Posts by Wesker

    About Scout/Warlock

    I love this class so much but this class has something missing in its skills. We have to use some aoe skills such as and also when we attack single target(Dont tell me to use because some targets are dying even before this spell cast ends).Why dont you just make this elite skill also change joint blow and make it a magical skill that deals poison damage ? So we will have better single target rotation on this class.


    Sorry for the delayed answer, I just came back from my vacations. &)

    I was thinking of something similar some time ago (when we added Mana Drain Shot to the elite passive) but discarded my idea as it seemed not necessary to add further single target skills to the rotation for both rotation flow and damage, since most of the skill cooldowns depend on your ranged attack speed and are available fast enough again.

    Was the reason behind your post that you're lacking DPS in single target situations or encountering that all skills are on cooldown at a time?

    Best regards


    I’ve gone through the latest patch notes on class balance and I have to say, the explanations from the Game Devs really make a difference. Even though the game is still under maintenance and I haven’t been able to test the changes myself, the thought process behind each adjustment is well-reasoned. What I appreciate most is how these notes open the door for meaningful discussions between the devs and players. This kind of transparency makes it possible to fine-tune the classes based on real feedback, which is key to achieving a balanced system.

    Keep it up!

    Agreed, I just hope these GD notes are not exclusive to changes pertaining to magical classes. Much appreciated.


    We introduced those "GD Notes" for magical classes for test reasons in the first place, but are willing to keep writing and even extending them in the future if you guys respond well to them. For me personally it's not as much of an extra work, as we already discuss certain changes within the design/balancing teams anyway and I'm glad to share my thoughts with our playerbase. The rest of us might think the same way.

    Since we are adjusting our internal workflows (as you can see here) in order to add more transparency to our game design, especially in terms of class balancing, we like to communicate and engage with you guys even more.

    I'm sorry if you felt not being heard in the past while suggesting good and well thought-out ideas without (or only with few) response from our side, so I hope this step will have a positive impact on the situation as we all have the same goal of improving the game together.

    Would be nice to go into discussions about generell classes (...)

    This might already be possible by applying as a collaborator as you can see in this post. The best place for these discussions is probably the place where the changes are forged. If you want to play an active role within the class balancing, so your voice is heard at an earliest time possible, I'm looking forward to meet you there! &)

    Best regards


    Note by GD: As the duration of Elemental Catalysis was reduced before, we changed some item set skills to balance the loss of casting speed so mages can keep up their cast burst for longer.

    • Reduced Elemental Catalysis cast speed to 25% from 50%.
    • Increased Rune Formation set skill damage gain to 30% from 15%.
    • Removed The Sage set skill damage gain, added 30% cast speed instead.

    Mages got extra and longer 5% casting speed but they also lost 5% magical damage. Can you add 5% more magical damage to Runic Formation skill ?


    Yes, we will add it back, since it was nerfed unintentionally. However, for the first 15 seconds of the burst, you now gain 5% more casting speed, while sustaining 30% by "The Sage" for another 15 seconds after Elemental Catalysis has expired.

    Best regards


    About Warrior/Mage

    Electric Attack skill (ID : 493001) has very low damage and it has 1 second cooldown. Warrior/Mage should deal damage with auto attacks also. Since you changed 60 level Elite Skill, auto attacks became useless except stacking Electrical Rage.

    Can you change Electric Attack to be a passive skill that modifies auto attacks deal fire and wing damage ?


    We do not plan to change Warrior/Mage auto attacks to deal damage anymore. Players should actively play their rotation in order to deal damage, rather than dealing damage passively. Electric Attack deals less damage than before, but in return the class got DoTs and more overall damage for a better sustain damage.

    Our goal for the last changes to the class was to force the player to actively engage into combat in order to keep up the Possessed by Anger bonuses and Electrical Rage stacks, rather than press a button every 30 seconds for the majority of its original damage output.

    About Warrior/Mage

    Can you also make Lightning Burn DoT damage to increase with casting speed ? Physical warriors gain extra DoT damage from their attack speed. I think warrior/mage's DoT should benefit from casting speed.

    Cast Speed scaling for magical DoTs will be considered for the future. But for now, only Magical Attack and Damage over Time increments play into Lightning Burn. We already observed data from players using an optimized setup for the DoT variant which seems to perform quite well.

    Best regards


    Greetings! &)

    with today's patch we will introduce a reworked key mechanic of mage, while giving every mage sub class a unique mechanic to implement those changes properly. Our goal is to further increase synergies of magical classes between elemental classes in general and bring them back in line with each other.

    Today's key mechanic changes will be the first step into a new direction that will have some adjustments following up in the near future, enhancing variety and possibilities of magical class gameplay in general.

