Reworked Monster Cards [Patch]

    • Official Post

    The idea is a good one, we'll look into something like that.

  • With most recent patch there were some changes to monster card compendium.

    First, all cards seem to show 4 attributes, when in reality most of them do not have 4. also for red cards shows 4 attributes. this is not helpful when sorting by attribute number^^

    second observation:

    when using item 1244417 - it should usually just change the number of attributes (randomly) on the card, without asking

    annoying confirm dialogue. recently, there is a dialogue, this is annoying, as the chance to get a desired outcome is very low, it is necessery to use it MANY times, always having this dialogue is extremely annoying.

    so, please remove this dialogue, or make at least a checkbox so people can decide if the want to see this.

    There was a condirmation in the past, when the attribute had MAX vakue, but this is for all values, no matter what....

    also the info shown... does not even show the attribute for which this dialogue may appear^^

    edit: the same applies to itemd 1244419, this is intended to change a random attribute, gives same dialogue, again, without telling the attribute's name (the space is empty).

  • Hi Rake

    the mob with the card ID 778361 seems only to spawn once after a server restart.

    So if we have a maintenance every 2 weeks, there is 1 chance for 1 player in 2 weeks to get the card :D

    Can you change the mob to respawn regularly?


    • Official Post

    This issue should be fixed as of ~5 minutes ago.


  • Tell me how it is that in some zones the mobs respawn the moment or a few seconds after they are slaughtered, while in others you have to wait indefinitely. Please solve this problem and make this time standardised so that the mobs respawn fairly quickly and so that card farming goes smoothly.

    • Official Post

    Tell me how it is that in some zones the mobs respawn the moment or a few seconds after they are slaughtered, while in others you have to wait indefinitely. Please solve this problem and make this time standardised so that the mobs respawn fairly quickly and so that card farming goes smoothly.


    It is quite difficult to standarize it without breaking logic of lore quests, zone events, difficulty for players and so on. Please tell us examples of monsters which are good and bad, and we will take a look specifically into them.


  • A good example of efficiently respawning mobs is the Redhill Mountains zone. Thunderhoof Hills, on the other hand, might be a bad example.

  • This "issue" is real, but, n the other hand, all other players in the passing years had to farm these mobs with exact this low respawn rate. So i think it might que quite unfair to change/reduce the respawn time for players who farms these mobs now. It is time consuming, yes, and i wished the respawn would be better, but... from the beginning, not now.

    You could consider to analyze this for the zones, which are not yet changed to the new card system and make adjustments BEFORE you implement the new system, to have fair chance for everybody.

    In this game, not all is really standard as it should be, or as you would assume it should be....

    • Official Post

    This "issue" is real, but, n the other hand, all other players in the passing years had to farm these mobs with exact this low respawn rate. So i think it might que quite unfair to change/reduce the respawn time for players who farms these mobs now. It is time consuming, yes, and i wished the respawn would be better, but... from the beginning, not now.

    You could consider to analyze this for the zones, which are not yet changed to the new card system and make adjustments BEFORE you implement the new system, to have fair chance for everybody.

    In this game, not all is really standard as it should be, or as you would assume it should be....

    However everyone had same chance to suggest it earlier, same as people not report bugs and then expect them to be fixed. This game is too large for such small team to be aware of every mistake / place of potential improvement. Hence I wouldn't consider blocking changes only because it was different earlier. Especially this might be part of catch-up for new players.


  • I suggested/reported to balance the Yrvantis dungeon lvl 8-10 to have the same card rearities, as they should have compared to other dungeaons, especially to the samel lvl 8-10 range dungeon in howling mountains.

    Yrvantis has green trash mob cards, boss is blue, meaning, it requires at least 485 kills of the boss hence dungeon runs to bring the card to lvl 5. whereas Anglo, the ebd boss in the same lvl dungeon in howling mountains is purple, requires "only" 243 kills a t least.

    My suggestions was "put down" because it would be unfair to other players who might have done this before, although i doubt many people did 485 dungeon runs in yrvantis....

  • Hi,idk if any1 have suggested about second deck cards but here is my opinion. I was playing all the time pdd classes and all of my cards are str/dex/patk and atm i wanna make second deck of cards and they needs to be upgraded with boost witch is rly expensive since we have 2k + cards lets say each is 600 dias thats insane number or lets say we need to farm them to lvl 5 star is insane amount of time.
    I would like to suggest that we could maybe farm it again all over like we farmed for deck I and upgrade it to another stats like int/matk or pdd/stam or any other we need like we did it on deck I it will help players to make more then one deck of cards and play tank,mdd,pdd or healer class as most of players have 2 or more gears.

    thanks in forward

  • Hello,

    I have a question I want to ask. There are cards for some quests in the game. We can only do these quests once. When I press (P), how will I meet the required features for the card obtained from this quest?

