Posts by grknkrdn1299

    About warrior/druid

    Stifle skill (ID:499499) gives us 15 stacks but these stacks are being consumed very fast when we dont have The Last Resistance skill. I suggest you to make Stifle stacks not to be consumed by auto attacks. Stacks should be consumed only when we use single target offensive skills

    About mage/rogue

    • Reduced Cursed Fangs damage over time to 550 from 1376. (-60%)
    • Reduced Kiss of Death damage over time to 1290 from 2150. (-60%)

    I think 60% DoT nerf is too much. This class was very powerful with its DoT effect. But with these changes DoT damage will be very low. I suggest you to reduce Kiss of the Vampire skill DoT effect by 30% instead 60%

    Hello, i want to share my idea to help newbies. A lot of new players cant find a guild because guilds only want endgame players. New players cant earn any diamonds and they stop playing this game. Can you create a GM controlled guild to help newbie players ? GMs can answer their questions about game and newbie players may run instances with their raids.

    About champion/rogue

    We have to use Shadow Step skill to trigger Disaster Appears(ID:498738). And sometimes shadow step gets us killed because we are being teleported behind our target. For an example we can fall off bridge in Dark Core when we use it.

    My Suggestion is to make Disaster Appears a permament buff and increase both its physical attack speed and physical damage bonus to 20%

    About champion/rogue

    Since you removed 32% hammer dmg buff from Death Arrives buff (ID:498730), this class became weaker than other champions i guess. Can you add 100% extra attak chance to Death Arrives and reduce its cooldown to 60 seconds ?

    And please remove global cooldown from this skill also

    About Mage/Priest

    Last Change of Wave Essence cooldown was unnecessary. This class was one of a few magical classes that could match with warrior classes in orkham. Maybe you should consider to revert this change. Or you can buff some unpopular mage classes like mage/druid mage/warden.

    About Mage/Rogue

    Mage/Rogue doesnt have good area damage after last changes. Its static field is still good. But in big pulls Purgatory Fire and Vampiric Siphon skills dont deal enough damage. And in instances like orkham it becomes weaker than other classes.

    Especially warriors have much higher AoE damage than mage/rogue.

    I have some suggestions for mage/rogue :

    Make Dark Phantoms from Distract skill follow player. And make them deal AoE damage to all targets around player instead just 1 target and reduce its cooldown to 90 seconds. And make these phantoms stay with player for 20 seconds at least.

    Increase damage of Gift of the Baron skill to 1800 + 0.2 x INT Dark Damage from 1387.7 + 0.2 x INT Dark Damage

    Increase damage of Purgatory Darkness skill to 3200 + 0.3 x INT Dark Damage

    My second and third suggestion may be unnecessary if you accept my first suggestion. But please consider my first suggestion. It would be so cool if we have 2x phantom pets like this.

    I totally disagree. In my opinion, travel delay is something every mage class has to overcome. If you find it too slow, just stand close to the mob or create a Lua timer set to ~0.5 seconds to prevent double casting. The usual travel delay for every skill is around 0.8 seconds if you are at maximum range. So plan ahead—either get close to the mob or set a timer for a smoother rotation at range. If they start removing it for one skill, I could suggest twenty other similar skills that would also benefit greatly from its removal.

    I suggested this because mage/rogue cant use Cursed Fangs + Kiss of the Vampire combo in big pulls (because mobs die really so fast). And without this combo our AoE damage will be very low. In my opinion mage/rogue still deserves some buffs. It is not good as mage/priest in orkham

    Can you at least change Cursed Fangs (ID:491578) to travel faster ? Sometimes i use this skill but debuff doesnt apply my target for 2-3 seconds. At least you can make this skill reach faster to our target

    I feel like warlock dps classes are not good as mages in Orkham. Warlock classes need some changes.

    Can you change Chaos Guide (ID:490449) to increase dark damage by 50% instead 40% ? And reduce its cooldown to 90 seconds instead 180 seconds.

    Change The Hex(ID:1492465) to increase dark dmg by 30% instead 20%

    About Bard/Warlock

    This class is really fun. But it has almost no AoE skills and that makes it bad in instances like orkham. Can you just buff this class a little bit ?

    My suggestion is to increase Darkness, Arise! passive skill (ID:1491191) to 45% Dark Damage instead 29.4%.

    And Soul Hunter skill (ID:1491189) should deal 150% CPS Dark Damage instead 90% CPS Dark Damage

    Please make some changes on Bard/Warlock to make it better dps class


    And also Lightning(ID:1492124) skill of mage/champion is not so useful skill. Please change it to give 10% magical damage to player for 20 seconds(this buff should not be triggered again for 10 seconds after it ends) instead teleporting us behind our target.

    We do not plan to change this. As Mage/Champion is a "kind of melee" class, it has the ability to teleport, which is based on the idea of the nordic mythology figure Thor who wields a hammer and is able to rush towards enemies to crush them with his hammer.

