Zum Event : Es sollte da was überarbeitet werden, man bekommt die Festival-Bänder so selten. Bitte das überarbeiten , es sollte schon irgend was drin sein, bei 250 Bändern. https://gyazo.com/5d08e613eb5215ccbf8e4ebeed75fdec

General Feedback
Zum Event : Es sollte da was überarbeitet werden, man bekommt die Festival-Bänder so selten. Bitte das überarbeiten , es sollte schon irgend was drin sein, bei 250 Bändern. https://gyazo.com/5d08e613eb5215ccbf8e4ebeed75fdec
We don't plan to adjust these items, it's not intended to be easily obtainable (Nor is the item required for gameplay). If you wanted guaranteed reward there is other items to purchase and list may be expanded in future, as well as other ways to obtain this currency.
Wie soll mehr kaufen, wenn diese Bänder so selten sind.
Not sure that this discuss is at the right place.
I have been playing CoA for a while now (played to the legacy version for years).
Here is my feedback :
1/ In comparison with the legacy game, CoA is outstanding : Few crashes, better graphics, better combo, better content, ... I thank you for all of your work.
However, the main drawback is the game difficulty :
There is a huge gap between legacy content and additional content in term of difficulty. Even if you have implemented several means to level up, the associated gear is clearly too weak to deal with your additional content. Even 104-nautilus gear is insufficient. I assume that at least, it should be enough to resist to mobs in "low level" Awakened instance or "low level" Core instances or at least not to be one or two shot
Additional content is then reserved to high level players which I think don't encourage new or casual players to play their game.
Afaik, you say that you want to encourage party playing and coop between players. I do understand, but I think this approach leads to make new or casual players flee the game. The main reasons for this are :
* Difficulty : as said before, the game becomes quickly of an outstanding difficulty. Except when spending thousands of dia to get a better gear. Not all the players can spend years to farm or can afford to pay thousands of euros to get the required amount of dia for a better gear.
* Parties : It seems that most of the parties building are for high level instances (in awakened mode). New or casual players have few chances to be admitted because of their weakness. Especially when preconditions are required and unreachable for them.
* time : building a group seems to take a lot of time except between long term players, as well as access to minigames. Not all of the players have enough time to wait for a party. Low rate progress after legacy map won't serve game interest.
* language : The server is international, that's ok, but high level instances require vocal which is not so easy for all players
* gameplay : Pick up is a good think for quick levelling but no one learns how to play his/her character in such a way.
Those difficulty as direct impact on the economy of the server which is hold by a couple of players. Prices at AH are totally delusional. (more than 40k diam for a piece of End game gear set ~200€
). I assume that it is dissuasive for most of the players (at least me
All those points make me think that CoA has became an elitist game without (or few) consideration for new or casual players and lead to a disaffection of the game which only make the situation worse. I retired from the legacy game for a similar situation.
Maybe, you should rethink some aspects of the game :
a) Reconsider transition between legacy and additional content with an intermediate game level.
b) Make ISS more easy to obtain (NPC memo sellers for instance)
c) Improve crafted or NPC-sold items power
d) Decrease game difficulty : I have heard that some players find the game too easy. In order to consiliate all the requirements of the community regarding difficulty, maybe a buff/debuff option could help (similar to Raksha one) with of course the higher the difficulty, the better the rewards. The main objective should be to allow access to all the aspects of the game to each player.
e) Make mini-games more easy to get in and more easy. Reaching AoD/pvp or arcanic arena is nearly impossible due to lack of players. And AoD/pve is too hard in comparison to its training quest.
f) Reconsider prequests for instances
g) Adjust Event rewards to motivate people
In other words, I assume that a better balance between hardcore gamers and new or casual players would benefit to the game that deserve it.
But just 'cos you got the power
That don't mean you got the right "
R.I.P Lemmy
Hi Coa,
We urgently need to address some serious issues. The situation is becoming critical, and the game is steadily losing players. Here are the points that need immediate attention:
1. New Players' Difficulty:
It is nearly impossible for new players to catch up. They have no realistic chance to farm AOD (Arena of Darkness) or obtain Sun Essence right away, which are crucial for progression. Sun Essence should be optainable through AC (Arcadia Coins), because nobody farms Kalin anymore and Sathkur is inconsistent. AOD materials are also optainable throught AC, and no one willingly runs AOD for others because those who have it don’t need it anymore.
