Class Balance [Patch] & Bard

  • I'm super dissapointed with all mage changes.

    m/k: static field hits 66% more than stars of light, why use it?

    m/wd: using new cast cap buff (vs 2 mobs) static field hits 83% more than the 3s cast, why use it? This feels like a little organs buff, thats all.

    m/ch: well... tiny buff but still have worst single dmg ingame (It's fine as long as other aspects are ok and they aren't at all) and meh burst aoe (when this was the good part of the class).

    m/s: pet is totally bugged in all ways.

    m/d: that change makes no sense. Remove b1 mobs, b2 mobs, lake mobs dmg from this class? It has nothing else decent to use. Other aoes are wind, not earth. I guess remove the dmg decrement and keep the 6 mobs target instead of 15? Would need to do math, idk if big pull would end up in similar amount of dmg.

    m/p: many lines of "changes" but at the end is the same thing, nothing changed.

    100% of the "changes" are useless, not a single one of them is even worth.

    The biggest problem with mages right now is their design. They are slow. Single burst is non existant and extented in 60s when other classes do the same in 15s. Burst aoe need more than 8s when others do it in 2-3s. Sustain mobs dmg was the good part but that is impossible in actual content. Sadly our only hope is that new ini isn't far away so these classes are (I hope) viable again.

    Warlocks: That is another question. Mages can be viable for their sustain dmg in new ini but warlocks? They dont't have that. If they are terrible in actual fast rofl I can't imagine how they will be in next ini. Is their fix coming?

    Wl/s: it has 3 major problems. Considering is a single dmg class, It is ok that the aoe is bad but single can't be bad.

    1. You can't need 6-12s to go back to dps form, that is just stupid. Make shot give 2 psi instead of 1.

    2. This class has huge problems to get psi while being transformed, imagine losing them from one mob to the next because we lost combat XD. Losing combat shouldn't remove those psi, same as not transformed kind.

    3. Single burst. B1, Balton and last boss. It is terrible. It needs some kind of buff with for example 5 mins cd (so isn't much used in mobs) to push the dmg in those 3 places. There could be other options to achieve that.

    Atm our only rofl option is pretty much m/wl to support the others, b/m for mobs/aoe and b/wl for doing dmg in organs and last 2 bosses. Maybe some cps weird class but thats all. Nothing else is worth to use compared to the rest of meta-classes of the game.

  • m/s: pet is totally bugged in all ways.

    Could you explain this more detailed, please?


    • Fixed pet wasn’t inflicting damage.
    • Halved Flame of Fire damage. pet is triggering this twice with 70 elite, so we thought its a bit too much

    Guess it got fixed in other channel while i was typing xD. I have to test the shot dmg vs pet dmg. It was almost same % overall before 12% pet and 11% shot in most runs, lets see now (in rofl). Dummys test was terrible, 92% shot and 8% pet, I hope when the pet is buffed things change because that was really bad. I'll say when I try in rofl.

  • Byte Question: 1950 instead of 2046. Fail in translation, in notes or at the time of doing the change? :/


    • Reduced maximum target amount of Magma Blade to 6 from 15, increased damage to 2046 from 1462

    • Changed Body Vitalization and Mind Vitalization to do not affect any type of pet.

    Appereantly Athelis in Rofl counts as Pet and i cant give him a vitalization to trigger the event after Balton.



    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • dont delete this again

    post about change skill piercing arrow

    skill deal dmg like earth pulse then we should use him like earth pulse

    now we need target for skill who deal dmg in line

    for what we need this target

    if you delete mu post tell me why pls

    this is bad change ? or what ?

    ps.dont delete this again

  • I like this Idea . Maybe make it similar to the Scout Knight Front AoE Repelling Arrow


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • I experienced the very same. In Rofl the class has a good sustain dps, but isn't as good in burst as other cps classes. The gcd thing isn't such an issue imo, but there is not much you can do in between. The delay could be caused by the whitehits, but haven't tested this properly, but also had them in my rotations. Additionally, the CC potential is huge due to the Cyclone and Shout combo, so it can easily be played in hoto or kalin as well.

