For me its exactly like tarsq showed
Posts by Idhril
I had Backport as knight druid and warden knight in Kalin and alot in DC
Same for shock overload for champions
I totally agree. It should be changed to old version or better this way-> make it usable without going into shieldform before clone conversion. Just make it usable as a normal skill with buff. The skill now is not good as before.
Even for champ tanks its not really useful.
'Badge of the Worldwide Fame PLEAAASEEE
Which errors?
Hello, i suggest to do the same system for Slime Bomber title as you did for Slime Conqueror. Let it count for everyone who is in aggrolist.
- Adjusted Slime Conqueror title to also include players in aggro list.
Kind regard
Hey Wesker I suggest to make Warrior/Mage also a Chain Class like Scouts have Scout Mage wo is also Magical and Physical.
This would be funny.
kind regard
The change about Champion Knight from Lutine sounds amazing.
Nothing changed on Warden/Bard this class ok but cant really compete because
ID (1491274) has such high cd (3sec) so i suggest to reduce the cooldown from this skill to 2 sec cooldown or increase the damage from skill
ID (493385) from 1926 -> 2550.
Kind Regard Idhril
As I can see most Mages currently underperform in comparison to other Dps Metas and need a slightly buff.
Excluded from my experience are Mage/Warlock and Mage/Rouge they are still strong.
warrior warlock seems fine
cut in half is maybe abit to much currently it makes 565% , maybe Start slowly with a nerf to 510%
"This class can use AoE permamently. No class should have AoE like this."
Some classes can use aoe with 1sec cooldown
who say you need skill? but this scruti is just not realistic
ok now with same geared and knowledge players.
Yep totally 💯
Yeah I am offended you got me. I always watch other ppl xD and ask them how to play classes
I am not. I think this is just not necessary.
Beside this:
"What about adding no gear durability loss with the aura of reviving?"-Lutine
Is a very good idea since this upgrade is quite "expensive".
Why this idea is needed or should be ...
Warrior warlock has abit low substain in single target and is very good in bigpulls with buffs and do more than other dps in this situations but in my pov it's needed because otherwise it's will not keep up with other dps in orkham. Because they earn much more beside bigpulls with cds.
So for me the latest changes work out quite well
Full burst single target is also good.
So for me no changes needed even a buff or a nerf. And keep in mind you need/should use another rune which you have to craft and build and roll another weapon.
Badge of the worldwide fame [240737] in Happy Hour please
Kind regard idhril
If the developers to consider to make nostalgia instances harder keep In mind that not everyone is playing on this level we do. So I prefer a buffed modus for this instances which you can activate with one NPC inside for example. Dropping some amount of gold would be insane.
Warden Mage and Warden Bard is also okay.
But need some small love
Bard Scout what I saw was really strong in single target(1week ago) maybe abit to strong but idk how it perform in orkham but in FA HM it performed very op. Burst and substain was insane.
But I have something the class was fine in gameplay and fun like it was before the patches single bleed on one target I suggest to rework it completely or reroll it to old warrior bleed gameplay if you think bleed was way to strong. Just adjust the multiplier