Mage Class [Feedback]

    • Official Post

    Greetings! &)

    with today's patch we will introduce a reworked key mechanic of mage, while giving every mage sub class a unique mechanic to implement those changes properly. Our goal is to further increase synergies of magical classes between elemental classes in general and bring them back in line with each other.

    Today's key mechanic changes will be the first step into a new direction that will have some adjustments following up in the near future, enhancing variety and possibilities of magical class gameplay in general.

    For sure, you might experience different results by combining specific synergies with each other, so that previously underperforming magical classes might be able to catch up with current meta classes again. This is one of our major goals in magical class balance, so there will be more specific elemental synergies instead of general support on many classes, not only speaking of the current patch.

    For your M/R problem, there is no solution. Just accept the fact that most mobs die faster than you can get your Cursed Fangs + Kiss of the Vampire combination out.

    This is exactly what is the goal of Mage/Rogue class design. We will even increase the impact of this skill combo further, so it might be mandatory to use in many scenarios in the first place.

    The class having issues to apply Kiss of the Vampire properly should be the difficulty and barrier of entry of this classes' power. So by buffing Kiss of the Vampire to grant further bonuses (alongside the new changes of general Mage class [that might be released today] ) will lead to the point of intersection between difficulty and power.

    However, if it turns out to be an extremely annoying mechanic in the long run, we will reserve the right of making further adjustments of course. But for now, the Kiss combo will be a key element in Mage/Rogue's gameplay.

    For warlocks is the whole aoe situation. For druids, well, everything xD.

    You might look forward to the upcoming patches, where warlocks and druid will get some love again. There will even be another dark damage synergy alongside a specific major combat change that enhance warlocks and specifically Druid/Rogue gamplay decently. But, to manage expectations, this might require further adjustments later. I'm looking forward to your feedback!

    Quote from Madox

    The issue I see with mdps is that all of them have 1 big handicap. I always thought classes shouldn't be perfect and they should be "bad" in atleast one situation... well, rogues don't have that problem.

    General class balancing is a complex task due to different combinations, synergies and even general raid gameplay. However, the peak issues have been addressed to the general class balancing team and we are working on that.

    Best regards

    Wesker &)

  • About mage/rogue

    • Reduced Cursed Fangs damage over time to 550 from 1376. (-60%)
    • Reduced Kiss of Death damage over time to 1290 from 2150. (-60%)

    I think 60% DoT nerf is too much. This class was very powerful with its DoT effect. But with these changes DoT damage will be very low. I suggest you to reduce Kiss of the Vampire skill DoT effect by 30% instead 60%

  • Reducing dots by 60% makes dots useless meanwill each Warrior has rly good dots. One of the good points on M/R is this 2 dots make him to an like dot dark mage. so i agree Tarsq 60% is a way to much

  • like physical DoTs I guess. exceeding 5kk attack power will increase the dot damage by a huge amount. that's right now for all physical DoTs.

    So mages should now also make their gear to do damage and don't leech anymore xD

  • Luntine why so toxic ? Mages build gear too i know u dont know much about Mage because u only play a midclass tank but there is a different between mages and supports like WL/M if u wanna i can explain u more about Mage classes. Im allways welcome to help getting used to them. :)

  • like physical DoTs I guess. exceeding 5kk attack power will increase the dot damage by a huge amount. that's right now for all physical DoTs.

    So mages should now also make their gear to do damage and don't leech anymore xD

    Sad, im a leacher with low gear and i will never see a good DoT dmg from mage/rogue

  • There are not many players who actually understand how the DoT formula works. Maybe the developers can use these posts by players as motivation to explain their effectiveness (in simple terms) in the skill tooltips. This would allow players to make better decisions on which dynamic attributes to roll for their specific class.

    Other examples of helpful information to include:

    • Whether a skill triggers the Global Cooldown (GCD) or not.
    • Travel distance delay value.
    • Showing the aggro factor for aggro skills.
    • Decrement of AoE skills.
    • Dynamic damage value for Slash-Dot based on the current weapon (or a simple hint about which weapons have boosted DoT).
    • Attack and damage scaling for Warden pets.
    • Whether a cast or channel gets cancelled by moving.
    • Damage value of a skill with current DPS and attribute values (for example, if a skill does 500% DPS + 1x STR: "DMG Value from DPS = 7000, DMG Value from STR = 30").