    I also agree, the electric rage is annoying. On any big pull you need 1.5 seconds to single-target stack up the buff, sometimes even after cycloning, in order not to die through mobs aoe/casts. Maybe some spell would be cool to instantly grant full stacks, like the m/wl one "Will of Pride" (498750) which gives full stacks of its very own buffs. Maybe put this on Intensification or Enraged additionally.

    One thing I'm not sure about, is the Thunder Sword. The damage is too low using it in burst instead of just spamming Electrical Rage. Out of burst it's not worth it as well, since you loose whitehits during the spell channel. Maybe shorten the channel time by 50%, then the spell could be useful and give the class a bit more single burst, which isn't thaaat good, as mentioned above.

  • Hey,

    I have a similar suggestion for Champion.

    The current level 104 ISS is nice to have, but there's always the level 95 variant, which doesn't make "much" difference. Critical hit rate is enough anyway, attackspeed and castspeed always to have are really good, but still for a level 104 setkill not a huge difference to the level 95 setkill imo.

    I would suggest, in order to make the skill more attractive, to add that it should have all forge stacks at the maximum number. Especially before boss fights or before big trashpulls you would then have your stacks right away.


  • Heyho,

    regarding the upcoming mage changes: Can someone please give a statement WHY these changes are planned as they are? They sound absolutely horrible.

    For most (also already unplayed) classes these changes are straight up nerfs.

    I really can't understand why these changes are planned like the way they are.

    Edit: changed - ty


  • Now that you are in mage changes journey... can you finally for god sake change plasma arrow into an instant skill (no gcd) with 10s cd? Would be MUCH apreciated ;)

    I oppose this.

    Timing your plasma arrows properly and keeping travel distance delay in mind is like the only form of skill expression in this game.

  • mch

    Please keep in mind that thunderstorm number of hits reduce affects the passive of this class. In a big pull is 2x15= 30 less hits and that is a ton of lost dmg. Last time static field went from 6 hits to 3 mch got a HUGE nerf and wasn't take into consideration. I hope this time you do :P

    • Changed Voltage Seize to inflict its damage to targets within 80 radius of target. Increased damage to 6291 from 3775.

    That skill can't be used on mobs. Is terribly designed. If you try to use the bleed on each mob so you can use voltage seize you won't do any static field at the end. It was really really bad. Only place it works is a target where you hit for many seconds like organs. The bleed skill hits nothing so every time you use it is losing time doing 0 dmg. Please remove the needing a bleed and add 2s cd to this one. Another option is make voltage spread the bleed into the targets around when it does dmg to them.

    Another thing about m/ch. It has a so-so organs dmg but only if you use static field. Since it will get nerfed, please reconsider a buff to the 3s cast.

  • Why are we so careful about Wl-Buffs in general? The class doesnt really have a spot in anything aside from a couple niche scenarios and your obvious Wl/M Support.

    Cant we just go bonkers with the buffs and then keep nerfing it until it has a good spot? :)


  • Since we are talking quality of life changes atm:

    Please change the two Champion iss Clone Conversion & Organic Deconstruction to not cancel Shield Form/Disassembly Mode respectively anymore.

    Currently, in order to min-max, you have to use both iss: Organic Deconstruction for AoE, since it doesn't cancel Shock Overload and Clone Conversion for single-target burst, since it doesn't disable Disassembly Mode for the next 6 seconds (and cost you 20% stam to str conversion).

    Champions have a lot of useful iss, hence you have to swap via macro which is a problem in itself (end of combat needed).

    Moreover, since Secret Technique of the Ruins was changed to put 20 seconds of cd onto Form Changers, it screws the buff rotation of Ch/S up quite a bit: You have to be in Dissassembly Mode to get the dmg buff from Hide and Seek, swap to Shield Form for Clone Conversion and be careful not to use Secret Technique of the Ruins while still in it (unless you want to spend the next 20 seconds as a "dps" with 300k stamina).

    Overall this change would be much appreciated.

  • So I wanted it to be like priest buffs

    everyone wants a buff I want it too :D

  • Quote from planned notes


    • Changed Toxic Possession to reduce magical attack by 25% additionally.

    You forgot about the d/r, maybe let Dark Moon decrease its matt by 50% instead of increasing, so that there is another mdps class not worth playing anymore after the coming patch. :thumbup: