Posts by xLutinex

    Regarding Warden/Warrior

    Right now Coat of Arms is kinda useless imho.

    I suggest to change Coat of Arms (ID 494611) that it is an aura to oneself. giving the same buff to oneself like it is now (30% def and 20% parry) and giving all raid members in 200 range pdef based on 5% of the caster.


    Maybe add the feature, that you dont loose your prestige level for gold+ members, when new seasons start. Maybe you can earn more money with that feature

    Last value used is bugged and always resets to 1day, even if you only change AH tabs at the bottom

    Warden tanks still have the problem with big pulls, because Power of the Wood Spirit only hits 6 targets and Cross Chop hits around your target.

    I suggest to change Cross Chop for warden/knight, /Champ and /warrior, that it is an AoE around yourself like Whirlwind Shield from knight


    Regarding Rogue/knight

    I suggest to change Searing Light that it triggers the AoE effect with every offensive Skill instead of attacks.

    In big pulls and when mobs are stunned and having position bugs it's hard to Trigger Searing Light for aggro. And you need it, bcs the other AoE skills generate only very low aggro


    then use better gear or time your skills better. imho knight/mage is atm by far the best knight.

    as i said I have 8kk HP, 11kk+ def and you have 2 dmg reduction skills on this class btw

    Bruh, i have only 5.5m def and 2.8m hp. I cant tank orkham like this :(

    maybe use DC gear? xD

    I am strict against that every bad gear can tank highest instance. Or do you want that we can tank orkham in starter gear?

    yes. 11kk pdef is too low. you know that pdef is not the stat, that counts for useless/useful?

    Well, in my perspective knight/mage has higher aggro but lower def and hp than other knights. I have around 5.5m def only with knight/mage. Even though this class has higher aggro, i need more def for this class. Or maybe DEVs could add some damage reduction to Holy Light Domain skill.

    then use better gear or time your skills better. imho knight/mage is atm by far the best knight.

    as i said I have 8kk HP, 11kk+ def and you have 2 dmg reduction skills on this class btw

    Moi je pense que vu que tous les problèmes viennent des joueurs de haut niveau et des guildes de haut niveau, qu'il faudrait remplacer leur équipement par le starter gear à chaque fois qu'un nouveau joueur rejoint le serveur, comme ça tout le monde sera au même niveau.


    Еще бы научиться читать и быть внимательным. Вопрос не в том, что проблема в старых игрока, а в том, что есть условия сервера, которые порождают огромный разрыв новых и старых игроков. Иными словами нужно улучшать эти условия. А не думать, что: "мы топы, потому что мы лучшие игроки", условия таковы, что новые игроки, развиваясь и улучшая свой экипировку, персонажа - не могут ничего сделать, потому что к половине контента - у них просто нет доступа, или же они должны играть годами, чтобы попасть туда.

    Das ist Quatsch. Es ist ein free to play Game. Das heißt, wie jedes andere free to play auf dieser Welt, das man entweder Anschluss bekommt, indem man viel Zeit investiert oder eben Geld investiert.

    Ich weiß aus eigener Erfahrung, das es mit Geld Investition so ist, das man den Anschluss als neuer Spieler innerhalb von wenigen Tagen hat .

    Möchte man kein Geld ausgeben, ja. Dann musst du viel Zeit investieren.

    Und das viel Zeit nunmal auch Jahre bedeutet ist was für ein Problem?

    Möchtest alles geschenkt bekommen wenn du einen neuen Charakter erstellst? Ich meine denk mal darüber nach. Der Server und das Personal müssen bezahlt werden. Das Konzept ist nicht einzigartig hier, das ist bei absolut jedem free to play so.

    Und ich bin mal so frei zu sagen: wenn es dir hier nicht gefällt, geh doch zurück auf deinem tollen russischen Server den du im discord erwähnt hast, wo du so super duper Nummer 1 bist. :/ kein Plan was du erwartest alles geschenkt zu bekommen.

    P.S. als neuer Spieler hat man heute viel mehr Möglichkeiten free to play an Diamanten zu kommen als zu der Zeit als ich hier angefangen habe


    right now with the new Orkham set, you get a buff from the Gloves of the Enchanter, that increase your aura effect.

    If you switch your gloves to for example the Gloves of the Savior (with stats on it), the new gloves values will be calculated for your buff BEFORE the buff from the Gloves of the Enchanter is removed.

    So you can realistically buff with the Gloves of the Enchanter buff without even wearing this item. I guess the upcoming change with "removing the auras" will solve this issue? If it is implemented.



    right now with the cool new weapon mods, you can have wisdom on your staff and wisdom on your xbow.

    This leads to a big gap between priest/scout and druid/scout to the rest of the healer classes in terms of buffing. The difference of the amount of the buff is really huge.

    Maybe we can change back in a way, that the buffed values are used again? Because many heal/x classes (not scout secondary) has additional wisdom buffs or passives, that would close the gap to the x/scout heals.

    Just my thoughts, because everyone want to have x/scout buffs :D


    In orkham it seems, that leather, chain and mdps classes with good aoe does way more aoe damage than k/wl and they also do more single dmg.

    Punishment and Punishment Strike doesnt have an impact except for bosses.

    I would rather see a change in the direction with buffing the class with mixed special statted gear, that it is not strong with pure plate or pure chain-str statted, but strong with using the maximum out of the conversion of sta/dex -> Str and parry -> patk/Attack Speed

    I personally like this idea and if wl/k has incredible high values by getting out the maximum of the conversion, why not k/wl:)


    regarding Knight/Warlock dps.

    2 ppl from my guild tested this class today, 1 with full normal chain gear (both new orkham sets) and 1 with custom k/wl gear where new accessoire is missing but still with ~3,9kk attack.

    We both came to the conclusion, that this class news a slightly buff. warriors do more aoe damage (sustain and even burst) and we do not need to talk about the single target :D

    also way more utility has a warrior.

    Conclusion: this class needs a buff to be a viable endgame dps. if not for pure str chain gear, then for custom kwl gear.


    Due to world boss enter area problems, bosses cast problems and other problems I suggest to change kill boss limit in hard version from 3 to more, thank you

    PlayerNet any ideas about that? More and more guilds are able to do it, but either you are unemployed and can enter at any time or you have bad luck and can maybe enter once in 2 weeks, bcs you and your ppl need to work first and come back home when no boss isn't there anymore :D

    Gerade du, als bester Spieler der Welt, solltest verstehen das es einen Anreiz geben muss, neuen Content zu spielen. Sowohl für ältere als auch neuere Spieler.

    Dies hier ist ein MMO, was bedeutet das man sich in Gruppen zusammen schließt, um Inhalte zu spielen und zu schaffen. Würde jeder alles solo können wie du, wäre das Spiel schon längst tot.

    Und nebenbei bemerkt ist genau das absolvieren von neuem Inhalt der Anreiz für die meisten MMO Spieler, egal ob klein oder groß. Deshalb gibt es ja regelmäßig Inhalte für kleinere/neue Spieler, als auch für die älteren.

    Es tut uns als Community leid, das wir nicht so gut sind wie du es bist, aber wir spielen gerne in einer Gruppe zusammen

    Just a little teaser, but you will read a lot about target limits in the notes ;)

    Sorry to say that, but this changes will change nothing in the meta. The knight class has other problems than this, while the other tanks has again other problems than the knight.

    Conclusion in my opinion after the Patch: tank rating stays the same.


    If you need someone to talk with or want to have an opinion in future from a maintank playing/played all tanks (warden, Champ, knight, Warrior, warlock), just PM me