Champion Class [Feedback]

  • Regarding Champion/Mage.

    The class currently overperforms greatly. However, the onhit procs are a lot of fun and I generally like the change.

    I suggest reducing Void Armor damage from 365% to 200%.

    In addition I think the debuff -45% atkspeed which is basically applied forever is too strong. This reduces dps of targets by 82%.

    Imagine Knight/Priest giving you 1kk HP shield every 10 seconds (different topic) + Champ/Mage.

    I suggest the debuff to have an internal cooldowns of 10 seconds or to reduce its value to 25%.

  • It seems that the damage calculation for npcs differs quite significantly from the melee formula (or the - % atkspeed has already been nerfed without adjusting the tooltip). I didn't test it extensively, but it seems the 45% result in a ~ 30% reduction of damage output for some skills, others aren't affected at all (perhaps they were magical spells?). Neither are whitehits, but that was to be expected.

    Pretty hard to test, since npc skills still have a certain damage range, so skill x doesn't always deal y damage.

    In any case, 30% is still quite a lot and I think lowering the reduction to 25% from 45% would be appropriate.

  • Can dev clarify how this works for NPC dps?

    Regardless, thanks for the quick change:

    • Reduced Void Armor damage to 219% from 365%, changed attack speed reduction to have an internal cooldown.
  • Hi,

    in the current state of the tanks, the knight tank is by far outplaying every other tank.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the fact/idea, that the Knight class itself should be the best tank, because it is a pure tank class in general.

    But in the current state of "Threaten" and "Traces of the Cross Sword", the gap is really huge. Therefor I still suggest a second Orkham plate glove with a Threaten effect. (maybe only 75% of the strength?).

    Furthermore I suggest for the Champ/Knight:

    Change skill ID 1490549 that it will change "Rune Overload" to cost mana instead of rage per second and add a stamina multiplier on the dmg of 0.5 - 1.


  • About champion/rogue

    Since you removed 32% hammer dmg buff from Death Arrives buff (ID:498730), this class became weaker than other champions i guess. Can you add 100% extra attak chance to Death Arrives and reduce its cooldown to 60 seconds ?

    And please remove global cooldown from this skill also

  • About champion/rogue

    We have to use Shadow Step skill to trigger Disaster Appears(ID:498738). And sometimes shadow step gets us killed because we are being teleported behind our target. For an example we can fall off bridge in Dark Core when we use it.

    My Suggestion is to make Disaster Appears a permament buff and increase both its physical attack speed and physical damage bonus to 20%

    • Official Post

    About champion/rogue

    We have to use Shadow Step skill to trigger Disaster Appears(ID:498738). And sometimes shadow step gets us killed because we are being teleported behind our target. For an example we can fall off bridge in Dark Core when we use it.

    My Suggestion is to make Disaster Appears a permament buff and increase both its physical attack speed and physical damage bonus to 20%

    We do not plan to change this as it provides intended challenge for positioning on this class.


  • Hallo uwus i found a bug on Champion/mage what make the class really unplayable.

    If you buff up with the buff ( ID: 498687 - Power from Within ) you get an extra action button to use that skill as a aoe too.

    If you now using any (Chronik(for example) ID:1244054 ) the Chronik and the aoe share the same cooldown and you cant use that aoe for 1h.

    Pls fix that :D

    Have a nice day :)

  • Regarding Champion in general.
    Currently Organic Deconstruction and Clone Conversion ISS are annoying to use, especially while buffing up. You need to change to the opposite form, use the skill and then swap back. If you lag and the macro gets stuck, you can't use Shadowforge's Rage, because you are not in any mode. And if you are unlucky enough to get stuck in the wrong mode and then use the lvl 104 iss, you can't change modes for 20 seconds which is terrible. Overall, pretty convoluted skills that are especially hard to handle for new players.

    I suggest to change both skills to not cancel their respective modes. This way buffing up will be easier and tanks can get use out of Clone Conversion too.

  • Is it intended that Organic Deconstruction still cancels Disassembly Mode?

    If so, today's patch was a MASSIVE nerf to all Champion dps, but especially for those that have elite skills tied to Disassembly Mode, such as Ch/S or Ch/M. Let me elaborate. Before the patch, you used a macro that entered Shieldform, used Clone Conversion and reentered Disassembly Mode. Now you get a miniscule patk boost from Organic Deconstruction compared to Disassembly Mode, that's only usable on Ch/Wl and Ch/Wd.

