Is it intended that Bard gets a substantial amount of patk through Dexterity, regardless of the secondary class ?
Bard/Warden for example, is strictly better with leather gear compared to chain. Not only has it a superior 5 piece bonus (% damage compared to attackspeed), but also significantly more patk because of the attribute scaling.
Bard/Warrior on the other hand, would need chain gear with something like 4x str & 2x dex for optimization, which plainly spoken sucks. It just doesn't feel right that the only real chain wearing Bard combination needs dex stats on chain gear. Both cloth and leather Bards are perfectly fine with existing gear.
Thus far, the introduction of Bard has basically been a love letter to leather (B/Ch, B/S, B/R, B/Wd). Please let at least B/W be designed for "normal" chain gear.
After all, it's bad enough chain users have to build a Tambourine for one class combination only. Even Spear has more versatility to it xD
A DEV statement regarding the attribute scaling would be much appreciated.
In case this was an oversight that's perfectly understandable, the introduction of a whole new class has many implications, partly suprising ones. If intended, please reconsider, at least for B/W.