Posts by Yukki

    Boss didn't lose any def stacks it had 93% def reduction all time until players gave up and she recovered 2%HP every 2 seconds so it was kinda impossible for the server population to kill her q.q

    The lowest I saw her dropping while full burst was 94%.

    Ikaria, danke für deine schnelle Antwort und die Erklärung warum es so ist.

    Ich glaube jetzt leider dass es den meisten Spielern hier eigentlich egal ist, denn sonst hätten sich ja mehr meinem Beitrag angeschlossen und so evtl. Euch zu einem Umdenken veranlasst.

    Ich bin hier nicht um zu Angeln und WB zu machen oder nur Karten zu farmen^^.

    Das macht mir alleine nicht viel Spaß. Ich denke meine Zeit hier bei Euch geht langsam zu Ende.

    mfg. Pistanos

    Naja Ikaria kann da nix machen , da er den Code von AU nicht einsehen / bearbeiten kann. Der Dev von AU ( Revenent )hat seinen code verschlüsselt nur er kann da sachen drin ändern und weil das addon bei sehr vielen für Performance problemenen geführt hat hat er dann halt AU lite erstellt aber auch das kann niemand außer ihm einsehen.

    Die alte version von AU wird von Revenent nemmer unterstützt d.h. es kommen immer mehr buggs und performance probleme und leute kommen dann immer zum DEV Team um sich zu beschweren obwohl die da nix machen können, man sieht auch die ganzen fehler wenn man mit dem alten AU started im chat allein schon und wenn man denn bug report öffnet ist es n feuerwerk q-q.

    Die alte Kitty version vom alten AU war noch steinzeit, in AU Lite hat revenend halt neue funktionen noch hinzugefügt um diese Kitty version noch besser zu machen aber man findet sich eig schnell zurecht denke ich.

    Ich meine AU LITE existiert seit langem und eig hatten die Leute genug Zeit umzusteigen X.X
    Verstehe da nicht so wirklich das Problem noch dazu das sogar angekündigt wurde das AU nach dem patch abgeschalten wird also hatten die Leute auch Zeit sich ihre Kittys zu Screenshoten / speichern etc

    Außerdem gibt es ja auch Alternativen wie z.b. die combat engine von neoraxer die rotas sind zwar net perfekt aber als überbrückung bis diese leute sich ihre kittys wieder geschrieben haben reicht es denke mal locker aus :D

    Grüße Miraiyu


    The Draco NPC in front of Varanas has the possibility to exchange for example 40 Aero Draconaris into 20 of any other sort ( Fire,Geo,Water ) this feature is great to get rid of overflowing Draconaris.

    But what is pretty sad is that rn he only will let you do a trade once a day.

    My Suggestion would be to make this 2-3 times a day instead of one or eventually remove it entirely? Because rn its kind of a long time progress with only 1 Trade a day while the end result will be the same, so speeding up the trading progress would not hurt in my eyes ^^

    Greetings Miraiyu ^^

    no it isnt, all 3 races have a lot of classes to chose from but some classes are only for a specific race but you can get up to 3 classes for free before you need to get a class slot voucher also you can get a lot of different combinations already even without the classes from other races. But if you want a specific class that your starting race does not have you would need to at least switch race once to obtain the class.

    This isnt realy unfair since you are able to see that aswell in the charackter creation already.

    Also it isnt expensive to get those vouchers and you can get diamonds for free and various other things through playing the game ( newbie guild etc.)

    You can also put Archer rune inside kitty so if it deactivates it get activated automatically again if kitty is pressed since if you have no focus for Archer rune to work I doubt you will get out another hit aswell so activating it via kitty beforehand would not hurt I guess

    Did some testing can confirm aswell it works again now also great work with the GCD changes from last patch btw the snake-poison-arrow issue seems to be fixed now aswell as far as i can tell so far.

    Greetings x.x

    I did that few times in the past already even with video Prof and can give more explanation ofc but did not do so since it already got reported multiple times from other scouts so would have been nice to ask for further information instead of first saying it works as intended I guess

    Can look into it when I have time and make a video if needed x.x


    fix automatic shot, this skill dont work, i must click it all time when targed dead

    They should just exclude the skill from the most recent changes (last patch that broke it and this patch trying to fix it) before they patched around it worked fine and I don't think any scout would not be happy about it xD

    Cooldown system will be entirely reworked soon, this might render this issue obsolete or make it appear in different form. Until then there won't be any investigation for this.

    Also scouts will finally get benefit of dynamic cooldowns properly, along with other balance changes to make this reasonably impactful instead of breaking its balance.


