Posts by Zyrex

    I reached the 62.5k mdmg mark on M/W pre-patch, now it dropped down to 49.9k like a menu bar on smartphones (u know, bcz "drop down" xd) ;( ;( ;( Imo the "op" part of M/W was the AoE damage, especially on big pulls through Thunderstorm + Meteor Shower combo. Adding a little support, such as Wl/B oder S/M in combination with a Wl/M made the class overperform very much and dealt like 50-70% more damage than a decent R/Wl in Necro in our runs (and our average group/raid setups are focused on dark damage, not even fire) 🤯

    You already use both skills, depending on the amount of mobs I guess :/ Might be different but on 2-5 targets Static is better and on 5+ mobs, I'd use Meteor. And if you stack up the wind damage buff before, Static hits decently, too... but not sure about the values actually :/ ...and if 5+ mobs constantly move out of the meteor, I'd flame the tank xD

    Exactly this is what i am talking about, When we use meteor on mobs, sometimes mobs are moving to a different direction.

    In a situation like this we should use static field. But static field is not so powerful as meteor shower. If they make static field a little bit more powerful, we wont have such problem in big pulls. At least we can use static field while moving

    If they buff static, you wouldn't use meteor at all anymore, this would kill the complexity of the class pretty much. On most classes, meteor only is better on huge amount of mobs during big pulls, normally you use static already. I don't remember the exact values for M/Wl, but you wouldn't use it on 2-4 mobs I think...

    and if 5+ mobs constantly move out of the meteor, I'd flame the tank xD

    As druids dps playstyle? :)

    In my opinion, druid mdps is only viable under really specific conditions and group setups, but I rarely had such issues as a druid, bcz d/r has another aoe option and d/wl is only worth it for healers or in limited content imo due to the lack in mobility 🤷‍♂️ So just use your meteor or sandstorm if you're sure the mobs don't move and use other aoe while running :P Having the one perfect solution for every situation seems boring to me :pinch:

    Btw, the same applies to M/W too I guess... it can't fully rely on static field, so you wanna use meteor into thunderstorm as well, but can't interrupt the channel either due to the proc of fireball, but what's the problem in using another spell for changing raid pacing? :/ Knowing when to use which spell is elementary for me for complexity of gameplay

    Mage/Warlock's Meteor Shower skill has both fire damage+ wind damage and it has higher damage than static field.

    But this skill hits only a certain place and while mobs are moving around we need to cancel this skill and use it again to hit mobs. I suggest you to make mage/warlock's static field have both wind damage and fire damage like meteor shower.

    So when mobs move, we can spam static field and when all mobs stay together we can use meteor shower.

    You already use both skills, depending on the amount of mobs I guess :/ Might be different but on 2-5 targets Static is better and on 5+ mobs, I'd use Meteor. And if you stack up the wind damage buff before, Static hits decently, too... but not sure about the values actually :/ ...and if 5+ mobs constantly move out of the meteor, I'd flame the tank xD


    may I present you (again) my amazing maze! For those who don't already know, I built a real labyrinth, based on the movies Maze Runner, which is pretty accurate lore-wise, containing the glaze in the center (where you spawn), features the desert around it and of course a complex maze that took me about 20 hours to build (from planning to the final build) and is still being upgraded with new furniture that is released :pinch:

    And because it's the birthday of CoA, I wanna celebrate it with another own contest, just like I did on the release of my maze! (more info below)

    When I released my amazing maze, almost a year ago, I celebrated it with an own riddle, where players had to search dwarf children hiding inside the maze. Since the labyrinth is really huge, an unknown amount of dwarven children was lost again inside. Please help me finding them and bringing them back to their families!

    The first 2 players who send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE and a list with all correct coordinates of all 20 hiding dwarven children, will get

    💎💎💎10.000 Diamonds each💎💎💎

    as a finder's reward!!

    I found a photo of one dwarf child standing on a barrel next to the center wishing well on the glaze, maybe it helps you get an idea how the children look like. If I remember correctly, they all have the same height but wear different clothes...

    Ok, so you haven't actually played the game, your main char is not even max level (as it seems in your streams) and you haven't been into an instance at all yet and state that balancing is bad?

