Class Balance [Patch] & Bard
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yes scout/mage need a buff
yes scout/mage need a buff
He is especially weak in magic eq
Really nice to see that class balance is back. Thank you.
you know p/wl has also group heal skills? And I don't talk about "Group Heal" of priest in general. I really think some ppl use this class only for specific healings in specific boss events, where ppl actually shouldn't get heal by design but "ignore" that with this class (will test it soon and if so, I report such ability as bugusing here :D)
Edit: what ppl here want is reducing the range from ~1000 to maximum 200-250. that has no real impact on heal output, but for some specific healing tactics
I know this class very good and know what you mean. Skill 498769 have diminishing, for example at first u have heal 500k, this skill heal second ppl, 250k, third 125k etc until 10k (mb) on sixth (too mb) ppl. Skill 498770 have good one-target heal, but he activated spirit only 2 times, because spirit's trigger 0,5s. And i earlier wrote about p/k, how to "res" this class, but... we know what.
in general every healing from every class (if you for example look at urgent heal or Recover), that has dark core gear, is way to high (and even higher with every new gear). some debuff like warden pets have in such inis would be also a good idea, that you really NEED the new gear for the next instance, instead of overheal with some million (for example "Healing" from p/s is around 8kk xD)
Changed Shield of Darkness to convert 100% of stamina and dexterity into strength additionally while decreasing received damage by 75% and reducing physical attack by 10%
What about the +aggro on plate? It wouldnt be possible to play in plate?
Also maybe with plate gear (only 7 pieces) there could be an additional bonus. Plate has no +damage or +attackspeed (healer set Bonus has also cast speed like mage sets)
- Changed Elemental Rampage to increase 1-H Hammer damage by 30% instead.
Elemental Rampage is a 30 second buff with 90 second cooldown. Only during this buff 1h Hammer is better than 2h Hammer.
Maybe it makes more sense to attach the 1h Hammer bonus passively, for example on 70 Elite.
- Changed War Cry to increase physical damage by 8% additionally.
This is good but will not fix the issue of very weak sustaindmg.
To fix this I suggest to make War Cry passive. This would not increase burstdmg, but rather allows for a slightly more acceptable sustaindmg.
- Changed Shield of Darkness to convert 100% of stamina and dexterity into strength additionally while decreasing received damage by 75% and reducing physical attack by 10%.
I would suggest a -95% aggrobuff for this skill. This would allow the class to change to dpsmode and have low enough aggro. This is also to prevent Tanking Ability as Dps.
The parryrate I would convert to physical damage in a 1:2 ratio. This would also encourage a unique way of buffing up where you need to maximize parryrate for max dmg and aligns with the new skills idenity.
Changed Shield of Darkness to convert 100% of stamina and dexterity into strength additionally while decreasing received damage by 75% and reducing physical attack by 10%.
I would suggest a -95% aggrobuff for this skill. This would allow the class to change to dpsmode and have low enough aggro. This is also to prevent Tanking Ability as Dps.
The parryrate I would convert to physical damage in a 1:2 ratio. This would also encourage a unique way of buffing up where you need to maximize parryrate for max dmg and aligns with the new skills idenity.I agree, or transfer +aggro to -aggro if wearing plate
Changed Surge of Awareness to be applied to pet of target too if it exists
i would like it if you could make it non casting
I propose to reduce the casting time of the skill "Killer Arrows" ID 1491119 from 1.5 sec to 1.0 sec, additionally I am asking you to reduce the cooldown time of the skill "Windstorms of Souls" ID 1491121 from 15 sec to 12 sec. Greetings
Changed Shield of Darkness to convert 100% of stamina and dexterity into strength additionally while decreasing received damage by 75% and reducing physical attack by 10%.
I would suggest a -95% aggrobuff for this skill. This would allow the class to change to dpsmode and have low enough aggro. This is also to prevent Tanking Ability as Dps.
The parryrate I would convert to physical damage in a 1:2 ratio. This would also encourage a unique way of buffing up where you need to maximize parryrate for max dmg and aligns with the new skills idenity.also in plate you have stats like sta/sta/HP/Def (healer for d/wl have sta/sta/wis/HP, so 3 attributes for conversion) and I think this will give to low attack in plate in addition to lacking of setbonus for dps mode in plate. Right now the new buff could also be good in full chain, bcs of pain stats.
