Posts by xLutinex

    What exactly do you mean with "server drop rates" ?

    Base drop chance for new cards ar elike

    green 1% ==> max 10%, so with 1000% drop bonus from buffs/pet/potions etc. will give a max 10% drop rate, correct ?

    blue 2% ==> max 20% so with 1000% drop rate bonsu will givethis ? In practise, this also caps aout at 10% i think, never ever get to 20%.

    and what exactly are server drop rates in this regard ?

    blue cards are not always "elite" mobs. the percentages are based on monster type, not card rarity


    that are server rates


    • Fixed server drop rate bonuses weren’t removed from obtaining new system monster cards.

    it is now really really bad getting cards. full grafu run with around 1200 drop rate and around 10 cards in total by so many mobs and bosses? :O

    please check and adjust.


    Reduced offensive attributes of Insidious Bears during Annelia fight

    Reduced damage of Quick Claw Swipe Dot.

    Finally Chain gear can tank again? x.x

    It was supposed to tank with 2 Tanks in original form and I could even tanked both bears before nerf now x.x boring tank instance again.

    I don't know, but the only interesting part as a tank is "how much can I survive". Ask other real tanks that love tanking

    Deleted bcs I can't read english very well

    Reason for immune is due to fixing issues with how mobs were originally aggroing to meat (Or often not in the past). We want players to engage with tactic, rather then skipping this and instead allowing tank to replace the meat. Currently there is no plans to change this.

    Event is not accurate enough. Mobs ignore food. Waves spawning faster than food is respawned. Mobs has eaten food before all were close together. It is luck based atm and a kiting fiesta


    I guess the tank artefact is kinda weird / not really usefull.

    • Especially as knight with ISS, you absorb a lot of dmg and don't get stacks.
    • on mobbing / trashing the buff is not triggered on all dmg instances. for example it seems that mob skills does not trigger it, only auto attack. it's really really rare up
    • if the use of the artefact is for more aggro -> for burst it is even useless, bcs you literally have 0 stacks for first ~10-15 seconds and they disappear fast. You dodge quite often
    • Incoming damage to buff conversion only 10% -> maybe increase?

    maybe a slight change is needed on any of those points to make it usefull. I guess the intention was more aggro for tanks? While jumping in and initiating combats, you don't have any benefit. Mobs getting stunned and mostly you have no benefit in a full trash fight, especially as knight

    I know, I tried all.

    My info is for all who still have problems to fix it

    Can you provide steps to reproduce the issue?


    Sadly no. It was patching and problem exists even with no addon and interface resetting in launcher.

    The actionbar behavior was also, that they always move together, if I move 1. that was weird.

    But as it is a problem which occured after patching and login, without any action from my side, I cannot say how to reproduce sadly. I just can give a workaround for ppl who still have that problem

    Edit: What I did not tried is a complete deinstall and reinstall of the game, but as long as the workaround works for me, I don't want to do that :D

    I know, I tried all.

    My info is for all who still have problems to fix it

    Visual Changes

    • Action Bars: Fixed bars were resetting position.

    Doesn't work.

    The Workaround what works is the following:

    • searching ActionbarFrame Positions in savevariables.lua
    • write a lua function that set actionbar frame position like following for all actionbars:
      • _G["MainActionBarFrame"]:ClearAllAnchors();
        _G["MainActionBarFrame"]:SetAnchor("BOTTOMRIGHT", "BOTTOMRIGHT", "UIParent", X, Y);
    • Register Event "LOADING_END" and "UPDATE_PARALLEL" to fix actionbar position after login and after channel changing
      • if (event == "LOADING_END" or event == "UPDATE_PARALLEL") then


    Again, I repeat a simple idea, I'm not talking about killing a tank with a one hit or in 5 seconds stun, I also believe that dps should not kill a 1x1 tank. But when I hit less than I get back the damage from the spikes, it's stupid. I rather report the lack of damage on rogue relative to other dps.

    Btw we saw that your gear is not even finished. Mostly all items only 3 stats and all only T7. Maybe you didnt even used buffood?

    Comparing that against full geared t11 players is not fair to complain

    As far as I saw, an enemy was at max range behind a tower. maybe 250-300.

    Either way, I suggest also to not letting the capture bar being progressed as long as all 3 guards are standing inactive without aggro. Siege war should be a fight mode and no hide & run (+ capture the "flag") xD

    Its most likely the same bug that even on offical server never was fixed and most likely overlooked because very low players played siege on this server (until recently). If it is the same bug still around its mostly comes to good timing with rouge -> click tower and insta hide (if fast enough guards will not take aggro). But its jsut a through on what could be the matter since i never tryed it out on this server or played pvp at all. But yeah should get fixed since its true that otherwhise its hide and seek xDDD

    As Cruvor said it should only be possible to take towers if guards are dead, having them in fight wont solve it since people can just run in with a tank and use rouge hide again while tank goes away or (if possible on the server) use a immune food/skill to take over the tower.

    You dont need to click tower to capture it right now. You just need to stay nearby. But you can stay far away and capture

    It is not possible to capture tower under hide or invis effect.


    then something is wrong. Had it happen 2-3x in last sw that our tower was captured without guards moving and no enemy nearby. Maybe also good old battleground lag not showing player?.

    Either way, capturing outside range shouldnt be possible


    As far as I saw, an enemy was at max range behind a tower. maybe 250-300.

    Either way, I suggest also to not letting the capture bar being progressed as long as all 3 guards are standing inactive without aggro. Siege war should be a fight mode and no hide & run (+ capture the "flag") xD

    One more small request, pls redo stat on the first screenshot, i dont understand why in the second line the stat has a value of 2 for stamina, although all other similar stats have a value of 5 (example on second screenshot)

    that's not correct. there are at least 3 stats which has lower stamina value on the second line.