    Are you sure you're playing the same game as I do? 8o You say, that on your previous server, all people were playing different classes, so do people here. If you see a dps player play only one class over and over again, I'd say it's not balancing's fault, but caused by the inadaptivity of that player to the endgame (or let's better call it laziness). I see a lot of players stick to only one class, that they were told to be "the strongest" but if you really analyze the gameplay properly, you'll see that there is not the one perfect solution for everything. For example, Mage/Warrior is a decent class with tons of magical damage and decent matt for burst. In theory, this class comes close to be the "perfect one for every content", but actually it isn't the best in slot class for everything at all. Even a Mage/Scout can easily out-damage it in instances with higher defences, since pet classes (almost) always beat non-pet classes :/

    If you try to play the very "best in slot" class in every single instance, you simply have to play more than 4 classes at the minimum. If you even wanna run best in slot classes in every content (to include endgame minigames (such as AoD), nostalgia instances (such as Hoto, Kalin, IDK), event instances (such as Atlas Defence) or even grinding instances (such as IBP or souls) as well), you end up at even more. :pinch: And if you additionally wanna actively adapt to your raid setup, in order to support your friends, there are more options available again. You can simply play every single magical damage dealer and find a raid setup that is best for it. COA is not about balancing single classes against each other, it's about how to properly build raids and double your overall damage just by class interactions and synergies...

    To be honest, a lot of people seem not to understand how to properly build decent raids or optimized groups. They may run with the same classes over and over again, this works for sure, but isn't optimal by far. There are so many possibilities to improve the overall dps, damage reduction, healing, burst, CC, etc, by so many different ways, it's complex enough to start studies on =O

    Example: You have 4 mdps players. All of them could play Mage/Warrior and every single one would deal decent damage. But what if one goes for Mage/Rogue, one goes for Warlock/Rogue, one for Warlock/Champ and one for druid/rogue? Then you got huge debuffs for dark damage, gift of the baron = dps, damage reduction, whisper = matt, and every single class deals more than M/W would have dealt without such synergy. In this example, your leather players could go for Rogue/Warlock, in order to get a piece of that huge dark damage support. Also, the druid/rogue brings druid buffs, so the healer could play something different, like warden/priest for even more support for the group, only by picking the right choices. And all of the classes deal equal damage 😱 That's how we play 6 man content and that's how you can run abbey within 20 minutes easily... instead of like an hour or more 🥵

    So... if you once was in balancing yourself, you should know that balancing is a process and never "done". In my opinion, for magical dps, healers and tanks in the endgame, all class combinations are playable and viable in the meta. Not every class is good in every instance, but overall you can play whatever you want and deal more or less the same damage/aggro/heal as others :/ I have no idea about pdps, but who plays pdps in 2023? 8o:evil:

    For magical dps classes, maybe there are one or two that need a little nerf, but it's not like only a handful classes being viable at all... in the past I was talking really badly about balancing myself, too, but after a while (and by playing all magical classes myself on a higher level) I realized that it's actually not that bad at all. So lemme ask: What kind of content are you playing?

    Are you buffed while running instances? My pet deals like 40-50% of my damage and it's really op now. Easily 50% more damage than other mages in DC and even in abbey it's decent and equal to M/W :/ I'd vote for a 20% nerf of this class instead, it's just too strong now...

    Are you standing close enough to the organs? Stars is an AoE spell, so it misses on organs if you're too far away, just like all other aoes do :/

    yes i stand close enough dont worry i know how aoe's will work

    Maybe close enough isn't actually close enough. I remember the spell missed by standing like 1 pixel away from the organs, so I had to cuddle with it like no other class had to :/ Same for mage/priest pre-patch with it's Vortex spell that uses more or less the same mechanics I guess :/

    Damn I feel that so much, if that happened to me, I would cry for a week straight =O =O =O

    A preset dropdown menu would be awesome. I already got plans for a second house style but can't start with it, bcz I had to create a new character and use his house, because my maze is just too big/complex to build it again after overwriting it. I'm willing to put another 100k+ dias into my planned project, so go implement such presets asap! ^^

    And fix it on Mage/Knight that the Lightstars Skill cant hit the oragns in rolf on b3

    if you use it the damage will be 0 on Organs would be nice when it will be fix too

    Are you standing close enough to the organs? Stars is an AoE spell, so it misses on organs if you're too far away, just like all other aoes do :/

    Are there any plans for warlock/champ class? It is really unpleasant to play. Without ale potion the psi management is terrible, all you do there is stay afk and look pretty until maybe u get another 2 psi to use a skill. So old school that is disgusting.

