Have you tried warden tank after latest nerf? curious how much values your pet has

Class Balance [Patch] & Bard
- Byte
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That's what I tried, and even though the pet tank beats as much as nothing in this case, any change in attack is a minus.
Tak próbowałem i mimo że pet tankowy bije tyle, co nic to w tym przypadku każda zmiana w ataku jest na minus.
Looking at the results of your flight, I have mixed feelings about whether the warden is so powerful. I can only compare my guild flights and looking at the average results, I would think that the warden does not need any changes. Of course, I can be wrong, and it can only be checked by some kind of joint rally.
And I don't mean that someone is beating badly, it's just that in certain team settings some clans have time to accelerate and in others not.
just a small comparison in dc from our today's run: https://gyazo.com/eda376092ceb2829041112c0f8eb7369
DPS have nearly equal gear state xD
Maybe if some people would beat more than 5kk dps then warden would have worse numbers?
Just loud thinking, when I don't heal at max concentration or when Im afk some time, the other heal have better healing than me, thats like normal thing I guess but could be wrongI can tell you, no one was afk or able to do more damage in this run. We also made the observation, that some melee dps can't do any damage because the warden pets just one shot mobs in certain passages. The instance also does not allow any player to go afk if you want to finish in 60 minutes. Ehmm but as you told, maybe in your runs it is ok to go afk in an instance run or be semi-active. But in the posted screen all ppl were active all over the whole run.
Looking at the results of your flight, I have mixed feelings about whether the warden is so powerful. I can only compare my guild flights and looking at the average results, I would think that the warden does not need any changes. Of course, I can be wrong, and it can only be checked by some kind of joint rally.
And I don't mean that someone is beating badly, it's just that in certain team settings some clans have time to accelerate and in others not.
I agree with you and as with any class it depends on the player whether the class is strong or weak. Even with us, not every warden player is ranked 1st in scruti. But honestly, that's up to the player and really every warden is just too strong in DC (at least the physical ones) according to my tests.
It's a question of balancing: Do you balance according to the amount of players or according to individual players who say: This class is too strong, this one, this one, ...? But that's up to Byte. Have fun with it :).
there is no difference
Maybe if some people would beat more than 5kk dps then warden would have worse numbers?
Just loud thinking, when I don't heal at max concentration or when Im afk some time, the other heal have better healing than me, thats like normal thing I guess but could be wrongI can tell you, no one was afk or able to do more damage in this run. We also made the observation, that some melee dps can't do any damage because the warden pets just one shot mobs in certain passages. The instance also does not allow any player to go afk if you want to finish in 60 minutes. Ehmm but as you told, maybe in your runs it is ok to go afk in an instance run or be semi-active. But in the posted screen all ppl were active all over the whole run.
Looking at the results of your flight, I have mixed feelings about whether the warden is so powerful. I can only compare my guild flights and looking at the average results, I would think that the warden does not need any changes. Of course, I can be wrong, and it can only be checked by some kind of joint rally.
And I don't mean that someone is beating badly, it's just that in certain team settings some clans have time to accelerate and in others not.
I agree with you and as with any class it depends on the player whether the class is strong or weak. Even with us, not every warden player is ranked 1st in scruti. But honestly, that's up to the player and really every warden is just too strong in DC (at least the physical ones) according to my tests.
It's a question of balancing: Do you balance according to the amount of players or according to individual players who say: This class is too strong, this one, this one, ...? But that's up to Byte. Have fun with it :).
Agree, and furthermore: It's up to the tank for example. How often dies/pulls warden pets and pets or player dying. How is the tank pulling (small or big pulls and so on). For example in our 60 minute runs, no player or pet dies of aggro, so every class could do as much damage as possible.
P.S. I guess experienced players knows, that balancing pets like warden pets or fairys is hard/impossible. Imagine buffed pets with 40kk+ attack (still now after nerf) in DC or a new endcontent instance. Imagine unbuffed pets with "only" 3-4kk attack. makes a lot of difference
True. There can be many more examples. Even 2 similar runs - with same ppl on same classes - may vary a lot. Even small things like lag, fps drops, little brb or not visible for everyone, such as warlock's buffs, if someone will run 1sec faster than others may not get a wave of consciousness and has already on one group of mobs less % DMG. Or if party has f.e. 2 magical dps in range 200 and 2 physicals in distance 50 from mobs/boss, which one you as a buffer will buff with wave and whisper? You can't buff both sides, unless burst time. Situations like that are every minute during whole ini.
