Yes, if the buff comes in right away, it will make sense as well as interesting mechanics
Posts by Ramer
He'll make a joke.
You go k/wl and then the nerf scout S/D! xD
what you mean?
The bug is existent and can be proven.
Btw: S/D is not really a nerf just change dmg for attack speed and all scouts gets a push up to 15% -> what else you want? :O
I didn't say that something is wrong, you just misunderstood my English. I meant that it makes the s/d hit harder and then get nerfed. As for the change from speed to dmg, in a normal flight the fact only loses the physical attack (you know how s / d works so I won't explain it) it does not lose, but it will be very noticeable on full fire.
regarding Warden/Knight
the elite skill with ID 1490660 provides an additional buff if you click skill ID 1490859 (Heart of the Oak).
The additional buff is the buff ID 1502600 and should let you hit 10 times with offensive spells that ignore the targets defense.
I observed several bugs
- the skill also triggers with white hits
- the skill also triggers with passive hits like "Briar Shield"
- MOST IMPORTANT: The Skill triggers also for other ppls skill! As I saw only for pdps players. We did IDK and had 1 scout/druid in group and he snitched my stacks and did way more damage and ignored the defense of the mobs. We tested it several times in the instance and always as I clicked "Heart of the Oak" than the scouts dmg boosted very much and I observed loosing my buff without doing anything
He'll make a joke.
You go k/wl and then the nerf scout S/D! xD
Increased Archer’s Agility attack speed to 15% from 8%.
Reduced Boiling Blood damage gain to 18% from 26.5%.
Can you explain to me where this change came from? Currently, this is the only connection on which I am able to compete with the best connections of other classes, despite the advantage in the eq tier and card values. After taking the damage, he will start to stand out a lot on maximum fire - by taking damage, you also take away the physical attack on this connection. Currently, there is a problem when you go to measure e.g. wl/s or m/s, I think that there are many other connections with which it is impossible to compete in general. When it comes to why this connection is most often chosen by players - the answer is simple, because it compares very well to other scout connections. The weakening of leather connections currently does not make sense because they are average compared to other cash registers. You have to catch up with the tier of weapons and eq. You want to encourage the game with other scout combinations, then finally rebuild s/k, s/p, buff the already forgotten s/wd, and s/ch. Tweak the s/r buff mechanics a bit and there will be different scout combos right away. (I won't mention the rogues because it's generally bad there, b / s also needs a change.
I have a small request for increased damage on s/wd and s/ch. Currently they are the weakest scout combos (not counting s/k which is unplayable)
I have some ideas for some classes:
R/B - skill 1491233 in addition to the physical attack, I would add there additional damage from the wind element 10-15%.
B/R I'd add a skill that removes the rogue's second hand passive damage reduction.
R/P - I would add a skill that increases water damage 8-10%
I propose to reduce the casting time of the skill "Killer Arrows" ID 1491119 from 1.5 sec to 1.0 sec, additionally I am asking you to reduce the cooldown time of the skill "Windstorms of Souls" ID 1491121 from 15 sec to 12 sec. Greetings
yes scout/mage need a buff
He is especially weak in magic eq
Is it possible to increase the space in the game for created macros? In general, when you play on many connections, you need a little more space for all these extras.
Unused Classes (Leather)
We currently have s/k - s/p - r/k connections that are not playable in any form - buffer/tank/dps. maybe it's worth going back to balance and dealing with such connections.
In addition, after s/wd tests, it turns out that this connection, as well as s/r and s/ch, need a slight buff. Still, s/m with magic eq is much better than in physical, not only that s/m (magic) is the strongest combination of the scout.
Hello! After testing, I still think that this connection needs a little strengthening. Players with a lower eq (2 tiers down) and with a significant difference in cards on other melds do similar damage as this class. I suggest removing off-hand weapon damage reduction.
I have a suggestion to add a skill that changes the skill "Side Weapon Fighting" ID 490146 - Combat will be accurate from now on, no offhand damage reduction.
I've seen so many times how my guildmates were forced by the game & its "balance" to delete their secondary classes and pick meta ones just to be useful during runs and it hurts me seeing that after so much time this hasn't changed.
Simply not true. Not everyone is playing meta classes, some are even picking the non-meta ones and get really decent damage out of them. Most of them are dependant of other classes or support, but every class is playable. From a MDPS point of view I see only a few classes that are way behind others, like M/Wd, M/D, D/M (if this can be seen as dps) and that's it I guess. On the other hand there are like 20+ playable classes for mdps.
Most dps players in this game want to deal the max damage possible at any cost. That's why you possibly see same classes in random runs. Reality is that most players play the 1 class only that is 2% above another. For dps reason it makes no sense to play a weaker class, at least in most situations.
In our guild runs you constantly see leather players on the same classes, while chain and cloth are switching through the entire number of classes. My personal favorite class is S/Wl. Do you see any S/Wl in other runs? I don't. But its damage is pretty good and there is a huge damage potential in this class. So why does not anyone play it always? Because of instance, gear, skill, buffs, cenedrils, pet, cards, titles, support and all the other reasons why classes deal damage differently. If all classes were the same in all situations, you would not need any balance and stay at the vanilla balancing, which always sucked more balls than a billard table.