    For sure, you might experience different results by combining specific synergies with each other, so that previously underperforming magical classes might be able to catch up with current meta classes again. This is one of our major goals in magical class balance, so there will be more specific elemental synergies instead of general support on many classes, not only speaking of the current patch.

    For your M/R problem, there is no solution. Just accept the fact that most mobs die faster than you can get your Cursed Fangs + Kiss of the Vampire combination out.

    This is exactly what is the goal of Mage/Rogue class design. We will even increase the impact of this skill combo further, so it might be mandatory to use in many scenarios in the first place.

    The class having issues to apply Kiss of the Vampire properly should be the difficulty and barrier of entry of this classes' power. So by buffing Kiss of the Vampire to grant further bonuses (alongside the new changes of general Mage class [that might be released today] ) will lead to the point of intersection between difficulty and power.

    However, if it turns out to be an extremely annoying mechanic in the long run, we will reserve the right of making further adjustments of course. But for now, the Kiss combo will be a key element in Mage/Rogue's gameplay.

    For warlocks is the whole aoe situation. For druids, well, everything xD.

    You might look forward to the upcoming patches, where warlocks and druid will get some love again. There will even be another dark damage synergy alongside a specific major combat change that enhance warlocks and specifically Druid/Rogue gamplay decently. But, to manage expectations, this might require further adjustments later. I'm looking forward to your feedback!

    Quote from Madox

    The issue I see with mdps is that all of them have 1 big handicap. I always thought classes shouldn't be perfect and they should be "bad" in atleast one situation... well, rogues don't have that problem.

    General class balancing is a complex task due to different combinations, synergies and even general raid gameplay. However, the peak issues have been addressed to the general class balancing team and we are working on that.

    Best regards

    Wesker &)


    We do not plan to change this. As Mage/Champion is a "kind of melee" class, it has the ability to teleport, which is based on the idea of the nordic mythology figure Thor who wields a hammer and is able to rush towards enemies to crush them with his hammer.

    We will increase Lightning range in order to make this more reasonable anyway. However, there are some other changes about to be released, that might fix certain dps issues and bring the class further towards the basic design.

    What about Shock Strike skill ? Maybe you can consider removing its global cooldown (ID:1492125)

    We do not plan to change this mechanic. The class design is set up to be a full global cooldown mage with a unique play style due to its range. Giving it the ability to cast more skills without the GCD, would break the design idea.

    Hey Wesker I suggest to make Warrior/Mage also a Chain Class like Scouts have Scout Mage wo is also Magical and Physical.

    This would be funny.

    kind regard

    Changing a class that deals damage by its auto attacks is nearly impossible to balance on a physical side, since the frequency of white hits and the damage itself scale on attack speed, unlike the magical part that scales on both attack speed (for attack frequency) and cast speed (for damage). Balancing this properly requires both of the classes' sides to scale on the same attribute, which is attack speed, but we do not plan to create another Warden/Druid-like class that is quite difficult to maintain technically already.

    Best regards



    First of all, thank you all for your active suggestions and feedback, this is highly appreciated and essential for our game design.

    As I can see most Mages currently underperform in comparison to other Dps Metas and need a slightly buff.

    We are aware of certain differences between MDPS and PDPS and are working on solutions.

    About Mage/Rogue

    please make Kiss of the Vampire skill (ID:491345) to be usable without Cursed Fangs. It is difficult to use Cursed Fangs + Kiss of the Vampire on mobs, because they die so fast sometimes

    We do not plan to change this in the near future. The class already has decent damage potential, so the only thing I personally could imagine is to increase the buff duration. But we do not plan to touch the spell combo in the first place.

    Little suggestion for m/s:

    Reduce Shot cooldown by 0.5 sec (id: 499598)

    We do not plan to change this. Shot on M/S already scales with Attack Speed that was already increased in a recent patch. For this class we prepared something different with today's patch. Depending on how this turns out within the meta, there are more changes to come in that direction.

    About Mage/Champion

    Every time we use Voltage Size (ID:498864), Electric Compression(ID:498863) gets deleted.

    And we spam Voltage Size so often. We cant always refresh Electric Compression. It will be waste of time. Can you just make Electric Compression a passive skill for mage/champion ?

    We are aware of this issue. Voltage Seize is an electric spell that triggers the Charged state that overwrites Electric Compression. A solution will be patched within the next patches.


    And also Lightning(ID:1492124) skill of mage/champion is not so useful skill. Please change it to give 10% magical damage to player for 20 seconds(this buff should not be triggered again for 10 seconds after it ends) instead teleporting us behind our target.

    We do not plan to change this. As Mage/Champion is a "kind of melee" class, it has the ability to teleport, which is based on the idea of the nordic mythology figure Thor who wields a hammer and is able to rush towards enemies to crush them with his hammer.