    I agree, they should change warlock/champion's psi recovery skill Rage Sublimation (ID: 499854 ) to be like warlock/scout's Sace's Impatience skill ( ID:1490582 ). Every time we use a psi skill or we attack any target, this skill's cooldown should reduce. So we can recover our psi more often. But they should reduce it's rage cost also. Then warlock/champion could be a good class

    I always have enough psi, even in AoD w/o universal potion. If you lack in psi, you got another non-psi rotation to use, and if you wanna optimize that, only use the rage consuming spells while above 50 rage, in order not to run out of rage for the psi generator that consumes 50 rage :/ I think most other warlocks don't have such a viable dps rota outside of willpower blade. For example, you can use warp charge (if not alredy on cd), malice, heart strike, trauma, weave curse and the 2 champ spells (forgot the names) or even spam psychic arrows... for me, using these is enough time until psi generators are ready again :thumbup:

    The following items are retained:

    - Intermediate rewards from chests as you level up Prestige.

    - Prestige currency that was purchased with diamonds. Please note that the currency that was purchased for diamonds is spent first, then the currency that was obtained for completed Prestige quests. Therefore, it is recommended to spend all the available currency first, and then buy the missing currency for diamonds.

    So, to clarify, the entire system is being resetted, we all start over at lv 1 from scratch again with nothing unlocked and not even currency is given back?

    Maybe you could leave the bonuses that are bound to the skill book to remain forever? Would be annoying if 15 skills suddenly disappear :/

    Dear devs,

    I really appreciate the new prestige system very much and I love the bonuses you get from it. Especially the mount bonuses are awesome, I have never thought there was any way to make mounts useful in this game again, but you did it. Really like the instance mounting, it's a lot of fun and QoL for farming! :love:

    1. Just as already suggested, please change the VIP unicorn so you can use it while using transformation potions.

    2. Also, I encountered some strange behaviors of the unicorn:

    2.1) You can use invisible potion and the mount it and you don't pull aggro of mobs while riding. Guess that's not intended?

    2.2) If you mount on the unicorn and then click a furniture to sit on, you glitch away from the mount but still sit on it. See screenshots in spoiler:

    2.3) You can ride over traps in ROFL and they don't activate. Guess that's caused by the "flying" effect of the mount, which literally flys over the ground 😱

    3. Question: Will anything remain after the 3 months have passed or will there be a global prestige reset? In other games a special currency remains for further seasons that can be used for global unlocks, like droprate or ep/tp etc. Would appreciate that as well &)

    4. The prestige title looks really useless. You get 2% to patt, matt, hp, def, movespeed, ridingspeed, etc but for every single use case there already are better titles, so unlocking the title is just useless. Maybe you could make it equal to other titles, so ppl are motivated to invest into it?

    Example: For running speed you use the new 30% title, for riding you use the rofl 15% title, for patt/matt you use the new juicy Talaghan titles, otherwise Dragonslayer is best in slot for average content. No need at all to use the prestige one :thumbdown:

    5. Bank page renting seems a bit bugged, season runs for 3 months but you unlock all bank pages for like 10 years or such, see screenshot below:


    6. How do I trigger the raider spirit? Attacking from mount doesn't do this, being attacked neither. Send help =O

    7. I appreciate the +15% AC from bosses, but the 2.7% Mementos looks pretty useless/low. Maybe you did a typo there?

    8. Other ideas:

    a) Add cast reduction on music playing

    b) Add cast reduction on fresh ostrich feast or add a golden one for choosing the buff I want or do it like aura depend on my class

    c) Add better grouping of the prestige spells in the skill book. Right now there are 3 pages filled with prestige icons and there is no indicator if I already took the 0,10,20,30,60,90 min login rewards already

