But it is not a minimal effort. Before, everyone who farmed now has to do it again. So you have gamers for idiots, they write that it is minimal effort. Everyone who previously farmed knows how much effort it was and now it is worth nothing, in addition, cards were bought for low prices - due to their rarity and now they are also worth nothing. If you want to go on like this, actually give some bonussy to the new players because the older players will turn their backs on you.

Reworked Monster Cards [Patch]
Perhaps an idea would be to exchange old cards for Stars on a new card? Based on rarity. So a legendary Ayelo card could be used too upgrade new system card into Star 3 or 4 or something? Could alleviate some of the pain as players then save time and money upgrading in future. Seems fair so that players efforts don't go to waste.
As mentioned before, rare cards are always supposed to be changed into Unique anyway, so they are not involved into New System more than card sharing between decks. So even Old card is equal to Unique card in terms of attributes. If we missed some rare cards or you think some should be Unique as well for sharing deck, please just kindly tell us instead reacting with aggression.
Ayelo, Boaedem, 3 cactus cards, Kal'Turssi and Kal'Turstan... don't know how ppl who can't be online 24/7 should have a chance...
And that ppl are aggressive, bcs they are pissed of diamond-scam, is understandable in my mind
But it is not a minimal effort. Before, everyone who farmed now has to do it again. So you have gamers for idiots, they write that it is minimal effort. Everyone who previously farmed knows how much effort it was and now it is worth nothing, in addition, cards were bought for low prices - due to their rarity and now they are also worth nothing. If you want to go on like this, actually give some bonussy to the new players because the older players will turn their backs on you.
To get non-rare cards it was possible to just get 2000% drop chance bonus with some items and earlier abusable honor party and get card in every 5 kills. Quite challenging I would say.
Regardless of all, please note that as mentioned in today's patch notes we are planning to decrease respawn time of world bosses so they are easier accessible.
Atleast make it possible to exchange rare Cards for Currency to uptodate cards . eg 1k oranges for ayelo etc
That sounds like an idea.
We also thought about possibility of turning old card into Star based on rarity or filling some of Kills/Disenchants.
Fixing an unintended and unnoticed bug is not a crime. Change my mind.
Entire system was like this from begin. If there is a need, we could think about some ideas for Old cards rather. Like some kind of converting them to New System or selling to NPC. Getting angry about bug fix that was in fact almost giving an abuse (was just missing to actually have "Old Card" in tooltip) surely will not force us to restore a bug. We already keep it like it was for previous zones. So no one is losing anything. We didn't deduct attributes. You weren't lost in anything. To get extra attributes there should be more than minimal effort, because giving attributes for nearly free can cause "attributes inflation", causing every content to be consumed too fast, being bored and not feeling any challenge for becoming stronger.
As mentioned before, rare cards are always supposed to be changed into Unique anyway, so they are not involved into New System more than card sharing between decks. So even Old card is equal to Unique card in terms of attributes. If we missed some rare cards or you think some should be Unique as well for sharing deck, please just kindly tell us instead reacting with aggression.
You don't want to give back, add new cards. I do not see a problem. There is no point in "punishing people for doing something before." You are making some really bad changes. You have to pay for upgrading the card, and you have to farm the same twice. How is the new card farm different from what you had to do before? That old people have to do the same twice and new people do not. I don't see any votes for players to complain that they have won their cards earlier, but I see that they have to do something again - strange?
Ayelo, Boaedem, 3 cactus cards, Kal'Turssi and Kal'Turstan... don't know how ppl who can't be online 24/7 should have a chance...
Like mentioned earlier, many of world bosses will be easier accessible.
Also, making them regular upgrade-able cards instead Unique ones is allowing to obtain additional attributes.
For world boss cards amounts for upgrading stars are quite low.
We could also consider just allowing to disenchant old cards as well, but idea about turning it into star sounds more valuable.
But it is not a minimal effort. Before, everyone who farmed now has to do it again. So you have gamers for idiots, they write that it is minimal effort. Everyone who previously farmed knows how much effort it was and now it is worth nothing, in addition, cards were bought for low prices - due to their rarity and now they are also worth nothing. If you want to go on like this, actually give some bonussy to the new players because the older players will turn their backs on you.
To get non-rare cards it was possible to just get 2000% drop chance bonus with some items and earlier abusable honor party and get card in every 5 kills. Quite challenging I would say.
Regardless of all, please note that as mentioned in today's patch notes we are planning to decrease respawn time of world bosses so they are easier accessible.
Atleast make it possible to exchange rare Cards for Currency to uptodate cards . eg 1k oranges for ayelo etc
That sounds like an idea.
We also thought about possibility of turning old card into Star based on rarity or filling some of Kills/Disenchants.