2. Imbalanced Class Updates:
The class balancing is erratic and frustrating. Each week, a new class becomes overpowered while previous ones become weak. What criteria are being used for this balancing? The system is completely opaque and kills the fun over time. Players are constantly forced to rebuild weapons and adjust macros only for their class to be nerfed again shortly after. Classes that are genuinely enjoyable (like Warlock/Champion) get a significant buff one week and are immediately nerfed the next without clear reasons. Where is the consistency?
3. Excessive Monetization:
The current monetization strategy is highly concerning and resembles another game we all left. The focus seems to be on extracting maximum money with minimal value in return. For instance, events are priced at 100 Diamonds without any hesitation, causing widespread frustration among players. This aggressive monetization prioritizes profit over player satisfaction.
4. Battle Pass Pricing:
The Platinum Battle Pass costing €50 per month is far too much. No game in the world charges this much for so little reward. This pricing model is not justifiable and alienates players.
5. Content Stagnation and Scaling Ideas:
After 5-6 months, the current content is exhausted, and players flee, as always. Consider scaling older instances to be playable by a team of 6 (e.g., Tikal) while keeping the bosses' health comparable to Orkham's or even more. This would avoid the stale scaling seen in Awakened Rofl and provide fresh challenges.
6. Improved Starter Gear:
The current starter gear barely allows for questing, but quests are pointless if you have to run instances to make real progress. New players want to run instances too and not farm for two years just to get Rofl gear before gradually reaching high-end levels. This dependence on external help for beginners is excessive and discouraging.
These problems need to be addressed swiftly and decisively. The current state of the game leads many players to doubt whether the developers are genuinely committed. The community needs more than empty promises – concrete and visible improvements are required.
I hope these points are taken seriously to restore trust and satisfaction among the players.
You are right, Developers should stop only focusing on endgame content and they should improve things for newbie players. Newbie players should have a diamond farm method easily. They should make diamonds and build their gears in easier way. Developers need to put more effort for newcomers
For instance, events are priced at 100 Diamonds without any hesitation, causing widespread frustration among players. This aggressive monetization prioritizes profit over player satisfaction.
Event resetting is priced accordingly due to value of number of activities in a festival. This is aimed to discourage resetting 1 activity repeatedly. This is part of an ongoing process to rebalance festivals, by adding new activities, redistributing loot amongst festivals to be more fairly balanced, ensure players aren't waiting for 1 yearly event cycle to reach certain loot (Transformation potions, Halloween Title etc).
Some festival changes will feature more adjustments then others, based on dev time around the time of patch.
For instance, events are priced at 100 Diamonds without any hesitation, causing widespread frustration among players. This aggressive monetization prioritizes profit over player satisfaction.
Event resetting is priced accordingly due to value of number of activities in a festival. This is aimed to discourage resetting 1 activity repeatedly. This is part of an ongoing process to rebalance festivals, by adding new activities, redistributing loot amongst festivals to be more fairly balanced, ensure players aren't waiting for 1 yearly event cycle to reach certain loot (Transformation potions, Halloween Title etc).
Some festival changes will feature more adjustments then others, based on dev time around the time of patch.
In my opinion, it can't be that everything in this game costs money – and not a little. If I want to run an instance, I pay a fortune for buff food + or buy the overpriced platinum pass to avoid this + I have to regularly repair my armor, which is no longer possible with the normal golden hammers, but I am forced to pay 200 diamonds per repair in a promo.
Moreover, event resetting also costs a fortune.
Personally, I am not aware of any game where you have to invest so many diamonds just to play the game (I think this also keeps newcomers from actively joining the action, let alone participating in it).
Resetting events is not required, and players choosing not too are also benefitting from the changes, due to improved rewards, as well as additional activities being added.
Ikaria so what activities you add to this festival? Removing reseting ticket from NPC is not adding new activities. "Reseting events is not required" - cmon, do you play this game? Do you go to endgame ini without transformation potion? You know exactly that most players was reseting this festival to farm transformation potions, so you decide to remove ticket from NPC and add it to IS, just to force ppl to spend diamonds. You are becoming more and more greedy. Saying that its becouse you are adding new activities is just sily.
