When house fishing? Please fix uwu
Posts by Zyrex
The curve was already modified to be smother. What you propose can't be done. There is no way to compete in any new diamonds offer price if the original you are talking about was close to 0. This price was not normal and now it got fixed. That being said, we understand that for those with smaller houses/number of slots this can be a big change. For that reason (as I said also in my last post) we are creating new f2p ways to obtain House Energy so the need to pay diamonds can be reduced/removed. Please, be patient and wait for the next changes.
So the orange one is the old and blue the new one? I don't remember what I paid before for my 650 slots, but I think it was around 15€ per month and now it's...
Taking 1kk energy for 2500d for this example, is: 2500/1kk = 0.0025d per energy and I need 17256 per day, which means 0.0025 x 17256 = 43.14d per day. This is 1294 dias every 30 days, which is equal to ...
...7.58€ without promo
I found a screenshot of my former house energy cost (with a few less furnitures):
And this was the energy price from 1 year ago:
So I think it's more or less halved now, which is a huge win
Thanks a lot for that, will make my life much easier
Why add these crutches to the magician in the form of additional use of rage ) magicians so few players play on the server ( mage warriors ) , why else spoil them in this way ?(sorry for my English, I hope I was able to get my point across correctly)
Mela I think he's talking about m/w that got additional rage costs on skills now... i solved this by adding Purgatory Fire as a filler if my rage is gone after spamming static field bcz Purgatory only costs mana, and I added Enraged to be used whenever i'm below 50% mana or 50% rage... this works for me well
Now I have to pay 5k/day. Seems like a little overkill.
5k per day? That's really insane! Lemme check how much I got...
here is my submission for the cowontest... have fun uwu
EDIT: Youtube shows 11 seconds, but file is 10s (so youtube sucks)
wtb bathtub in dwarven size at housing shop, thx UwU
(it's not a shitpost, so pls don't hit me!)
everytime my dwarven wife enters my house, all furnitures are disabled (red transparency effect) and I have to leave and re-enter to let them respawn 😱😱 It actually happens always she enters the house, but not by every player
This is the perspective of Kala:
The floor is actually the floor of her own house, so maybe the game tries to get the furnitures of her house and put them into mine?
As a wise man once said...
I didnt mean the wardrobe but a Skill translation in german XD
Sry, but I can't report translations, bcz its kinda LGBT, since it's trans-lation 🥵
Elo, I wanna report another very important bug 🥵🥶
If u click on the wardrobe button, the back-button of the wardrobe frame is on an entirely different position, so u always have to move the mouse. Also, the wardrobe skin slots are in different positions than new character frame...
But for I can't describe it in my own words properly, here is a quote of a guild member about this issue:
Quote from UwU Grand Master himself[19:22:47] [Gilde] [M****]: UwUw Game is liwittewewawwy uwunpwawayawable, these buwuttowons awe nowot aligned :3 *rawr* pwwwwweassssee fix
As a wise man once said...
Pls fix uwu
Elo, I tried to select the same color for my eyes by color code, but it looks different 😱
New one:
Literally unplayable!!!!
Please fix UwU
I write "sof" to find my sofa, but on page 2 there is the dragon 😱🐉
Literally unplayable!!!!
Please fix UwU
EDIT: dragon has the id 244449 and has no "sof" in his name or tooltip 🐲
Literally unplayable!!!!
Please fix UwU
could you please create a Moa 2h staff (211952) skin with green shimmer instead of orange so it matches with the green hands effect of orkham title? Thanks in advance uwu
Should look like this:
please house energy for very low price! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
PS: please don't bring house energy or my guild will kill me
Bind lifters please in Happy Hour
Elo there...
first of all, i like orkham rlly much, its shorter than dc, has a lot of funny events, trash diversity is very high and you can't solve everything with "just burst". The instance felt like a mixture of Tikal, IDK and ROFL but you only have the fun parts of those instances
BUT could you please put the real endboss at the actual end of the instance? Right now that Muddrass and his Buddies feels much stronger and more complex than the Ascended Xemen, which isn't feeling well. I mean, you have 3 phases and the boss(es) in each phase have different attack patterns, casts, you need entirely different gameplay to pass them, take care of positioning, run away from stuff, dodge stuff, use cleanses, be aware of aggro resets, there are actually multiple oneshot events. Even the Zhargos Worldboss on HM has less mechanics than this. This is by far one of the most complex bosses in the entire game and it's a FIRST boss 🤯
Imagine you're running IDK but have to kill Thynos instead of Mole King at the very beginning. Or run Lv 72 ini (dont remember the name rn) and Da'Dalodin is your first encounter. You can do it, but after that intense fight, the entire instance still awaits to be run (and the manticore dude are nothing compared to orkham crocs and his friends at all)!
On our firstclear the boss felt really good. you were able to skip the annoying stuff and burst it down if you had enough DPS. But then you changed 1000 things and now it feels like we were attempting on an entirely new instance that held us down from starting to farm it properly.
