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  • With recent patch, the color settings for transport journal got somehow "corrupted", it's difficult for my eyes^^ Is there any way i can change this back to previous color setting? Or change it at all ?

    • Official Post

    With recent patch, the color settings for transport journal got somehow "corrupted", it's difficult for my eyes^^ Is there any way i can change this back to previous color setting? Or change it at all ?

    It was meant to have also background texture changed, which would make it easier to read. It should be updated in one of next patches which should solve the issues.


  • Regarding the music change with the latest patches.

    The new music bar is a good QoL change, thumbs up.

    However, now you are even often interrupted standing around with no incoming damage, no damage dealt, no debuffs etc. Something is definitely not working as intended. I also couldn't figure out yet if it's the incoming healing that interrupts the music. Definitely the change doesn't feel sophisticated yet. It would be nice if it could be looked at again. Maybe other players have similar problems and could share their experiences here.


  • Hey.

    I really like the change with the latest patch, that wings do not share cooldown with rings anymore, especially the gold wings are now useful to click for movement speed. Nevertheless it would make sense to adjust the movement speed on the gold wings a bit since you changed movement speed from multiplicative to additive. Maybe change it from +0.5% per tier to 0.8% or whatever you prefer.


  • Hello Guys its me Aka :)


    The changes made in recent patches regarding movement speed have not been wrong. It justifies all this a bit. But as a result, in my eyes, the Golden Wings are now a little rusty. Of course, the speed of movement is still there, but that's why you can hardly mekrt it after the change I think it's a pity. Golden wings have always been the crown of any gear and should be something special. That's why I think that you put another nonstat on the Gold Wings. I'd be in favor of All Attributes. that with each degree of the wings you get 100 more attributes per degree. So it is also worthwhile for high-end players to grade these Gold wings higher again. Because whether I walk around with t10 wings with 11.4% movement speed or on t12 which costs me significantly more with 12.6% movement speed makes no difference, these few 0.%. Therefore, I would be happy to see the change. So it is also worthwhile to grade Gold Wings high again. Thank you and best regards from the rat :)

    fuck google translate XD

  • I was thinking, maybe you could add the new gold guild donation item to coins/mementos npc? 16k coins or 20k mementos, same as we have with the 250 diamonds trade but we don't need to wait 4 days to do it.

    • Official Post

    Can I request that: the use of talisman can now be added atk speed ?

    why talisman can use rune + casting speed ? and no atk speed

    Attack speed and Physical Damage is separated to both hands in our game engine. Using attack speed rune in offhand resulting in adding damage to your offhand eventhough its not a weapon, we do not plan to do change this.


    • Official Post

    Current music implementation will be improved in future.


  • Hallo,

    also mal ganz ehrlich, so langsam hört der Spaß auf und wir sind weg hier. Jetzt wurden die 30 Tage Reittiere aus dem Itemshop entfernt um das Spiel für Spieler die nicht viel Geld investieren wollen/können total zu vermiesen? Was soll das? Dann sagt doch direkt, das Free-to-Play Spieler unerwünscht sind (wobei ich ja schon Dias gekauft habe). Und dann auch noch die Reittiere für Diamanten verteuert, habt ihr den Knall nicht gehört? Ihr verschlechtert das Spiel in allen Belangen für Free-to-Play Spieler. Gold soll man keines mehr durch Tagesquest bekommen, da viele einfache TQ auf einmal eine Questreihe benötigen. Dann werden Gruppen auf 6 Mitglieder eingeschränkt, man darf nur noch 3 Fenster öffnen, Makrofunktionen werden deaktiviert, jetzt keine Reittiere mehr für Phiriusmarken. Wozu sind die Dinger überhaupt noch nützlich, alles Sinnvolle wurde ja aus dem Phiriusshop entfernt. Ne Leute, dann kann ich auch wieder das Original spielen, dort habe ich Reittiere und ich bekomme auch TQ Karten im Shop. Außerdem keine willkürlichen Änderungen, die auf eine bestimmte Spielergruppe abzielen. Die TQ im Original funktionieren auch so wie sie zu Anfang waren. Bye bye.


  • Man könnte noch die Änderungen/Reduzierungen der Reitgeschwindigkeit anführen. Parallel dazu wurde dann ein super Speed Trank im Itemshop eingeführt :)

    Und die Gildenburg Reitbuffs wurden um den Faktor 200 erhöht.

    Bei der Gildenburg fehlt mir wirklich jedes Verständnis. Das Argument, die Goldbeträge die man dort bezahlt wären lächerlich niedrig sind einfach eine Falschaussage.

