So i tested Lutines new Raidheal it works perfectly without Arcadia Utilities Addon. I am Happy thank you!
Posts by Idhril
Way to op. imagen if tank got 100% parry, warden tanks got enough skill for not die at boss
it is not save that this will got patched it is only my opinion
Hi, all Arcadians
I overthinked the current state about the Knight/Mage, Knight/Rouge, which are nice to play and easy to get/keep the aggro, like the Knight/Rouge, Knight/Mage.
Finally the Knight/Druid, which i really enjoy to play, but something is missing.
It is possible to play all of these combinations.
In one hand the Knight/Druid , got three Aoes to get the threat from the mobs , like the Knight/Rouge. But the Skill Earth Cleave does way to low aggro on mobs.
On the other hand you really got nice support for the raid.
All hits that i made were critical and on the exact same mob. Under the effect of threaten and the selfbuffs from the current class.
Knight/Druid under effect of : Potent Blessing, Threaten, Earthly Protection and at least Enhanced Armor.
Earth Cleave got an aggro multiplier by x2.5.
In comparison to this comes the Knight/Rouge with:
Knight/Rouge under effect of : Crazy Blades, Threaten, Panther's Blessing and at least Enhanced Armor.
Same mob and again critical hits. This skill hit two times and both hits were critical.
In this case you see there are 2 mobs, one which i hit onetime critical and one hit normal and the second mob which i hit two times critical.
The threat is way more higher in comparison with the threat from Earthcleave.
Also Dance of Two Blades got a lower cooldown from 5 seconds.
Earthcleave got a cooldown from 8 seconds, which is way to long i think.
Here is my suggestion:
Example 1
Reduce the cooldown from 8 to 5 seconds.
Example 2
In this case the aggro multiplier must be increased form 2.5 to 5.
Reduce the cooldown from 8 to 5 seconds.
Example 3
(Which i prefer the most)
Increase the aggro multiplier from 2.5 to 7.5 so it is nearly equal to the aggropoints with Dance of Two Blades.
Reduce the cooldown from 8 to 5 seconds.
Have a nice Day