I only checked b1 tactic and then stopped watching it (sry xD)
B1 tactic is not correct.
- only 4 mobs need to be made green with the item. 1 mob is still green at start
- description where to get the item is missing
- not the tank is to be forced to make the mobs green or build the shield. everyone in the party can do that.
- shield will not be built with the item. you get extra skills from green mobs by talking to them
- where to put the shield and the meaning of the shield is missing, that ppl need to stand in there
Some few hints ppl don't know, when they never see this instance before 
where to get the item can be seen in vid rly good, normaly tanks play it in random runs never saw someone else do it, shield tacktic will be corrected ty for informing me about it,- ( had my info from a guide to b1 will correct in there aswell) Meaning of shield is clear due to need to be build ,- meaning of shield can also be seen in the vid material.
Rest of boss mechanics should be correct and dont have any mistakes
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But ppl never running DC wouldnt know exactly WHY the shield is build there where it was. It is clear, if you know that the boss spawns there and will do a cast, which is doing damage on the raid and will be prevented by standing in the shield.
Without exact explanations, WHY things are done, ppl will just copy without any clue of "why" and just do it, bcs "it works".
Sorry for my criticism, but imho guides should explain things very detailed.
I mean, even the fact for b2 "tactic is played in the cave front left" is just where you did it in the video, but where you do it is a free choice for example