    We will increase Lightning range in order to make this more reasonable anyway. However, there are some other changes about to be released, that might fix certain dps issues and bring the class further towards the basic design.


    About Mage/Champion

    Lightning Shield skill (ID:499811) deals damage only when we recieve damage. But we dont recieve any damage from mobs usually. This skill is increasing our aggro by 90% and makes us a little bit tanky. But in return we dont benefit from this skill so much.

    We do not plan to change this. It is intended to just be additional damage you deal while receiving area effects. However, I saw some players tanking older content with this class already and Lightning Shield was working quite well there. The major advantage of this skill should be the damage reduction, it's supposed to be a magical variant of Champion's Shield Form, as we try to give magical main classes some kind of identity of their individual sub classes.

    Best regards


    Gift of the baron was changed like blood arrow.

    Only the AoE damage should be applied on hit, while the costs should tick constantly, as patch notes also tell. If the mechanic is different, it's not working as intended. I remember there were some issues occuring right after live release, so there might be something still broken. We will look into it.


    What about tank meta? There are also 1-2 classes overused, or better, all other classes useless/too weak to perform

    I forwarded your request to the responsible team members. We will discuss wether there are adjustments required.

    Здравствуйте уважаемые администраторы, создается такое впечатление что у вас личная ненависть к классу магов. Мало того что магу/колдуну дали теперь личную кровавку, так еще и 10 секундный урон отобрали. Если учесть что маги это самый дорогой класс по экипировке, ни к статам, ни покупке шмота по цене не подступишься, то вы практически убиваете рынок маговских вещей, потому что они теперь никому не нужны. Перетачиваться в другой класс , как вы иногда советуете тоже не вижу смысла, маговский шмот продать не смогу, поэтому точиться не получится, остается завязать с такой игрой, где происходит настоящая сегрегация(


    Thank you for telling your concerns about the current way of mage balancing. We are currently changing some ways of magical class interactions, in order to increase the diversity within the meta. Mage/Warlock and Warlock/Mage appeared to be overused, so we tried to change their behaviors and add more alternatives, instead of just removing their supportive sides. It was not our intention to make classes unplayable. I'm sorry if you got the impression.

    The recent patch was just the first in a row, adding some QoL and improve some basic mechanics in the first place. Next, there will be much deeper adjustments and later on real "balancing". We are aware that some classes may overperform right now, this will be balanced within the process later on. Also, some of the current changes will add more possibilities for us, to balance specific classes properly at a later time.

    There are some really fun class mechanics planned already, and your feedback to them is highly appreciated. :thumbup: Even if there is no direct answer to your requests, it's all heard, considered and internally discussed.

    I promised myself, I don't flame for some of those latest changes, but please change at least the new mage/warlock blood arrow to only tick while doing every blood arrow X/

    The idea wasn't to make the Forgotten Black Magic another Blood Arrow, but instead to add an alternative to Mage/Rogue, which has Gift of the Baron constantly draining HP as well. The Blood Arrow mechanic (like HP cost on hit) shall only apply for selfish buffs, while supportive mechanics shall have some kind of costs, which are HP every x seconds in this case. In this way, constantly incurred costs are paid and shall be healed by the party, in order to get support for everyone.

    But however, we will reconsider this later if it turns out to be an annoying change, since this might not be the way we'd like to go with mages.

    Best regards

    Wesker &)


    my apologies, we have looked deeper into the event and indeed found something that might be related. It will be fixed with next patch.

    Best regards


    It is planned to release offensive artefact runes within the next nostalgia content update. The timing depends on internal resources, such as developer availability and other projects and changes that have to be released before. For this reason, I cannot make any statement about an exact release date at this time.

    However, I can confirm that the next nostalgia content is already in progress. But don't worry, you surely will have enough time to enjoy the latest content first. ;)

    Currently you have to do both KS and IDK at the same time to get a red artefact from IDK in a reasonably reasonable amount of time.

    Yes, this is what we intended. If there was another Sun Essence dropping in IDK by 100% chance, KS would have been completely replaced. Our way, KS is still relevant for constant Sun Essences, but you will need to run less KS due to the drops in IDK. Nostalgia content is supposed not to be deprecated within half a year already. ;)

    Just a short note by the way to clarify. The new IDK artefacts are generally equal to the KS artefacts. Both will be equally useful in future content and it will not matter which you are using, which is plussed or has runes slotted. You will not have a disadvantage using the KS artefact with an IDK rune. The new artefacts shall complete the collection for some niche classes. There might be a third generation in the future, but that's not sure yet.

    You can even slot a rune into a purple artefact, this should not matter for now. However I would recommend a red artefact or you might be wasting materials. The red refined artefact upgrade shall be mandatory for future content.