Ikaria so what activities you add to this festival? Removing reseting ticket from NPC is not adding new activities. "Reseting events is not required" - cmon, do you play this game? Do you go to endgame ini without transformation potion? You know exactly that most players was reseting this festival to farm transformation potions, so you decide to remove ticket from NPC and add it to IS, just to force ppl to spend diamonds. You are becoming more and more greedy. Saying that its becouse you are adding new activities is just sily.
As mentioned here:
Some festival changes will feature more adjustments then others, based on dev time around the time of patch.
Not every festival change has the same level of adjustments as others, but same point will be added for all - reducing the appeal to play 1 event repeatedly only, as this is not balance.
About transformation potions directly(since I believe it is main concern), they will be added to other festivals, and not required to be excessively farmed during 3 weeks of a 52 week year, in the same way that additional title similar to Pumpkin Festival title was added to Spring Rain Festival.
Dear developer, please focus on newcomers instead of changing everything for endgame players. You are not helping server's economy like this. At the moment server economy is not good. We cant sell-buy any items because nobody is spending diamonds. Endgame players have finished their gears mostly and they will spend diamond only when new instance is released. And new players dont stay on server. They have a lot of things to do. Nobody helps them. You should immediately bring a big patch for newcomers. We need more players on this server to improve game economy. I dont see any new players saying "wtb gold pull", "wtb dc pull", "wtb orkham set" in world chat for a long time. Please understand this situation and change things.
Like the thing is here, Chickie made a post that got like over 20 likes,also other Posts for example from Tarsq where made in the last weeks and The Player base shows that they are not happy with Server economy,newbie help etc and we get a reaction from developer regarding reset tickets from event instead of a real statement to the current server situation that everyone is aware as of now,I really appreciate all the work devs are doing and I am really thankful but guys you can't be serious about this rn... It feels like devs don't care about the Playerbase right now and the monitisation really is getting a big thing that no one can be overlooking (Prestige is the best example for it,but also everything in this game coasts thousands of diamonds... The Argument that it would not be needed doesn't count in my Opinion since the game is very crazy in Terms of Rankings and will even Focus more on it in the Future so if Players want to be on Top of leaderboards and want to be able to clear instances they need to spend a lot of dias even for running the content.... If I die I basically lose money at this point and that shouldn't be the case in any way... I mean best example if I am a player that is finished with gear and runs instances every few runs mostly on a daily base I will need 1-2 Repair Hammers for robo,2-3 Hammers for gear overall + Artifact Hammer and or big Platin Hammers 1-2 also I have to spend dias for Title badges to get character focus + buff food and on top of that I need gold for crafting other buff foods,getting guild buffs etc... This just leads to a hilarious amount of dias needed for each day.So I ask devs how should I gain that much dias to even run inis constantly,finding groups for inis has become very hard at this point and this isn't helping at all...
new players dont stay on server. They have a lot of things to do. Nobody helps them. You should immediately bring a big patch for newcomers. We need more players on this server to improve game economy. I dont see any new players saying "wtb gold pull", "wtb dc pull", "wtb orkham set" in world chat for a long time. Please understand this situation and change things
Just a stupid question: why should new players always buy everything? I mean they dont need to do.
5. Content Stagnation and Scaling Ideas:
After 5-6 months, the current content is exhausted, and players flee, as always.
If the intention of this statement is, that this IS the publishers fault -> totally disaggree. I mean If ppl hard grinding like hell and finishing all in absurd amount of time and then are bored -> self made problem tbh.
In comparison with other MMOs it's everywhere the same bcs it's the nature of it. In comparison with the past (5-8 years ago), new content is released quite often and regularly.
Keep in mind that the manpower of this publisher is a bit less than the manpower of Blizzard for example
Hello Coa,
Some festival changes will feature more adjustments then others, based on dev time around the time of patch.Focusing only on one point again shows how far removed the dev/team/lead is from the players. If this continues, the game will just die out and then no one will earn a diamond here anymore... But okay, addressing the event point: Making empty promises and cashing in first—is that how it works? Nothing has happened except for a title you can get from the new currency (super low chance to get it and estimated work time 5 minutes to create). How is it acceptable that everything is cashed in first and then content is delivered with a promise like "yeah, we're working on it"? That's just greedy and wrong (in my opinion).... 20 diamonds would be, in my opinion, an appropriate maximum for this event.
