Posts by Ikaria

    Hi, here is a suggestion about Hilarzu. At the moment it seems almost impossible to make him spawn since you already have low odds to make a guard spawn , then low odds to make a captain spawn from a guard and an even smaller odds to make Hilarzu spawn from a captain (like 1% ?). It would be nice to increase the spawning odds for Hilarzu to like 15/20% at least imo.

    Hilarzu already has 20% chance to spawn from killing Captain, (It is visible in NPC tooltips). But we will add pity system similar to Anselve/Aisha/Akeli the Sage.


    Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Größe der Maus oder die Farbe des Mauszeiger im Spiel zu ändern?

    mfg. Pistanos

    Implementing size change is not easy task, so currently not planned. Adding extra cursor choices (with varying colours) may appear in the future, but currently isn't an option available.


    We are still waiting for an answer from developers. When will you fix this problem ? It has been 3 months and you are saying you fixed backport problem by 75%. Yet we are still having backports so often. We cant see improvements about this problem. It is impossible to play warlock classes and many other classes with non-global cooldown skills.

    You fixed many problems before, why cant you fix this now ?

    You already received answer in this thread and we're waiting for your debug information to further proceed with investigation.


    Both this and the other card mentioned are coming defaulted with 5 stars for this reason already.


    looking too for the new version the old one from the past is broken for me and dont hast the Pristige shop on the settings gearwheel


    Basic Version containing this feature has been added to Curseforge(available in launcher) for all users. As well as containing some crash fixes. It is planned to be updated as part of upcoming Addon Developer Program, so new features will be implemented to it as well as further fixes(clock etc).


    I am posting this video only to show DEVs are wrong about backports. It is not something about low fps or high ping. Its all about non-global cd skills. I was able to play warlock/rogue which is best class to have backports. As you can see in the video i dont have something like 5 fps and 300 ping. Yet i got backported 3 times in 4 minutes. Developers must watch this and understand backport problem still exists and some classes such as warlock/rogue are almost impossible to play because of this problem.

    We know this backport issue still exists for some players under certain conditions. Please enable movement log as shown above since you can reproduce it so easily and share results. As this is also other backport type.


    Hello, the problem still persists. While I am playing as both heal and sup, the game throws me back when my team needs me so much and everyone dies because of this. Can you please find a solution to this problem?


    This seems like different type of backport than previously seen. Please enable Movement Logs by adding to the bottom of your RuneDev.ini file located in your game folder and ensure your game folder currently has no MoveLog.txt existing currently.

    MoveLog = 1

    After you have some backports like this, please send me MoveLog.txt via forum PM.


    Developers will you fix this backport prıoblem in next patch ? It has been 2 months yet i still get backported so often in instances. Cant you just remove your changes 2 months ago ? It is really becoming annoying and its affecting our gameplay in a negative way.


    We were never changing anything related when backports appeared, so there is nothing to revert. Backports have largely already been solved for 98% of players, ones remaining are rare cases and effecting few players more than others (but still massively reduced from original reports), and continues to be investigated further. With next patch these case should be reduced by up to an additional ~75%. But some backports will likely still remain, as low FPS and higher ping can cause them.


    I'd like to understand why it costs 250k just to be able to gather items. Is there something that I am missing here. In RoM you just have the ability after learning mining. So to my surprise you get mining then have to buy a mining pick which costs 250k and at level 5 I am scratching my head on how to do that. I bought 1900 diamonds but the perm tool is 4000. Is there some way to exchange diamonds for gold? How do I get to mining anything as a new player or should I level then come back to crafting? Just seems better to use some of the gear and weapons from crafting as I level.

    Basic tools (White permanent) are given for free when completing each gathering quest associated with each starting zone. Skipping these quests to immediately learn the gathering won't give them, however is planned to be improved in future to handle this.


    well, I am surprised that my addons have an influence on the PING. When I can't do anything because my PING is off the charts, but my FPS is good at the same time. Maybe I should report my addons to Telekom or Vodafon so that the PING gets better, since you apparently can't do it. I dont understand your Logik, sorry.

    Ping has already been reduced drastically from initial implementation of World Bosses (and will continue to do so), as well as performance increased across the board though various implementations. Ping has never been influenced due to addons, nor blamed for it.

