Posts by Ikaria

    First: As some GM (or other game responsible) once confirmed, the drop rates for monster cards are intentionally reduced (massively) in specific zomes (like silverspring/dust devi canyon). As of my experience it is a massive 50% reduce.

    ==> This results in almost 1200 kills for the rrequired card drops. (normal zone drops)

    ==> Again, this takes long time, but eventually also this will be accomplished one day (although i have doubts rregarding "Tatus" monster card and one other^^)


    Drop reduction in Silverspring and Dust Devil Canyon will be removed with todays patch. Tatus card is not effected by server drop rate, due to not being killed by player, but is effected by player drop effects, so would be slightly rarer then other cards due to this.

    BUT: The festival cards themselves are far from being farmable.

    Some of the festival cards i have never seen, and most are super rare.

    This, by itself, may be a good thing.

    BUT if you consider, you need 65 of them cards to upgrade to 5 star, this will not be possible in a lifetime I guess^^

    In future, we will make some adjustments to festival cards to make it easier to reach 5 stars.



    Artisanal crystals are used to craft the accessories, not used to obtain these random rewards. For these you need 10x Purified Crystals and 10x Essence Crystals. We will update wiki in future to be more clear.

    As for suggestion, we may introduce some way to reuse additional attempts in future, but giving way to pick item you want is not planned.


    Event is not accurate enough. Mobs ignore food. Waves spawning faster than food is respawned. Mobs has eaten food before all were close together. It is luck based atm and a kiting fiesta


    Event was sped up vs original, it will require changing gameplay vs original event, about ignoring meat, it is simply about that meat is having delay when taunting mobs, but we can look to improve it further if there is still issues.



    I think it would be a nice QoL change to make the mobs that spawn on B5 (Barkud) attackable and lock their HP at 99% or something like that. That way the tank could at least aggro them.



    Reason for immune is due to fixing issues with how mobs were originally aggroing to meat (Or often not in the past). We want players to engage with tactic, rather then skipping this and instead allowing tank to replace the meat. Currently there is no plans to change this.



    Please ensure you're patched to last game version ( Our team were unable to reproduce any further issues. You may also try the interface button "Restore interface to defaults", which will restore frame positions to default.


    It is not possible to capture tower under hide or invis effect.


    Would it be possible to add the option for adding a second skill bars profile to the integrated version of vactionbar?

    Currently we need to adjust our bars before and after every siege war.

    Adding separate battleground action bars is already planned for future.


    About Siege War:

    - Fixed it was possible to use spells through some castle walls; including towers

    This is not 100% working , i was still able to kill player through walls with 490420

    This skill is fixed for next patch.

    - Fixed it was possible to use spells through some castle walls; including towers.

    This seems to have the opposite effect, no one was able to attack a gate ,except a small exception of Skills.

    (Between you and the target is an obstacle red error message)

    Issue is related to implementation of blocking location spells, we will temporarily revert this change and look to implement better blocker in future patch.

    Aswell, can you look into distributing Atlas Coins more fairly ?
    Our Tank got 800 , when i got 2.000.

    Maybe include damage taken or similar into account would help ?^

    (Or make it similar to how AC are distributed in Zhargos Worldboss, split it evenly for everyone in the party

    I would also suggest therefore to distribute atlas coins and badges like zhargos worldboss.

    Calculating each individual player, make the sum of all (from each guild) and distribute it even on everyone of a guild. So ppl will do every job in siege war without having the fear to get less benefits

    Atlas tokens are currently distributed on large amount of factors already, Kills, Dmg etc. We will adjust it in future to evenly distribute all guilds combined tokens throughout entire guild. Though it can mean that some players will earn less than before due to this.



    Instruments is related to Bard Skill Defined Tablature(1491099), it's not planned currently to disable this due to being class skill.

    Disabling battleground chat when user is on blacklist will be implemented in future patch.


    A couple more small suggestions for pvp:
    1. Return the 1x1 arena without rewards or add some zone where pvp equipment will work, in addition to the existing ones. We have no place to simply look at the parameters and test some things except for the 3x3 arena, which cannot always be assembled.
    2. Return the opportunity to use food for ancient souvenirs at the battle grounds. Food for tokens will be better anyway, we would like to have a simple alternative.

    3. We have a pie for tokens that gives invulnerability to physical damage for 3 seconds, please add the same for magic damage.

    4. Still no pvp katana in game, please add this.

    1) In future we will look to add method for this to make it easier, we don't plan to bring back 1v1 arena however.

    2) It's not possible to allow this, though we might add some similar foods for Atlas Tokens in future.

    3) There is already magical damage food immunity. 1249330 (Arena Fruit Salad)

    4) Supporting a large amount of weapons is not planned in future with unique pvp skills, so we don't plan to add pvp katana.


    Hi, thanks for posting my long text here. I also have a small request - please turn on the magic wardrobe on the battlegrounds, the original pvp sets looks terrible and playing in such clothes is annoying...

    Magic Wardrobe is disabled to make it not possible to mask team flag by using obnoxious sized costumes to gain an advantage by attempting to block it from view(mostly wings), but also using 2h weapons instead of 1h etc. We could potentially look to enable it, but block wings in a future update though.



    We will look to review plate set in a future patch.


    Shield/Talismans are already possible. Weapons is not planned currently but might be added in future.


    Currently the pvp accessories you can buy from the pvp vendor are useless, since you can't stat them.

    Please allow the usage of armor fragment pvp stats.

    Edit: Same thing with shields and talismans.


    Could you specify IDs? We were unable to reproduce it. If you mean the rings based from description. Desc was fixed with next patch.


    Balancing festivals around 1 potion is not planned.

    Or just put the potions directly in the IS.

    Right now the potion is nonexistent anymore for the players if we are honest

    Similar potions are already planned to be added to Mirrorworld shop in upcoming patch, we don't plan to add these to item shop.



    This was intended to be changed as part of .5001, and was written to patch notes for it. But missed in changes due to conflicting changes with upcoming content, which was then patched today as part of .5003.


    Language: TR

    Game Version:


    I want to change the default costume in the clan castle war, but this is not possible. Costume and Magic Wardrobe do not work during the clan castle battle.

    Magic Wardrobe is intentionally disabled inside battlegrounds.

    It was reported before, but unable to be reproduced by team. If you find way to reliably reproduce it, we could investigate it.
