Posts by Ikaria

    These are both intentionally hidden from world map due to being part of hidden questline.


    Ikaria so what activities you add to this festival? Removing reseting ticket from NPC is not adding new activities. "Reseting events is not required" - cmon, do you play this game? Do you go to endgame ini without transformation potion? You know exactly that most players was reseting this festival to farm transformation potions, so you decide to remove ticket from NPC and add it to IS, just to force ppl to spend diamonds. You are becoming more and more greedy. Saying that its becouse you are adding new activities is just sily.


    As mentioned here:

    Some festival changes will feature more adjustments then others, based on dev time around the time of patch.

    Not every festival change has the same level of adjustments as others, but same point will be added for all - reducing the appeal to play 1 event repeatedly only, as this is not balance.

    About transformation potions directly(since I believe it is main concern), they will be added to other festivals, and not required to be excessively farmed during 3 weeks of a 52 week year, in the same way that additional title similar to Pumpkin Festival title was added to Spring Rain Festival.



    Resetting events is not required, and players choosing not too are also benefitting from the changes, due to improved rewards, as well as additional activities being added.


    For instance, events are priced at 100 Diamonds without any hesitation, causing widespread frustration among players. This aggressive monetization prioritizes profit over player satisfaction.


    Event resetting is priced accordingly due to value of number of activities in a festival. This is aimed to discourage resetting 1 activity repeatedly. This is part of an ongoing process to rebalance festivals, by adding new activities, redistributing loot amongst festivals to be more fairly balanced, ensure players aren't waiting for 1 yearly event cycle to reach certain loot (Transformation potions, Halloween Title etc).

    Some festival changes will feature more adjustments then others, based on dev time around the time of patch.



    His shop is intended to be only available on one channel, but implementation will be improved with patch tomorrow.


    These sets are intended for costumes, not actual PvP use, due to custom gear being significantly better, and are priced as such.


    206685 are the reward for capturing the crystal, which is given as it is an objective. It is not a reward given for winning the guild battle.



    Will be fixed with next patch.

    Content translations are not related to DEV's, and our translation team work hard to translate things as fast as possible, but our patches are large, and means that stuff is often not fully up to date due to this.


    Chciałbym się dowiedzieć, co miało na celu obniżenie ceny przedmiotów z instancji lov lv do farmy złota? Wydajność gospodarstwa spadła średnio o 300 tys. na minutę.

    We weren't adjusting sell costs of any items outside of few custom rings 1 month ago, which hadn't been sold to NPC in last 6 months.


    I think the Talaghan quests are extremely challenging and nearly impossible to complete without a guide.

    Talaghan quests are not intended to be easy. Some will require reading dialogues to get information, some are more vague on purpose. However, Guides section would welcome a quest guide should you be interested in writing one.



    Reason for kick is due to not moving and game thinking you're AFK for extended periods of time. Message was already added for next patch.


    If you wanted to place title into Challenge/Instance category, you can use:

    /Run SetATF_Title(532126)

    Which would equip No Prayers Left in This Abbey title to Challenge/Instance category. So yes, 4 separate calls with 4x different IDs of each category would place it to 4 different slots.
