Posts by Serenadae

    Regarding Warden/Warrior.

    The class has way to many buffs to be played comfortably. This observation mainly comes from a dps point of view, however I've been told by our tank that they face the same issue.

    I suggest modifying Berserk via one of the elite skills to be a toglle skill without duration. The rage cost should be removed too, so tanks can easily toggle it whenever they want.

    Regarding Distance artefact rune.

    Since this rune isn't used in any capacity at the moment (at least to my knowledge, please correct me if I'm wrong), I suggest the following:

    Change the item to reduce ranged weapon distance by 30 instead. This way it would be a useful rune for Scout single target damage to maximize Distant Friend damage bonus in instances.

    This issue occurs with all dynamic cooldown skills, such as Joint Blow, Shade of the Ocean etc. To my knowledge it was already reported by Cruvor in the past, but an update on this matter would be nice.
    As you said, once you reach hight attackspeed it gets especially annoying.

    A fix would be highly appreciated.

    Regarding Warrior/Priest.

    This class always had problems with overcapping attackspeed in burst since it has a 24% attackspeed buff and Opportunity (lvl 35 elite) forces you to use a Katana, which is a very fast weapon. With the latest changes to Frenzy Warrior/Priest substantially lacks burst damage. You can't even mitigate the overcapping issue by switching to a 2h sword, because of the aforementioned weapon requirement.

    I suggest the following approach:

    Modify Frenzy to increase attackspeed by 10% and weapon damage by 20% via elite skill.

    A pure "stun tank" is not viable in endcontent. There simply are too many damage sources for the group that cannot be avoided by interrupting. Tanks need to bring reliable damage mitigation in some form to the table.
    The only way of providing "preventative defense", as Brontes put it, via stuns would be some form of permastun. I'm very glad they stay away from such boring design choices.

    Could we get an official response to this suggestion?
    Today's patch made my str/patk/stam/defense cards much worse compared to /hp, since new Grace of Life brings % hp boost to the table and Warden hp buff forces you to use life instead of def food.

    This means I'm now stuck with an unoptimized card deck, since paying 1k for each card in a second deck is not feasible at all.
    Please consider said suggestion or provide an alternate way to change a single attribute only without needing to maximize values again.

    Regarding Freakshow Sidekick card.

    Since the door event in front of b1 in Grafu Awakened has been changed to include a timer (and a delay for klicking), it's nigh impossible to spawn the mob.

    Please consider adding the card to the event reward chest.

    Well, if you just want to change one stat, having to do an entire second deck is quite annyoing. I too wish there was another option for that.

    Regarding Warden/Scout.

    The class is currently overperforming in all content. This largely stems from powerful buffs and their low cooldown.

    I suggest reducing the pdmg increment of Sacrifice of the Pirate from 30% to 20% and to increase Morale and Desire/ Dark Waters cooldown from 60 to 90 and 90 to 180 seconds respectively.

    Regarding Warden/Warlock.

    The class is currently underperforming, both compared to other Wardens and other classes in general. I suggest increasing Phantom Contract pdmg increment from 20% to 30%.

    Regarding Champion/Warden.

    Currently Thorny Strike (ID: 1490565) is almost never used, since despite it requiring another skill beforehand, Rune Pulse deals more damage. I suggest adding a 2 seconds cast time.

    This way the classes weak singletarget damage would be improved a bit.

    • Changed Clone Conversion to reduce movement speed by 10% instead of putting Shield Form into cooldown state.
    • Changed Organic Reconstruction to reduce maximum HP by 25% instead of putting Disassembly Mode into cooldown state.

    Credit where credit is due, thank you for this much appreciated change!

    Glad to hear, ty. I hope the debuff is not going to impact dps output though.

    Is it intended that Organic Deconstruction still cancels Disassembly Mode?

    If so, today's patch was a MASSIVE nerf to all Champion dps, but especially for those that have elite skills tied to Disassembly Mode, such as Ch/S or Ch/M. Let me elaborate. Before the patch, you used a macro that entered Shieldform, used Clone Conversion and reentered Disassembly Mode. Now you get a miniscule patk boost from Organic Deconstruction compared to Disassembly Mode, that's only usable on Ch/Wl and Ch/Wd.

    The skill is straight up much worse compared to prepatch.

    Please change Organic Deconstruction to increase patk by old 20% value and not cancel Disassembly Mode anymore or revert the changes altogether.

    To my knowledge Warrior/Bard doesn't have a posion damage increment anymore, since Frenzy got changed to increase 1h axe damage instead. Could you please clarify?…/#patch-notes-11-1-2-1103

    I’ve gone through the latest patch notes on class balance and I have to say, the explanations from the Game Devs really make a difference. Even though the game is still under maintenance and I haven’t been able to test the changes myself, the thought process behind each adjustment is well-reasoned. What I appreciate most is how these notes open the door for meaningful discussions between the devs and players. This kind of transparency makes it possible to fine-tune the classes based on real feedback, which is key to achieving a balanced system.

    Keep it up!

    Agreed, I just hope these GD notes are not exclusive to changes pertaining to magical classes. Much appreciated.

    I understand it is difficult to balance pets for different types of content, however Wd/R and Wd/D are just too strong for Grafu. I hope some kind of adjustment can be made and look forward to the changes you mentioned.

    If not already planned for the upcoming patch, please reduce the patk/matk scaling of Warden/Rogue and Warden/Druid Oakwalkers. Both pets are currently overperforming.