    Example: As you can see in the information I have given below, we can only do this Quest once.

    When I press (P), I see that the game wants me to kill this creature many times, get this card many times, and if I meet these conditions, I complete this card collection.

    Since this quest is done once, how can I kill this creature as many times as desired?

    Since this quest is done once, how can I get this creature's card so many times?

    Card ID: 770051 [Card - Dreamlands Demon]

    Quest ID: 420043 [Nightmare]

    • Official Post


    Hi,idk if any1 have suggested about second deck cards but here is my opinion. I was playing all the time pdd classes and all of my cards are str/dex/patk and atm i wanna make second deck of cards and they needs to be upgraded with boost witch is rly expensive since we have 2k + cards lets say each is 600 dias thats insane number or lets say we need to farm them to lvl 5 star is insane amount of time.
    I would like to suggest that we could maybe farm it again all over like we farmed for deck I and upgrade it to another stats like int/matk or pdd/stam or any other we need like we did it on deck I it will help players to make more then one deck of cards and play tank,mdd,pdd or healer class as most of players have 2 or more gears.

    thanks in forward

    Let me share some crucial insights about the existing system:

    The game implements a well-thought-out economic model for the second deck, where:

    1. Beyond diamonds, there's an alternative currency available for setting attributes in your second deck. This significantly reduces the pressure on your primary resource.
    2. There's a interconnection system between decks: the cost of setting specific attributes in your second deck directly correlates with the attributes chosen in your first deck.
    3. By taking a strategic approach to attribute selection in your main deck, considering the current meta, you can substantially optimize the costs for developing your second deck.

    This design philosophy helps maintain the value of in-game achievements while providing flexible opportunities for developing alternative builds without excessive grinding.

    Thanks for posting about the situation with the Dreamlands Demon card. We will look into this discrepancy between the Nightmare quest and the card collection requirements.

  • Merhaba,

    (P) bastığımda açılan Canavar Kitabı ara yüzünde, Geçerli Bölge seçip buranın SAHİP OLMADIĞIM kartlarını görmek istiyorum ve sanırım böyle bir seçenek yok.

    Bence aşağıdaki resimde göründüğü yere sahip olunmayan kartları göster gibi bir buton veya seçenek eklenirse çok hoş olabilir. Teşekkür ederim.

    • Official Post


    (P) bastığımda açılan Canavar Kitabı ara yüzünde, Geçerli Bölge seçip buranın SAHİP OLMADIĞIM kartlarını görmek istiyorum ve sanırım böyle bir seçenek yok.

    Bence aşağıdaki resimde göründüğü yere sahip olunmayan kartları göster gibi bir buton veya seçenek eklenirse çok hoş olabilir. Teşekkür ederim.

    You can use this button to reverse sorting order.


  • There are afew more cards related to quests, or questitems.


    Quest ID: 425020 [Gegenangreifer] - this quest is race dependend (dwarf only)

    Card ID: 771251 / Mob-ID: 106561 [Card - Auflauerer-Phantom]

    Coast of Opportunity


    Quest ID: 423834 (Gefährliche Mission)

    Card ID:771024 / Mob-ID: 105276

    Card ID:771025 / Mob-ID: 105277


    Quest-Item(random drop, quest then disappears, mob never respawns after quest completed)

    unfortunaletyl, i don't remember quest. But maybe you can check spawn conditions for these mobs

    Card ID: 778355 / Mob-ID:106874

    Card ID: 778349 / Mob-ID:106773

    Card ID: 778348 / Mob-ID:106772

  • Xana alle farmbar mit Geduld. Hab noch ein Mop gefunden ohne Karte in Talaghan.

    Den Traumland-Dämon hab eich auch "mit Geduld" manuell auf Grad 5 gefarmt, und nun wurde er auf "default 5 sterne" gesetzt. Deswegen wollte ich das mal anbringen bevor ich wieder Lebenszeit investiere...^^ Muss ja nicht alles unendlich kompliziert/langwierig sein.

    Wobei diese mobs in Chrysalia habe ich nie wieder gesehen und stunden dort verbracht in dem bereich, hast Du denn da einen Trick, oder muss man da mit nem Twink hin, der die Quest nicht abgeschlossen hat ?