Chance of getting particular stat for particular corrupted weapon is not planned to be changed currently.
Chance of getting particular stat for particular corrupted weapon is not planned to be changed currently.
This is intended and not planned to be changed.
On 03/09/2025 at 17:00, all servers gathered to kill 107698 [Kolanda], but we couldn't kill the Boss due to the heal it casts on itself every second. I think it would be better for us if the Boss's buffs like 624762 [Kolanda's Mood: Arrogance] were removed. With 624762 [Kolanda's Mood: Arrogance], this boss is really, really strong for us.
Worldboss heal is every 5 seconds unless boss has its own healing mechanic.
However there will be adjustments for boss timers for next patch.
Average card chance from sacrifice is 0.1%. This value scales with weight of the fish, the more its close to the maximum weight, higher the chance is. This value will be increased with next patch.
Treasure pool will be revised as well to improve their proportions.
Also the fishes have weird sizes. It looks like the size and the weight define how much gold the fish is worth. But thats the reason why the sizes look so weird often. A 6,8 metre shark weighs 25 kg for example(??). The right size would improve the gold value too much ofc - but it looks very weird.
Fish size logic will be improved; besides that fish length isn't used in price determination directly. Every fish has a max length, but they have slight chance to exceed this limit by luck. Price of such fishes will be 20% more than regular length fishes. Base price is still by weight only.
Most of them are not worth using
More fishing related recipes might be added in future.
Gold: It was a pretty good gold farm at the beginning but it changed alot since then. Golden fish were nerfed to 10kk from 50kk so it wasnt that worth to trade them in anymore.
Golden Fish drop was supposed to be rarer than it currently is, hence it generated too much gold in too low amount of time serverwide.
The gold values vary alot from different factors.
Price of fish depends on;
- Weight
- Higher price if fish is "Long" (over its predefined maximum length); there is no visual indicator for this in game currently.
- Lower price if sale zone is same as origin zone of the fish; you can see this information on fish tooltip
So it is best to sell fishes in another zone instead of same zone as your loot mostly will be origin zone fishes.
2. The fishing npc takes all of your fishing loot at once for gold. But for a lower price! more expensive fishes get like 80% of their value if you trade them in instead of selling it to an npc.
This was due to gold reduction applied to fisherman sell all script earlier, but will be reverted soon along with few other adjustments.
Please create a ticket for restoration, this is happening due to there is an item in common pool that doesn't exist so when it is tried to be given, you aren't receiving anything. Issue will be addressed with next patch.
Cooldown system is still being worked on and this issue particularly is already being investigated.
distant dmg single target runes
Game designer about this topic isn't available recently.
Its just a small suggestion from me. Change Target Area (id: 490464) to just lose effectiveness if you have 0 focus instead of deactivate. Its so annyoing when its off every time when you change weapon, even more before boss fights.
This and none of such buffs are not planned to be changed like this as its not easily possible.
Issue is only visual and will be corrected with next patch.
It will be corrected with next patch.
Damage of bard weapons is adjusted for +7 to be equivalent of other beginner weapons, which makes tier irrelevant in this comparison. Durability will be corrected for fresh opened packages after patch.
This is happening when you use a 2-H weapon appearance from wardrobe. But autoattacks are properly applied to combatlog eventhough its not motionally appearing.
Display MoreThis skill inflicts damage to closest targets, so you can adjust which target its going to hit by adjusting your position. Other than that, pulling 20 mobs is obviously supposed to be weak side of this class.
And what happens if knight/champion pulls all mobs to himself with electrocution chain skill ?
Then all mobs will be at same place and it will be impossible to adjust our position according to that.
And when tank pulls many mobs in instances such as Orkham and Grafu Castle(awakened mode). Almost all mobs really stay close to eachother, so its so difficult to adjust our position. Maybe you should consider to make this Dot-spreading mechanic easier.
Pressing tab to select a target selects first enemy your aoe spell would hit, so regardless of how mobs are pulled, if you press tab when there is a mob in range of your aoe spell, spell will also hit that target first.
About Warlock/Warden
Power of the Wood Spirit skill (ID:1490952) spreads our DoTs to 6 other targets if this skill hits a target with these dots.
But problem is that this skill hits only 6 targets. When our tank pulls 15-20 mobs, sometimes this skill doesnt hit the target with dots. Instead it hits wrong targets. And we cant spread our dots. Please change this skill to hit all targets (but dots should be applied to 6 targets only) and reduce this skill's damage.
This skill inflicts damage to closest targets, so you can adjust which target its going to hit by adjusting your position. Other than that, pulling 20 mobs is obviously supposed to be weak side of this class.
After the changes, the skill ‘Wind Arrows’ has a cooldown of 20 seconds, while the description of their skills indicates that they should have a second?
Insturment, title swap and any other skill that uses manual cooldown set is known to start unusual cooldown timer and it will be fixed with client patch today.
Cooldown system will be entirely reworked soon, this might render this issue obsolete or make it appear in different form. Until then there won't be any investigation for this.
Also scouts will finally get benefit of dynamic cooldowns properly, along with other balance changes to make this reasonably impactful instead of breaking its balance.
I would prefer robopoke´s suggestion because this rune is almost a must have on Rogue/Scout due to fast draws low range.
There was no reaction to it so I guess it was rejected
Class balance is partially suspended until other projects are sorted out. Feedbacks will be reviewed once its active again.
Hi, could you please seperate world boss pull from npc to 2 different items. If I'm not mistaken , the ring that cost 2850 PoM have both Titan and Colossus possible stats on it. It would be better if there is one item for Titan stats pull (that would cost half of actual price one, so 1400 PoM) and the actual one at 2850 that only drop colossus.
It is intended and not planned to be changed, it was not wanted to make Colossus stats as frequent by separating them.
It will be fixed with next patch.
Warden/Warrior has a spell to taunt your targets. However, it is suggested to get Physical Defense experience in Garden of Eden instead of punchbags of Itnal Camp. You can find its entrance at Elven Sanctuary in Atlantis. (Эльфийское Cвятилище - Затерянный Остров Атлантиды)
Danke erst einmal für den Versuch wieder etwas neues ins Spiel zu bringen. Finde den Ansatz gut, da ja auch kleinere Spieler die Möglichkeit haben an Belohnungen bzw. Mats zu kommen. Das es da bei der Einführung Probleme geben würde war zu erwarten und man sieht ja auch, dass versucht wird diese zu verhindern.
Da ich kein Profi bin beschäftigt mich ein nur Gedanke: Warum funktioniert es bei Sathkur ohne Probleme?
Kein Absturz, FPS und MS ohne größere Probleme.
Thank you for appreciation. Sathkur is only 36 man instance. Worldbosses are having +150 participants which causes it to create massive performance issues with scripts. We are still trying to improve this.
Well, let's say "nice try".
but 0.5fpm is the result of players participating. And I am not saying many players like 1k-2k, just maybe 100 ppl, and it is absolutely unplayable.
I am actually in Wodjin kill raid, and for the last 2.5 minutes the client does not even respond anymore....
The idea is not bad but it´s literally unplayable. Server can´t handle that amount of players.
We are working on performance improvements currently for this situation.
Why are all the changes only focused on DPS?
This content is not supposed not be more beneficial for damage dealers, but killing a worldboss is associated with damage dealers most of the time, so it will require them for sure, same as other contents.
This is server-wide event that everyone can participate, alone or as part of a raid and probably most rewarding content we created so far compared to effort given by its players.