Posts by xLutinex


    Currently it is way too expensive to change your cards from strength only to leather (str-dex-stam-patk) via a second cardset - without losing the maxed out stats. Same thing if you want to switch from defense to hp. I'm talking about 400k diamonds for 2k cards.
    Are there any plans to implement an item that replaces one stat on all your cards with another? Or something similar? I don't mind if it is expensive, but the price should reflect the fact that you are only changing a single stat and don't get access to a second set.

    Currently, we don't have plans to implement such changes. However, we may revisit this matter in the future and potentially introduce your suggestion or an alternative solution.

    and what about a feature like "bulk change" stats on second/third deck, that doesn't already have the desired stats?

    imagine clicking through 1k cards and select 4 attributes for every cards. My doc will call you :D

    Die komplette Global Cooldown Mechanik wurde überarbeitet zum Ärgernis und Nachteil der Spieler. Vor allem beim buffen braucht man jetzt ca. 50% länger und alles was keine pet Klasse ist leidet stark darunter beim clearen von Instanzen.

    Ich würde aber nicht davon ausgehen, das es wieder geändert wird. Hat angeblich die Performance verbessert, auch wenn man es beim ini spielen anders fühlt als Spieler ^^


    for tank grafu artefact in general: I would suggest to increase the duration. for jumping in a mobgroup it's kinda useless. either adjust the duration or change the complete effect in general like something "on click"


    Transformation Potion :This can vary based on your preference. Some people use the transformation potion that gives 20% STR and 20% STA. Others use the one that gives 20% WIS and 20% STA for the Knight/Druid's Earth Cleave skill to do more damage (because Earth Cleave scales with wisdom).

    I would say sta/wis is must have, bcs Earth Cleave is doing way more damage/aggro with more wisdom. If you have buffed around 35-40k wisdom, it is more than double aggro of Whirlwind Shield iirc


    in dreamland dps classes can get attack amulets (and healers could get castspeed amulets).

    What about tank amulets? there are atm 2 amulets with pdef (ID 221396) and mdef (ID 221397), which lasts for 10 seconds with 45 seconds CD. not sooo useless imho.

    the pdef one could be useful, if you change it to have a longer uptime. Then a champion tank could use that and stack more pdef for better group survivability.

    Or maybe you will have any other cool stuff for tanks :D



    for example this yes, or a "bulk change" to all cards in the deck, which haven't set to specific attributes.


    Deck 1 has 2000 cards with all rolled to stamina/dex/strength/patk. All card maxed or 5 stars

    Deck 2 then has also 2000 cards available, but you only had set 1000 cards to for example "stamina/wisdom/HP/pdef". The other 1000 cards don't have any attributes set. Now it would be nice to bulk change all left cards, that has no attributes set, to "stamina/wisdom/HP/pdef" with the least costs (this example needs 25 dias for every attribute to set). Or the bulk change should only be available for cards, that have matching attributes to change to the target attributes for 25d each

    Hi Rake,

    what about improving "rerolling" second/third/fourth deck?

    Imagine you have over 2k cards and want to set all attributes in an additional deck. it's like to injure your hand to click all stuff one by one o.o

    That is why I thought about exclusive functions from threaten, champ def and warden HP

    You just read "for testing purpose"?

    And you should know, that you cannot interrupt everything. Some skills just cannot be interrupted and instants btw cannot be by design.

    Don't be so ignorant in purpose of making tank classes equal for the raid. Stuns doesnt help you, if targets cannot be stunned or interrupted:)

    Hi tank community,

    what does other tanks think about this change?

    • Reduced Protection of Nature HP share to 4% from 8%.

    Compared to Knights threaten + new Grace of Life, it seems that the 4% is too low.

    We tested yesterday in orkham and a dps closely survived the electrocute hit from mobs. With a knight tank, they also survive a hit. Now with the nerf to 4%, you literally die again with warden tank (yes, you can interrupt, but it is for testing purpose).

    I know it is hard to balance and 8% + threaten from knight dps would be insane. Hence my suggestion:

    • Increase ratio back to 8% and change it to be only share if spirit of the oak is summoned
    • Change knight threaten for dps knight classes, that it does not reduce attack power of enemies
    • Change w/p debuff that it does not apply any debuff on enemies, if you have a warden or champ tank (with Warrior, warlock and rogue tank it is still usefull)


    In my opinion all tank classes should get an attribute multiplier on their skills, like many other classes has.

    It doesnt need to be always stamina, but in most cases the simplest and easiest solution for aggro problems.

    Knight/druid for example has a skill with wisdom multiplier and it makes a huge difference on that skill if you use wisdom transfo potion or not

    Better gear on dps -> more aggro/dmg

    Better gear on tanks -> same aggro, just more HP/def


    is the title ID 532344 possible to receive? O.O

    I mean there seems to be no hint at all.

    Same with the title ID 532341. killing Iron Maidens does nothing. Burst boss without iron maidens does nothing.

    People need to get any kind of clue how to achieve things or get frustrated at some time :(


    From 300 to 1000 slots, the daily cost prices got around 55% discount. The slot unlock cost is also 71% cheaper. We think this will allow the biggest majority of the players to have the chance to play with the system and create bigger houses that fulfill their wishes.

    And now please an example how much more you pay let's say for 180 slots like mentioned above :)

    Aspect one.
    -teammate: buff pls.
    Yeah its first what he say. Its true, he can do more dps to kill something. Priest have many buffs, here need a table ranking in this aspect.

    just a question: do you calculate with orkham weapons? If yes, why is p/r ranked so low in buffs? p/r has by far the strongest attack buff of all priests bcs of 2 weapons with %-wisdom

    yes we also obtained 778324 some weeks ago, before several changes.

    The problem is, all those cards don't drop in the current state by just killing the mobs/bosses.

    So, it is more or less irrelevant, if players in past (even us) got 1 card. the current state is what matters for players :D


    there are several cards in Grafu Awakened that are not dropping, because mobs never get killed, are vanishing or don't have loot at all :)

    Following cards are:

    • 778334
    • 778325
    • 778324 ( I guess here was something changed, that it doesn't get the card. maybe bcs of the chest?)
    • 778340
    • 778311
    • 778335
    • 778341
    • 778342
    • 778339
    • 778338
    • 778313
    • 778336
    • 778337
    • 778312
    • 778310


    What exactly do you mean with "server drop rates" ?

    Base drop chance for new cards ar elike

    green 1% ==> max 10%, so with 1000% drop bonus from buffs/pet/potions etc. will give a max 10% drop rate, correct ?

    blue 2% ==> max 20% so with 1000% drop rate bonsu will givethis ? In practise, this also caps aout at 10% i think, never ever get to 20%.

    and what exactly are server drop rates in this regard ?

    blue cards are not always "elite" mobs. the percentages are based on monster type, not card rarity


    that are server rates