Regarding P / W
The class is just poor. I suggest you add him some buffing skills.
possibly go back to the times when the fairy could hit something
Regarding P / W
The class is just poor. I suggest you add him some buffing skills.
possibly go back to the times when the fairy could hit something
Regarding Scout/rouge and warden/rouge
Warden/rouge is totally to strong or scout/rogue is too weak. In AOE and Single target no chance even with better gear as scout. Warden/rogue did overall 20% more dmg o.o
first there was warden/scout now warden/rogue. who's next?)
Regarding Scout/rouge and warden/rouge
Warden/rouge is totally to strong or scout/rogue is too weak. In AOE and Single target no chance even with better gear as scout. Warden/rogue did overall 20% more dmg o.o
first there was warden/scout now warden/rogue. who's next?)
Just saying: all wardens doing most dmg in DC because of the pet. It is obvisiously that pets having 5kk+ attack doing most dmg when enemies have high def.
In other words: if it is this way in DC, warden pets are significantly stronger in next new instance.
I for myself try to be objectively and reported AFTER I tested with new set. But having card system max, 2-3 tiers higher gear, all runes higher and doing this far less damage, is not really balanced in my opinion.
There are leather classes (r/wl, r/bard) which can compete, but it's not the mentioned class.
And btw r/ch is very weak in DC because of the really low weapon level of 2h hammer the class have
set skill priest 80 and 85 lvl
why is there no physics bonus?
there is a priest/warrior that no one is playing at all at the moment. I made them 3 runs in the rofl and was very saddened.
-- Skill 499983 makes this class too slow. by the time you apply it, the boss will already be inactive.
I suggest reducing channel time to 0.2.
Remove the debuff from the target. Give the character a buff
This will make the application of skill 499981 smoother
Display Morefirst there was warden/scout now warden/rogue. who's next?)
Just saying: all wardens doing most dmg in DC because of the pet. It is obvisiously that pets having 5kk+ attack doing most dmg when enemies have high def.
In other words: if it is this way in DC, warden pets are significantly stronger in next new instance.
I for myself try to be objectively and reported AFTER I tested with new set. But having card system max, 2-3 tiers higher gear, all runes higher and doing this far less damage, is not really balanced in my opinion.
There are leather classes (r/wl, r/bard) which can compete, but it's not the mentioned class.
And btw r/ch is very weak in DC because of the really low weapon level of 2h hammer the class have
that's the thing, there are classes that can compete with warden. but you claim that he is very strong. There is
a scout/druid who I think is also very strong.
If you reduce the damage per, will the keeper do such damage himself?
For example, go to a lower dungeon and you will see how much WD are inferior in dmg compared to other classes
Let's remove the damage of the pet and you will see that no one will play it.
Display MoreDisplay MoreJust saying: all wardens doing most dmg in DC because of the pet. It is obvisiously that pets having 5kk+ attack doing most dmg when enemies have high def.
In other words: if it is this way in DC, warden pets are significantly stronger in next new instance.
I for myself try to be objectively and reported AFTER I tested with new set. But having card system max, 2-3 tiers higher gear, all runes higher and doing this far less damage, is not really balanced in my opinion.
There are leather classes (r/wl, r/bard) which can compete, but it's not the mentioned class.
And btw r/ch is very weak in DC because of the really low weapon level of 2h hammer the class have
that's the thing, there are classes that can compete with warden. but you claim that he is very strong. There is
a scout/druid who I think is also very strong.
If you reduce the damage per, will the keeper do such damage himself?
For example, go to a lower dungeon and you will see how much WD are inferior in dmg compared to other classes
Let's remove the damage of the pet and you will see that no one will play it.
First: I said warden to strong or scout/rouge to weak. See here:
Warden/rouge is totally to strong or scout/rogue is too weak. In AOE and Single target no chance even with better gear as scout. Warden/rogue did overall 20% more dmg o.o
That means, it is the choice of the devs / team what they do, if they do something.
Furthermore: Competing with warden, which has 2 tier lower weapon, 3 tier lower gear, no maxed card system and no XIII runes. Yes, very balanced for the leather classes Hats off for this statement
Regarding this:
For example, go to a lower dungeon and you will see how much WD are inferior in dmg compared to other classes
Ok, go abby and warden will do 10 x more dmg than scouts, because wardens have AOE without need of a target
Seems OP this class, don't you think so?
Zitat von Lutine: Ich für mich versuche objektiv zu sein und berichte NACHDEM ich mit neuem Set getestet habe. Aber ein maximales Kartensystem, 2-3 Stufen höhere Ausrüstung, alle Runen höher und dadurch viel weniger Schaden zu haben, ist meiner Meinung nach nicht wirklich ausgewogen.
Lutine hat Recht was die Ausgewogenheit der verschiedenen Klassenkombinationen betrifft. Klassen mit max T11 Ausüstung, Waffe max T14 - selten T15 ballern einen weg, dass nur noch ein Kopfschütteln übrig bleibt. Gab es früher relativ schnelle Änderungen um dies anzupassen so bleibt die Situation über Wochen und Monate gleich. Würde ich mit meiner Klasse auf T11, Waffe T15, kaum Titel und Karten runtergehen wäre nur noch die Möglichkeit auf Support zu gehen um dann die Chance zu haben weiterhin Random zu laufen. Also viel Spaß macht das nicht mehr.
Quote from Lutine: I try to be objective for myself and report AFTER I've tested with a new set. But having a maximum map system, 2-3 tiers higher gear, all runes higher and therefore much less damage is not really balanced in my opinion.