    Post is general post about addons as many simply don't understand the effect of what they install, and blame devs/game for poor client performance issues caused by poorly made addons that are either 15 years old or self made. (Including feedback you yourself sent privately a few days ago to team)


    At the same time, you're told that it's your add-ons that are causing these problems.


    Addons are often reiterated as causing problems in the game, because it's been proven many times that addons are large causes of UI issues, drastically reduced FPS, and interfering with intended game functionality. As a team there are many false reports about same issues always that are very often caused by addons, and whilst team is often conscious of addons when updating game, it's not always possible to retain original addon functionality, especially considering that most addons at this point are 10-15 years old, unmaintained, and using outdated API functionality/methods.

    As an example, with your addons installed which you sent to team yesterday, I currently receive 32% less FPS on average than using very basic addon package.



    Obviously it is expected that users will install addons, but it is important to really only addons that you need, and understand that addons can and will break over time, as well as drastically reduce performance (especially poorly coded combat engines, of which has been seen countless times), especially when many addons are edited by people specifically and shared about, which when maintaining client means they can easily be not compatible with current versions tested by team(FSlimUI as example with most recent patch).


    With next patch Chaotic Vortex will be always open for 12 hours, and killing last boss won't cause it to close early. As well as having opening cooldown reduced from 72 to 36 hours.



    Only way this error appears is if you failed to register (which doesn't seem to be the case based on your report), or you already have rune stone and the possibility to throw one already. Please confirm this isn't the case. Or even better, record video showing this more clearly.


    Tthere are some people that had 100% before they expanded on the collectibles, so the last nature in howling mountains was found by atleast 4 people. But maybe it became invisible through a bug like the last one in bloody gallery?

    Bloody Gallery issue was only effecting few collectible objects, most of which were inside Hall of Fire. Howling Mountains were unaffected.

    All collectibles are possible to obtain currently.


    Hallo, abermals danke für die Antworten.

    Möglicherweise war dieser Buff aktiv, allerdings ist er mir NICHT aufgefallen bei so vielen Buffs. Der sollte vielleicht "etwas" auffälliger sein. Aber ich werde jetzt besser drauf achten. ;)

    Dieser Effekt wird vom Spieler manuell aktiviert, er ist nicht standardmäßig aktiviert, aber wir werden uns bemühen, ihn in Zukunft zu verbessern, damit er für Spieler, die vergessen haben, dass er aktiv war, deutlicher wird.

    Mein Char, mit dem ich spiele, hat zumindest keine Werkzeuge kostenlos bekommen - nur Twinks, wo ich die überhaupt nicht brauche. Da die leider gebunden sind, hab ich mir 3 "Einfache" Werkzeuge für je 250K Gold gekauft. Sowohl die Gekauften als auch die Kostenlosen beim Twink (die angeblich dauerhaft sein sollen) haben GENAU die gleichen Bonis und auch die GLEICHE Beschreibung, die besagt, dass offenbar beide NUR 7 Tage halten.

    Was jedoch noch dazu kommt, sind die EXTREMEN Reparierkosten. Hab mich schon gewundert, warum ich überhaupt Rep.-Kosten habe, da fast mein komplettes Equip mit dem "Goldenen Reparaturhammer" verbessert war. Allein bei der Holzfälleraxt sind das derzeit schon über 84.000 Gold. Und das sind nur WZ für Anfänger (ab Stufe 1). Ich will gar nicht wissen, wie die Rep.-Kosten bei den höherstufigen WZ sind.

    Werkzeuge werden als Belohnung für das Abschließen von Sammelquests in jeder Anfängerzone gegeben und werden beim Einloggen gegeben, vorausgesetzt, dass diese Quests abgeschlossen sind, dein Charakter, der diese gekauft hat, hat die Quest nicht abgeschlossen, also wurden beim Einloggen keine Werkzeuge gegeben. Wir werden uns bemühen, dies in Zukunft für Spieler zu verbessern, die sich entscheiden, die Quests zu überspringen und das Handwerk ohne sie zu erlernen.

    Bei den 7 Tagen im Gegenstandsnamen handelt es sich um einen DE-Lokalisierungsfehler, der Gegenstand ist permanent und wird nicht verschwinden (deshalb gibt es auch keinen Timer in der Gegenstandsbeschreibung) und wurde für den nächsten Patch korrigiert.

    Die Reparaturkosten werden ebenfalls für den nächsten Patch überarbeitet.