    The skill is straight up much worse compared to prepatch.

    Please change Organic Deconstruction to increase patk by old 20% value and not cancel Disassembly Mode anymore or revert the changes altogether.

  • I totally agree. It should be changed to old version or better this way-> make it usable without going into shieldform before clone conversion. Just make it usable as a normal skill with buff. The skill now is not good as before.

    Even for champ tanks its not really useful.


    No Guts No Glory No Legend No Story.

    • Official Post

    Is it intended that Organic Deconstruction still cancels Disassembly Mode?

    If so, today's patch was a MASSIVE nerf to all Champion dps, but especially for those that have elite skills tied to Disassembly Mode, such as Ch/S or Ch/M. Let me elaborate. Before the patch, you used a macro that entered Shieldform, used Clone Conversion and reentered Disassembly Mode. Now you get a miniscule patk boost from Organic Deconstruction compared to Disassembly Mode, that's only usable on Ch/Wl and Ch/Wd.

    The skill is straight up much worse compared to prepatch.

    Please change Organic Deconstruction to increase patk by old 20% value and not cancel Disassembly Mode anymore or revert the changes altogether.

    Cooldown state will be changed to some other negative effect.


  • Glad to hear, ty. I hope the debuff is not going to impact dps output though.

    • Changed Clone Conversion to reduce movement speed by 10% instead of putting Shield Form into cooldown state.
    • Changed Organic Reconstruction to reduce maximum HP by 25% instead of putting Disassembly Mode into cooldown state.

    Credit where credit is due, thank you for this much appreciated change!

  • Regarding Champion/Warden.

    Currently Thorny Strike (ID: 1490565) is almost never used, since despite it requiring another skill beforehand, Rune Pulse deals more damage. I suggest adding a 2 seconds cast time.

    This way the classes weak singletarget damage would be improved a bit.

  • Hi,

    Once again to Lutine's suggestion.

    First of all, like Lutine, I think the idea is that the knight is a pure tank and that he is at the “top”.

    At the moment it looks like no matter which champion combination you have as a tank, as long as you are not equipped in the high end, you hardly have a chance as a tank. The aggro buildup is just way too slow.

    There are several different ways to adjust this.

    Lutine's idea is good in itself, but all in all it won't change the current situation much. So I have several suggestions.

    My suggestions would be:

    ID: 498572 (rune overload) gets a stamina multiplier of about 0.5

    ID: 498533 (rune energy supply) gets a higher aggro value (knights in base form have much more than a champion)

    ID: 1491756 (hammer blow) gets a smaller cooldown when the skill ID: 498562 (shield form) is reduced by maybe 5 seconds.

    ID: 498529 (Runic Pulse) should get a slightly higher aggro rating as it is pretty useless.

    ID: 498521 (Heavy Strike) should perhaps get an aggro multiplier

    ID: 498531 (Fearless Strike) should perhaps not do more damage when the skill ID: 498562 (Shield Form) is active with 30% remaining HP but generally increase aggro.

    These are just a few suggestions on how to make the champion a little more playable as a tank. He should at least be playable enough to be useful with the gear of the appropriate ini.

    I hope my ideas are well received and you can soon play better as a champion tank again.



  • In my opinion all tank classes should get an attribute multiplier on their skills, like many other classes has.

    It doesnt need to be always stamina, but in most cases the simplest and easiest solution for aggro problems.

    Knight/druid for example has a skill with wisdom multiplier and it makes a huge difference on that skill if you use wisdom transfo potion or not

    Better gear on dps -> more aggro/dmg

    Better gear on tanks -> same aggro, just more HP/def

  • I totally agree with you the general problem with tanks is simply that eq only improves the stats but not the aggro where with dd's it's always the problem that the better eq they have the harder it is for the tank to keep the aggro.

    General multipliers would improve aggro quite a bit and also make other tank classes more playable again.

  • Regarding Champion in general.
    I suggest changing Feedback Defense to be usable without Shield Form active, since Wardens Protection of Nature can be used by a dps too.
    This way both classes can provide utility to their groups, if there is no tank of the same class present.