And Ryzek writing "DPS have nearly equal gear state" is funnier than my memes. On that scrut Ryzek has 3kk dps more. Now checking only cards ranking you can see the difference between Ryzek and Cruvor in olny patt stat which is 15865 to 11319 Cruvors. Its 4.5k more lol. I can see the difference when the difference is up to 500.
I can't say exactly if wardens pets should be nerfed, maybe they should. All I want to say is just there WILL BE neverending balance when you will be post thing like that OH WATCH THAT SCRUTI, NERF PET AGAIN/MORE. But when I see another wd/s f.e. I cannot tell if they are OP.
But here one opinion is enough to change one class after one statement, then you have to change the next class to the situation and so all the time..
It was the same with nerf magical p/s. One person wrote that it hits too hard and you need a nerf. Yes that was right, that class was very strong ESPECIALLY on big pulls when it could reach its full potential. But was weak or decent on small pulls like 3 mobs etc but that one person forgot to mention it. Now class is unplayable for most of users.
Balance 100%
True. There can be many more examples. Even 2 similar runs - with same ppl on same classes - may vary a lot. Even small things like lag, fps drops, little brb or not visible for everyone, such as warlock's buffs, if someone will run 1sec faster than others may not get a wave of consciousness and has already on one group of mobs less % DMG. Or if party has f.e. 2 magical dps in range 200 and 2 physicals in distance 50 from mobs/boss, which one you as a buffer will buff with wave and whisper? You can't buff both sides, unless burst time. Situations like that are every minute during whole ini.
And Ryzek writing "DPS have nearly equal gear state" is funnier than my memes. On that scrut Ryzek has 3kk dps more. Now checking only cards ranking you can see the difference between Ryzek and Cruvor in olny patt stat which is 15865 to 11319 Cruvors. Its 4.5k more lol. I can see the difference when the difference is up to 500.
I can't say exactly if wardens pets should be nerfed, maybe they should. All I want to say is just there WILL BE neverending balance when you will be post thing like that OH WATCH THAT SCRUTI, NERF PET AGAIN/MORE. But when I see another wd/s f.e. I cannot tell if they are OP.
But here one opinion is enough to change one class after one statement, then you have to change the next class to the situation and so all the time..
It was the same with nerf magical p/s. One person wrote that it hits too hard and you need a nerf. Yes that was right, that class was very strong ESPECIALLY on big pulls when it could reach its full potential. But was weak or decent on small pulls like 3 mobs etc but that one person forgot to mention it. Now class is unplayable for most of users.
Balance 100%
You can be sure, Ryzek or me dont write such things after a single ini run
And as I wrote earlier in this thread, I have way better gear than some other ppl in our guild (and card ranking #1) and didn't had a chance vs wardens (that was pre-pet-nerf. didn't tested yet).
The whole warden topic is anyway hard to balance, bcs of the incredible high attack their pets can have. The more defence the mobs of an instance have, the more damage wardens (pets) will do compared to other classes. And THAT is the whole problem imho with wardens and balancing
I believe you tested it a lot. But you are testing it in your guild on your runs comparing You an Ryzek atm. I have never heard Ryzek spoke to our warden to compare the eq difference or other wardens on servers. Or asking about our warden comparing to our another classes. I mean comparing t14 warden to t14 scout or whatever can be different than comparing t11 warden to t11 scout or whatever.
To be honest the same is with us, someone wrote something in forum but did not necessarily contact you or someone else.
Few ppl test it in guild runs, write in forum, then DEVS come with a buff/nerf and then the whole rest server also have those changes
Not to mention after one post on forum, the next day or two, nerfs/buffs is uploaded to game. I wonder how fast devs can be testing it for themselves
all this talk of pets, now i want a warlock to have a pet.
make it so shoots dark dmg like M/S does fire DMG.