    Dear devs,

    I appreciate all the time you invested into the new content and I really like the ideas very much, but the way it currently is, it's a copy-pasted Dreamland with even less fun due to bad loot, bcz you don't really move and don't even get ep/tp for leveing an alt. Don't get me wrong, Dreamland was annoying af already, but this one is the grandpa of Dreamland for sure... Standing still, killing 100+ waves of the same mobs and bosses for hours over hours every day is just annoying and boring. I'm even more motivated to run Dreamland every day instead of this stuff :S

    To fix this design, can you please add all available mats you can loot from the arena into the npc shop for nero coins and let us reset the daily quests with daily reset scrolls? Mats like the srews for example... Then you could just farm coins from quests (by wasting a lot of dias into reset scrolls and daily reset scrolls) and rush through the robots asap :/

    Also, IP tells me there can be attributes on a robot, are these valuable for PvE content just like cenedrils or such? Can you please show us an example of a fully upgraded robot with all/max components? I won't waste my limited time on crafting bonuses or such, and before spending more time I'd like to know :/

    Can you please change the VIP unicorn to be mounted while having a transformation active? The instance mounting is rlly cool but useless while using transformation potions (which is always the case in instances)...


    Ascension sucht Unterstützung!

    Wir sind eine internationale Endgame-Gilde mit Gildensprache Deutsch.

    Wir bieten...

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    Wir suchen...

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    Modifiy the Newbie-Patch and rewards to give new players free tutorial music instruments and free Siege-War titles. For example there should be a Tutorial Storm Assault +2 with same cooldown and mechanics as real Storm Assault +2.

    The tutorial Siege-War buffs/debuffs and tutorial Instruments should be given out after reaching level 105 and should last for 90 days.

    Really good idea, I would even add those tutorial instruments to the starter bag, so newbies learn to use them early on for leveling or something :/ Same for title skills, there could be some "tutorial skills" added to titles you get early on, so you get used to them from scratch...

    You could also create a dedicated "tutorial quest (line)" about end game mechanics, which includes music, support class lessons (like pressing 3-4 skills on a temporarily available action bar and try to hit as many npc as possible as positioning training... or when to use shield skills to prevent huge damage. The player could be forced to protect npc with a barrier spell if a boss casts a certain skill.

    An ingame or external Tutorial on how to use a Countdown-Macro, when to use which Siegeware buff/debuff and music would be very valuable. I recommend an official video on Vimeo made by devs on how to use these skills.

    Better let there be a forum event where players can submit these kind of tutorial videos, and the winning one will be linked in the wiki and the winner gets golden wings or such :/


    The cloned played after failed math is one who failed math by clicking wrong answer as first. Otherwise when time ends, it will be random player.


    Why not just including both functionalities: Never let the boss choose a random player as clone, but always choose the one who failed or didn't click at all. If there are multiple ppl who were waiting, choose randomly from those. Should be the best option for everyone and you always see who might be one of the failing ones :/

    We are not dps or cps, guitar/lute doesn't give dmg, it's mostly useless. Lets not forget that.

    Warlocks "3min" have 90s cd. Mages had 2x 3min. That was the difference.

    That’s exactly what makes mages op imo,not being impacted by cast speed/attack speed buffs, they are completely independent of supports. Wl/m dies => who cares I can reset my op 3 min and still do dmg. On the other hand dps and cps class take a big hit from bad or dead wl/m. Just do the math on how much dmg warp charge contributes to a dps class vs mages

    Exactly. Mages don't need all the attack speed and cast speed support that is available through all the useful meta support classes like Scout/Priest that give such atk speed and cast speed buffs and who in the world needs the 10% mdmg from warp charge if you have mdmg on your Catalysis already? Yes, mages are completely independant of any support that exists in the entire game due to their insanely high Matt that needs no support at all to deal damage if your gear is just high enough :thumbup: kappa

    Btw, why is everyone talking about 3m buffs? My Elemental Catalysis has 4 min CD except for 2 mages (M/S and M/B)? Am I playing a different game again? :/

    Video says "Dark Field" killed me with another 2.7kk, so the damage comes before the ress is pulling me away. Maybe change that pull into a teleport just like the charge skills. Or first teleport and then resurrect :/