Posts by Byte

    The buff that people get inside the ini giving mdmg and pdmg when you have a new weapon should be changed to the same dmg kind as iron blood will buff. Not all the classes benefit the same from it right now.

    Now a question. The 15% accuracy this buff give? It works the same for all classes? Don't leathers get waaaaay more advantage from it than other classes since dex give base accuracy? I'm not sure so I ask.

    Mentioned buffs are already providing equal amount of damage to classes, working exactly as Ironblood Will, except visually increasing damage. Physical boost of mentioned effect is split into main/offhand weapon damage so unlike Physical Damage boost, it isn't boosting equipment bonuses.


    Every skill has a base Hit Rate, which is usually 99% and has a decrement per level difference which is usually 0/1/2/9%. This is calculated like; 99 - level difference * accuracy decrement per level of skill. Raw Accuracy is subtracted from this Resist Rate through various formulas and % Accuracy is doing same except the process of transforming Raw Accuracy to % Value.

    We are aware that some spells have excessive Resist Rate and working on it to reduce them to a reasonable value currently.


    All classes should have 285 level weapon for the weapons they use. It's stupid some have 285 and others 220, it makes no sense. If checking subclass by subclass is too much work, add 285 to every class in all weapons and easy fix.

    Common Resist is not related with weapon level. If your spell is results being a Resist, only way to improve it is more accuracy.

    Weapon level is affecting only Miss, which magical spells can do too, which is a lot less frequent compared to Resist caused by level difference.

    If certain class spell is Resisting more than others, it is a matter of balance which will be investigated further.


    Yes, it is relying on your weapon level; resist rate is working same as dodge rate now, just depending on magical attributes instead.


    The thing won't be "fixed" because this is how heal formula is working currently, the visible value is not representing the heal output directly. There won't be any 2.39x increment on this until, if happens, we rework the heal output formula.



    • Fixed Holy Light Domain wasn’t inflicting damage properly.

    It does now damage again, but it is removed/shut down again, if you stay and don't run.... Yesterday it was perfect. it wasnt cancelled


    There was a small flaw in buff checker, it should be fine now.


    R / S - trying today on DC with this combination I noticed that although I used runes for accuracy and the title up to 300% accuracy, skill ID 491532 had almost 69% dodges, where on ROFL this level is about 20%. I know that rebuilding it and increasing its chance of hitting it will result in too high dps on lower instances than DC. Therefore, I suggest changing the system to - not a chance to dodge, but a chance to hit the target and give the indicator initially to 70%


    Hi, I would like to suggest removing gcd on R/S Precicion buff , to make this class more fluent to play when you have to use this buff while you are on combat

    We do not plan to change these.


    Could you check which weapon accuracy is shot using? im having crazy miss rates in dark core. If is bow, any chance to increase bow level? or stick shot to main hand weapon level?

    Why isn't magic dmg affecting pet dmg? catalysis (for example) or tamb are totally useless. Our burst is totally dependant on supports magical attack extra buffs, our selfbuffs do nothing :D

    Mentioned skill is using ranged weapon level for initial miss rate, missing the first physical hit will cause other hits to be resisted/missed too.

    Because Flame Spirit does not have any magical damage scaling. It is just having magical damage from having more magical attack, which is a fixed rate for all NPCs. We do not plan to add a magical damage scaling to this pet, currently.


    ...results in a reduction of 53% on single targets, which also seems to be available for W/K and all the other /K classes, which is awesome! :thumbup:

    I think it's calculated the other way. 100 patk * 0.68 (threaten) * 0.84 (Strik of Punishment). That will result in 43% reduction. I doubt the debuffs will be multiplied against each other. That would a unique mechanic that I've never saw in this game

    Physical Attack and Physical Damage reductions applied to a NPC aren't behaving as you may expect. NPCs are losing excessive damage/attack than actual loss, and losing physical attack will also reduce physical damage of NPC too in a certain rate which we cannot share for now.


    There is no such thing as "physical light damage" in fact. Both Tsunami and Whirlwind Shield inflicts magical light damage, but damage will be considered as physical in terms of breaching immunities, if skill is physical.

    I assume this is a problem with damage calculation where if first damage of a skill is physical (non-elemental), other hits are being calculated with its dodge result instead of magical attributes, means magical parts will resist. Since Whirlwind Shield is inflicting both elemental damage, it doesn't have this issue. We will think about how to fix this issue.


    There is no timer.


    Resist can occur with elemental damage rather than magical. Tsunami is inflicting light damage which could be resisted, is same as dodge of non-elemental physical spells.


    But wouldn't it be better to change to physical light damage like Whirlwind Shield? Whirlwind Shield never resisting.

    Resisting is as far as I observered always on magical skills depending on magical precision and a knight don't have many magical precision :D

    There is no damage type difference between Whirlwind Shield and Tsunami set skill.



    the level 85 Knight ISS (ID 490359) has very often RESIST in dark core.

    It seems like it is magic calculated, but knight should be calculated depending on weapon level

    Resist can occur with elemental damage rather than magical. Tsunami is inflicting light damage which could be resisted, is same as dodge of non-elemental physical spells.


    Loot distribution is personal and not getting affected by raid. If you get 'Dark Core' from any source, your loot amount will look like the following;

    Random 1 times
    Random 2 times
    Random 3 times

    Random 4 times
    39 - (Random 1 + Random2 + Random3 + Random 4) times

    Which sums to 39 total in 5 runs.

    Purpose is to increase value of bulk amount of runs instead.


    Also, can you please tell what is ultimate matching piece? Is it golden rofl or mega comfortable sock that fits the other sock? You wouldn't be yourself writing about this straight enough, not poems, would you?


    Ultimate items are golden rarity items that are mentioned in previous contents NPC dialogues several times.


    Range limit is actually 1000, but buff is disappearing due to another issue and unusable currently. Will be fixed with next zone restart tonight.


    Are you planning to cap the durability of the new weapons at 120 in the future ?

    Or can we safely use titanium hammers to 144 ?

    Edit: Nvm, should have read hammer tooltip. Question stays though.

    We will not reduce maximum durability of new weapons. We currently do not plan to change 120 limit for hammers, but will discuss with the team.

    You can explain why you don't change the dexterity and strength coefficient on the skin grades, and instead you conspire to the point where you don't know how to stagnate anymore and whether in 2-3 months your skin stats will not change. Write your plan for this type of equipment so that players know what to do and what to expect.


    We do not want to make old equipments obsolete yet providing different build setup option for future equipment. We still do not plan to change any attack ratio of leather classes.
