The new patch only brings me difficulties. It's time for me to say goodbye. Wish everyone and the team all the best. It was a good time.
Posts by Plunderlady
Siege War is very unbalanced. I put the following for discussion to prove all classes with the same prerequisites.
Of course, this assumes that programmatically such an intervention is even possible.
For example, strength means 1 point strength gives 1 point strength, 1 point endurance gives 1 point endurance for all classes that install it, etc. The level of equipment is rated at 0.15% each. Level 10 of a piece of equipment thus gives a bonus of 1.5%. 1.5% is the maximum bonus for a part. For 13 parts this would be 13 * 1.5%. Weapons became the same base damage and vary only in the high of level, but the maximum bonus, including Pet, is limited to 30% for all equipment.
Damage reduction by PVP equipment max 50% possible.
What do you think?
Vielen Dank an das Programmierteam - die nervigen Crits haben rapide abgenommen.
Tolle Arbeit. So macht das Spiel viel mehr Spaß.
Many thanks to the programmer team - the annoying crits have decreased rapidly.
Great Job. So the game make much more fun.
Komme nach aktuellem Patch nicht mehr ins Spiel
I've never experienced such a great Christmas event with Christmas calendars, daily gifts when logging in and the GM event. Valuable gifts for every player here on the best "RoM" server in the world.
Not only the best server but also the best programming implementation of the game, to which not even Runewaker had the ability.
All the custom Inis are unique and are only available here.
Thank you so much for giving me such a great gaming experience.
Ungeachtet der Möglichkeit und Machbarkeit, welches das Spiel bietet - hier geht's ja lediglich um Phantasie: Als GM erstelle ich einen Wochenmarkt (Dauer 3 Tage), an dem alle Handwerker und Sammler ihre selbst angefertigten Dinge, seien es Waffen oder Rüstungen, seien es aufgewertete Materialien oder Tränke und Speisen an eigens dafür errichteten Marktständen gegen eine imaginäre Währung anbieten können. Um jetzt an diese Währung zu kommen, muss man täglich kleine Events absolvieren. Verkäufer und Käufer erhalten dann beim Kauf oder Verkauf der Waren eine gewisse Höhe an Punkten in Form von Bezugsscheinen, die beim Marktleiter gegen schöne Belohnungen eingetauscht werden können.
Somit kann jeder Spieler in irgendeiner Weise an diesem Event teilnehmen.
(Translated with Google translator)
Regardless of the possibility and feasibility of the game - this is just fantasy: As GM, I create a weekly market (duration 3 days) on which all craftsmen and collectors make their own made items, be they weapons or armor, be it upgraded materials or can offer potions and food at specially established market stalls against an imaginary currency. To get this currency now, you have to complete small events every day. Sellers and buyers then receive when purchasing or selling the goods a certain amount of points in the form of purchase coupons, which can be exchanged by the market leader for nice rewards.
Thus everyone player can participate in this event in any way.
Well done.
Was certainly a lot of work ...Thank you!
There are still too many crits in the game, but I think there will not to be much against it.
The level of difficulty is great, the bosses now playable. There are even burst bosses like Pulse loves them
Thank you for the great gaming experience. Great Work Grox
Erst mal herzlich willkommen auf dem Server hier. Ist eine gute Entscheidung hier zu spielen. Werdet ihr selbst nach und nach feststellen.
Etliche von uns haben Familie auch mit kleinen Kindern.
Allerdings fangen wir meist gegen halb 8 abends an zu raiden und spielen bis etwa 22 - 22:30. Viele müssen nämlich morgens raus zur Arbeit. Wochenends geht's dafür etwas länger, aber auch nicht immer.Wir sind die Gilde Improved, eine der stärkeren Gilden und sind eine rein deutsche Gilde - also Ingamesprache bei uns ist deutsch. Hast ja Melodic auf der FL, ihr könnt euch aber auch ingame bei allen unseren Spielern bzw. Spielerinnen melden. Es wird dann weitergeleitet.
Visually and contentwise, the Gorge Ini is an eye-catcher.
What I noticed negatively: Too much trash, that's why it often comes to Crit with serious consequences for the group. At the moment, you can no longer match the items needed to complete the event, which are collected by a player. At this point wiped the group or we must cancel the try here. Yesterday I broke off the Game by the fish boss with a lot of frustration, because I had 2x crit in a row and 2x I died of too high damage, which our healing could not catch.
I have not played for a long time, because of too much work. What did you do with the Scout? I want my old scout back - as he is now, he is dead.