Lutine is right about the balance of the different class combinations. Classes with max T11 equipment, max T14 weapon - rarely T15 shoot you away that only a shake of the head remains. In the past, there were relatively quick changes to adjust this, so the situation remains the same for weeks and months. If I went down with my class to T11, weapon T15, hardly any titles and cards, the only option would be to go to support and then have the chance to continue running random. So it's not much fun anymore.
Poor warlocks say Hi ❤
And btw r/ch is very weak in DC because of the really low weapon level of 2h hammer the class have.
I ask for it some time ago. Please increase weapon lvl for 1h and 2h hammer.
Warden/Rogue for example if he gets Surge you have +20% Atk which will boost petdmg by almost 20%. If addionally Surge also hits Pet, it boost the petdmg by 20%. This is a dmgboost of 44% for pet.
Same applies with Tempo, SA or other grouprelated %atkbuffs which can also hit the pet.
This means 2 things:
1) Wardens are extremely dependant on a good Wl/Mage who uses Surge, so that it hits the Warden and the pet.
2) Without a good Surge or Tempbuffer or if your support sucks and clicks SA too late, you as Warden DPS disproportionally get punished for the lack of support.
Assuming optimal support and good timing AND an instance with highdef targets, yes Wardens are very strong, maybe too strong. However, if the support sucks or is semi-afk, the Warden will suffer more than other DPS-Classes.
On another note, the difference between T11 and T14 rings is less than it might seem. This is because %critical dmg is additive, not multiplicative. So just because someone spends x27 diamonds one 1 item does not mean they do best dmg. Maybe their lua, fps, ping, gameplay or the choice of class is not optimal or not specifically tailored to the group and instance in question. Sometimes even a lucky critical hit is all the difference especially as a Scout.
Greetings Blackkid
As for the scout.
S / R, although it has nice mechanics, I don't play it because it's just weak. Just like s / ch which has to be very close and takes increased damage, it is difficult to play. As for the differences in eq, supposedly 14 is not much better than 11 but still when you have fully assembled high tier equipment it makes a difference. And as it is already written about 20%, however, something is wrong with either wd / r or s /r. (I do not know how it is currently beating in wd / r because I do not have an active warden in the guild)
From my Testings ,
Most leather classes are fine as they are and can compete with most other classes / combinations . Just vs wardens there is no chance (magical or physical) , even when i have 1-2 tiers higher weapons /gear / runes etc.
Pets are just too strong vs high def mobs ( e.g darkcore )
Display MoreFrom my Testings ,
Most leather classes are fine as they are and can compete with most other classes / combinations . Just vs wardens there is no chance (magical or physical) , even when i have 1-2 tiers higher weapons /gear / runes etc.
Pets are just too strong vs high def mobs ( e.g darkcore )
maybe you are doing something wrong in your class, have you not thought about it?)
Display MoreDisplay MoreFrom my Testings ,
Most leather classes are fine as they are and can compete with most other classes / combinations . Just vs wardens there is no chance (magical or physical) , even when i have 1-2 tiers higher weapons /gear / runes etc.
Pets are just too strong vs high def mobs ( e.g darkcore )
maybe you are doing something wrong in your class, have you not thought about it?)
Im confident that i know what i am doing.
According to patchnotes it is you that should ask you this questions
(Dont take it serious, just Friendly banter)
I have idea to add parameter "Heal Power Rate" in healer buffs formula. Combinations P/K, Wd/P, D/P, P/D etc + Final Form heal gear (104) + accessory have this parameter (healing bonus, not to be confused with received healing). This is my opinion, but heal power rate should have very strong influence on buffs (more then wisdom and heal points together), because its not always easy to get it. It should return healer staff (dead D/P and P/D elite skills with staff, but i think they got very strong nerf), presumably after that Wd/P will start giving max attack in game. More stimulation to do gold gear.
As for R / P Maybe you could improve his single target a bit? He's got a great aoe but nothing else
give consideration of giving warlocks a boost and maybe some insta hits (less casting)
thank you
give consideration of giving warlocks a boost and maybe some insta hits (less casting)
thank you
whats a warlock?
Dark Core
Added Dread buff for all Warden pets that reduces attack power by 10% permanently.
zwierzątek strażników grających nie jako dps to może bym jednak nie ruszał...... bo nic dobrego z tego nie wyjdzie
A jak już pracujecie nad zmianami w zwierzątkach to sugeruje wyłączyć zwierzątka z taktyk na WB, dotyczy to głównie strażnika idącego w roli tanka
Warden pets playing not as DPS, maybe I would not move ...... because nothing good will come of it
And as you are already working on changes to pets, it suggests excluding pets from tactics on WB, it mainly concerns the Warden who is going to the tank
Display MoreRegarding:
- Added Dread buff for all Warden pets that reduces attack power by 10% permanently.
Byte the pets getting 10% MORE attack instead of less...
And yes, it is already implemented
Edit: and pets getting +10% dmg buff, just saying...
Yes can confirm.
https://gyazo.com/c9fed5754f1cf138131bea54b43a5a97 Outside of Darkcore
https://gyazo.com/2a612493fc42527849f47308b8d65cd8 Inside Darkcore
Thank you for all the warlock rework/changes, class isn't forgotten anymore. I apreciate it.
Display MoreRegarding:
- Added Dread buff for all Warden pets that reduces attack power by 10% permanently.
Byte the pets getting 10% MORE attack instead of less...
And yes, it is already implemented
Edit: and pets getting +10% dmg buff, just saying...
Ok the +dmg buff isn't really there. this is a result from the +10% attack buff so only 1 mistake xD
Thank you for all the warlock rework/changes, class isn't forgotten anymore. I apreciate it.
Warrior: increase the maximum level of the katana at level 105 to 185, as it is on the rogue.