    As you can see, hits go up to nearly 100kk on some bosses in the highest instance right now (Grafu). Even the best burst classes can hardly compete with that kind of dmg and sustain is even more unmatched.

    Regarding Warrior/Warlock.

    This class currently has very low single target damage. I suggest changing Spirit-Cracking Blow dot to be unique, so you can stack it with Spirit Wound dot. This way the skill would be more useful, since atm you don't need to use it, except as a filler.

    Three suggestions regarding Bard/Warden.

    1. Change The Best Song (ID 1491088), Oppression (ID 1491089), Measure Rest (ID 1491107) and Soul Cleanse (ID 1491106) to require a 2h axe instead of an instrument. It just feels bad to to not have access to the general Bard utility skills.

    2. Change Tempo (ID 1491764) to affect the whole raid (like the base skill). Since Bard was changed to be the "backup Warlock" B/Wd should be able to buff the raid like every other secondary.

    3. Increase Incredible Riff (ID 1491385) buff duration back to 30 seconds, increase the damage increment or reduce the cooldown. When Incredible Riff got buffed from 30% to 40% B/Wd's version of it stayed at 10%. With the latest change to buff durations it's now a 10% pdmg buff for 15 seconds with 3 min cd, which is pretty bad.

    Regarding Champion in general.
    Currently Organic Deconstruction and Clone Conversion ISS are annoying to use, especially while buffing up. You need to change to the opposite form, use the skill and then swap back. If you lag and the macro gets stuck, you can't use Shadowforge's Rage, because you are not in any mode. And if you are unlucky enough to get stuck in the wrong mode and then use the lvl 104 iss, you can't change modes for 20 seconds which is terrible. Overall, pretty convoluted skills that are especially hard to handle for new players.

    I suggest to change both skills to not cancel their respective modes. This way buffing up will be easier and tanks can get use out of Clone Conversion too.

    Regarding patch

    Since the patch consisted of 3 main categories (titles nerf, AC nerf & buff duration nerf) I'd like to adress them seperately.

    1. ATF-titles nerf

    First off, titles nerf. I get where you come from and personally I don't care too much. Nerfs always feel kinda bad, but this one will not be that noticeable, at least for me.

    However, if the main goal is to equalize opportunity for new and veteran players, you have to realize that the major inequality stems from Orkham's corruption system. While this (to my knowledge) doesn't concern mdps, most pdps classes need more than one weapon, sometimes several of the same type, to maximize damage. The difference in damage is not a small one either.

    For example, let's look at Warrior/Scout. When played with a Katana, the class does mediocre AoE dps and has strong singletarget damage. When played with a Spear, singletarget suffers and W/S is suddenly able to dish out a lot of AoE. However, if you switch Katana and Spear according to the situation, your overall damage in Orkham increases by roughly 30-40% compared to only playing with Katana and aprox. 15-20% when compared to Spear only.

    In other words, you can't compete with someone playing the same class that is weapon swapping. This does not only apply to weapon types, but also to weapon mods. I chose W/S as an example, because I can estimate numbers. Classes like W/Ch for example need 3x the same hammer with different corruption mods. Atkspeed, damage & patk for the dot. All this additional investment and micromanagement is much more daunting than any title to a new player, that is just getting into instances. To be honest, I'm a bit scared what is going to happen to weapon swapping - since some classes depend on it to stay competitive, but I had to put it out there nonetheless.

    2. AC nerf

    You said this change was for more variety in endcontent. However, I don't think any of the older instances like Inferno will get more attention. I'm pretty sure nothing below rofl will be run by the majority of the players still, hence the change is just a big nerf to AC. Doesn't bother me too much, since you still get enough AC in my opinion, but Orkham pulls might be a problem in the future, given it's 30k/pull.

    3. Buff duration nerf

    Now this is the part of the patch I personally take issue with. Bosses that could be bursted in 30 sec will still get bursted in 15 sec, so that won't change anything for raids with good damage. For raids with less damage however (new players!) it's a considerable nerf. I see what you are trying to do, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work the way you want it too.

    Moreover, classes that have a lot of buildup to do, like Bards stacking their runes, Ch/Wl stacking their Forge, Rogues with their bleeds, classes with gcd skills that have buffs tied to them, etc. are at an disadvantage now, which is a balancing issue. Overall just a feels bad change that doesn't change.

    On a positive note though, thank you for only buffing player damage in Grafu etc. and thus nerfing pets indirectly. Much needed and much appreciated, we'll see if it's enough!


    1. Titles nerf: doesn't matter much, weapon swaps/having to build several weapons for one class is way worse for new players

    2. AC nerf: feels bad but isn't that drastical, Orkham pulls could be a problem in the future though

    3. Buff duration nerf: hurts new players way more than veterans, just feels bad

    4. Death to all pet classes!


    please change "Traces of the Cross Sword", that lower shields can not overwrite bigger ones or just remove shield effect somehow from dps versions of knight


    This is still a very much needed change.

    Everytime I play Knight dps, I get side-eyed for exactly this reason.

    Regarding Warrior/Bard.
    Please consider either changing Focused Madness to not be canceled upon reaching zero rage, or removing its global cooldown. Currently you have to reuse it way too often, which just feels bad.

    Since the barbarian gloves are not used at their current state, I suggest the following.
    Change them to deal damage based on either your mainhand, your offhand, or your ranged damage, whatever value is higher (similar to the new moon artifact). This way they would be at least useful for some classes in singletarget encounters.