Quote from xLutinexKeep in mind that the manpower of this publisher is a bit less than the manpower of Blizzard for example
Yes, that might be true, but then give me a reason why pointless things are done, like forcibly taking more diamonds during festivals and putting energy into supposedly remodeling them instead of putting the energy into instances and content?
Time can be Spend here ....
1. Missing Content:
A lot is promised, but little is delivered. Players are still waiting for fundamental features and content like fishing, cryptography, new professions, gemology, and new instances. The repeated excuse that "a lot is planned for the future" is no longer sufficient. Concrete results must finally be delivered.
2. Poor Quality and Execution:
The last content release was a disaster. It is full of bugs, barely liked by the players, and visually catastrophic. A prime example is the new weapon system “Orkham,” which had to be adjusted three times, as well as the gloves. These constant revisions frustrate players greatly. It seems like mechanics that generate maximum profit (e.g., corruption crystals, the repeatedly needed gloves) are given priority, while the quality of instances (INIs) is severely neglected.
3. Technical Issues and Recycling:
The instances are riddled with bugs, and the last boss is hardly playable. Instead of innovative new tactics, old mobs and content are constantly recycled and presented in a new guise. The constant recycling of old content increasingly tires players and destroys the fun of the game.
4. Poor Visual Quality and Sloppy Construction:
The new content looks like it was cobbled together in a day. The visual design leaves much to be desired – unpolished elevations and depressions as well as bugged structures are ubiquitous. Particularly disturbing is that old structures are just clumsily overlapped to improvise walls and other building elements. These poorly assembled elements are not only unsightly but also a clear sign that no effort was put in. It looks intentionally low-budget and shows no commitment to quality.
Just a stupid question: why should new players always buy everything? I mean they dont need to do.
New players dont need to buy everything. But they also want to join instances. If new players cant earn diamonds and make a gear, they will be bored of this game and they will leave server as a result. Current situation of server is really so difficult for new players. Many of them just leave server when they realize it will take months to make a gear for themselves. Thats why developers should bring a new feature for new players to earn diamonds.
Do developers really care about our opinions ? Are they really going to change this situation of server ? If they dont react our posts, i will stop posting suggestions about server's economy
Just a stupid question: why should new players always buy everything? I mean they dont need to do.
New players dont need to buy everything. But they also want to join instances. If new players cant earn diamonds and make a gear, they will be bored of this game and they will leave server as a result. Current situation of server is really so difficult for new players. Many of them just leave server when they realize it will take months to make a gear for themselves. Thats why developers should bring a new feature for new players to earn diamonds.
I know what you mean. I just wanted to clarify, that not all new ppl want to buy the stuff. For example when my wife and me started playing in this server, we didnt bought endgame gear. We just made crap gear and ran instances and looted everything ourself. Yes, it was an other situation bcs we had a guild and ran instances, but the point is, that there are same amount of ppl who want to loot all themself and ppl who want to buy.
So only if you dont See ppl shouting to buy something, it does not mean there are no new players
here are my thoughts on the current state of the game. I agree with some of the things that have been already brought up, but not with every point stated so far.
1. Monetization
First off, the Prestige Pass. In general, from a lifetime VIP point of view, it's a decent deal if you just complete your daylie quests for diamonds. You get some goodies and utility with not much of an investment. However, buying exp or coins isn't worth it in my opinion, considering the short 3-months cycle. The latest change, that retains some exp based on your subscription, doesn't change that. Moreover, the premium subscription models are not worth it either, since you get little in return. Which is a good thing, a more or less mandatory subscription in a range of up to 50 Euro would be an instant dealbreaker for me (and many others).
Secondly, the monetization of ingame events via 100 dias+ reset tickets. Here I agree with everything said so far, you get way too little for such prices and you can't charge people for things that have not been implemented yet. Especially annoying me is the fact, that event transformation potions (a bufffood that has become a standard) are now locked behind a considerable paywall. To put it into perspective, it's a one out of three chance to get the desired one, bad odds for 100d/ticket. Implementing these potions into other events won't change that. Moreover, people that hunt titles are now missing the reset option for one transportation/portal/whatever rune.