And then you see other servers having that exactly same vanilla balancing and people are like "this balancing is so cool, it feels nostalgic" and you think they are all cavemen who are very excited about a light bulb but have never seen the sun... (if ppl like oldschool content, go play nostalgia instances, it's the same look and feel, but just the values of damage, hp, etc are different).
Why balancing was good in the early days of rom? Because the game was naked then. Almost only gear and TP mattered here. Nowadays the game grew up, got a lot of more stuff to calc in.
I always was pretty critical about coa balancing (and still am, since on some classes we're just cycling all over again) but reality is that you find no other server with a more diversified balancing at all.
I agree. There are a lot of combos that people don't go through that do decent damage. In the skin of B/ch, B/S, most scout calls, or even R/Ch, R/D, are calls that deal quite a lot of damage if someone plays them. Currently, I see the magic finish on wl and in my guild you can see that this class has a lot of potential. It's hard to say what really is the strongest because most things depend on the chosen team.
Hi. I have a problem, during the game every 5-10 minutes the game throws me to the character selection menu ...
I would like to see changes in relationships in the near future so that you can choose a bonus between people in pt.
Craftable PVP equipment.
Once again, I will ask you to change the two scout connections S / P and S / K which are still useless. S / P has long been replaced by S / B which deals more damage and has more useful buffs, and S / K I do not know what this combination is so far, because it neither refuel nor buffs about the damage.
Am I the only one who has a problem with the Rogue's survival during the fight in DC (especially between the 4th - 5th boss). Neither the title can do it, the hp pot and with Rogue reduction I can still die from AoE damage.
each class has its own Silence skill or the ability to stun or break cast this ability, you can try them (you can also survive by staying behind the Tank)
In the case of one goal, I have no problem
I use silencing skills, I mean situations where I have a group of mobs - it rarely happens that in our flights single mobs are taken, rather the tank gathers groups
But thank you for the hint
I do not mean a buff (if only I have such a thing), but I am curious if I can still do something to survive, or at least I can play somehow without title changes (which do not need to be changed in distance classes)
Am I the only one who has a problem with the Rogue's survival during the fight in DC (especially between the 4th - 5th boss). Neither the title can do it, the hp pot and with Rogue reduction I can still die from AoE damage.
Looking at the results of your flight, I have mixed feelings about whether the warden is so powerful. I can only compare my guild flights and looking at the average results, I would think that the warden does not need any changes. Of course, I can be wrong, and it can only be checked by some kind of joint rally.
And I don't mean that someone is beating badly, it's just that in certain team settings some clans have time to accelerate and in others not.
So I understand the discussion is over. Players who can write lua skillfully are more promoted and write about the practice. Bravo Bytie! Good job.
Maybe otherwise, if you can actually play only with your finger and the skill skips lua, I don't see a problem with mastering the skill. But as soon as the mechanics blocking kitty comes in and someone writes that it is ok because lua works, something went wrong here 🤣
As for the use of katama and skills, entering kitty is practically impossible, in lua I don't know - I can't. but using the same skill from the action bar where unfortunately time is lost then is not very profitable. Playing the lottery now you have to pay attention to survive (throw reductions in the right time) and pay attention to fire and a new skill at the same time. 😁 Compared to a scout or a mage, it does not pay off to play something that is good in dps but very difficult because they are easier to connect and as strong as not stronger. In addition, I have a question whether a given skill can be entered in lua? Because if so, then the general changes are pointless.
Rouge - Perfect Slice
I suggest a small Playerbuff for 1.0 or 1.5 seconds when it is the "perfect" timing.
It would imcrease the comftability of this skill and makes it better to use rightly.
It is not planned.
But not every Player can use lua or Kitty. I dont know If Kitty works. And using by Hand ist a whole Desaster in some situations you didnt see the "!" and reaction time is very short.
I mean in general this Game ist designed to play manually. I think it would be the best to delete every Combat Engine from this Game.
In fact Perfect Slice is designed to make it harder to use with such ingame utilities but to encourage manual gameplay as regular timers for example won't be 100% accurate with our design as of random intervals.
none of the new up dates.Removed Psychic Arrows distance damage delay.Removed Ruthless Judgment distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Heart Collection Strike distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Puzzlement distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Warp Charge distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Weakening Weave Curse damage delay as of no projectile.Changed Knowledge Acquisition to restore 1 Psi every 3 seconds additionallythey all still delay and knowledge acquisition doesnt give the 1 psi
Planned Change Log is not applied to game.
If you want to encourage players to play without kitty or lua then just do it for each connection. But then, for example, d / r will be powerful because it requires the use of 2-3 skills. So balancing these types of classes will not be easy either.
Isn't it easier before such changes to ask the community whether they want such changes? I understand the forum is for communication. Why do you create polls if you do not want to ask if it is worth it or not
As for R / P Maybe you could improve his single target a bit? He's got a great aoe but nothing else
As for the scout.
S / R, although it has nice mechanics, I don't play it because it's just weak. Just like s / ch which has to be very close and takes increased damage, it is difficult to play. As for the differences in eq, supposedly 14 is not much better than 11 but still when you have fully assembled high tier equipment it makes a difference. And as it is already written about 20%, however, something is wrong with either wd / r or s /r. (I do not know how it is currently beating in wd / r because I do not have an active warden in the guild)