I am sure that Warlocks will be very competitive now with the new travel delay updates, extra 1 PSI every 3 seconds and Ruthless Judgement giving Mdmg 100% of the time. Also one of its Aoes does not trigger GCD anymore.
Additionally it is planned that you won't lose PSI outside combat in Willplayerblade/Construct.
I have seen some Warlocks in Rofl doing very high dmg in singletarget, aoe in burst and sustain situations.
I think we are reaching a state of good balance with all classes.
I am sure that Warlocks will be very competitive now with the new travel delay updates, extra 1 PSI every 3 seconds and Ruthless Judgement giving Mdmg 100% of the time. Also one of its Aoes does not trigger GCD anymore.
Additionally it is planned that you won't lose PSI outside combat in Willplayerblade/Construct.
I have seen some Warlocks in Rofl doing very high dmg in singletarget, aoe in burst and sustain situations.
I think we are reaching a state of good balance with all classes.
i know but im trying to get every advantage i can get
im weak, i couldnt bust a grape in a fruit fight
i need all the dmg i can get, i dont mean all ppl who play warlock gets it JUST ME.
Nice Rework from Knight/Scout so far. It look so good I'm inlove
about katana it's really good mechanic, but it will be nice increase a lil bit reaction time of Perfect Slice spell, like up to 2 sec and add some visual effects.
about katana it's really good mechanic, but it will be nice increase a lil bit reaction time of Perfect Slice spell, like up to 2 sec and add some visual effects.
There is allready a visual and sound effect for perfect slice
about katana it's really good mechanic, but it will be nice increase a lil bit reaction time of Perfect Slice spell, like up to 2 sec and add some visual effects.
There is allready a visual and sound effect for perfect slice
yes, but it's pretty hard to see when u fighting with big packs of mobs, i mean will be nice if they change the "exclamation mark" to kind of screen visualisation like that https://gyazo.com/3edd2c09e3634f16da6077f3f70c949c or make a screen text like <Perfect Slice>
May be return old Priest/druid elite skills:
1) 1490960 (i dont know, why i should use staff, if stick + talisman with 12-13 lvl runes give more, then this skill)
2) 1490463 (need give normal heal in units, not in % or remove very long cast)
3) 1490464 (casting time 3s, remove heal bonus, cd 25s, activity 15s, heal every 3s)
4) 1490468 (raid heal every 3s, if target get damage many times, 20% damage transferred to caster)
After last nerfs this class combination is dead, but i think we can return him w/o a full rebalance. -
i would like you to consider of adding PSI to phirius deposit injectors maybe 5-6 like the rest
id# 1244820 or id# 1502307
May be return old Priest/druid elite skills:
1) 1490960 (i dont know, why i should use staff, if stick + talisman with 12-13 lvl runes give more, then this skill)
2) 1490463 (need give normal heal in units, not in % or remove very long cast)
3) 1490464 (casting time 3s, remove heal bonus, cd 25s, activity 15s, heal every 3s)
4) 1490468 (raid heal every 3s, if target get damage many times, 20% damage transferred to caster)
After last nerfs this class combination is dead, but i think we can return him w/o a full rebalance.Greetings.
Thank you for your feedback about this class. We already have some significant changes planned for the combination, not too different from your suggestions.
Am I the only one who has a problem with the Rogue's survival during the fight in DC (especially between the 4th - 5th boss). Neither the title can do it, the hp pot and with Rogue reduction I can still die from AoE damage.
I do not mean a buff (if only I have such a thing), but I am curious if I can still do something to survive, or at least I can play somehow without title changes (which do not need to be changed in distance classes)
Am I the only one who has a problem with the Rogue's survival during the fight in DC (especially between the 4th - 5th boss). Neither the title can do it, the hp pot and with Rogue reduction I can still die from AoE damage.
Dont have that problem anymore ,so much atleast . i normally also switch to egg rice dumplings.
I guess for some parts atleast , position of tank / yourself is essential.
Am I the only one who has a problem with the Rogue's survival during the fight in DC (especially between the 4th - 5th boss). Neither the title can do it, the hp pot and with Rogue reduction I can still die from AoE damage.
each class has its own Silence skill or the ability to stun or break cast this ability, you can try them (you can also survive by staying behind the Tank)