Moving positions each year is not planned. However we will consider options to make this slightly more fair for all participants.
Moving positions each year is not planned. However we will consider options to make this slightly more fair for all participants.
This was causing performance issues not only for player using it, but also players around the user. Currently it's not planned to remove this block from macros, however usage limits may be adjusted, you may also manually use it from tab keybind as much as you like, change is just to block excessive use inside macro loops.
Idk if this is on purpose or not but this Mob is missing a card and doesnt drop anything rn
This monster is skipped intentionally as this monster is part of Bolinthya Rift which isn't including cards.
With +1,000 DROP, I have been entering 750208 [Varanas Nightmare] almost every day for about a month. There are 3 cards I need here. Despite spending so much time and effort to obtain these cards, I have not been able to obtain them yet.
Could the DROP rate of this map and these creatures be low? Or could there be another problem? I'm just curious.
Thank you.
These cards aren't part of the new system, meaning they have much lower drop chance then new system cards, as well as having drop rate reduction due to being higher level than the monster you're killing.
Will be adjusted with next patch.
Display MoreDisplay MoreHello
It all will become more clear once planned codex frame is implemented, which will show all requirements in nice way, even listing each quest/title etc. It is however waiting for UI framework to be handled before it can be implemented.
Some players have already reached 100%, meaning it is possible to reach this. You may use QuestState to find these quests you miss whilst waiting for above mentioned interface, however according to logs, you're missing Save Plant Seeds quest.
422586 [First Time Planting]
422767 [Green Leaf Dewdrop]
As you can see in the pictures, there are 2 quest that I need to complete on this map. When I go to the NPC who gives this quest, they do not give these quest because I have done these quest on other maps.
What should I do about this?
Neither of these quests are related to counters as they aren't included in collectible system.
es schon ein ziemliches durcheinander geworden würde es nicht sinn machen jede Zone in einen eigenen Post zu packen und dann sortiert nach Gebiet Instanz etc.
It all will become more clear once planned codex frame is implemented, which will show all requirements in nice way, even listing each quest/title etc. It is however waiting for UI framework to be handled before it can be implemented.
With Patch Notes, the number of required quests in the Elf Island has been reduced to 1. This is great, but I still can't figure it out. Even though I have completed all the quest and received all the titles, what is the missing quest?
Some players have already reached 100%, meaning it is possible to reach this. You may use QuestState to find these quests you miss whilst waiting for above mentioned interface, however according to logs, you're missing Save Plant Seeds quest.
Fixed catching fish was possible to sometimes get it stucked in bag queue.
This bug is still happening. It seems to happens when you broke your fishing rod and equip a new one.
Should be fixed with next patch.
Display MoreDisplay MoreThere are afew more cards related to quests, or questitems.
Quest ID: 425020 [Gegenangreifer] - this quest is race dependend (dwarf only)
Card ID: 771251 / Mob-ID: 106561 [Card - Auflauerer-Phantom]
Coast of Opportunity
Quest ID: 423834 (Gefährliche Mission)
Card ID:771024 / Mob-ID: 105276
Card ID:771025 / Mob-ID: 105277
Quest-Item(random drop, quest then disappears, mob never respawns after quest completed)
unfortunaletyl, i don't remember quest. But maybe you can check spawn conditions for these mobs
Card ID: 778355 / Mob-ID:106874
Any official reaction on this ? Relating to quest-related mobs/cards.
I know, in theory you can farm, but I did farm the Dreamland-Demon, and then you released it as 5-star default.
So, I am asking about the same-kind-of-card issue with these cards/quests...
thank you
The Chrysalia mobs you mentioned can all be obtained without the quest active.
Others were already added to be checked in future update.
For example, I was using this addon especially for the ROFL final Boss because I'm sure this boss challenges the mathematics of many players. This was very easy thanks to AU. Now I think there will be a lot of difficulty in this regard too.
Such features aren't exclusive to original AU which was disabled and causing issues. AULite is still having these features, which remains available to download and use (although currently requires some updates from it's player developer). These features are also available in other addons inside the launcher.
Als Nutzer von "AULite" (inklusive der AULib) kann ich bestätigen das auch mit dem vermeintlichen Fix (CurrencyLink in BasePlugins zu löschen) nicht den erwünschten Erfolg gebracht hat.
Unfortunately as team are unable to read code of addon, we can only speculate what could be general "fixes" to maintain as much functionality as possible for users of it, ultimately it is still required for addon developer to fix it in such cases.
Ich sehe das alles ein, aber z.B. der WB Kolanda heute oder vor wenigen Minuten war ein Traum :-(. Kaum Schaden außer den glücklichen die eine Lua hatten.
Es wird noch einige Zeit dauern bis alle das neue Kitty verstanden haben und es wieder zum laufen bringen.
Meine Sorge ist, dass aus diesem Grunde einige Spieler den Server verlassen werden und das tut uns allen weh.
Und ich denke, dass es nur die eine Möglichkeit gibt AU wieder zu aktivieren bis zeitnah eine Lösung gefunden wird.
mfg. Pistanos
Kitty inside AULite is the same as old AU addon, as well the author has been asked to upload it separately alongside AU, for players who wish to use it whilst AULite is not updated.
Ok Danke werde ich versuchen.
Aber einen Vorschlag hätte ich noch^^. Warum gebt Ihr AU nicht frei aber auf eigene Gefahr? Bei mir lief es bis zum heutigen Patch ohne Probleme. Ich denke auch, dass es viele Spieler gibt die ebenfalls keine Probleme hatten. Wenn dann bei einem Spieler Probleme auftreten dann muss halt AU runter.