    It is also planned to combine certain artefacts in the future. So it might be useful to save some materials for IDK artefacts as well, if you already got an artefact from KS.

    I would like to ask about nostalgia content:

    are there any plans/works for the next instance?

    Is there a chance that the new nostalgia will have a 6/12 people mode?

    The idea of 6-person instances is very nice, but in our guild there is a regularly unpleasant situation such as: we are eager to go ks and suddenly a 7th person shows up and we have to go to the rofl, which we already have above the nostrils.

    Hi. We indeed have concrete plans and are already partially working on the next nostalgia content update in order to further follow up our artefact content line. But we decided to put the release after the next major content update so that you guys can spend some time with Dark Core first and then, after a while, start into the next nostalgia instance.

    It is not planned to extend the player amount beyond 6. For raid content there already are the major custom instances and this is how it shall stay right now.

    Best reagards!

    I was not speaking about the forum. About 90% of the feedback I receive ingame. From different guilds and groups of mixed guilds. I watched most of them for a long time, asked some for specific feedback. I am well aware that feedback gathered from forum only might be falsified due to one-sided feedback and lead to polarisation. ;)

    You officially admit that your goal is to make the game as difficult as possible.

    Not the entire game, but yeah, the instance was intended to be pretty difficult. According to most feedback I received in the past days, we got that done well.

    I always appreciate any kind of feedback and discuss any serious idea with my team. I'm sorry that we can't come to terms here, but thank you for your feedback, we will consider it in further updates of nostalgia content.

    The obtaining of artefacts through the questline (including defeating Regin) is intended as it is, requiring a full clear. As you mentioned, it doesn't make any sense to get the artefact while not being able to use it. But the concept behind does make sense indeed. ;)

    The instance is intended to be difficult. Much more difficult than most other content in the game. It's a group content, so group setup is more important than ever before. If a guild or group is not good enough yet to succeed in there, they simply need some further progression before attempting the challenge again.

    I watched groups attempting the instance several times, spending hours or even days on bosses, but in the end succeeding over them. That's the actual way how this instance is supposed to work. And by the way, the difficulty wasn't increased by fixing bugs that made players die oneshot randomly and so on. It simply was fixing of bugs, exploits and mechanics that made life worse than intended or even broke certain mechanics. We never had the intention to exclude players or groups from anything or to disadvantage anyone. But if something isn't working as it was designed to be, it's fixed until it works as it should. ;)

    Cheers. <3

    Not really, you have to do full instance to unlock it (or it can be done on normal?)

    For the quest, yes. But you don't need to farm it. I saw groups running a full run within 6 hours just for the quest. There is always a way by playing tactics and mechanics or optimising the party setup. ;)

    It is intended to be an upgrade, so no plussing level is transfered. This way everyone can farm the normal artefacts through trashmobs while not being forced to clear the entire instance. But the refined artefacts require loot from the final boss and do require full clears. So if a group of players is not able to clear the entire instance yet, they can still achieve the normal artefacts. And stronger groups can go for the refined ones additionally. Everyone wins. ;)

    In that case, maybe the refined one is better than the normal +6?

    A little better, of course. Also, the effects of the refined ones will be improved slightly. ;)

    Maybe you need a +6 normal artefact to refine it? Would be the best solution for all

    Or when you refine an artefact, it's level remains. So if you refine a a+6 artefact you get another +6, from +3 you get another +3 and so on...


    It is intended to be an upgrade, so no plussing level is transfered. This way everyone can farm the normal artefacts through trashmobs while not being forced to clear the entire instance. But the refined artefacts require loot from the final boss and do require full clears. So if a group of players is not able to clear the entire instance yet, they can still achieve the normal artefacts. And stronger groups can go for the refined ones additionally. Everyone wins. ;)

    This is intended. The bosses should have required full plate armor with parry rate and so on. It makes me a little sad that some groups managed to kite bosses. But that's ok for the moment. ;)

    It is everywhere possible. Look at rofl endboss. As long as the bosses have lower movespeed than players and movespeed can reduced for bosses, it will always be possible. And for example in rofl you can take shoes for additional speed.

    Just to let you know for further instances


    Yeah, thanks for the information. ;) We have also realised this behavior already and will try to fix it at some point, respectively in the future. A trashmob is supposed to be kited easily, but a boss is not in my opinion.

    It is posible to dodge any of the atacks of the bosses of kallin? I feel that even with the rogue dodge skill I cant dodge a single atack :D

    This is intended. The bosses should have required full plate armor with parry rate and so on. It makes me a little sad that some groups managed to kite bosses. But that's ok for the moment. ;)

    b1-b2 area damage to high.if you are not a warrior, you usually die

    The AoE from bosses are intended the way they are. There are gameplay mechanics to lower the received damage though. ;)