Posts by grknkrdn1299

    Hi, i cant aggre you about mage/scout. Because it doesnt have enough AoE damage for big pulls. When your tank pulls high amount of mobs so often, you may underperform with that class (just my opinion). Scout/Warlock also doesnt have good sustain. In some situations you might miss some damage. I think you should put scout/warlock to C and bard/mage to A. I had a very good experience with bard/mage in grafu. Its AoE sustain damage was good enough.

    However, this is just my opinion. I dont know how your guild runs grafu. Your guild's gameplay and my guild's gameplay might not be same.

    Hello everyone, fishing has got some changes in last patch and it became so useless for some players. People cant farm their gold fish and unknown box from fishing because of low chances.

    I have some ideas to make it easier for everyone.

    First of all you should increase golden fish and treasure box chance to their previous values.

    You should add many fishing clothes to fishing NPCs. Not just upper body but pants, belt, hands, boots, capes, head and shoulders.

    Of course there should be different fishing gears for different goals.

    1 - If we want to farm golden fish and treasure box, we should make a fishing gear with treasure chance

    2 - If we just want to level up faster, we should use fishing speed bonus gear

    3 - If we want to collect more fish and sell them, we should use a gear with gathering chance

    And maybe you can add some other builds for fishing. But please consider my suggestion to make fishing fun and easier for everyone.

    In the current period of the game, scout pretty underperforms at large scale mob packs. I would recommend increase the damage of the "Hurricane of Downpour" from %250 to at least %600 and reduce the focus consumption from 40 to 10. Also reduce channel speed from 2 to 1 and reduce the hits in seconds. And finally reduce its cooldown from 10 to 5 seconds.
    Additionally make it uninterruptible.

    We are still waiting for an answer from developers. When will you fix this problem ? It has been 3 months and you are saying you fixed backport problem by 75%. Yet we are still having backports so often. We cant see improvements about this problem. It is impossible to play warlock classes and many other classes with non-global cooldown skills.

    You fixed many problems before, why cant you fix this now ?

    I am posting this video only to show DEVs are wrong about backports. It is not something about low fps or high ping. Its all about non-global cd skills. I was able to play warlock/rogue which is best class to have backports. As you can see in the video i dont have something like 5 fps and 300 ping. Yet i got backported 3 times in 4 minutes. Developers must watch this and understand backport problem still exists and some classes such as warlock/rogue are almost impossible to play because of this problem.


    We were never changing anything related when backports appeared, so there is nothing to revert. Backports have largely already been solved for 98% of players, ones remaining are rare cases and effecting few players more than others (but still massively reduced from original reports), and continues to be investigated further. With next patch these case should be reduced by up to an additional ~75%. But some backports will likely still remain, as low FPS and higher ping can cause them.


    Yes that is true, backports of some classes are usually happening when i have like 25-30 fps. But lets not forget that this is all about Non-Global Cooldown skills. When i play with a class which doesnt spam those skills, backports dont happen. When i play with a class which spams those skills every second, i get backported once in every 60 seconds !

    If you dont believe me, just play warlock/rogue and see how it is causing backports. There were no backports in Orkham 2 months ago. We were backporting only in Dark Core. Now its so much annoying to play warlock dps in Orkham. If you want to see how it happens, i can record a video of backports and post here

    Developers will you fix this backport prıoblem in next patch ? It has been 2 months yet i still get backported so often in instances. Cant you just remove your changes 2 months ago ? It is really becoming annoying and its affecting our gameplay in a negative way.

    Hello, can you make Assasin's Rage skill (ID:490506) to give us 3x stacks of Perfect Slice buff (1502730) ? A lot of people would prefer katana if you do that. Using Perfect Slice 3 times is really so difficult and sometimes it is waste of time. In this way i believe katana will be better

    Sometimes when i want to play physical dps class, i need to swap my amulet from magical one to physical one. And when i swap to another amulet, current amulet disappears. Can you just change amulets to be removable to bag and make them stackable ? For exapmle, when we put number 1 and number 2 amulets in number 3, number 3 amulet's charge should be incerased like this   

    I've now been playing off and on for few years now. I love this game but I'm alone all the time every time I join a guild I get kicked or they disband. I'm level R103/P80 and completely lost idk where to go to make diamonds, or how to start making straight end game gear. I see all these end game players in Atlas, but no one will speak to me. I've been reading and researching trying to figure it out on my own and well I get lost a lot trying to understand what goes where, how to do this. then on top the best in slot for my build never has anything on auction and where it drops, I can't solo so I'm in a bubble now trying to figure out what's up from down for end game. it was easy getting here just questing lonely as heck but doable. now I've begun to hit a straight wall and I keep quitting and coming back hoping it will change but hasn't I just sit here solo lower level dungeons and raids to get drops to sell cheap on auction to try to help other new players and be bored when I want to understand the end game and finish building my char and doing the hard stuff with ppl but it seems no one wants to step up as a player and help someone get there to have fun.