Evtl. könnte man ja eine Umfrage machen zu wer hat Probleme mit AU und wer hat keine.
Dann ergibt sich ja ein Bild
mfg. Pistanos
Unfortunately AU is a large addon, with little config options for the large amount of features it offers, meaning that whilst it may work in some ways, constant game updates are still causing errors in the background, just not enough to crash entire interface.
Original ArcadiaUtilities is causing thousands of errors every few minutes due to the fact it's not maintained, which cause large client instabilities the longer the client runs, draining FPS and eventually would likely cause the client to crash.
Whilst it could be done at own risk of players, we still get numerous reports daily from users of ArcadiaUtilities, and ArcadiaUtilitiesLite for bugs that are built directly into these addons, as users don't know about the large amount of backend features it offers. As such, it's not planned to remove this block for non-lite version. For performance reasons it causes, the aforementioned issues and the fact it's not even maintained by it's original developer, and we're unable to take responsibility for it, due to being closed source code.
Ja, dass kann ich verstehen. Aber AU Lite funktioniert bei mir leider nicht. Das Symbol ist da aber ich kann es nicht aufrufen.
Ensure you also install AULib as it is a requirement for this addon.
Original ArcadiaUtilities is not maintained by it's developer for over 1 year already, and was split into multiple addons. This old addon is now 1 year out of date and caused large performance issues that were reported to team, wasting team resources due to incompatible addon.
Due to the fact that ArcadiaUtilities is closed source, team are unable to verify it's code is compatible, nor maintain it ourself, relying on single player developer to update it, of which this developer is no longer maintaining this version.
All features of original AU that are no longer irrelevant are already moved into AULite by it's developer.
There is no plans to reenable this addon. If you have issues installing AULite version, you may contact developers who will try to assist as much as possible.
Display MoreHello,
Exactly, I meant durability. Could you give us the name of those addons that could replace this UA function ?
For buffs, it seems to me that with UA, the accuracy of timer is more precise than the basic one. For instance, housemaid buff CD is not shown in hours but in minutes. And skill CD are displayed with more accuracy that 1 sec especially in the last second.
Since I have uninstalled UA, I am not able to provide screenshots
Hope this will help
We will add option to show action bars in seconds, and buffs as m:s with future patch.
For displaying durability in character frame, you may use external plugin of fslimUI addon which handles same feature, but isn't uploaded as standalone addon, but will work by copying folder out of /ext directory into interface/addons.
We have already made it easier to get draco pets by offering this limited trade, as well as increasing amount of dracos earned from other sources. Expanding this to more per day is not planned.
By item structure do you mean durability displayed over the item? There is already many other addons that offer this functionality, as well as frame in game with shows similar, which can be enabled in settings if previously disabled.
For buffs could you be more specific exactly what it showed over default frame in terms of duration?
We will enable multibuy option to client to allow to purchase up to 20 of each item at once with next patch, without requiring extra addon.
Issue has been fixed for next patch.
This NPC is updated when there is time between regular larger updates, when festivals are improved. Festivals that are obtaining festive ribbons are usually having this shop updated. Due to other projects, festival improvements are done gradually over longer periods of time, so empty shops/not obtaining festival ribbons is intended.
This error happens when swapping ATF titles with same ID, so caused by some addon swapping them automatically. (Probably AU)
Display MoreMerhaba,
Bilindiği üzere festivalden festivale göre 750449 [Mevsimlik Rüzgar Koşucusu Yarışı] açılıyor/kapanıyor. Bu haritada bazı kartlar elde etme ihtimalimiz çok düşük olsa da mevcut. Bu kartların AH de satış fiyatı en düşük 8K elmas. Yani bu kartlar çok ama çok değerli.
- Benim sormak istediğim ise, bu kartları bu kadar değerliyken nasıl olurda bunlar parçalayarak en yüksek seviye yapabileceğimiz?
Benim bu konuda önerim, 750449 [Mevsimlik Rüzgar Koşucusu Yarışı] dan elde edilen kartlar maksimum seviye olarak gelmeli.
778194 [Kart - Pegasus]
As it is known, 750449 [Seasonal Wind Runner Race] opens/closes depending on the festival. Although the probability of obtaining some cards on this map is very low, it is available. The lowest selling price of these cards on AH is 8K diamonds. So these cards are very, very valuable.
What I want to ask is, how can we break these cards down to the highest level when they are so valuable?
My suggestion on this matter is that the cards obtained from 750449 [Seasonal Wind Runner Race] should come as maximum level.
It is not planned to change these to have high star levels, some festivals are having specific stones which can be used to obtain disenchants towards festival cards for this reason, which will be expanded in future to all. As well, festival cards already have 50% of requirements compared to other cards.
This is visual issue which should be fixed with next patch. All cards have a minimum of 1 disenchant as requirement.
We will change Matrixs to be unbound with next patch. We don't plan to make original components unbound due to their requirements for quest use and essentially making these quests buyable.
Hi, here is a suggestion about Hilarzu. At the moment it seems almost impossible to make him spawn since you already have low odds to make a guard spawn , then low odds to make a captain spawn from a guard and an even smaller odds to make Hilarzu spawn from a captain (like 1% ?). It would be nice to increase the spawning odds for Hilarzu to like 15/20% at least imo.
Hilarzu already has 20% chance to spawn from killing Captain, (It is visible in NPC tooltips). But we will add pity system similar to Anselve/Aisha/Akeli the Sage.