No, thats not the point and also inside the vid you can clearly see the fluctuation even without the buff
Also this is a well known issue by now and many scouts changed to other class combinations because of this.
Also for other Spells like Shot that you mentioned its a instant hit (one click )while snake poison is a area of effect click ( two clicks ). And somehow this leads into it bugging sometimes and not getting out even if the skill is clearly rdy -> skill up but it still tells "snake poison arrow not rdy" even tho all skills i use in the rotation besides snake poison are one click insta skills 
Also i tested around alot and this always happens inside burst once i have only one atk speed buff activ ( 25% more atk speed).
Once i have at least 2 buffs activ ( ~ 40%+ ) this bugg does not happen anymore for some reason most liekly somewhere between this value there is a point where this happens and it is pretty annoiying 
Also if it would be the case like u mentioned no bug at all i wonder why sere agreed with me and also mentioned that cruvor reported this issue aswell in the past.
Also no dev reacted so far to this post what makes it even harder to understand what exactly is the problem.
But in the past i never had this issue, it started happening one day with one patch but idk which one it was 
But its sad that this issue still is around even after months <-<
tbh easy way to fix it for scout/druid would be to make snake poison one click on target again like in the past but at the same time make it deal aoe dmg with the poison dot instead of area of effect 
But maybe a dev could tell us more about if it is bugged or what exactly is the problem e.e
Also even tho i mentioned that it is getting better with 2x atk speed buff from myself it gets worse again if playing inside group with buffs from other classes e.e
And NO its not a macro issue it also happens without macro and only using the aoe skills x)
So yeah in the end its main issue is inside FULL burst with a lot of atk speed and the skill close to zero GCD it hits like with a lag of 1-3 sec and after not even close to the rate it should while telling me "not rdy" even tho skill is up since 1-2 sec XD
Also this is pretty rip for dmg inside instances with a strong group where it depends on the first few seconds on if you even deal dmg or everything is dead already xD While it also is a lot of wasted time inside your burst what is even more noticable since the burst of scouts got lowered to ~ 15-20 sec