Regarding P / W
The class is just poor. I suggest you add him some buffing skills.
possibly go back to the times when the fairy could hit something
Regarding P / W
The class is just poor. I suggest you add him some buffing skills.
possibly go back to the times when the fairy could hit something
The double attack from the white attack alone does not give as much as it might seem. The weapon is slow in relation to the dagger, despite the higher damage it still cannot handle it. In r / wl there is literally a gap between these weapons.
From what I have observed, the katana for the rogue is useless: D I didn't only test r / s but on the rest of the connections the katana is much worse than the daggers.
There will be one more little problem with the rogue who will use the katana.
The character will have one turn to lower the agro. Combined with hitting in close quarters, this will result in frequent deaths.
regarding rogues:
I did my math with new katana skill and katana weapon. using the new skill every 4 seconds for double hits will result in overall dmg loss for single target. I think I don't need to mention, that every AOE on every rogue combo will result in dmg loss, bcs the katana have less dps
In summary: Overall less dmg in single and AOE. Seems a good solution for mdps and chain classes
Don't worry, it's only beta tests: D
Skills generally do not come in handy with katana combos. In addition, I want to point out that there will be problems with agro due to the lack of 2 runs
S / Ch
Skill "Master of ranged weapons" ID 490445 does not concern firearms at all, but a bow and crossbow. Please change to improve the accuracy of the firearms by 51.8% at the maximum level. However, I wouldn't increase the damage.
Cool!! Thank you
I still cannot understand the reasoning behind your change. Nobody complained that some players had something because they had dropped it before. Cards do not improve overnight, because it is expensive. And yet you introduce a "bug fix" which I thought was an honest approach to the matter. I don't know if you want to force the players to spend even more time in the game or if you have other argumentation for it, but I'd rather get new cards that I need to get rather than fly for something a second time. This is not a free stats distribution as you wrote, because the player still has to improve them, so he either spends a lot of diamonds or farms. How many players are there who upgrade everything right away? The rest do it over time anyway. So doing a new farm additionally seems like a really bad idea.
And a bug that is not bothersome for both new and old players, could be left and called "the correct mechanics" I don't understand your stubbornness. People are letting you know that what it was was working fine even though you call it "a bug". Why not just leave it as it was and give people the opportunity to feed the cards faster than you put it in without losing your "card". And so the costs are lowered by the farm.
Display MoreBut it is not a minimal effort. Before, everyone who farmed now has to do it again. So you have gamers for idiots, they write that it is minimal effort. Everyone who previously farmed knows how much effort it was and now it is worth nothing, in addition, cards were bought for low prices - due to their rarity and now they are also worth nothing. If you want to go on like this, actually give some bonussy to the new players because the older players will turn their backs on you.
To get non-rare cards it was possible to just get 2000% drop chance bonus with some items and earlier abusable honor party and get card in every 5 kills. Quite challenging I would say.
Regardless of all, please note that as mentioned in today's patch notes we are planning to decrease respawn time of world bosses so they are easier accessible.
Atleast make it possible to exchange rare Cards for Currency to uptodate cards . eg 1k oranges for ayelo etc
That sounds like an idea.
We also thought about possibility of turning old card into Star based on rarity or filling some of Kills/Disenchants.
You could do that, but still getting in and finding the boss wasn't easy. Now a card worth 30k diamonds is worth nothing. Are you surprised that people are pissed off?
In addition, I want to point out that when there are any changes that hinder the game or the farm, you write that everyone had the same amount of time to get something. It's the same with the cards, everyone had the same amount of time to get the cards early. And now you are introducing changes that are opposite to your words. And as for equal opportunities, if the player previously devoted his free time to the farm and gained cards, this time is worth nothing now because he has to spend this time again - whatever your changes, you still need to spend time on it again. It's a bit unstable because it is not known whether you will do the same again in the future with other mechanics, e.g. relationships.
Display MoreFixing an unintended and unnoticed bug is not a crime. Change my mind.
Entire system was like this from begin. If there is a need, we could think about some ideas for Old cards rather. Like some kind of converting them to New System or selling to NPC. Getting angry about bug fix that was in fact almost giving an abuse (was just missing to actually have "Old Card" in tooltip) surely will not force us to restore a bug. We already keep it like it was for previous zones. So no one is losing anything. We didn't deduct attributes. You weren't lost in anything. To get extra attributes there should be more than minimal effort, because giving attributes for nearly free can cause "attributes inflation", causing every content to be consumed too fast, being bored and not feeling any challenge for becoming stronger.
As mentioned before, rare cards are always supposed to be changed into Unique anyway, so they are not involved into New System more than card sharing between decks. So even Old card is equal to Unique card in terms of attributes. If we missed some rare cards or you think some should be Unique as well for sharing deck, please just kindly tell us instead reacting with aggression.