So please either disarm the boss so it's not as deadly anymore, or make players able to skip certain difficult events in phase 2 and 3 by DPS. In orkham it generally feels like you're punished for dealing more damage, which leads me to the question why I even should progress any further with my gear?! Doesn't make sense to me rn...
Rex du verrückter
Easy ist easy, hm solo wär interessant
Pet classes are better if player attack is lower compared to your target's def, so I'd wait for Orkham release... if boss defences increase, pet classes will shine again
Yes i know that pet classes are usually good in high instances. But in my opinion we should play m/s in every instance. For now this class is very bad in RoFL because pet has very low dmg. Maybe they should reduce pet's magical attack and increase magical damage instead. My pet has 1.8m magical attack and 70k magical damage when i summon it. Magical damage seems really very low for me. I hope they change all pet classes to be playable classes in every instance
Then go for it, M/S deals decent dmg even w/o the pet being op in high def content... compared to the physical wardens its dmg is really good
Regarding Mage/Scout
This class still needs some changes. It has been a long time since last time i saw this class in an instance. In my opinion m/s pet is still weak. In last changes you gave its pet extra magical attack. But this magical attacks seems kind of useless with so low magical damage. Can you increase its pet's magical damage more ? I mean this class is weak in AoE. It should be powerful in single target damage. But our pet deals like 2x6m dmg with burst. It is not enough for any instance.
Actually in my opinion pet classes are weak in overall. They need some changes to return meta
Pet classes are better if player attack is lower compared to your target's def, so I'd wait for Orkham release... if boss defences increase, pet classes will shine again
I even added the new Necro STR set (before I even made the INT one), which ended up at a 60.5k mdmg buff now
But I also see other M/W running around with 45-50k buffs, which should be the average case.
So your gear is 35% above those you run with. That explains why our points of view are so different
Not at all, my point is that other mages can compete with my M/W even if my M/W is 35% above average...
Lutine, easy answer : you don't need 1 gear but 2 ( buff gear and good Mage gear) so it is much more expensive than k/wl or did you ever seen someone play Mage with buff mage gear?
you didnt got my point: with m/w gear(s) you can play all other mdps classes too. with k/wl gear you are just limited to k/wl
Yes, I fully agree, in my buff gear I can even play W/Wd, since I got decent patt with it...
I really don't see the point in having 1 broken mage class (m/w in this case). Yes, it is more expensive but everyone playing 1 single class literally destroys balance meaning. So if i want to play any other mage, wl or druid (no cps) I just have to live being the worst dps in party? It feels like the balance failed so hard these days. Same goes for others pdps classes like w/wd etc.
M/W is strong, yes, I agree. But other mages can compete with it. M/S, M/Ch, M/P are top tier mages as well and some are even better than M/W in a lot of common situations... even M/D is really strong but the use case of having full stacks on both buffs is quite rare and not that easy to sustain
But I agree, M/W needs some further love of the devs
And this directly leads me to my next point:
The gear has become rlly expensive with robot and stats on the artefact. Literally every upcoming content update requires me to upgrade my buff gear and I'm not a patient dwarf, I want it all and I want it now!
I even added the new Necro STR set (before I even made the INT one), which ended up at a 60.5k mdmg buff now
But I also see other M/W running around with 45-50k buffs, which should be the average case. So instead of changing the wisdom and bravery buff I'd suggest to change more %values, such as AoE decrements, like the devs already did on Meteor, as I suggested earlier (and btw, the change already showed up very well, since M/W isn't that good in big pulls anymore)...
One thing everyone seems to miss: Necro is the perfect instance for a M/W. You have packs of 3-4 mobs that give max damage on static field and you got a lot of running around in boss fights, which doesn't matter for M/W either. The short burst phases are also perfect for this class, so seeing M/W overperform in Necro is quite obvious. But if you compare the output in IDK for example, M/Ch is much better... the bigger the pulls, the worse M/W becomes imo... but don't start another discussion about that, I know I'm living on my lonely island, playing a different game
Hey and welcome back!
A common and strong healer is pr/s (Priest/Scout). Also classes like Druid/Scout is good.
There are variable heal classes, in my opinion overall all are playable. Everyone has a different feature to bring into the raid. Like Priest/Mage has decreased ressource consumption, or Druid/Mage has group vita.. So all class has smth good what makes them unique and can be played in different Situations.
When you wanna look for smth funny, look into Warlock/Druid or Warlock/Priest. Also funny heal combinations and strong aswell.
~ just my opinion
Côsmôwell didn't warlock ,priest and druid is from different race? how can i use this class combination?
Short addition to Cosmo 's explanation: You can basically have any class combination with full elite skills, even druid/priest or priest/warlock... you can even play druid/champ, which is a really powerful healer as well from what I've seen
Thanks everyone for looking for my lost dwarf children. Special thanks to Leszix and rascellian who found all 20 first!
Congratulations for the 10k dias each of you! 💎💎💎