You could do that, but still getting in and finding the boss wasn't easy. Now a card worth 30k diamonds is worth nothing. Are you surprised that people are pissed off?
In addition, I want to point out that when there are any changes that hinder the game or the farm, you write that everyone had the same amount of time to get something. It's the same with the cards, everyone had the same amount of time to get the cards early. And now you are introducing changes that are opposite to your words. And as for equal opportunities, if the player previously devoted his free time to the farm and gained cards, this time is worth nothing now because he has to spend this time again - whatever your changes, you still need to spend time on it again. It's a bit unstable because it is not known whether you will do the same again in the future with other mechanics, e.g. relationships.
And now you are introducing changes that are opposite to your words.
This is not a change. This is a bug fix.
I still cannot understand the reasoning behind your change. Nobody complained that some players had something because they had dropped it before. Cards do not improve overnight, because it is expensive. And yet you introduce a "bug fix" which I thought was an honest approach to the matter. I don't know if you want to force the players to spend even more time in the game or if you have other argumentation for it, but I'd rather get new cards that I need to get rather than fly for something a second time. This is not a free stats distribution as you wrote, because the player still has to improve them, so he either spends a lot of diamonds or farms. How many players are there who upgrade everything right away? The rest do it over time anyway. So doing a new farm additionally seems like a really bad idea.
And a bug that is not bothersome for both new and old players, could be left and called "the correct mechanics" I don't understand your stubbornness. People are letting you know that what it was was working fine even though you call it "a bug". Why not just leave it as it was and give people the opportunity to feed the cards faster than you put it in without losing your "card". And so the costs are lowered by the farm.
In a future patch you will be able to convert old cards to new cards for gold.
We expect the price to be low enough to make the conversion process as comfortable as possible.
Cool!! Thank you
In a future patch you will be able to convert old cards to new cards for gold.
We expect the price to be low enough to make the conversion process as comfortable as possible.
Please tell us the expected time in the future.
2030 is also in the future
Tatus und Anführer der Diebe lassen keine Karte fallen.|
Hey ,
Cyclops Lair HM you missed Agriza Genereal , its not in new system and new "reroll from old to new" doesnt work either.
is the card with ID 777807 dropping? because the mob is despawning
is the card with ID 777807 dropping? because the mob is despawning
Not currently, it will be made obtainable in the next patch.
Hey ,
what about adding Queen Chamber in Dust Devil Canyon and the Ystra Labyrinth/s to new Card system , as both zones belong to Ystra and Dust Devil Canyon ?
We will include these zones in the list of the next zones for the new card system.Hey ,
what about adding Queen Chamber in Dust Devil Canyon and the Ystra Labyrinth/s to new Card system , as both zones belong to Ystra and Dust Devil Canyon ?
"Current Zone" filter doesn't seem to work in Kalin Shrine HM.
- “Breakthrough” Stone has been removed from the “Star Soul Stone” tab. It is now available only for the “Elemental Soul Stone” currency.
Why do you do this ??!?!?!??!?!!? Now too upgrade cards we need spend a lot of diamonds..... and green mats = crap. What was wrong with this ??????
And stons dont work properly when i roll atributes its only this same all the time .... its not random like the name of the stones mean
Gyazogyazo.com -
And stons dont work properly when i roll atributes its only this same all the time .... its not random like the name of the stones mean
We will definitely check the correct operation of the improving stones and, if an error is detected, we will fix it in a short time. Thank you for your feedback.
And stons dont work properly when i roll atributes its only this same all the time .... its not random like the name of the stones mean
We will definitely check the correct operation of the improving stones and, if an error is detected, we will fix it in a short time. Thank you for your feedback.
So “Breakthrough” Stone for green mats will be removed for ever ?
How long we need to wait when you repare the atrybuts roll on cards ?? You know only how to removed somethink what ppl use and break ??? now ppl who dont know about it lost your diamonds and its ok for you ?
So “Breakthrough” Stone for green mats will be removed for ever ?
Currently, we do not plan to return the stone for the "Star Soul Stone" currency.
Due to improvements in randomness, even with green stones + high Star counts you can get great results. Please try to improve for example a 5 star card with green stones or a card without stars with green stones and you will see a big difference.
How long we need to wait when you repare the atrybuts roll on cards ?? You know only how to removed somethink what ppl use and break ??? now ppl who dont know about it lost your diamonds and its ok for you ?
This is not a bug. Before the patch, when using random stones, random could also leave numeric values unchanged.
The only question is that now the generation of numbers occurs among ~5-30 options, when earlier it could reach more than 100 options. Only with ~5-30 options, the chances of getting high numerical values become higher.
Nevertheless, we are currently working on improving the work of the new random, as well as introducing game hints so that players can independently see and get the information they need so as not to be misled.