You don't want to give back, add new cards. I do not see a problem. There is no point in "punishing people for doing something before." You are making some really bad changes. You have to pay for upgrading the card, and you have to farm the same twice. How is the new card farm different from what you had to do before? That old people have to do the same twice and new people do not. I don't see any votes for players to complain that they have won their cards earlier, but I see that they have to do something again - strange?
But it is not a minimal effort. Before, everyone who farmed now has to do it again. So you have gamers for idiots, they write that it is minimal effort. Everyone who previously farmed knows how much effort it was and now it is worth nothing, in addition, cards were bought for low prices - due to their rarity and now they are also worth nothing. If you want to go on like this, actually give some bonussy to the new players because the older players will turn their backs on you.
Display MoreIn the past (until Dragonfang Ridge) it was possible to change / roll older cards you still have had before the zone was introduced with new card patch. Now, it seems that you need to farm again every card (think about ayelo and cards like that).
In my opinion this is a really bad decision and should be changed again to the behavior like it was until dragonfang ridge!
Yes please revert that change . Im pretty sure most card enthusiast will be against that change . Feels weird to have spend hours and hours on end to farm a card( like rare rofl cards or the kladoren dipper , ayelo, or create 20 chars for revenge ghost in ystra etc the list is long!) just to have to spend the same amount again to refarm it.
QuoteIn first patches of reworked system it never was a case. You had to intentionally obtain card again in new system. Somehow later it got mistakely broken and never reported. We found it and fixed since it was a bug giving big advantage in fact. It was fixed already in earlier added Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Hard Mode).
Rare cards are always Unique, unless missed (like Vengeful Spirit, will be fixed with next patch).
Seriously? So people who farm cards and spend on potions have to do it again? Maybe reset everyone's weapons right away because there is a new pet system !!!! I believe that this is the stupidest change you make and it is aimed perfidiously at players who have done something before.
Do something with s / p and s / k because currently these classes are just to look nice and they are really useless.
Display MoreHi,
From what I've noticed, more defensive runes have recently been added to the artifact creation store. Therefore, I ask, what about the promised offensive runes ? Are you considering adding them yet to this content (IDK) or, for example, will you introduce them only in the next nostalgia instances ?
We haven't added any new defensive runes since the release and don't plan too. As for offensive runes, we already discussed it here. They will be added in future content.
I believe Marcellos was asking more about the approximate timing of this future content
The case concerns B / ch. The class has a lot of potential in instances below Inferno. Unfortunately, despite the very good aoe, he is not as strong as the currently played classes - to B / M, WL / CH or S / WD it is far away.
Therefore, I propose to change the skill "Genius Creation" ID 1491207 to change the skill to general damage instead of poison damage and replace the base value from 8.1% with 15%. Greetings
Are you planning to add runes to the artifact for DPS in the near future?
I have a suggestion for B / S: To reduce the casting time of the Deadly Arrows ID 1491119 skill from 1.50 sec to 0.90 sec. Additionally, reduce the cooldown of the Soul Gale ID 1491121 skill from 15 sec to 12 sec.
I propose to implement a physical magician and explore because magicians have such a connection (S / m S / wl) and the scouts of a physical magician or a rogue do not have: ((
Overall, I propose to increase the wielding of weapons for all non-standard combinations. Especially in connections where the power is below 250. Now, when the level of the instances is much higher, it will definitely improve the comfort of the game a lot.
I propose that skill scouts ID: 500934 no longer have a duration. It will only depend on the focus you have, when the focus is out your skill will automatically turn off
I want to bring up a certain topic of the game with melee characters. I found the Rogue game quite tough on DC due to its high AoE damage. My teammates die a lot, especially with the last cut between the 4-5 bosses. Does this problem only occur with us at the moment, or are similar situations in other guilds?
One more thing, we had a problem during the B5 event. After killing the thrash, the mini boss became invulnerable. A similar situation has already been discussed on the forum, but as you can see, the problem can still be caused. Please fix it. Greetings
I propose that the scout set skill 98 lev should not generate additional agro.
I've seen many classes get downsized. I think that with the possibility of putting on two runes, this reduction is unnecessary, but the generation of additional agro after the changes could also be let go.
I think rather not a talisman but a quiver would be much better. It doesn't have to give you standard stats and, for example, it can give you extra damage for your arrows, a little more life and, for example, an extra 5 base focus.
Then both mDPS and pDPS would benefit from it
I would like to touch on the subject of scout connections a little. Currently, S / B is one of the best supports in the game, so s / p is practically not played. Maybe it's worth changing the S / P mechanics to a typical DPS.
And I will still repeat myself but I dream of the s / wl game as a physical dps maybe it is worth thinking about similar mechanics as in the case of s / m.
Additionally, S / K thinks it should be playable on a knight set, not a leather one. Nobody plays with it, in addition, to get 100% out of it, you would need to properly stat and change your jewelry. Therefore, it will be more useful in a different combination of equipment.