    Adding all or some of this information to the skill tooltips would benefit most players, especially newer ones, by helping them get a feel for the class they want to try.

  • Please change mage/rogue DoT. Before 60% nerf, Dot damage was dealing 9m damage. Now it only deals 3m with burst.

    This Dot damage is really useless like this. You should nerf this Dot damage by 20% maximum. 60% is really too much

  • About mage/priest

    Skill Magic Drain (ID:493265) has global cooldown trigger and we use it so often now. My suggestion is to make it a passive skill which gets triggered when we use Rising Tide (ID:499608). This buff should not be triggered again for 30 seconds after it ends.

  • About Mage/Rogue

    Reduced Cursed Fangs damage to 1720/850 from 1935/943, increased damage over time by 92%.

    Reduced Kiss of the Vampire damage to 2746 from 3090

    Just add Kiss of the Vampire skill also 92% extra DoT damage like you did for Cursed Fangs Skill. I am sure this class will be very good again

  • About Mage/Rogue

    I played this class a few times to test it's DoT damage. I must tell you that DoT damage is not so useful. I have seen maximum 6m DoT damage from both skills with my burst(I used DoT rune in artefact also). DoT damage from Cursed Fangs skill never hits our target because we spam this skill in 0.5 second when we use burst. So we reset our DoT in every 0.5 second.

    My suggestion is just reduce DoT buff of Cursed Fangs skill to 45% from 92%.

    And increase DoT damage of Kiss of the Vampire skill by 150%.

    In my opinion our highest DoT damage should come from Kiss of the Vampire Skill. It is almost impossible to deal DoT damage with Cursed Fangs skill

  • About Mage/Scout

    Can you change Power of the Wind elite skill (ID : 492926) to reduce Shot skill's cooldown to 1 second ?

    Change 23% Movement Speed and 23% Physical Attack Speed to 23% Magical damage instead.

    Change Fire Rose skill also, When our Fire Arrow hits target, Fire Rose should be spreaded to all targets around.

    We cant simply use Fire Rose on all targets one by one. It is waste of time in my opinion.

  • About Mage/Scout

    Fire Rose is spreading damage to all targets around if we hit it with Fire Arrow. Can you make Fire Rose debuff also spread to all targets around when we hit with Fire Arrow ? It is so difficult to apply this debuff on mobs one by one

  • Note by GD: As the duration of Elemental Catalysis was reduced before, we changed some item set skills to balance the loss of casting speed so mages can keep up their cast burst for longer.

    • Reduced Elemental Catalysis cast speed to 25% from 50%.
    • Increased Rune Formation set skill damage gain to 30% from 15%.
    • Removed The Sage set skill damage gain, added 30% cast speed instead.

    Mages got extra and longer 5% casting speed but they also lost 5% magical damage. Can you add 5% more magical damage to Runic Formation skill ?

    • New
    • Official Post

    Note by GD: As the duration of Elemental Catalysis was reduced before, we changed some item set skills to balance the loss of casting speed so mages can keep up their cast burst for longer.

    • Reduced Elemental Catalysis cast speed to 25% from 50%.
    • Increased Rune Formation set skill damage gain to 30% from 15%.
    • Removed The Sage set skill damage gain, added 30% cast speed instead.

    Mages got extra and longer 5% casting speed but they also lost 5% magical damage. Can you add 5% more magical damage to Runic Formation skill ?


    Yes, we will add it back, since it was nerfed unintentionally. However, for the first 15 seconds of the burst, you now gain 5% more casting speed, while sustaining 30% by "The Sage" for another 15 seconds after Elemental Catalysis has expired.

    Best regards


  • Why add these crutches to the magician in the form of additional use of rage ) magicians so few players play on the server ( mage warriors ) , why else spoil them in this way ?(sorry for my English, I hope I was able to get my point across correctly)

  • Why add these crutches to the magician in the form of additional use of rage ) magicians so few players play on the server ( mage warriors ) , why else spoil them in this way ?(sorry for my English, I hope I was able to get my point across correctly)

    Mela I think he's talking about m/w that got additional rage costs on skills now... i solved this by adding Purgatory Fire as a filler if my rage is gone after spamming static field bcz Purgatory only costs mana, and I added Enraged to be used whenever i'm below 50% mana or 50% rage... this works for me well :saint: