Posts by Ramer

    Ok, play against a Knight/warlock with full matched gear for the class and you will see the same dmg. This game is pay to win, thats how it works.

    And not every player has same dmg with mage/warrior. It is about our str cloth gear. If we spend too many diamonds to make a powerful str cloth gear, our dmg should be high. We are simply making 2 gears to play mage/warrior. Why should we spend so many diamonds if our damage will not be high ?

    The argument that two sets of gear equal the highest damage doesn't convince me because creating high-level gear often costs more than weaker gear, even when considering two sets. Yet, M/W still deals 30% more damage in much weaker gear. Even before this enhancement, this combination was dealing massive damage, but what a skilled player can do with it now only reminds me of the first R/S changes when it was doing 90% of all damage in instances just for laughs. I don't play a mage, so I don't know what can be changed to make it more balanced with the other classes, but if it stays this way, in a month, we'll only have M/W in instances, nothing else.

    Hey! After some small tests, I noticed an interesting bug, namely, when I have a t17 dagger with WB, it has fewer included damages than a t16 dagger with DC when I equip it in the off-hand. Considering the attack speed and weapon damage, the WB weapon should have significantly more off-hand damage. Please check this, and if it's a bug, please fix it :)

    Hey! Some time ago, I wrote, and I'm reaching out again with a request to rework S/K because it's a dead combination, not useful, and unplayable for any character. Additionally, it would be great if S/P underwent significant changes because, since S/B, it's also not useful. Oh, and as a side note, it was mentioned before that in the near future, we will be able to play S/WL as both physical and magical players - just a reminder. Also, I haven't seen S/Ch - maybe it would be possible to increase the range of some skills because it's a really cool combination but loses a lot due to these limitations, and the titles and potions that allow skill usage still result in a significant loss of DPS - which is already quite average :)


    After the recent changes, this combination outside of wars is useless like S/K or S/P. Roll back the changes and nerf him in pvp arenas so he can be played in both pvp and pve

    Yes, my profession doesn't allow me to run the game, and I often work for more than 48 hours. So, I don't even have time in a single day. I'm not talking about every weekend, but it's still difficult to ask people to devote even more time to the game - look at the problem with the cards that you still don't address. If something works for you, that's great, but it's not for everyone.

    No, wait, I apologize if it seemed like I was completely endorsing this problem, but I was just describing that I have a solution for it. My English is not perfect either, so I understand the confusion.

    And what about players (like me) who don't have a regular job and often work on weekends? You're talking about a cool way to get gold, but you need time for that. It's like opening the atlas from 8-10am when most people are at work. I remember you writing about upgrading cards with diamonds because you don't have time to farm, and it's the same with gold, except you have the time. Please think about other players sometimes because I see that you approach problems very individually.


    Removing the NPC with gold exchange seems like a good move to tackle inflation, but there is a big problem with the prices that were set with that inflation in mind - the cost of buying stones to maximize cards (I myself recently spent 1.5 billion on just the materials needed for stat exchange, and even then, it didn't allow me to max out the newly added cards, despite still not owning all of them). Accumulating that much gold seems unrealistic unless there is a huge influx of players, which I doubt as I don't see new guilds popping up every day. Additionally, extracting and rotating runes from weapons is very costly, almost 10 million for one rune - and you have created classes for AoE, single target, for 12-person instances and 6-person instances - which means we are forced to change runes. Tiering also consumes a huge amount of gold. It's worth considering these prices because spending 250,000,000 gold a day is not a trivial matter, and sometimes guilds require that from their players. I understand that temporarily disabling and then implementing a more balanced NPC will partially solve the problem. But currently, to develop a character, an enormous amount of gold is needed, which cannot be farmed without the NPC in a normal amount of time given the prices currently imposed by the game.

    I like the new Blood Arrow without the instrument and death "features". Now the player does not get punished if heal sleeps a bit and newbie Scouts can quest with it or solo lowlevel content.

    If devs decide to bring back old Blood Arrow, I suggest to add selfheal 5%/tick of Vampire Arrow. This can also motivate other Scouts to use their Vampire Arrow for Scout/Rogue.

    With this death it's a bit different, now when you deal bursts of damage it's harder to die, but it's still possible because now the blood arrow doesn't stop at 1% you just die :)

    The change that has now been introduced is actually a lot easier for players, because the bloody arrow takes much less life. But just taking damage while in combat disqualifies the scout from playing the instrument on dungeon passes. Only interrupting damage dealing for the duration of the game results in the ability to play. If we are going in this direction, it may be worth thinking that each kalasa cannot deal damage while playing an instrument - excluding, for example, Bard.

    Added new passive: Distant Friend: Increases your damage by up to 15% depending on distance between you and the target. only works for ranged weapon DPS type

    Does this skill not work on AOE skills - is this intentional or a mistake?

    I am in favor of a complete overhaul of r/wd to make it a combination of leather played under the pet. However, there is a lack of such a combination - it would certainly be very interesting.


    1. Change Fire Concentration to increases fire damage from 50% to 100%.
    2. Change Hell Blades to increases fire damage to 15% from 40%.
    3. Remove 8% fire damage from Blade of Tartarus.
    4. Change damage dealing by Chaos Dagger up to 100% or 110% for example.

    I'm afraid that the proposed change to S/M would make this combination too strong. Currently, this combination is already powerful, and the proposed changes would increase the damage it deals several times more than it currently does

    sustaining is not even visible because everything dies quickly

    If that is the case, class is not suitable for your raid, we do not plan to change this class back.

    There was no such problem before in a very similar raid formation. But if you believe that this class should be selected for special combinations with weaker ones so that it performs better compared to others, then okay. I always thought that balance meant bringing the classes closer to a similar level, but I may be wrong looking at the recent changes.

    The combination now deals less damage both to a single target and to multiple targets.

    Change was never intending to boost your area damage burst. It is more about increasing area sustain. We do not plan to boost area boost back but sustain will be increased further.

    I tested S/D on DC yesterday - the change is very noticeable, and sustaining is not even visible because everything dies quickly. Previously, as I mentioned, I was able to compete with players using other combinations and much weaker gear, but now you've taken that away. While Mag and Warlock now deal less damage (in my opinion, it was also a big exaggeration to nerf all class combinations), other combinations are now unreachable. Another issue is S/K - can you let us know if you'll give this combination the ability to tank or will you just take away another combination from our gear (we currently have the least number of combinations we can play with)? S/WL - are you planning to revamp this combination so that we can play with physical gear? And one last thing, for S/WD - please remove the limit of 30 hits from the skill with a 2-second cooldown. It probably won't suddenly make this combination competitive with others, but at least it will slightly improve the performance of this combination, which currently doesn't perform well on both AOE (against many stronger classes) and single targets.

    I agree, once it has over 80% reduction in opponent's accuracy, stuns, and many skills that reduce damage. Thanks to this build, it will be very good in PvP, but the damage itself won't be astronomical, rather it will perform average in PvE. Overall, another combination to be set aside after an ill-conceived overhaul. (From this server, we probably won't be able to fully enjoy PvP arena battles or engage in epic wars for a while - there are simply not enough people yet. :)

    I test tested the B/S combination and believes that the developers have killed it. The combination now deals less damage both to a single target and to multiple targets. Im used to be able to deal significant damage to 20 mobs in IDK, but now, even with full gear, they can't keep up with players with lower-tier gear and fewer cards. The main skill also has a longer cast time and deals significantly less damage than before, making the combination unplayable. I suggests that the change was not well thought out and has turned the combination into something that is not viable for gameplay. The author also tested the S/D combination and believes that it has been nerfed to a point where it is no longer exceptional compared to other combinations. I suggests that the developers should undo the changes until they introduce a new skill, as the nerf does not make sense without a new skill. Finally, I points out that most players who play as scouts do not agree with the nerfs and have not received an explanation from the developers.

    The author tested the B/S combination for a while and unfortunately, as they previously mentioned in another thread, the combination has been killed. Currently, it doesn't deal enough damage to a single target or to multiple targets. They argue that around 20 mobs in IDK were noticeably affected by this combination before, but now, even with full power, they can't catch up with a player who has two or three tiers lower equipment, weapon, and significantly fewer cards. They also mention that the main skill's long cast time doesn't deal damage like before, and it now only deals damage three times but much weaker than before, which also blocks their 25% damage buff. Overall, it's a disaster, an unreasoned change that turned a decent combination into another useless combination for leather equipment. They urge for a quick change because such unexplained changes make the game unenjoyable to play.

    It seems if you ask Lutine , Scouts are just fine not need anything to change, only s/k to be tank ,all others is just great ....... maybe even nerf right Lutine ?

    I am not expressing my opinion on the S/R combination because I rarely play it, really rarely, but it's because I don't like its mechanics. I rely on the knowledge of other players who play this combination more often. I don't think that Lutin wants to nerf or forcibly weaken any combination.

    Regarding the changes to the Scout class:

    S/WL - I would like it to have a similar mechanic to S/M, where I play as a physical DPS. I'm not blaming, but it's hard not to notice that leather armor doesn't have the possibility to play as a mage or warlock, while magic classes have two connections with leather. Therefore, allowing S/WL to have a physical connection would be a nice gesture towards Scouts.

    S/M - Still needs balancing, I'm not talking about weakening MDPS, but about slight adjustments to physical scout/mage.

    S/B - I would leave it unchanged, as it works well as support and is also capable of dealing moderate damage.

    S/P - I suggest reworking it into a typical DPS, it could even be a second Scout drawing damage from an element, such as water. Currently, no one plays S/P due to the nerfs and S/B leaving the game.

    "I wouldn't want S/K to be a tank, there are many tank combinations to take away from leather armor - which already has the least combinations among the DPS classes. I would see S/K as a crossbowman to make more use of the crossbow, the bow has a lot of combinations while the crossbow and pistol have only one useful one. That's why a crossbowman who has a long cast time for skills but has powerful and very accurate shots could be a good fit, and the cooldown between skills could also be extended for "loading shots"."

    S/Ch needs some changes, and I would start with the most annoying one, which is the joint strike. I would increase its range from 50 to at least 160.

    "S/W seems to be fine and I wouldn't change it. As for S/D, I haven't tested it after the changes yet, but I don't think it will need any modifications."

    "S/R - I get annoyed with buffing using offensive skills, I definitely prefer passive skills with a specific cooldown so I can go into battle with full power from the first shot. But I would leave that to more advanced players on this combo :) C... :)"


    • Changed Archer Rune to be triggered only with single target skills, changed triggered attack to be Soul Gale spell instead.

    You understand that B/S was only strong because it could hit an AOE once every 3 minutes and make up for what other classes lack in instances. It doesn't perform phenomenally on a single target, and now the only AOE skill won't work as it should. B/S, in my opinion, should have a shorter cast time for skills, and you're not taking away the mechanics that allowed it to catch up with the rest of the raid (because it also needed a large number of opponents in the range of the skill). Super change, certainly much needed and justified - not just silence.

    I see that the people responsible for character balance carefully read the forum and analyze it with what they want to do, s/d nerf even though it did not perform exceptionally well on equal gear and buffs compared to several classes that are currently not being touched, still having weak combinations of the rest of the connections of Scout and several completely unplayed connections. And of course, changes without justification. Once again, you only confirm that balance is a bit of a challenge for you