2. Approach to class balancing
I don't understand many of the balancing choices made in the last weeks. While that can be partially can be explained with different groups/setups/perspectives (although that discrepancy seems to be substantial), the massive up and downs some classes have faced can't. Some combinations have gone from completly broken (so much that you could tell by just reading the patchnotes) to underperforming in two patches. Others underwent massive mechanical changes that reshaped the class. And then there's general skill changes, like the recently added 8,6% more patk for Warriors, that affect all subclasses, even those that were already over/underperforming/in a good spot.
Overall, this has created a situation of uncertainty, where players are afraid to build new weapons/gear because they don't know if their class is going to fundamentally change over night. I for one would appreciate a more nuanced approach to balancing, with smaller changes and adjustments.
3. New content
Here I have to agree with Lutine, although I'm part of the problem tbh. Even if Playernet would focus all their time and ressources on churning out new content, they couldn't keep up with the content overfarming of the endgame guilds. More challenging content would help to slow this process down, but there will be always downtime and situational boredom regarding existing content. I think the overall frequency of new content releases is decent given the publishers capacity.
4. Orkham
Our guild actually liked Orkham itself quite a bit. I disagree that the instance looks boring, especially Zerdeon and Xemen (and their respective rooms) look pretty nice. I for one like the many smaller events spread out through the instance and boss events are decent too.
However, what I don't like at all, is the current state/difficulty of the instance or better said lack thereof. Orkham died for the sins of the corruption system, change my mind. The instance would have been decently challenging without all the crazy powercreep provided through corruption mods.
Lastly, to this day I can't understand why Xemen is burstable. Sure, there have been bugs regarding her event, but appart from that she really feels like an endboss, or much rather would have, if you couldn't just burst her. You can tell that much thought went into her design, so why was there no burst protection?
All that contributed to Orkham being way too easy and hence becoming boring too fast. Could have been different.
4. Orkham
Our guild actually liked Orkham itself quite a bit. I disagree that the instance looks boring, especially Zerdeon and Xemen (and their respective rooms) look pretty nice. I for one like the many smaller events spread out through the instance and boss events are decent too.
However, what I don't like at all, is the current state/difficulty of the instance or better said lack thereof. Orkham died for the sins of the corruption system, change my mind. The instance would have been decently challenging without all the crazy powercreep provided through corruption mods.
Lastly, to this day I can't understand why Xemen is burstable. Sure, there have been bugs regarding her event, but appart from that she really feels like an endboss, or much rather would have, if you couldn't just burst her. You can tell that much thought went into her design, so why was there no burst protection?
All that contributed to Orkham beeing way too easy and hence becoming boring too fast. Could have been different.
In my view, new instances don't need events like the 12 math tasks in Orkham, the crystals in Dark Core, or the stone tablets in ROFL - instead, they need an additional challenging boss. The instance length of Orkham was perfect! ROFL, GORGE, Inferno, and Dark Core are significantly too long.
Here's a list of custom bosses that I think are the best so far:
- Heimdall (Inferno)
- 1st Boss Tikal
- 2nd Boss Gorge
- 4th Boss Tikal (magic and physical boss)
- 2nd Boss ROFL but with fewer crystals
- Crystal Boss Orkham
If the bosses are similar to these, maybe with 1-2 more mechanics, then it can only be good.
here are my thoughts on the current state of the game. I agree with some of the things that have been already brought up, but not with every point stated so far.
1. Monetization
First off, the Prestige Pass. In general, from a lifetime VIP point of view, it's a decent deal if you just complete your daylie quests for diamonds. You get some goodies and utility with not much of an investment. However, buying exp or coins isn't worth it in my opinion, considering the short 3-months cycle. The latest change, that retains some exp based on your subscription, doesn't change that. Moreover, the premium subscription models are not worth it either, since you get little in return. Which is a good thing, a more or less mandatory subscription in a range of up to 50 Euro would be an instant dealbreaker for me (and many others).
