Also the fishes have weird sizes. It looks like the size and the weight define how much gold the fish is worth. But thats the reason why the sizes look so weird often. A 6,8 metre shark weighs 25 kg for example(??). The right size would improve the gold value too much ofc - but it looks very weird.
Fish size logic will be improved; besides that fish length isn't used in price determination directly. Every fish has a max length, but they have slight chance to exceed this limit by luck. Price of such fishes will be 20% more than regular length fishes. Base price is still by weight only.
Most of them are not worth using
More fishing related recipes might be added in future.
Gold: It was a pretty good gold farm at the beginning but it changed alot since then. Golden fish were nerfed to 10kk from 50kk so it wasnt that worth to trade them in anymore.
Golden Fish drop was supposed to be rarer than it currently is, hence it generated too much gold in too low amount of time serverwide.
The gold values vary alot from different factors.
Price of fish depends on;
- Weight
- Higher price if fish is "Long" (over its predefined maximum length); there is no visual indicator for this in game currently.
- Lower price if sale zone is same as origin zone of the fish; you can see this information on fish tooltip
So it is best to sell fishes in another zone instead of same zone as your loot mostly will be origin zone fishes.
2. The fishing npc takes all of your fishing loot at once for gold. But for a lower price! more expensive fishes get like 80% of their value if you trade them in instead of selling it to an npc.
This was due to gold reduction applied to fisherman sell all script earlier, but will be reverted soon along with few other adjustments.