    This sounds pretty fair and good to me than i shall wait until its released :D

    I will try it out, i did not try that one yet so maybe it will work, i will give feedback after testing hopefully it will help.

    Edit : Tested and as much as i can tell in atlas city at the dummys it works better with joint blow after snake poison with some fine tunning from my side via lua edit, but still not optimal and not tested inside instances yet so ye better but not a perfect solution but still ty for the idea ^^

    If u use it once in a rotation without spaming or sth it can work but you need to link it to be prio in some way, so no other hits can be done without snake poison beeing on the target but if it comes to spamming the skill it breaks after few hits and buggs out (even if placed as total prio and with the condition of snake posion beeing applied on target etc)

    -> delays happen for some reason e.e

    Also atk speed sadly seems to have bad effect on this somehow (makes it worse, even tho it should make it better -> more hits because of higher atk speed but nope instead you gain 2-3 hits 1-2sec lag 1-2 hits lag etc and also even with same atk speed over a longer time the skills sometimes gets out faster and sometimes with some lag (thats what you can see in the vid with pure red 1sec red and totaly up without beeing used even tho ITS first prio skill in macro with a lot of work put into (was working fine until one patch as i said but everything i did was not able to fix it and other players have simular problems )

    Hope this explains more on what this problem is rly about maybe some dev might be able to give further info about fix etc :D

    But yeah in sequenz for boss it works fine with all the conditions but for aoe rotation sequenz with other spells it doesnt work good in any way becuase of it coming out with sutch inconsistance even tho it clearly is meant to be spammed in AoE rota.

    I don't understand, what are you talking about, but scout has own mechanics of GCD(Global Cooldown), it depends on your attack speed. For ex: spells like Shot, Joint Blow, Vampire Arrows and Snake Poison Arrow has cooldown reduction depends on your attack speed, so it means more attack speed - less cooldown. As i can see the video, when yout start testing, you had buff from your pet on attack speed, so its already changed your cooldown. Maybe thats why you thought that the spell is buged.

    This spell works as intended if spell were buged, i guess the other spells like shot, joint blow will be broken also. Because they are using the same gcd mechanic i guess.

    No, thats not the point and also inside the vid you can clearly see the fluctuation even without the buff

    Also this is a well known issue by now and many scouts changed to other class combinations because of this.

    Also for other Spells like Shot that you mentioned its a instant hit (one click )while snake poison is a area of effect click ( two clicks ). And somehow this leads into it bugging sometimes and not getting out even if the skill is clearly rdy -> skill up but it still tells "snake poison arrow not rdy" even tho all skills i use in the rotation besides snake poison are one click insta skills :D

    Also i tested around alot and this always happens inside burst once i have only one atk speed buff activ ( 25% more atk speed).

    Once i have at least 2 buffs activ ( ~ 40%+ ) this bugg does not happen anymore for some reason most liekly somewhere between this value there is a point where this happens and it is pretty annoiying :D

    Also if it would be the case like u mentioned no bug at all i wonder why sere agreed with me and also mentioned that cruvor reported this issue aswell in the past.

    Also no dev reacted so far to this post what makes it even harder to understand what exactly is the problem.

    But in the past i never had this issue, it started happening one day with one patch but idk which one it was :D

    But its sad that this issue still is around even after months <-<

    tbh easy way to fix it for scout/druid would be to make snake poison one click on target again like in the past but at the same time make it deal aoe dmg with the poison dot instead of area of effect :D

    But maybe a dev could tell us more about if it is bugged or what exactly is the problem e.e

    Also even tho i mentioned that it is getting better with 2x atk speed buff from myself it gets worse again if playing inside group with buffs from other classes e.e

    And NO its not a macro issue it also happens without macro and only using the aoe skills x)

    So yeah in the end its main issue is inside FULL burst with a lot of atk speed and the skill close to zero GCD it hits like with a lag of 1-3 sec and after not even close to the rate it should while telling me "not rdy" even tho skill is up since 1-2 sec XD

    Also this is pretty rip for dmg inside instances with a strong group where it depends on the first few seconds on if you even deal dmg or everything is dead already xD While it also is a lot of wasted time inside your burst what is even more noticable since the burst of scouts got lowered to ~ 15-20 sec