Secondly, the monetization of ingame events via 100 dias+ reset tickets. Here I agree with everything said so far, you get way too little for such prices and you can't charge people for things that have not been implemented yet. Especially annoying me is the fact, that event transformation potions (a bufffood that has become a standard) are now locked behind a considerable paywall. To put it into perspective, it's a one out of three chance to get the desired one, bad odds for 100d/ticket. Implementing these potions into other events won't change that. Moreover, people that hunt titles are now missing the reset option for one transportation/portal/whatever rune.
2. Approach to class balancing
I don't understand many of the balancing choices made in the last weeks. While that can be partially can be explained with different groups/setups/perspectives (although that discrepancy seems to be substantial), the massive up and downs some classes have faced can't. Some combinations have gone from completly broken (so much that you could tell by just reading the patchnotes) to underperforming in two patches. Others underwent massive mechanical changes that reshaped the class. And then there's general skill changes, like the recently added 8,6% more patk for Warriors, that affect all subclasses, even those that were already over/underperforming/in a good spot.
Overall, this has created a situation of uncertainty, where players are afraid to build new weapons/gear because they don't know if their class is going to fundamentally change over night. I for one would appreciate a more nuanced approach to balancing, with smaller changes and adjustments.
3. New content
Here I have to agree with Lutine, although I'm part of the problem tbh. Even if Playernet would focus all their time and ressources on churning out new content, they couldn't keep up with the content overfarming of the endgame guilds. More challenging content would help to slow this process down, but there will be always downtime and situational boredom regarding existing content. I think the overall frequency of new content releases is decent given the publishers capacity.
4. Orkham
Our guild actually liked Orkham itself quite a bit. I disagree that the instance looks boring, especially Zerdeon and Xemen (and their respective rooms) look pretty nice. I for one like the many smaller events spread out through the instance and boss events are decent too.
However, what I don't like at all, is the current state/difficulty of the instance or better said lack thereof. Orkham died for the sins of the corruption system, change my mind. The instance would have been decently challenging without all the crazy powercreep provided through corruption mods.
Lastly, to this day I can't understand why Xemen is burstable. Sure, there have been bugs regarding her event, but appart from that she really feels like an endboss, or much rather would have, if you couldn't just burst her. You can tell that much thought went into her design, so why was there no burst protection?
All that contributed to Orkham beeing way too easy and hence becoming boring too fast. Could have been different.
I mostly agree with all your points,also i think its a little bit sad that last boss from Orkham is burst only at this point, but still orkham isnt easy for a lot of people,even with the new gear.I can understand that it becomes a joke inside Living Partys because of t14 gear t18 weps etc but thats jsut normal because devs should not balance game around t14 gear at this point because only like 1% of the server got this insane gear... Also in Terms of balancing i definitly agree with you i would wish they would come to a point where they buff/nerf some classes slowly but stop rebuilding all classes with each patch, rouges and mages where basically completly rebuilded several times instead of once and balancing around it isnt good anymore,if you ask me they should have released orkham wait few weeks until players cleared it and then bring up a awa mode of the instance,same with dc and as they already did with rofl, then with the new gear they should have looked into this awa mode which classes still overperform while also compair guilds that clear it and nerf/buff classes that overperform for real.Inside normal mode of orkham i dont think the balancing went good, it just happend that we got new gear while also nerfing a lot of classes via classbalancing so the real gain of the gear isnt as much as it should have been in the first place i mean they give players for example a dagger with 14% dmg and nerf the skill from the class for 5-6% dmg after so we basically got a 6-8% increase instead of 14% and thats just a scam... when i first runned orkham i had around close to 1mil dmg at my class then after all the class balancing i dropped back to 900k and now after i upgraded my gear to close to max i am back to where i was 2 months ago.... and i have the bad feeling that same thing will happen again when grafu releases with new stuff...
4. Orkham
Our guild actually liked Orkham itself quite a bit. I disagree that the instance looks boring, especially Zerdeon and Xemen (and their respective rooms) look pretty nice. I for one like the many smaller events spread out through the instance and boss events are decent too.
However, what I don't like at all, is the current state/difficulty of the instance or better said lack thereof. Orkham died for the sins of the corruption system, change my mind. The instance would have been decently challenging without all the crazy powercreep provided through corruption mods.
Lastly, to this day I can't understand why Xemen is burstable. Sure, there have been bugs regarding her event, but appart from that she really feels like an endboss, or much rather would have, if you couldn't just burst her. You can tell that much thought went into her design, so why was there no burst protection?