I think there should be something related while wearing plate (such thinks have also classes like ch/k and wrd/k). there could anything like more attack on plate items or such things. I would love to see plate as viable dps for only 1 class (but without the capability to tank instances xD)
I know this class very good and know what you mean. Skill 498769 have diminishing, for example at first u have heal 500k, this skill heal second ppl, 250k, third 125k etc until 10k (mb) on sixth (too mb) ppl. Skill 498770 have good one-target heal, but he activated spirit only 2 times, because spirit's trigger 0,5s. And i earlier wrote about p/k, how to "res" this class, but... we know what.
in general every healing from every class (if you for example look at urgent heal or Recover), that has dark core gear, is way to high (and even higher with every new gear). some debuff like warden pets have in such inis would be also a good idea, that you really NEED the new gear for the next instance, instead of overheal with some million (for example "Healing" from p/s is around 8kk xD)
I furthermore thought about it and reducing the wisdom and/or heal bonus by a fix amount in new instances like DC and new ones would solve that problem (instead of reducing percentage amount). Just an example (I didnt calculated or tested) reducing for all healer classes in DC the wisdom by 60k and bonus heal by 20k. This would reduce the heal amount from 4-8kk on single target and 300-500k heal over time effects to maybe 3-5kk on single target and 200-350k heal over time effects.
The example values are still to high for healing tbh but that should be an example, how this problem can be solved without affecting lower instances and lower geared ppl in lower instances
Regarding k/wl
Changed Shield of Darkness: A Magical Shield of Darkness surrounds you, allowing the use of skills which require a shield. While this is active, you will generate the least aggro from your attacks. Reduces received damage by 75%, received area damage by 8% and Physical Attack Power by 35%. Increases Physical Attack Power and Attack Speed for more Base Parry Rate you have.
maybe the conversion from sta/dex to str is only missing in patch notes? bcs in the current state of the buff, the class would be really tanky
wl/k 🤪
Question. Could you adapt aswell the lvl 65 iss to give extra aggro instead of minus if the stamina is higher than intelligence? That or any other way. Iirc due to aggro changes and many dps not reaching aggro cap, the class couldn't hold it anymore.
Kind regards.
still missing p/wl changes in patch notes
Rogues are weak at this moment especially on IDK and DC.
Can we go back and change to all rouges?
- Changed Begin When Ready to change Fervent Attack and Evasion to be passives.
Probably be not enough but small step forward.
in general every healing from every class (if you for example look at urgent heal or Recover), that has dark core gear, is way to high (and even higher with every new gear). some debuff like warden pets have in such inis would be also a good idea, that you really NEED the new gear for the next instance, instead of overheal with some million (for example "Healing" from p/s is around 8kk xD)
I furthermore thought about it and reducing the wisdom and/or heal bonus by a fix amount in new instances like DC and new ones would solve that problem (instead of reducing percentage amount). Just an example (I didnt calculated or tested) reducing for all healer classes in DC the wisdom by 60k and bonus heal by 20k. This would reduce the heal amount from 4-8kk on single target and 300-500k heal over time effects to maybe 3-5kk on single target and 200-350k heal over time effects.
The example values are still to high for healing tbh but that should be an example, how this problem can be solved without affecting lower instances and lower geared ppl in lower instances
Wont solve the problem. May be im not understood something or bad translate, so:
1) Fix amount its, for example, 200k wisdom, right? I cant do more wisdom that 200k, yes? Then why i should increase wisdom up to ~350k, if 200k limit for DC?
2) You said reducing wisdom and heal bonus, what about with buffs (hp/atk/wis) ?
3) 300k heal over time, balanced ? ~100k max balance.
4) This game always had one problem: fat potato tank - good; strong dps - nice; supports with good hands - great; healer with high heal (w/o bufs, just high heal) - merde (very sorry for this bad word). How will u solve this ?
5) I mean, what if u want nerf heal, need nerf everywere, not only DC, option with warden's pets not enought.
still missing p/wl changes in patch notes
I'd be suprised, if it done immediately xd
I furthermore thought about it and reducing the wisdom and/or heal bonus by a fix amount in new instances like DC and new ones would solve that problem (instead of reducing percentage amount). Just an example (I didnt calculated or tested) reducing for all healer classes in DC the wisdom by 60k and bonus heal by 20k. This would reduce the heal amount from 4-8kk on single target and 300-500k heal over time effects to maybe 3-5kk on single target and 200-350k heal over time effects.
The example values are still to high for healing tbh but that should be an example, how this problem can be solved without affecting lower instances and lower geared ppl in lower instances
Wont solve the problem. May be im not understood something or bad translate, so:
1) Fix amount its, for example, 200k wisdom, right? I cant do more wisdom that 200k, yes? Then why i should increase wisdom up to ~350k, if 200k limit for DC?
2) You said reducing wisdom and heal bonus, what about with buffs (hp/atk/wis) ?
3) 300k heal over time, balanced ? ~100k max balance.
4) This game always had one problem: fat potato tank - good; strong dps - nice; supports with good hands - great; healer with high heal (w/o bufs, just high heal) - merde (very sorry for this bad word). How will u solve this ?