    We will increase Lightning range in order to make this more reasonable anyway. However, there are some other changes about to be released, that might fix certain dps issues and bring the class further towards the basic design.

    What about Shock Strike skill ? Maybe you can consider removing its global cooldown (ID:1492125)

    About Mage/Champion

    Lightning Shield skill (ID:499811) deals damage only when we recieve damage. But we dont recieve any damage from mobs usually. This skill is increasing our aggro by 90% and makes us a little bit tanky. But in return we dont benefit from this skill so much.

    As you can see only 1% of my total damage came from this buff.

    My suggestion is to change this skill. Make it deal 2220 + 0.4 x INT Wind damage around player every time we use a skill with 50% chance.

    About Mage/Champion

    Every time we use Voltage Size (ID:498864), Electric Compression(ID:498863) gets deleted.

    And we spam Voltage Size so often. We cant always refresh Electric Compression. It will be waste of time. Can you just make Electric Compression a passive skill for mage/champion ?

    And also Lightning(ID:1492124) skill of mage/champion is not so useful skill. Please change it to give 10% magical damage to player for 20 seconds(this buff should not be triggered again for 10 seconds after it ends) instead teleporting us behind our target.

    And if you really want, you can do/get the buff from Curse Fangs because mobs live long enough.

    Yeah unfortunately mobs dont live long enough to use that skill in our guild runs. Sometimes all mobs die in 2 seconds only. Thats why i asked for a change in Kiss of the Vampire.

    i see no point for this in trash u should do a big pull rota so better buff the dmg from purgatory

    Let me explain this with my perspective, as a mage/rogue you always need to use Kiss of the Vampire for maximum potantial damage, of course you can just use AoE skills for mobs. But then your dmg will not be so high. If you are playing with a strong raid, your AoE damage will always be lesser because mobs will die before you use Cursed Fangs + Kiss of the Vampire ( these 2 skills will take 1 second to use, but even 1 second is too much). And your overall damage will be lower.

    That is why i am suggesting to use Kiss of the Vampire skill (ID:491345) without Cursed Fangs skill ( ID: 49158).
    But of course this is my experience with mage/rogue. If you have a better idea, you can share it with us.

    About Warrior/Mage
    Change 70 elite skill to also modify our Frenzy.

    Make Frenzy (ID:490493) to give 3x High Voltage (ID:622954) stacks for its duration time.

    Remove physical damage and physical attack accuracy and make it increase our attack speed by 30%

    About Mage/Rogue

    please make Kiss of the Vampire skill (ID:491345) to be usable without Cursed Fangs. It is difficult to use Cursed Fangs + Kiss of the Vampire on mobs, because they die so fast sometimes

    About Mage Class General

    • Increased Elemental Catalysis damage gain to 40% from 36%, reduced area damage gain to 10% from 20%.

    Maybe you should consider to make Elemental Catalysis 3 minute buff. If our buff is less effective maybe we should use it more often.

    About Mage/Rogue

    • Reduced Fang Ritual dark damage gain to 20% from 24%, increased critical damage gain to 20% from 16%.
    • Reduced Shadow of the Baron magical and area damage gains to 12% from 15%, increased HP boost to 30% from 20%.

    If you reduced m/r damage like this, maybe you should increase magical damage gain from Kiss of the Vampire Skill (ID: 491345) to 25%

    About Warrior/Warlock

    This class has really absurd high damage after last patch.

    • Changed Spirit Blade Storm to be toggleable skill that costs 5 focus every 3 seconds, removed Rage cost.

    Maybe you should consider reducing this skill's damage by half. It really doesnt make sense. This class can use AoE permamently. No class should have AoE like this.

    Hello, mage/rogue is using wand + magical dagger. This class has high dps but it consumes 5% hp every second with it's elite skill. So, if you want to play with it's full power, healer should always heal you with HoT skills. That class is really good magical class in my opinion.


    I have a request for a new approach to S/K and S/P. Both combinations are unplayable; they're not good buffers, nor are they related to tanking instances or DPS. Additionally, it would be nice to give some minor buffs to S/WD and S/W. I think an overall buff of 3-5% to damage would help balance the scout class.

    You should write this in scout class feedback i think

    Hello everyone, i want to share my thoughts about new players and returned players. As far as i can see new players are giving up so easily because they cant reach endgame content. They cannot earn any diamonds easily and they also cant find guilds. They cant learn this game and finally they stop playing on this server. And that affects game economy in negative way. Server's population should not be decreased because of these difficulties about newbies. This server's developers should bring more features to help newbies. All minigames must be updated and should give useful items to players. All classic instances should give more mementos. New players should farm mementos and exchange them for diamonds easily. Gold Rate from quests should be increased to help newbies. I am currently not happy with server's population and i would like to see more newbie players in server. Also developers should focus on some content about newbie players not just endgame players. I think this server needs a lot of changes. I am afraid that this server is becoming impossible to play for newbies. Please developers you should update old content for newbies and make things easier for them. I hope you understand me. Thanks. :saint: