Hello, can you bring a troll face mask ? I want to use this skin when i play tank
Posts by grknkrdn1299
- Removed Snipe extra range to allow it to get maximum benefit from Distant Friend, changed it to inflict always critical damage, removed flat skill damage, changed it to increase your physical damage by 8% for 10 seconds upon hit.
Thanks for buffing scout's Snipe skill. But i wish you changed scout/mage and scout/warlock's snipe to make it increase magical damage by 8% also
Thank you for this information. I dont remember i saw this message in chat. Next time if this happens without this message, i will report here
Hello, this happened to me a few times so i decided to report this problem. Sometimes i roll my weapons with low numbers but i still get maximum numbers.
I think there is a visual bug in roll result message.
Let me give you an example : Today i rolled my 2-h sword like this.
[21:09:38] Roll result: 1 between 1/6.
Is roll result displaying wrong in chat ?
About Knight/Warrior
Can you make United Efforts ( ID : 499930 ) a permament aura buff or 900 seconds buff ?
And Quick Reflexes ( ID: 490064 ) could be a 900 second buff also.
Maybe you should also reduce cooldown of Whirwind ( ID : 492356 )
This class has very high aggro but its aoe skills have 6 second cooldown. It is too much i think
Hi, warlock/warden's skill Gift of the Nature says it increases sword attack speed by 25.1% but i think it decreases our attack speed instead increasing. I have 4.01 attack speed with warlock/warden. In warrior/mage i have 3.2 attack speed. Can you check this and tell me ?
then use better gear or time your skills better. imho knight/mage is atm by far the best knight.
as i said I have 8kk HP, 11kk+ def and you have 2 dmg reduction skills on this class btw
Bruh, i have only 5.5m def and 2.8m hp. I cant tank orkham like this
For me it is dangerous class because it has lower def than other knights. And i have gold plate gear only.
yes. 11kk pdef is too low. you know that pdef is not the stat, that counts for useless/useful?
Well, in my perspective knight/mage has higher aggro but lower def and hp than other knights. I have around 5.5m def only with knight/mage. Even though this class has higher aggro, i need more def for this class. Or maybe DEVs could add some damage reduction to Holy Light Domain skill.
knight/mage buff would be great, i would like to see it as meta class again
Are we playing a different game?
from all knights, knight/mage is the actual meta o.o
For me it is dangerous class because it has lower def than other knights. And i have gold plate gear only.
wtb usefull knight changes x.x
knight/mage buff would be great, i would like to see it as meta class again
Do you already have the two new sets? Pets scale enormously with your patk (apart from Chiron, which scales with your pdmg), so the difference is very noticable.
Moreover, Warden/Rogue deals quite significant burst damage on its own and Warden/Mage should be played with Nature Crystal for the major part of the instance, so you can't reduce those classes to just their pets.
In my experience, the only Warden that performs under the average is Warden/Warlock.
Moreover, if you want to maximize Oak walker pet damage, you have to adjust your titles, robot and dynamic attributes.
PS: My highest Sepal Stab (with patk roll) was 60kk with Xemens bugged dmg mitigation and 39kk on Runic Machinery I believe.
Well, i heard that warden/rogue is good. But i can also say that warden/warlock is very bad and it really needs some buffs.
They should increase pet's attributes
I disagree.
Pets are very strong right now. Especially Warden/Rogue and Warden/Scout can compete with any strong
Well, i play warden/mage usually. I didnt play warden/scout or warden/rogue so much. Classes like warden/mage need some changes My pet does 20kk hit maximum on burst. I dont know how much your pet hits. But in my opinion 20kk hit is not enough for burst to compete with other chains
Hello, in my opinion wardens are not strong as other chain classes and they need some changes. Can you change some skills :
Make this skill increase our physical damage by 16.2%
Make this skill also increase our pet's physical attack speed by 15%
Change this skill to give us 18% physical damage instead sword and axe damage.
And you should also change base damage of pets. Pets need higher physical damage in instances.
A lot of amulets drop from ancient dreamland. I only need cast speed and magical attack amulets. So, i delete physical attack amulets because they are useless to me. Can you change amulets to give us dreamland pioneer sigil when we disenchant them ? If you do that, every player can disenchant their useless amulets. So, useless amulets wont be wasted.