    I started this game like few mounths ago,i tryed to catch people that play for long but obvious that will takes time,What i saw is that most of the changed dont help the new players at all.I will say the ones that i obsver and influence my gameplay since i was not impacted by all because im i want to start with the PRiest buff that modified the atack from a fix nuber to a percent,i know it was discused before but for me this maked me to not make for example aod from wave 7 to wave 3 since my percent dont help me at all,now the priest scout class cant be used to kill with heal gear.Another think i saw is about events,most of the time the events change in the midle of the events,the rewards packs are changing or the way they reset.Now jamie Rayer had an event with the clothing machin that before patch can be reseted with Transport rune now it cant,you need to buy a 80 dia reset scrol for it to get 5 packs of material for the event reward pack,so you need 160 dia to get 10 dracos materials.For a new player this is really nonsense,why someone would play so much for it when you need thousand to make all dracos,why you guys whoul change that since for the old players they not even care,most of them 99.99%i bet they already have all dracos cards,if they didnt make them they bought them.You guys need to find a way to reduce the difference between old and new players since this make the game really harder for someone that dont play for 10 years to play.The events are for new players not for old ones,i did all events every day and is hard to see a strong player doing them because they dont care,they pay 10k dia and buy all cards and thats it,events dont give nothing for them.So why to make them expensive?

    p.S.sorry for my english im not a native english speaker and sorry if upseet someone,is my first and fair opinion about this.Thanks and hope to reconsider the event reset with transport runes.

    I can understand your concerns about the events in the past many players already complained about it. And also about reset tickets being very expensive.

    A solution I would come up with to maybe fix this is that every player is able to buy 1-2x reset ticket on a daily base with low diamond cost (10-20).

    After it will be increasing in price back to 150.

    I think that could work out pretty good.

    Also buying Draco cards isn't rly good since the bigger dracos have better % than the old dragon zodiacs.

    I understand that the class needs some kind of restriction since the skills that use energy are pretty good, just seems to be a little bit of overkill in my opinion sadly no other scouts reacted to the post so hard to tell if I am alone with that feeling.

    Mostly its not about the class being to weak its very good actually,-

    Thats why I suggested to maybe do sth with the focus cost since doing sth with the energy cost would most likely break the class.

    Could be implemented via suggestion that i made a post later with the concentration buff :D

    Would be nice to get feedback about those suggestions since mostly those suggestions where posted by many scout players in one or another way to make scout gameplay smother ^^

    Hi, I am not sure why but i experience some really weird behaviour from the Snake Poison Arrow ( ID 499583 )

    When played alongside a normal rotation where the goal is to spam it as much as possible it fluctuates with different CDs while i dont change anything at the atk speed.

    This leads into breaks inside the rotation because the skill sometimes just goes down for 1.5 sec and then be up again faster.

    If i add more atk speed like with a lute or the iss its even getting worse.

    While having the skill on 0.5-0.7 it has insane issues with stating that skill is on CD while it clearly is not....

    In the followong vid you can see a test of me where the fluctuation can be seen very clearly, skill has 1.33 sec CD all the time but doesnt work correctly it seems.

    Also I am not sure since when this started but seems to only be the case since few days because in the past i played a lot on Scout/druid and had no issue with this at all.

    Greetings Miraiyu


    I would like to give some suggestions about Scout in generell that would make scout gameplay more fluid,

    since with the burst changes some things dont feel good rightnow and I am pretty sure other scouts feel the same way.

    Give all Scout a instant Snipe:

    (Having to cast snipe before burst feels pretty bad and since the 8% dmg buff its needed for every scout it is needed because many other classes can burst way faster ) -> leads into scouts beeing not so popular

    Remove channeling time from Hurrikan Downpour: (ID 494970)

    -> this would make it way better to use with many scout combinations

    (if a entire removal wont work maybe give it cast time instead would still be better than channel time)

    Make Consentration a permanent Skill that permanently gives focus reg and better shooting while moving

    (ID 490460)

    -> Ofc the focus reg would need to be reduced from 50% to around 20% - 25%

    I think those changes would help many scout combinations alot and make playing a scout more popular again since rn the server has way more people playing rogue.

    #BuffScouts :3

    Hello fellow Arcadians,

    Today I want to share my Orkham Guide with all of you.

    Since I already wrote alot inside the Video I will make it short inside this Post.

    This Guide is meant to be a Birthday Present even tho it's a little bit late for it.

    My apologies but I worked on this guide for close to two weeks and it took me longer than I planned originally because I wanted to make the guide as good as possible.

    Also big thanks for Querton to review the Guide before the official release to give me feedback :)

    If you have questions or you feel that something Is missing you can always DM me inside the Forum,discord or ingame.

    The link to the video will be edited inside this message later because I am not home yet,

    but I wanted to already tell people about it.

    Expect the video to be inside this Post a little bit later in the evening.But you will know since I will also post it on Discord and ingame.

    Feel free to share the link with as many people as possible to make sure than every person that wants to clear Orkham will be able to.

    Link to the Guide:

    Greetings Miraiyu