5) I mean, what if u want nerf heal, need nerf everywere, not only DC, option with warden's pets not enought.
still missing p/wl changes in patch notes
I'd be suprised, if it done immediately xd
sorry, but you didnt understand 80% of my text xD
I furthermore thought about it and reducing the wisdom and/or heal bonus by a fix amount in new instances like DC and new ones would solve that problem (instead of reducing percentage amount). Just an example (I didnt calculated or tested) reducing for all healer classes in DC the wisdom by 60k and bonus heal by 20k. This would reduce the heal amount from 4-8kk on single target and 300-500k heal over time effects to maybe 3-5kk on single target and 200-350k heal over time effects.
The example values are still to high for healing tbh but that should be an example, how this problem can be solved without affecting lower instances and lower geared ppl in lower instances
Wont solve the problem. May be im not understood something or bad translate, so:
1) Fix amount its, for example, 200k wisdom, right? I cant do more wisdom that 200k, yes? Then why i should increase wisdom up to ~350k, if 200k limit for DC?
2) You said reducing wisdom and heal bonus, what about with buffs (hp/atk/wis) ?
3) 300k heal over time, balanced ? ~100k max balance.
4) This game always had one problem: fat potato tank - good; strong dps - nice; supports with good hands - great; healer with high heal (w/o bufs, just high heal) - merde (very sorry for this bad word). How will u solve this ?
5) I mean, what if u want nerf heal, need nerf everywere, not only DC, option with warden's pets not enought.
still missing p/wl changes in patch notes
I'd be suprised, if it done immediately xd
I just want to show how i play this op range class P/WL in DC
I don't even think about who I want to heal
For me it looks perfect balanced thahaha. This class is the Champ/Bard of the heals xD nice Video btw
For me it looks perfect balanced thahaha. This class is the Champ/Bard of the heals xD nice Video btw
No, p/ch is ch/b of the healers. Later i give like and subscribe on youtube))
I would like to know devs opinion about p/wl's spirit range. He always had 1000+ range from the moment existence dwarfs in this game. Lutine first who wrote about it.
And yes, more "confused" pls.
The new planned patchnotes look decent and I appreciate that, but I'm missing nerfs for the 2 supreme op magical classes Wl/S and Ch/B. While Ch/B looks as if it was designed for aoe in the first place, its single burst is also decent (at some point even one of the better ones). In AoE not even M/Ch, B/M or S/M can compete with it in any scenario.
Wl/S has a huge single burst and single sustain dps. But since its base damage is pretty high and doesn't really rely on its cooldowns/short buffs, even aoe damage is decent. I tried this class in IDK recently and it was even better than my B/M, which just showed me there is something going wrong. The class is so easy, you don't need to care about any resource, focus doesn't matter, psi not at all, you can do almost everything while moving and not even blood arrow matters through Soulcrusher. Single sustain is btw about 35% better than B/M, while burst is like 2 times better. This alone should be reason for a nerf. Only reason to play B/M over Wl/S is Chorea and Tempo.
I would suggest to change the damage calculation for Wl/S shot (or even all skills) to focus-based just like Dark Rain already works. This would require a little skill playing this class, since it can cast/channel while moving and sustain the psi just by spamming its strongest spells.
About Ch/B I think, you can even cut its overall damage by 50% and it will still be one of the best classes around. No idea what the intention with this class was, it always reminds me of the old classic Ch/M nuke.
On the other hand I doubt classes like M/D or M/Wd would be useful by only increasing dmg by 5% or so, according to my own tests, these classes wouldn't even be useful if you increase their damage by even 30%... but we will see I guess.
After reading all planned changes I got something in my mind.
D/WL was designed for healers to play DPS (if you have conversion of wis/sta active). Now we know you can increase attack based on other base values.
For healers it would probably a good change to have an increased attack based on base bonus heal and (to avoid abusing unintended heal gear with full int/int) get a huge attack decrement if base wisdom is lower than base stamina or int. In this case maybe the class could be used really as dps with heal gear. Right now I only see it in mdps Gear.
Don't know if healers really need such change, but I think it would be a good idea.
After reading all planned changes I got something in my mind.
D/WL was designed for healers to play DPS (if you have conversion of wis/sta active). Now we know you can increase attack based on other base values.
For healers it would probably a good change to have an increased attack based on base bonus heal and (to avoid abusing unintended heal gear with full int/int) get a huge attack decrement if base wisdom is lower than base stamina or int. In this case maybe the class could be used really as dps with heal gear. Right now I only see it in mdps Gear.
Don't know if healers really need such change, but I think it would be a good idea.
I like the idea. Currently the d/wl can either be played as a cloth tank (much better than it actually sounds) or as a bad dps in heal gear. Every healer I met in the past told me the class would be fine for farming, grinding and can even survive quite well in Talaghan, but doesn't fit well into (endgame) instances in wisdom gear. So the class already got some use cases, but is definitely far below viable dps level.
Imho the design could be changed like Wl/K is planned: If INT is higher than WIS, reduce matt and if WIS is higher, even give an increase in matt. The one way or the other, the class has the potential to be a great wisdom-based dps class
Every INT player can just get rid of the buff and play without it.