I don't play Dark Core that much but are Wardens really that strong, that all of their pets need a nerf? I thought we were talking about Warden/Rogue which Lutine specifically mentioned doing 20% more dmg than her Rogue/Scout.

Class Balance [Patch] & Bard
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I don't play Dark Core that much but are Wardens really that strong, that all of their pets need a nerf? I thought we were talking about Warden/Rogue which Lutine specifically mentioned doing 20% more dmg than her Rogue/Scout.
Yes, but I couldnt tested against others, bcs I mainly play tank, but cruvor always plays dps
I don't play Dark Core that much but are Wardens really that strong, that all of their pets need a nerf? I thought we were talking about Warden/Rogue which Lutine specifically mentioned doing 20% more dmg than her Rogue/Scout.
Yes they where . They will Prob still be Really strong , have to Test today
warlock up dates not working for me, no answer in game if it's been up dated.
warlock up dates not working for me, no answer in game if it's been up dated.
What exactly is not working?
none of the new up dates.Removed Psychic Arrows distance damage delay.Removed Ruthless Judgment distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Heart Collection Strike distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Puzzlement distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Warp Charge distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Weakening Weave Curse damage delay as of no projectile.Changed Knowledge Acquisition to restore 1 Psi every 3 seconds additionallythey all still delay and knowledge acquisition doesnt give the 1 psi
Rouge - Perfect Slice
I suggest a small Playerbuff for 1.0 or 1.5 seconds when it is the "perfect" timing.
It would imcrease the comftability of this skill and makes it better to use rightly.
Rouge - Perfect Slice
I suggest a small Playerbuff for 1.0 or 1.5 seconds when it is the "perfect" timing.
It would imcrease the comftability of this skill and makes it better to use rightly.
I am against it. I guess the skill is designed to not be used to easy for players. If you would have a buff, there is no need for a dagger anymore on most rogues. Atm the skill needs more attention from players and that is exactly why you "could" do more damage with katana, if you are able to use perfect slice perfectly
In my opinion more classes needs skills like that, that you can choose between weapons. 1 weapon with comfort and 1 weapon with uncomfortable skills but with possibility to do more damage.
I like perfect slice!
But not every Player can use lua or Kitty. I dont know If Kitty works. And using by Hand ist a whole Desaster in some situations you didnt see the "!" and reaction time is very short.
I mean in general this Game ist designed to play manually. I think it would be the best to delete every Combat Engine from this Game.
But not every Player can use lua or Kitty. I dont know If Kitty works. And using by Hand ist a whole Desaster in some situations you didnt see the "!" and reaction time is very short.
I mean in general this Game ist designed to play manually. I think it would bei the best to delete every Combat Tool from this Game.
why not than changing all classes to only have 1 skill with same damage? easy to use and easy to balance
Edit: Players just need more practice to see the !
Rouge - Perfect Slice
I suggest a small Playerbuff for 1.0 or 1.5 seconds when it is the "perfect" timing.
It would imcrease the comftability of this skill and makes it better to use rightly.
It is not planned.
But not every Player can use lua or Kitty. I dont know If Kitty works. And using by Hand ist a whole Desaster in some situations you didnt see the "!" and reaction time is very short.
I mean in general this Game ist designed to play manually. I think it would be the best to delete every Combat Engine from this Game.
In fact Perfect Slice is designed to make it harder to use with such ingame utilities but to encourage manual gameplay as regular timers for example won't be 100% accurate with our design as of random intervals.
none of the new up dates.Removed Psychic Arrows distance damage delay.Removed Ruthless Judgment distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Heart Collection Strike distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Puzzlement distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Warp Charge distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Weakening Weave Curse damage delay as of no projectile.Changed Knowledge Acquisition to restore 1 Psi every 3 seconds additionallythey all still delay and knowledge acquisition doesnt give the 1 psi
Planned Change Log is not applied to game.
@lutine no that is not what i mean.
At the current state you need to be good in lua writing then youre DMG is good.
without any Combat Engine you need the skill to deal great DMG and not only press 1 Button. Like now
As for the use of katama and skills, entering kitty is practically impossible, in lua I don't know - I can't. but using the same skill from the action bar where unfortunately time is lost then is not very profitable. Playing the lottery now you have to pay attention to survive (throw reductions in the right time) and pay attention to fire and a new skill at the same time. 😁 Compared to a scout or a mage, it does not pay off to play something that is good in dps but very difficult because they are easier to connect and as strong as not stronger. In addition, I have a question whether a given skill can be entered in lua? Because if so, then the general changes are pointless.
Rouge - Perfect Slice
I suggest a small Playerbuff for 1.0 or 1.5 seconds when it is the "perfect" timing.
It would imcrease the comftability of this skill and makes it better to use rightly.
It is not planned.
But not every Player can use lua or Kitty. I dont know If Kitty works. And using by Hand ist a whole Desaster in some situations you didnt see the "!" and reaction time is very short.
I mean in general this Game ist designed to play manually. I think it would be the best to delete every Combat Engine from this Game.
In fact Perfect Slice is designed to make it harder to use with such ingame utilities but to encourage manual gameplay as regular timers for example won't be 100% accurate with our design as of random intervals.
none of the new up dates.Removed Psychic Arrows distance damage delay.Removed Ruthless Judgment distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Heart Collection Strike distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Puzzlement distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Warp Charge distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Weakening Weave Curse damage delay as of no projectile.Changed Knowledge Acquisition to restore 1 Psi every 3 seconds additionallythey all still delay and knowledge acquisition doesnt give the 1 psi
Planned Change Log is not applied to game.
If you want to encourage players to play without kitty or lua then just do it for each connection. But then, for example, d / r will be powerful because it requires the use of 2-3 skills. So balancing these types of classes will not be easy either.