It is possible to adjust Dyice so that you have a (macro) skill rotation for the boss, one for the trash and one for the buff up your skills. However, I would refrain from the buff macro, as this is not suitable for every situation. You could ask in the globalchat, maybe someone have it already and can share it with you.
Unfortunately, this new version of DIYCE is coming late. Hopefully not too late. But I think, the distribution potential of the first version will not reach them, but too few play this game.
Nevertheless, I congratulate Ghostwolf for his groundbreaking work. It's very great. How many have been inspired by it ...I snoop in the code of other programmers to learn from it. Now with the new DIYCE, I have not found anything that I do not already know, or use even so or in a slightly modified form.
I'm looking for a query option for the autoshot, but without interrupting it, because if you use the relevant known query, it interrupts him with it. Query of the autoshot because he can get in the way with the normal shot.Codelocal AutoShotDCD, AutoShotCD = GetSkillCooldown(4, 1) -- Query works, but interrupts the autoshot local no_disrupt = AutoShotCD ~= 0
I'm using a heavily drilled version of Nadaná's Makros, admittedly it's a Dyice clone, but one of the better sort. The original version is very common here on the server, at least for the scouts. I got it about 2 years ago and have been working on it ever since, optimizing time-critical constellations in the first place. It's of course tuned to my personal style of play, but some players I know well have a compiled version of it and seem quite content with it. It is largely automated and tailored to the equipment that can be found here on the server.
It also runs with some players on the servers at another provider of a similar game.
I'm more of a bad and lazy player, with a very bad movement, a lot of poor eyesight, all too often mistaking me, forgetting fundamental things in the hustle and bustle - that's why I created a version that greatly supports me. so I have, for example a Bossrota who works very intelligent - she offers in the heavy inis for each boss a specially adapted Rota. equal whether Burstboss or Eventboss. So it always uses the most suitable for the boss Rota. Of course, all of this comes at the expense of time, but I'm still not the worst player, according to Scruti. I play all my classes with max. 6 keys and that completely relaxed
Of course, I am ridiculed by other players, sometimes even flamed - but I do not care.
Recently I got a newer add-on of this kind from a player for testing. It's called Zeus and leaves a very good impression. It has trash and bossrata, but you have to click on a lot (potions, buffood, etc.). It is extremely fast and you do it with this absolute damage, but you have to move your fingers blind over the keys to fully exploit the potential. Is something for players who want to be in Scruti necessarily at the top and / or need to master their keyboard in their sleep.
I think I prefer to stay with my old version - it just gives me much more support. I love the one-finger-game
I would like to see the skin mentioned in this thread Bow skin on Xbow?
as a happy hour offer -
thats stacking with 80 set skill (497759) and you using those stacks with 75 set skill.
Ok thanks for Info -
Setskill "Demontage des Bestrafers" (for Chamion) does not stack. There is thus no increase in damage.
see Image
Price for white formal set more than twice as expensive in the promo?
... or it is cheaper to buy an entire set right now
I wish Sigils for PDD and MDD in the happy hour
Well our guild already saw a positive outcome from the change - we actually had a boss to try today when we got ppl on and we worked on strategy, managed to get till last phase but wiped few times
and could not kill Aldo as ppl had to go.
If boss will be available again tomorrow our guild would get another chance to try it again and, hopefully, kill it and get the title and progress. Exciting times
Yeah, that's what I imagined - allowing other guilds to get to know this game experience and enjoy it.
I wish you much success in your try.
You know as well as I do that a bug in this case was not the reason. But let's leave that, others have to decide.
I deleted my post - but what happened, there is not ok!
- Posting delete -
Now the new rule is broken yet with a lot of Twink Army - so much for that.
I had hoped for understanding and insight, but not a chance.
Must really harder bandages be created ... -
Well, when I read that, the new solution was long overdue.
i think its pretty simple, if the change was necessary to keep the game balance between players and players are not able to create an agreement, then its fine.
if the change were made only on a guild or player request then its obviously bad, because it just creates drama and its not fair to get punished for being active.I do agree with this completly.
I also discussed the problem with you and you even agreed with me then, but you had to bend to your guild, which I can understand. At that time, I told you that if we can not reach an agreement with each other, there will be a solution from "above". It can not be right for a guild to argue with the argument "who comes first, grinds first." Your guild has also allowed us to interfere with an aldo try and take away the boss. Although you already had 3 channels for you. Such a thing can not be accepted.