Hello, as far as i know warrior's bleed was ignoring target's defense by 100%. Can you just bring back bleed and make it ignore 80% or 90% target's defense ? I think it would be better then.
Regarding to Scout/mage
I think this class is not so good like in old days for magical gear. I dont know about physical scout/mage but i feel like magical class has weak sustain damage. I suggest you to make Fire Shot skill increase our fire damage by 20% for 20 seconds. And this skill should not be triggered again for 10 seconds after it ends. Skill ID : 1491038
Hello everyone, i dont know if someone else suggested this before. But i think developers should bring a dynamic attribute locker to itemshop. I made some beatiful weapons with max roll. And i want to lock them to avoid accidental changes.
Please developers bring a dynamic attribute locker to lock our weapons. And 1 more item to unlock our weapons if we want to change their attributes.
Hello everyone, i have a suggestion to help new players. As you know, to be an endgame player you need to use titles in focus character. Without using titles you cant have enough damage to run endgame instances.
I think new players are struggling to make their title system lvl 5. Leveling up your title system from 4 to 5 requires 45x level 4 titles as i remember. New players cannot find party for some instances
or world bosses to get their challenge or hunting titles. You should decrease this number of required titles from 45 to 20. And you should decrease required number of titles for other levels also.
In my opinion it should be like this.
From 1 level to 2 level it should require 5x level 1 titles
From 2 level to 3 level it should require 10x level 2 titles
From 3 level to 4 level it should require 15x level 3 titles
From 4 level to 5 level it should require 20x level 4 titles.
And you should also add a lot of quest titles in game. New players should get their titles only by completing their quests.
I have another suggestion, please bring another feature that allows players to pull random dark core weapons with destruction core + some arcadia coins. A lot of people need clean dark core weapons nowadays
Hello, new lower set can be created with items from orkham. But people cant do anything with their gold lower set.
So everyone sells it in ah. My suggestion is to bring a new feature to use rofl gold items ( lower set and accesorries) to make new orkham items with less materials. Lets give NPC rofl gold item and create our new items without blueprint.
I feel like nobody will be able to sell their gold rofl items in ah. Maybe this could be more useful.
About Mage/Warrior class
I think 15% magical attack nerf of 70 elite skill is unnecessary (Skill ID : 499589).
In endgame instances like orkham we need higher magical attack. This is a huge nerf for mage/warrior.
Instead you can change 70 elite skill to give us magical damage based on 30% base strength and 25% base stamina.
IMHO this change officially killed Spear (a weapon specialized in bleed. You might as well delete it from the game). There is no motive anymore to sacrifice 1 gcd to apply your (single target) bleed when all your other skills hit harder.
Warrior/scout was not heavily impacted because its single target burst is still very good without bleeding and because it can wear 2 corrupted weapons. However, other warriors will fall off a lot in single target sustain/burst.
Some warriors rely on bleed to keep up in aoe too by rotating slash on multiple targets due to bad aoe sustain against other classes (while some other classes can apply aoe dots with one skill) There are other ways to balance Slash bleed other than what's in patch notes atm.
- If boss/mobs dot reduction is not working as intended, fix it.
- If Bleed is doing too much dmg, reduce the dmg multiplier from the formula instead of making Bleed act like a normal skill.You are right, bleed should always be used. But maybe target's 80% of defense should be ignored by our bleed. When it ignoes 100% def, it becomes too powerful
Hi, i have an idea. Sometimes we pull maximum roll on good stats but our red negative attribute destroys our green stat.
Bring another type of corruption crystal that only changes our negative attribute. Of course make it expensive, for an example 1 pnc = 1 negative attribute crystal
Hi, Orkham is really beatiful instance but you need to change some stuff in corrupted weapon rolling. I mean for an example you can delete Staff Attack Speed bonus. Which class needs Staff Attack Speed ? And you should delete some negative stats from some weapons. For an example Magical weapons should never get negative magical attack bonus.
Imagine you rolled 24 staff damage but your negative stat is 50% magical attack. So you need to roll again and again.