Isn't it easier before such changes to ask the community whether they want such changes? I understand the forum is for communication. Why do you create polls if you do not want to ask if it is worth it or not
As for the use of katama and skills, entering kitty is practically impossible, in lua I don't know - I can't. but using the same skill from the action bar where unfortunately time is lost then is not very profitable. Playing the lottery now you have to pay attention to survive (throw reductions in the right time) and pay attention to fire and a new skill at the same time. 😁 Compared to a scout or a mage, it does not pay off to play something that is good in dps but very difficult because they are easier to connect and as strong as not stronger. In addition, I have a question whether a given skill can be entered in lua? Because if so, then the general changes are pointless.
It is not planned.
In fact Perfect Slice is designed to make it harder to use with such ingame utilities but to encourage manual gameplay as regular timers for example won't be 100% accurate with our design as of random intervals.
Planned Change Log is not applied to game.
If you want to encourage players to play without kitty or lua then just do it for each connection. But then, for example, d / r will be powerful because it requires the use of 2-3 skills. So balancing these types of classes will not be easy either.
Isn't it easier before such changes to ask the community whether they want such changes? I understand the forum is for communication. Why do you create polls if you do not want to ask if it is worth it or not
Rogues can still be played with dagger and they are not nerfed. If someone is not comfortable with katana, don't use it. You have the choice, which other classes don't have. Nobody complained rogues with dagger are to weak and they weren't nerfed. Seems all fine not? And if someone can use katana with new skill perfectly, what's the problem?
Hey ,
would be nice if you can change the Icon above your head when you use perfect Slice . tested it a bit with Rogue/Bard and the icon is hardly seeable for me cause of non gcd AoE that is wrapping up my whole character.
And in genereal it was also hard to see sometimes cause players standing on 1 point , mobs get in the way etcGreetings
Maybe otherwise, if you can actually play only with your finger and the skill skips lua, I don't see a problem with mastering the skill. But as soon as the mechanics blocking kitty comes in and someone writes that it is ok because lua works, something went wrong here 🤣
So I understand the discussion is over. Players who can write lua skillfully are more promoted and write about the practice. Bravo Bytie! Good job.
So I understand the discussion is over. Players who can write lua skillfully are more promoted and write about the practice. Bravo Bytie! Good job.
You can't use perfect slice double hit with lua
So I understand the discussion is over. Players who can write lua skillfully are more promoted and write about the practice. Bravo Bytie! Good job.
As I mentioned earlier if you read my message; skill is designed to make it hard and hopefully impossible to create a script to be automated, therefore need to be played manually.
none of the new up dates.Removed Psychic Arrows distance damage delay.Removed Ruthless Judgment distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Heart Collection Strike distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Puzzlement distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Warp Charge distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Weakening Weave Curse damage delay as of no projectile.Changed Knowledge Acquisition to restore 1 Psi every 3 seconds additionallythey all still delay and knowledge acquisition doesnt give the 1 psi
It's not in planned changes but in post patchnotes
Maybe you weren't in custom instances or atlas ch3?
Cause of this:
Following changes may not be available in all zones except custom instances & Atlantis CH3 and some changes may not be visible ingam tooltips but will affect damage/heal outputs accordingly, until next client patch.
For me it works.
Wardens are still too strong. Maybe introduce a limit for physical attack and damage at the pet per instance. Maybe it is easier to balance for the current and further instances if you introduce such a cap.
just a small comparison in dc from our today's run: https://gyazo.com/eda376092ceb2829041112c0f8eb7369
DPS have nearly equal gear state xD
nerf p/r
stronk like pudzianowski
I like the idea of keeping the nerfs to specific instances, since Wardens seem to be only too strong in Dark Core (high def instance).
However, I also want to mention, that Wardens are very support-dependant. Especially a good Wl/M who does not go afk and places Surge perfectly so that it hits the Warden and his pet goes a long way. A good Surge boosts Petdmg by more than 40%! This is too much.
This is a party from LivingLegends in the highest instance, so we can assume top Wl/M gameplay. To make Wardens less support-dependant which can be used to
1) nerf Wardens and to
2) make Wardens more playable with a shitty Wl/M
I propose to make all Warden Pets scale more with physical dmg instead of physical attack.
just a small comparison in dc from our today's run: https://gyazo.com/eda376092ceb2829041112c0f8eb7369
DPS have nearly equal gear state xD
Maybe if some people would beat more than 5kk dps then warden would have worse numbers?
Just loud thinking, when I don't heal at max concentration or when Im afk some time, the other heal have better healing than me, thats like normal thing I guess but could be wrong -
Instead of introducing restrictions for pets (because some guard in a weaker eq beat more than someone in a stronger eq and the latter cried), he would suggest giving all eqs the same level and then only get down to balancing the characters otherwise someone will always cry..... He also does not understand such an approach to the issue with 2-3 people crying that something beats harder and already changes are made.... Guard is not only DPS!!!!! So I would ask that this also be taken into account, however, and not on the line of least resistance "changes for each pet of the guard this".
Zamiast wprowadzać ograniczenia dla petów (bo jakiś strażnik w słabszym eq zbił więcej od kogoś w mocniejszym eq i ten drugi się popłakał), sugerowałby dać wszystkim eq na jednym poziomie i wtedy dopiero zabrać się za balans postaci inaczej zawsze ktoś będzie płakał..... Nie rozumie też takiego podejścia do sprawy ze 2-3 osoby się popłaczą, że coś mocniej bije i już są robione zmiany.... Strażnik to nie tylko DPS!!!!! Więc prosiłbym, żeby to też było jednak brane pod uwagę, a nie po linii najmniejszego oporu "zmiany dla każdego peta strażnik owego"