All that contributed to Orkham beeing way too easy and hence becoming boring too fast. Could have been different.
In my view, new instances don't need events like the 12 math tasks in Orkham, the crystals in Dark Core, or the stone tablets in ROFL - instead, they need an additional challenging boss. The instance length of Orkham was perfect! ROFL, GORGE, Inferno, and Dark Core are significantly too long.
Here's a list of custom bosses that I think are the best so far:
- Heimdall (Inferno)
- 1st Boss Tikal
- 2nd Boss Gorge
- 4th Boss Tikal (magic and physical boss)
- 2nd Boss ROFL but with fewer crystals
- Crystal Boss Orkham
If the bosses are similar to these, maybe with 1-2 more mechanics, then it can only be good.
What I meant with "small events" are the following: Fiery Xemen math event, totem event after b1, Runic Machinery event & alarm event. I don't like puzzles either.
Interesting choice of bosses though, not a big fan of 1st & 4th Tikal or b2 RofL. However, Orkhams Zerdeons Labourer is very well designed, I agree. All a matter of taste I assume.Hey,
here are my thoughts on the current state of the game. I agree with some of the things that have been already brought up, but not with every point stated so far.
1. Monetization
First off, the Prestige Pass. In general, from a lifetime VIP point of view, it's a decent deal if you just complete your daylie quests for diamonds. You get some goodies and utility with not much of an investment. However, buying exp or coins isn't worth it in my opinion, considering the short 3-months cycle. The latest change, that retains some exp based on your subscription, doesn't change that. Moreover, the premium subscription models are not worth it either, since you get little in return. Which is a good thing, a more or less mandatory subscription in a range of up to 50 Euro would be an instant dealbreaker for me (and many others).
Secondly, the monetization of ingame events via 100 dias+ reset tickets. Here I agree with everything said so far, you get way too little for such prices and you can't charge people for things that have not been implemented yet. Especially annoying me is the fact, that event transformation potions (a bufffood that has become a standard) are now locked behind a considerable paywall. To put it into perspective, it's a one out of three chance to get the desired one, bad odds for 100d/ticket. Implementing these potions into other events won't change that. Moreover, people that hunt titles are now missing the reset option for one transportation/portal/whatever rune.
2. Approach to class balancing
I don't understand many of the balancing choices made in the last weeks. While that can be partially can be explained with different groups/setups/perspectives (although that discrepancy seems to be substantial), the massive up and downs some classes have faced can't. Some combinations have gone from completly broken (so much that you could tell by just reading the patchnotes) to underperforming in two patches. Others underwent massive mechanical changes that reshaped the class. And then there's general skill changes, like the recently added 8,6% more patk for Warriors, that affect all subclasses, even those that were already over/underperforming/in a good spot.
Overall, this has created a situation of uncertainty, where players are afraid to build new weapons/gear because they don't know if their class is going to fundamentally change over night. I for one would appreciate a more nuanced approach to balancing, with smaller changes and adjustments.
3. New content
Here I have to agree with Lutine, although I'm part of the problem tbh. Even if Playernet would focus all their time and ressources on churning out new content, they couldn't keep up with the content overfarming of the endgame guilds. More challenging content would help to slow this process down, but there will be always downtime and situational boredom regarding existing content. I think the overall frequency of new content releases is decent given the publishers capacity.
4. Orkham
Our guild actually liked Orkham itself quite a bit. I disagree that the instance looks boring, especially Zerdeon and Xemen (and their respective rooms) look pretty nice. I for one like the many smaller events spread out through the instance and boss events are decent too.
However, what I don't like at all, is the current state/difficulty of the instance or better said lack thereof. Orkham died for the sins of the corruption system, change my mind. The instance would have been decently challenging without all the crazy powercreep provided through corruption mods.
Lastly, to this day I can't understand why Xemen is burstable. Sure, there have been bugs regarding her event, but appart from that she really feels like an endboss, or much rather would have, if you couldn't just burst her. You can tell that much thought went into her design, so why was there no burst protection?
All that contributed to Orkham beeing way too easy and hence becoming boring too fast. Could have been different.