    Hi and welcome to Chronicles of Arcadia. Like GM Haru said before, you should definitely find a guild. You cant enter endgame instances and farm them because you are newbie player. So, i suggest you to farm gold as much as you can.

    Complete quests in 80+ maps. With this way you can level up your classes and earn gold. You can buy diamonds with your gold in auction house. With those diamonds you should unlock some classes such as warlock-champion-druid. Because there are some support classes which gives important buffs to your whole raid. Such as warlock/druid and warlock/priest. These classes are so important. Especially warlock/druid. After you buy diamonds with your gold, dont forget to unlock item set-skill "Shield of the Otherworld" for warlock class. And make a cheap support gear for yourself. You can use sta/hp stats which are very cheap in auction house. Play some malatina minigames and earn Phirius Shell.
    You can buy this gear set from Vendors in Atlas City :

    After you make a good support gear in this way. You can join many instances. When you start entering instances and farm arcadia coins, i suggest you to trade your arcadia coins to ancient mementos via Macia Pence NPC in Atlas City.
    And trade your ancient mementos to Badges of the Trial via Hilary NPC. Thus you will be able to unlock Guild Title Skills via NPC in guild castle. Most important is "Soldiers Attack" skill. this is a must have skill for every support.

    Hi, its all about casting time and being interrupted when moving. In scout/warlock, cooldown of 2 skills are depending on ranged attack speed . But these skills are really so weak. Their damage is even lower than . Other single target skills have casting time-channeling time. We cant use these skills while moving. And even if use and cast those skills while moving, our targets die even before spells are being casted. As you can see, scout/warlock's single target rotation can only be used on boss when you have . It is almost impossible to use your single target combo against mobs.

    So, there are 2 options for this class to make its single target rotation something we can actually use :
    1- Make an instant skill. So, we dont lose our time (which i think not a good idea beacuse this class would be so powerful )
    2 - Make this just like what you did in scout/mage class. It should be a magical skill which deals poison damage. And its cooldown should be scaled with our ranged attack speed.

    Please reconsider my second suggestion. If we could use + while moving, this class wouldnt be so annoying on most single target situations

    My Update about backport problem :
    My friend got backported in Orkham instance as druid/rogue. I think this problem is not just about warlock. There is a backport problem in game nowadays.

    1- My friend had same problem in Orkham instance. But yesterday it happened to me in Forsaken Abbey (Awakened Mode). So i think its not about any zone. Probably it happens in everywhere

    2- My friend had this problem with warlock/warden. I played warlock/warden in Forsaken Abbey (Awakened Mode) when this happened. Then i swapped to warlock/champion. It happened again. I think its about warlock class generally

    3-So far i have seen this problem only in warlock classes.

    4- Well, im not sure about that now. I always use same buffs for every warlock class

    I realized that game is lagging when i play warlock classes. Even though i see i have only 50-60 ms, i am being teleported back and i cant use my skills sometimes. Developers please investigate this problem and fix it.

    Dear developers, in last patch you removed your global cooldown changes. But there is still a bug with global cooldown. When we use a skill or a food, our skills and foods enter 1 second of global cooldown and we understand it with red color of our action bars. But sometimes when we use buffs/skills/foods, we get more global cooldown. Let me explain it with screenshots.

    This is a normal global cooldown when we use buffs/skills/foods :

    And this is a bugged global cooldown when we use buffs/skills/foods :

    Developers please fix this. It is really so difficult to play tank with this global cooldown bug. I cant use my buffs and skills quickly when i need them.

    Hello, i love Demon's Greataxe(ID:1210017) and Demons's Greatsword(ID:1210038) skins. And i would like to see more weapon skins like this. Can you also bring a 2-h hammer skin named Demon's Greathammer ? And you should also bring more skins such as Demon's Hammer (1-h Hammer), Demon's Axe(1-h Axe), Demon's Spear (Spear),maybe Demon's Bow (Bow), Demon's Sword (1h Sword), Demon's Wand (Wand), Demon's Staff (Staff), Demon's Dagger (Dagger), Demon's Katana (Katana), Demon's Crossbow (Crossbow) and even maybe Demon's Gun (Gun) ?

    New Demon Weapon skins should look like these ones :