I just click my transformation buff and here we go. There was not a single problem in an entire ROFL run. The aggro was very good, consistent. The class is a caster, so it needs 2-3 seconds at combat start, to catch aggro, but that's okay. Due to the huge amount of single target damage, a 330% aggro bar is far enough to hold aggro, even against Scouts (on Balton) these days. It's insane how easy the druid/warlock is for what it's able to do. Got a "champ shield form tank flashback" here, but the "druid shield form" is even stronger than the champ one by far!

    I recorded a short video of this rofl run. I'd love to have such a range on my knight AoEs as well :love:

    I have no intentions to play a warlock dps atm, since druid is much stronger (even equal to m/k btw, but mage balancing is just another pair of shoes), has a better utility and is overall more useful for the raid than another warlock*. As a tank, the druid can rezz, battlerezz, interrupt, heal itself (!) with 3-400k per second (got around 1kk hp as a tank btw), pull over distance, even with AoE, since Sandstorm has a huge range and radius AND is NOT interrupted by incoming damage. So you just stand there, spamming Sandstorm all the time and that's it.

    As a dps, the d/wl is just too good. As a tank, it's better than most other tank classes, better than all warden tanks, warlock tanks, warrior tanks and the only thing that speaks against replacing a knight/mage is the missing AoE debuff. But by using a w/p additionally, even this weakness disappears.

    * : In a raid with a wl/m, a second warlock seems to be useless in terms of additional support. Only the additional shield could be a thing, but it's not necessary normally.

    So... long story short, druid/warlock either needs a massive nerf or give it additionally a taunt, aoe stun/interrupt or add a slow effect to Sandstorm. Just kidding, please nerf (the dps d/wl). <3

    Btw what level do I need to start doing content with others? I'm currently lvl 88 mage lvl 80 druid (bought that booster item lol)

    The only content that is done by raids is 102+. Since 104 is lvlcap, I would recommend to get up there. But it's not a big deal, on this server you need few hours normally to level up to the cap. Haven't done this for years, but with all the original lv 95+ zones, it shouldn't be difficult tho.