    Der Bau der Gildenburg und dieser Gebäude, inkl. Stall, kostet BILLIONEN an Ressourcen über einen extrem langen Zeitraum. Deswegen sind die Buffs kostenlos oder sehr günstig, weil das Geld in die Infrastruktur fließt.

    Für unsere Gilde bedeutet das ==> keine Investition mehr in die Gildenburg, macht keinen Sinn mehr. Da kann ich besser andere tränke/Buffs kaufen.

    Und das ist schade, denn der Aufbau der Gildenburg, auch wenn teuer und langwierig war eine interessante Aufgabe, ein Projekt für längere Zeit. Jetzt ist es unsinnig für eine kleine Gilde....

  • Also ich weiß auch nicht was das ganze soll von wegen Goldinflation und diese Änderungen wären notwendig. Nein, es ist nicht notwendig. Begrenzt doch einfach mal die Chars pro Spieler, dann hört das mit den ganzen Twinkarmeen auf, so bestraft ihr nur die einfachen, kleinen Spieler für die es gar keinen Sinn mehr macht noch weiter zu spielen. Genau wie dieses ganze Premium gedönse, nur um weitere Einnahmequellen zu schaffen und die Kluft wird immer größer. Ihr kennt die IP und die MAC Adresse der einzelnen User, somit wäre es ganz einfach zu kontrollieren wieviele Chars ein Spieler hat. Und wenn jemand mit virtuellen Maschinen spielt werden halt diese MAC Adressen geblockt, VMWare hat ja eine bekannte virtuelle MAC Adresse. Warum wird so etwas nicht gemacht, es ist doch technisch machbar. Statt dessen werden Änderungen mit fadenscheinigen Aussagen begründet, die letztendlich nur für mehr Einnahmen sorgen soll. Aber das ist natürlich nur meine Meinung und ich bin ja nur ein Dummchen und dazu noch eine Frau.

    • Official Post


    We removed the 30 day mounts due to new mount restructuring. All mounts were pushed to same speed and as such all prices for all permanent mounts were adjusted, Yes, this meant some mounts prices were increased due to it. We still offer mounts on holiday offers at a cheaper price, which is still cheaper then old prices for previous most purchased mount( Flying Rune Disk 75% speed). There is still plenty of ways to obtain a mount in game for f2p players. Weeping coast/Obsidian Fortress both offer temporary mounts for different currencies, we also made the rental mounts from npcs better in this patch, by reducing their cast time drastically.

    Gold is still obtainable through daily quests, but our intention is not to have mass alts farming the dailies with many characters per day to farm gold, as it is drastically causing inflation, we have made many changes to increase gold flow through other means on the server in the last months( for ex making quests give 3x gold), and we continue to monitor the situation to see if further changes are required.

    No macro functions were removed or disabled, only blocked from automation, which is against our game rules. You can still use these functions inside macros to gain their benefit/use. In near future we plan to have list on our wiki in regards to protected functions which cannot be used inside game events.


  • Is this meant to be an improvement ? Before the patch it was possible to see exactly how much Gold/dia relation was at any auction, now you just show " < 1 ", which is not really helpful^^

    Is there any option to correct the display option ingame ?

    • Official Post

    Is this meant to be an improvement ? Before the patch it was possible to see exactly how much Gold/dia relation was at any auction, now you just show " < 1 ", which is not really helpful^^

    Is there any option to correct the display option ingame ?


    You can see full value in tooltip by hovering on number. We will add default disabled option to display full value.


  • Auction House


    • Added option to promote offers with special backgrounds, top of search and dashboard (opening of AH).

    It would be nice if Promoting is set to Bronze, Silver or Gold that before putting the item in Auction House you get a Warning like this:

    "Promoting this will cost xyz Dias. Proceed?"

    In addition, the standard value should be "None" after logging off.

    I have clicked on the Promoting 2 days ago to take a look and had it set to "Silver". Then when I logged in today to sell an item, it still had the promoting of Silver active from two days ago. This "feature" of saving settings and the lack of warning message costed me 4k dias +. Glad it was not Gold..


    • Official Post

    It will be added to make current type easier visible while placing offer, but saving setting will be kept for now.


  • Hey and happy Easter,

    please change the setting of the auction house so that the default auction time is 1 day.

    Every time you have to change it again, it's annoying.

    Kind regards


    • Official Post


    Currently it is just remembering last value you used. We might consider adding option to make default values always reset if you want.


  • Last value used is bugged and always resets to 1day, even if you only change AH tabs at the bottom

  • Yeah, exactly as Lutine says, it's buggy and the average price doesn't work either.


    Currently it is just remembering last value you used. We might consider adding option to make default values always reset if you want.
