Posts by Yukki


    it's true, as a beginner player left without the support of experienced players, you can quickly give up on the game. The various activities the game offers can be overwhelming from the very beginning. I agree that it is worth spending time to improve the introduction of new players to the game world. In my opinion, it will be a good idea to rebuild the packages for beginners - let the packages for players offer items that will actually help them in the game, for example magical perfumes, coupons for the mirror world, coupons for minigames. The reconstruction should also include packages from level 1.

    I support increasing the amount of gold for completing missions. I also want to draw attention to the honor party system, which could be combined with the team search option (I mean the "little guy" icon in the upper left corrner which opens the window with team joining preferences)

    Ps. While browsing the forum, I came across a thread from a year and a half ago devoted to the same issue. I thought it might be worth adding it here as a refresher

    Overall I agree with your point,but Item shop packages rebuild is a bad idea tbh yes I understand your idea but as a newbie no one wants to spend few thousand dias or hear from others oh yeah in order to start the game go to the item shop and buy packages.Oh you don't have dias yet? No Problem just spend 30 Euro since you need backspace,prestige if you want to skip that,Transport items,etc etc etc etc..... Tarsq ideas would fit more into a way to make it easier for newbies to make it into the game since the current starter gear that you gain is way to underwhelming at this point especially since the release of corrupted weapons. In my opinion starters should gain a gear that would allow them to fast get to a point where rofl is doable. Very low amount of players like to hear oh yeah in Order to run HM instances or the third lowest 12 player raid you already need to grind your soul out of your life since it will be months of grinding gold and other stuff....

    Can we please get another way of gaining the Injectors? ID(1244820)?

    Since the time got reduced from 60min to 30min what proly no one wanted and needed (thank you "best" for suggesting sth like that). They became rly rare and auction house prices getting higher and higher saw 1 stack for 550 rn.

    since the amount of minigames you need to do in Order to get enough of them is rly high rn and no one wants to do multiple runs every day of minigames to have enough for instance runs...

    Would be nice if we could get a recipe to craft it with arcadia coins like most of other buff food or maybe put it also in item shop for ~ same price as other buff food for example ID(202242, 241691)

    Greetings Miraiyu

    You mean your getting copied? Your serious? I don't want to offend someone but I think it's really obvious what the "meta" is and most end game players know which class combis are strong they most proly play classes and test them because they can read patch notes imagine.... ,only people that might copie without having clue are low lvls and newbies and I can't understand why it should be bad if they look into leaderboard and play stuff very high people play to be inside "meta" you can't tell every newbie or casual to always know about all classes and combinations and which on is strong^ but just my opinion so yeah I can understand Idhrils statement

    Hey Everyone,

    Today I wanted to share some ideas that I had recently for a challenge System,a few days ago I found a Straw Pole for content that players want and one of the highest was a Reward System for

    completing old Zones (I don't know if this is already in development progress) But I through it would be nice to come up with some Suggestions what could be done to make it worth for everyone and also give people a lot to do so that they won't get bored in end game :D

    First of all I would Suggest each Zone to have few things needed to be done

    -> collect all cards of the zone at least once

    -> visit few special places special to the zone

    ->loot at least idk 200-300 of each Ressource(Wood,Iron,Flowers)

    -> kill bosses of each Zone at least once (also hillarzu,Aisha etc)

    -> clear the instance of the zone once in highest mode possible

    -> craft items that are on the lvl of the zone (one for each Crafting)

    -> catch a caviar inside the zone

    -> clear all quests that can be done inside zone

    -> gather all possible titles from the zone

    That are some examples that could be done in order to make it challenging ofc how much and if everything needs to be done or less or even more is up to the devs but I would be very glad to hear from other players as well

    If it comes to Rewards I would suggest that players can gain little amount of for example Item shop items or dias for completing all tasks of a zone

    For example if you do all quest Ofc Something like Candara zones would give more than Zandorya since they are way more quests in Candara.

    Ofc it doesn't have to be diamonds could be Gold or other Stuff as well.

    Also I would introduce something special for completing all continents

    What came into my mind would be a Special Pet that needs to be crafted through shards from each continent.Means If you finish all zones of Candara you receive a shard,same for Zandorya,Gerador.... Those shards can be combined and if you got all you will gain a special pet that will give you some bonus (through about something like dracos) 15% all attribute,5% etc and can be used together with draco buffs. This would add a very great system and would be a very nice reward for doing everything and would be a very nice competitive content since end game players as well as new players can work on it and even high ends would be interested in doing it for a pet that would be something very special that not everyone can easily get.

    This would also help new players to get into the game and have ways to improve their starter gear.

    As others already mentioned Instances should give more mementos(like seriously 5k memos for 250 dias is a joke these days, I mean it's the only Methode to generate dias inside the game without paying real money and even if you clear grotto of horrors hm in 3 min you still can only gain around 250-500 dias within an hour and that clear rate is even as end game player a hard thing to do .Also Mini games should get reworked and give more useful rewards.Rightnow newbies only have very low chances of gaining dias and best way is gold farming for end game players(this can't be a real thing to tell every newbie "yeah in order to build your gear and progress inside the game you need to farm gold for few weeks,2-3 hours a day")thats not how server economy should work.

    I would be very glad about feedback from community and also from devs ^^

    Hey,thanks for the buffs ^^ just wanted to adress something regarding Skill(ID 499583) on Scout/Druid,all changes are good so far besides this one, i cant understand why we needed this skill to gain a AOE to manually press,it kills the rotation inside burst since most skills are designed to come out very fast and at this point building in a aoe while having a class that is designed to do very many hits with as much attack speed as possible just feels completly wrong.Its nearly impossible to use it now since we would need kill a lot of time for pressing and aiming this aoe since it is extremly tiny while also wasting a lot of potetial time where we could do 10 other hits inside this window again...

    Suggestion would be make it aoe but same way as Skill (ID 490400) or as Skill(ID 490457) so that we dont have to use a tiny aoe on moving bosses while trying to burst...

    also it feels like the skill sometimes buggs out (hdo,necro etc...)

    would be glad to hear from other Scouts and how they experience it rn.

    I feel same as Cruvor and Ramer,

    Especially with Casting Curse ID 494040

    I also feel like this skill is a bit of a waste in a Rotation tryed it without and with the skill and feels like it should have lower cast time or also cast time removal since in the time I cast it I could do 10 hits which is why this skill rn rly feels like it is useless

    Tbh as a competitive player I really like the Idee of Cosmo before I started playing Chronicles,I was a very good end game player of bns,they had something called challenge mode for dungeons with various weekly changing buffs just like he said in his post.Also doing something with farming gold at the same time would be a great Idee VoR rly isn't something anyone likes.But as Idhril said a NPC or Wall inside Dungeon would be needed so not everyone is affected by those changes.A lot of people still can't do the HM instances because they don't find groups that would be able to run through it.Those people would have even more problems if they wouldn't be able to change mode by free will.