I mostly agree with all your points,also i think its a little bit sad that last boss from Orkham is burst only at this point, but still orkham isnt easy for a lot of people,even with the new gear.I can understand that it becomes a joke inside Living Partys because of t14 gear t18 weps etc but thats jsut normal because devs should not balance game around t14 gear at this point because only like 1% of the server got this insane gear... Also in Terms of balancing i definitly agree with you i would wish they would come to a point where they buff/nerf some classes slowly but stop rebuilding all classes with each patch, rouges and mages where basically completly rebuilded several times instead of once and balancing around it isnt good anymore,if you ask me they should have released orkham wait few weeks until players cleared it and then bring up a awa mode of the instance,same with dc and as they already did with rofl, then with the new gear they should have looked into this awa mode which classes still overperform while also compair guilds that clear it and nerf/buff classes that overperform for real.Inside normal mode of orkham i dont think the balancing went good, it just happend that we got new gear while also nerfing a lot of classes via classbalancing so the real gain of the gear isnt as much as it should have been in the first place i mean they give players for example a dagger with 14% dmg and nerf the skill from the class for 5-6% dmg after so we basically got a 6-8% increase instead of 14% and thats just a scam... when i first runned orkham i had around close to 1mil dmg at my class then after all the class balancing i dropped back to 900k and now after i upgraded my gear to close to max i am back to where i was 2 months ago.... and i have the bad feeling that same thing will happen again when grafu releases with new stuff...
Fair point, however more challenging/engaging content doesn't need to be a damage check. I reckon burst bosses (that include some type of timer mechanic) are more difficult to overcome for guilds with average gear compared to a encounter that involves playing boss mechanics.
It is perfectly understandable that content needs to be designed with decent but average gear in mind. -
What I meant with "small events" are the following: Fiery Xemen Puzzle, totem event after b1, Runic Machinery event & alarm event. I don't like puzzles either.
Interesting choice of bosses though, not a big fan of 1st & 4th Tikal or b2 RofL. However, Orkhams Zerdeons Labourer is very well designed, I agree. All a matter of taste I assume.Fair point, however more challenging/engaging content doesn't need to be a damage check. I reckon burst bosses (that include some type of timer mechanic) are more difficult to overcome for guilds with average gear compared to a encounter that involves playing boss mechanics.
It is perfectly understandable that content needs to be designed with decent but average gear in mind.That exaclty my point that also is the reason why i think a awa mode would be better choice instead of telling people they get new gear while nerfing classes after, so for people with very high gear they can challange themself with awa mode while normal people and casuals can do normal mode instead and still get good rewards. I think the way they did it with rofl was very good and they should keep it up for other content (nostalgia and core instances aswell) ofc they dont need to do it for all instances but for dc and everything up to necro it would be very good ( while also having the challange of events for example in awa mode make it so xemen has burst protection etc but get double loot for completing and every event needs to be played perfectly)
First off, the Prestige Pass. In general, from a lifetime VIP point of view, it's a decent deal if you just complete your daylie quests for diamonds. You get some goodies and utility with not much of an investment.
I'm jealous that you were in the right place at the right time. For me, for example, who just started with Coa a little later, it costs €20 a month, which is €240 a year.
What bothers me most is that I have the feeling more and more that it's all about taking money out of people's pockets without delivering anything. I grant everyone here their money and if you earn millions with the project that would be okay for me but then deliver something and don't just say yes, we're doing something so it costs but nothing is there (events)
The Wow Basic subscription costs €11 a month, I think, just by the way.
3. New content
Here I have to agree with Lutine, although I'm part of the problem tbh. Even if Playernet would focus all their time and ressources on churning out new content, they couldn't keep up with the content overfarming of the endgame guilds. More challenging content would help to slow this process down, but there will be always downtime and situational boredom regarding existing content. I think the overall frequency of new content releases is decent given the publishers capacity.
Yes, you and everyone here are probably right about that. But one thing I see differently is that so much time is wasted on scaling classes up and down. Changing Bk skills (which were bugged afterwards) and then changing them again. and so on. Why not put more energy into content and solutions for new and old players.
I think recently it just feels more and more as if devs dont really care about players opinions, this is highlightet by the way devs dont really react to all those posts made in the last days and weeks.
A lot of players need some real statemants to server economie,newbie situation,monetarisation etc to feel heared and feel save rn ...