
  • Hi i want to suggest a new approche/rework to Warden/Scout i would like to play a warden to full potential with Dex gear with the ability to be played from range to fit the style of the pet.Rightnow i think we dont have any warden that is able to be played with leather dex gear instead of str.

    I think it would be realy cool and fitting for Warden/Scout so my suggestion would be to let it scale better with dex than with str to make it possible to play it to full potential with Dex gear. Also make it able to use Daggers.

    for example (Skill ID 493409) would then increase Bow/Crossbow dmg instead of two handed wep dmg aswell as some other skill that buffs two hand dmg rightnow i think it is (ID 493347)

    and (Skill ID 493407) would then increase hp and dex instead of hp and str.

    This basically was also done with Scout/Warrior but for chain in the other way.

    Would be realy great if this works.

    Greetings Miraiyu

  • I heavily disagree with this approach.

    I'm all for more class variety, but in a way that adds to the current playstyle instead of destroying the former one. Like the aforementioned Scout/Warrior, which btw is still better in leather gear compared to chain. A possible idea would be to add patk from dex to one of the elites.

    An entire rework would be terrible for people that already build weapons for this specific class combination.

  • I heavily disagree with this approach.

    I'm all for more class variety, but in a way that adds to the current playstyle instead of destroying the former one. Like the aforementioned Scout/Warrior, which btw is still better in leather gear compared to chain. A possible idea would be to add patk from dex to one of the elites.

    An entire rework would be terrible for people that already build weapons for this specific class combination.

    I agree with your point ,but because I think it would just be fair if one chain would be for dex aswell, but I am not Warden expert so maybe you have a better idea,because i think all wardens that are around rn would if changed be "destroyed" and i think warden/scout would fit inside a rework,but maybe i overlooked a other combination? Q.Q

    I mean they could do it like they did with scout/mage perhaps so that it has a version with strengh and one with dex maybe?

    I also know about that it would "destroy" this class otherwhise but reworks sadly work like that, but if more people disagree than agree its obvius that it wont happen even tho i would realy wish for it ^

  • I also know about that it would "destroy" this class otherwhise but reworks sadly work like that

    Imho a "rework" is not "destroying" a class. Classes got reworks because nobody played this class because of reasons or the class itself is useless. Last example the reworked scout/knight. It was a leather dps before (quite useless tbh) and after the rework it is still a leather dps.

    An other example is the rogue/knight, which was a quite useless dps and after the rework it's still the same quite useless dps xD but a possible tank now.

    Imagine you play a class since years and love and then the class gets a "rework" in a way, that you cannot play it anymore with your entire gear?

    Open any class for an other equipment type (additionally) is an option but if classes are popular and massively played by ppl, "reworks" shouldn't change the requirement to play it :)


  • "Open any class for an other equipment type (additionally) is an option but if classes are popular and massively played by ppl, "reworks" shouldn't change the requirement to play it :)"

    I agree with your point also i already said that i can understand that it would be bad for players if it would completly get changed but already added yesterday that it would be nice if they would do it the same way they did with scout/mage.

  • As I wrote, adding physical attack from dexterity to one of the elite skills could be an option. That way leather players could gain access to a pet class, while nothing changes for those already playing it.