Posts by Ikaria

    fix automatic shot, this skill work without battle and when i change target it atak


    This was changed with a recent patch and was listed on patch notes.

    • Changed auto use spells to not deactivate when swapping and removing targets.

    In future patch it will be changed to extra setting.


    Ich brauche Hilfe bei folgenden Problem. Nach dem letzten Patch bleibt beim Kundi der Autoschuss an nachdem z.B. ein Mob angegriffen wurde. Der Skill hat in der Skillleiste eine grüne Umrandung also dauerhaft an. Ein gezieltes anwählen eines Mobs ist damit nicht möglich. Tabe ich durch durch eine Mobgruppe wird der zuerst angetabte Mob sofort mit Autoschuss angegriffen. Als Beispiel Rofl 1. Boss. Der Boss wird ohne AOE´s angegriffen, dann erscheinen die 3 Bosse. Ich hole mir meinen Skill und muss durchtaben und den richtigen Boss auszuwählen, da aber viele Mobs um die 3 Bosse stehen und ich evtl. einen Mob statt Boss angetabt habe, geht sofort der Autoschuss raus und ich habe dann ein Problem weil mich dann die Mobs angreifen. Bis ich verstanden habe an was das liegt bin ich 2 - 3 gestorben. Im Moment muss ich den Autoschuss per Hand ausschalten. Könnt Ihr bitte das wieder so einstellen, dass der Autoschuss nach dem Angriff endet und ich ohne Probleme den nächsten Gegner antaben kann? Wenn jemand eine Lösung hätte wäre ich dankbar. Aber jetzt immer wieder den Autoschuss per Hand ausmachen nervt.


    This was changed with a recent patch and was listed on patch notes.

    • Changed auto use spells to not deactivate when swapping and removing targets.

    In future patch it will be changed to extra setting.



    after todays patch, instrument sounds and some instance sounds i didn´t hear before were moved into the sound effects volume. Now it can be really uncomfortable to play with a Katana (if you´re using perfect slice manually) because it´s not possible to hear the sound of it sometimes. Would appreciate a solution for this.



    Only instrument sounds, perfect slice, and some minigame sounds were moved to correct setting. Nothing else was moved.

    Perfect slice was already moved into it's own category under Special Effects.


    I think a really huge performance improvement would be if it were possible to disable the aura effect from other players. When I disable my own, I already get about 15 FPS more, but many people still have theirs active. Even if you have other players disabled, the small ball still has the aura effect (see pic).


    Hi, golden aura was already changed to not be forced enabled fx for next client patch. As well as some other client performance increases.


    We will review these zones and see if there is a need for change based on logs.

    The Talaghan map's missions may be easy for an END GAME player, but for a beginner or intermediate player like me, I really have a hard time. I think the amount of energy points from the missions on this map should be increased.

    • When I finish the energy quests on the Talaghan map, the person I need to deliver it to does not appear.
    • I have done a lot of missions and almost all of them are like this

    Talaghan is end game zone, it is not intended to be easy for non-endgame players. It is not planned to balance this content around weaker geared players for this reason.

    We were unable to reproduce issue with quest completion markers. Please check your map settings and try without addons which may be interfering.



    Skill must be usable on enemy target to work, Skills that are for friendly players are not working. So mostly it is AoE skills. Priest cleanse is having special workaround version for this boss fight which is allowing it to be used for enemies for this reason.



    Some of these are obtainable, and were already obtained by players. Some we will review.



    I dont think that we should be occupied with these instances for a long time.

    Is there reason you think this way? Nostalgia is way to give players additional instance content, whilst main content is being designed. Creating maps is not fast process(often taking close to a year of VD time), and without these, we wouldn't be able to offer instance content anywhere as frequently. You mentioned later in your post, that you got bored from Orkham as gear was obtained fast, is it not similar here if you finished Nostalgia upgrades even faster then some players already do?

    It was not a boring game because we were not running 1 instance only. But then developers started to bring nostalgia instances.

    Is this option not still available as well through Nostalgia instances? Many still remain relevant to run, whilst not required for main armour sets, these rewards are still used.

    Orkham Instance and Corruption System

    But in my opinion Orkham should have been like RoFL, a lot of people finished their gears so fast. So, they bored of this game and left server again. In RoFL we used to make an item in 10 days.

    Maybe something like that should have been brought to Orkham as well.

    We will consider this for future content.

    Class Balance Problems

    I am so tired of these massive class changes in every patch. Every time you bring a new patch some classes are being destroyed. Some OP classes stay unchanged.

    I think a lot of players are bored of these nonsense nerfs/buffs and also some other annoying changes.

    Class balance design has addressed here, should you wish to apply on behalf of your guild.


    I have been playing the game for 96 days and I am stuck on this quest. Many players like me cannot do this dungeon quest. Can you improve this quest? We cannot do this quest. So every day I cannot trade is a wasted day. We want to make and wear the gold clothes but this George quest is very difficult we cannot do it, we cannot trade the gold clothes.

    Gorge of the Ice giants is planned to receive some QoL updates in upcoming patch which may make completing this quest easier, alternatively, this quest can also be finished inside Boss Event instance.

    That is exactly what i am talking about. Developers always bring new instances but they do not really reduce requirements of previous instances.

    We have reduced requirements of entire Chamber of Elements questline already previously by removing pre requirement of completing previous instance to enter, as well as implementing Tikal Easy Mode, where it is possible to complete the quest inside.

    Sathkur was also implemented as catch up to make previous Nostalgia content faster, as well as reducing requirements of certain Nostalgia instances.

    We also removed daily limitation of RoFl Core exchange, and recently with last patch halved the required materials.

    Is there any other things you would like to see which maybe was missed?


    First: As some GM (or other game responsible) once confirmed, the drop rates for monster cards are intentionally reduced (massively) in specific zomes (like silverspring/dust devi canyon). As of my experience it is a massive 50% reduce.

    ==> This results in almost 1200 kills for the rrequired card drops. (normal zone drops)

    ==> Again, this takes long time, but eventually also this will be accomplished one day (although i have doubts rregarding "Tatus" monster card and one other^^)


    Drop reduction in Silverspring and Dust Devil Canyon will be removed with todays patch. Tatus card is not effected by server drop rate, due to not being killed by player, but is effected by player drop effects, so would be slightly rarer then other cards due to this.

    BUT: The festival cards themselves are far from being farmable.

    Some of the festival cards i have never seen, and most are super rare.

    This, by itself, may be a good thing.

    BUT if you consider, you need 65 of them cards to upgrade to 5 star, this will not be possible in a lifetime I guess^^

    In future, we will make some adjustments to festival cards to make it easier to reach 5 stars.



    Artisanal crystals are used to craft the accessories, not used to obtain these random rewards. For these you need 10x Purified Crystals and 10x Essence Crystals. We will update wiki in future to be more clear.

    As for suggestion, we may introduce some way to reuse additional attempts in future, but giving way to pick item you want is not planned.