    Also there are more other stats, that has specific lower values on the second line. Maybe intended or not, but you example is not the only stat


    Maybe as a rogue (p-dps) it is not intended to kill a tank class, which does literally 0 damage, that you can kill it in 5 seconds? the tank can't also kill you in 5 seconds :P

    I'm talking about the complete lack of damage. If you think that hitting a character with 700k+ HP for a couple thousand damage is normal, then there's nothing to talk about) Despite the fact that there is a bard/scout, who is also a pdps and deals serious damage to the tank.

    I think that ranged skills has an issue. But I also think that a pdps will hit a tank in the same range of damage, like tanks hitting pdps, if the tanks have a lot of def

    Due to the poor balance of incoming and outgoing damage, PvP is still unplayable, primarily due to one-shots, although not every class is capable of them. On a rogue, I don't always have enough damage to kill in 5-7 seconds of stun when dealing multiple blows, and with similar gear. When players come out of the stun, they most often kill me for a one hit. This is especially true for bards, who still deal incredible damage. I would also note that it is impossible to kill a tank on a rogue, hits that I deal to a warden/champion or warden/knight are simply ridiculous.

    Maybe as a rogue (p-dps) it is not intended to kill a tank class, which does literally 0 damage, that you can kill it in 5 seconds? the tank can't also kill you in 5 seconds :P

    Aswell, can you look into distributing Atlas Coins more fairly ?
    Our Tank got 800 , when i got 2.000.

    Maybe include damage taken or similar into account would help ?^

    (Or make it similar to how AC are distributed in Zhargos Worldboss, split it evenly for everyone in the party)

    Afaik dmg taken and healing done is considered but is treated with same values like dmg taken.

    Farmers also can't get enough and the person who will upgrade whole time will get nearly nothing.

    I would also suggest therefore to distribute atlas coins and badges like zhargos worldboss.

    Calculating each individual player, make the sum of all (from each guild) and distribute it even on everyone of a guild. So ppl will do every job in siege war without having the fear to get less benefits

    I also know about that it would "destroy" this class otherwhise but reworks sadly work like that

    Imho a "rework" is not "destroying" a class. Classes got reworks because nobody played this class because of reasons or the class itself is useless. Last example the reworked scout/knight. It was a leather dps before (quite useless tbh) and after the rework it is still a leather dps.

    An other example is the rogue/knight, which was a quite useless dps and after the rework it's still the same quite useless dps xD but a possible tank now.

    Imagine you play a class since years and love and then the class gets a "rework" in a way, that you cannot play it anymore with your entire gear?

    Open any class for an other equipment type (additionally) is an option but if classes are popular and massively played by ppl, "reworks" shouldn't change the requirement to play it :)


    Hi Ikaria ,

    is it intended, that the healer stats with bonus heal has stats like m-atk and int on it? it's quite useless for healers.

    It's maybe better to change m-atk and int on those stats to HP, Pdef, Mdef or Stamina?


    I have also an idea for tank classes in pvp who dont do damage.

    For future pvp skills, give them a single/aoe taunt. Change taunt in pvp to following:

    • Adds a debuff on target. While under the effect of the debuff, your damage will be reduced by x% when hitting anyone except the player who taunted you

    What I mean is, with taunt debuff you still do 100% damage to the player who taunted you, but to everyone else you do a lot less damage as long as the is up.

    That would bring a tactical benefit for tank players, who loves tanking but not doing damage

    The problem is that tanks on sieges have difficulties with tanking at least 1 bard skill, so your proposal will make little sense until the damage is cut at least to them. (The screenshots show the damage to our tank Vovochka, he has fully made gear like on last screen)

    as mentioned in a post more above, the plate set should get an overhaul anyway

    I have also an idea for tank classes in pvp who dont do damage.

    For future pvp skills, give them a single/aoe taunt. Change taunt in pvp to following:

    • Adds a debuff on target. While under the effect of the debuff, your damage will be reduced by x% when hitting anyone except the player who taunted you

    What I mean is, with taunt debuff you still do 100% damage to the player who taunted you, but to everyone else you do a lot less damage as long as the is up.

    That would bring a tactical benefit for tank players, who loves tanking but not doing damage


    For example the healer set bonus is more defensive and the def and mdef of the healer items are higher than from plate.

    Few thoughts:

    • Remove the p-attack stats from items
    • Switch str and stamina stat values from items (right now you have a lot of str and low amount of stamina on items)
    • Add parry
    • Increase DMG reduction set bonus to the level of healer set
    • Increase pdef of items itself significantly
    • Increase LP stats of items slightly

    Plate should be the most defensive gear in my opinion. If you want to be offensive as knight, you can wear chain items :)

    Or maybe you think it doesnt fit in your plans for PvP to have pure defensive items?


    Ikaria is it intended, that the plate pvp gear is mostly the same like the chain gear? the only difference it more or less in the pdef / mdef of plate and chain (chain has more mdef but less pdef) ?

    I mean there is even a set with more dmg mitigation as set bonus than plate. plate has also no parry and so on.

    Will the plate set be reworked? I just realized it.

    If not, is it possible to change the already plussed set to another one via support (after this hilarious plussing of pvp items x.x) ?


    But ppl never running DC wouldnt know exactly WHY the shield is build there where it was. It is clear, if you know that the boss spawns there and will do a cast, which is doing damage on the raid and will be prevented by standing in the shield.

    Without exact explanations, WHY things are done, ppl will just copy without any clue of "why" and just do it, bcs "it works".

    Sorry for my criticism, but imho guides should explain things very detailed.

    I mean, even the fact for b2 "tactic is played in the cave front left" is just where you did it in the video, but where you do it is a free choice for example :)