Posts by Idhril

    Warrior warlock has abit low substain in single target and is very good in bigpulls with buffs and do more than other dps in this situations but in my pov it's needed because otherwise it's will not keep up with other dps in orkham. Because they earn much more beside bigpulls with cds.

    So for me the latest changes work out quite well

    Full burst single target is also good.

    So for me no changes needed even a buff or a nerf. And keep in mind you need/should use another rune which you have to craft and build and roll another weapon.

    If the developers to consider to make nostalgia instances harder keep In mind that not everyone is playing on this level we do. So I prefer a buffed modus for this instances which you can activate with one NPC inside for example. Dropping some amount of gold would be insane.


    Bard Scout what I saw was really strong in single target(1week ago) maybe abit to strong but idk how it perform in orkham but in FA HM it performed very op. Burst and substain was insane.

    But I have something the class was fine in gameplay and fun like it was before the patches single bleed on one target I suggest to rework it completely or reroll it to old warrior bleed gameplay if you think bleed was way to strong. Just adjust the multiplier

    /script local _,SysTitle,_ = GetATF_Title(1); local boss = UnitSex("target") > 2; local _,SysTitle2,_ = GetATF_Title(2); local _,Titel = GetCurrentTitle(); if SysTitle ~= "Festmahl Zubereiter" and not boss then SetATF_Title(532149); end; if SysTitle ~= "Leuchtender Pfadfinder" and boss then SetATF_Title(532134); end; if Titel ~= "Zhargos' Bezwinger" then

    SetTitleRequest(532153); end; here for all no script players just put you're kitty execute behind this

    Idk what happen in youre runs but for me it feels like that other players as dps don't perform as good as they can. Remember this warden/bard scruti from you're guild. I don't remember from who or when exactly it was but It wasn't never over perform and definitely not stronger than warrior Mage or leather metas. But I saw here some topscruit screenshots pls compare with equal gear and knowledge players

    Otherwise things get nerfed who don't need it

    I 100% agree. + Bleed was a way to compete with other classes.

    I want to share my experience regarding chain classes and leather classes.

    I played Leather last week






    Every rogue class except rogue/champion with katana and 2 daggers

    It's like Moncef said it's very easy to do a lot of damage. Each of these classes has a good substain in trash. And the boss damage is good too.

    #1 [R/W] even on the boss he was good

    [R/P] - which was recently buffed a bit performs wonderfully a bit weaker than [R/W].

    [R/CH] - very good in singletarget substain and burst (second class behind [R/WL] I would say. Trash is okay and has a great CC.

    [R/B] - Good burst dmg slightly weaker than [R/CH] but stronger in trash substain (the speed of the group plays a decisive role here).

    [S/R] - good trash substain and boss burst dmg was good for me. [R/CH] [R/W] [R/P] [R/B] others seemed a bit stronger to me overall. In summary, there is nothing wrong with the class.

    [S/M] - Good substain and aoe fullburst. Okay dmg on the boss.

    Okay for me.

    My favourite was the [R/P] and the [R/CH]

    I like the gameplay and the mechanics.

    Now for chain classes

    I like to play warriors almost exclusively in the ini.

    In our inigroups Darkcore as an example are 2-3 scouts mostly and 1 Rouge 1-3 mpds of magecombinations like [P/S] [M/P] [M/R][M/S] [S/M] [M/WL] [M/W]<- (i will get hate for this but i think the substain is a bit too high) ps. it is not that expensive to build buff gear or the difference from 100k buffgear to 300k buffgear is not immensely high -> dmg should be higher than other mage dmg but not outreach everyone.

    But let's leave that aside for now, as the topic is a different one.

    In these group compositions I have some problems keeping up as a warrior, I have to push a lot and play aggressively, which doesn't rule out deaths. And even with alternating target I benefit almost 0 in the trash from bleeding with spear or katana because the mobs die in <2 seconds.

    There are only 3 classes I can keep up with in our setups in 12-People Inis that is [W/S], [W/B] and [K/WL] (which I almost never play because I find it boring.

    [W/Warden] is ok in trash in boss i got outdamged(overall below average)

    [W/BARD] good burst trash dmg and good substain in singletarget and in fullburst boss i get caught up by the other dds (overall okay)

    [W/S] the biggest advantage in our runs is the fast damage which is also comparatively high and the possibility to attack from a distance but playing the class with different weapons depending on the sitaution (spear,katana,1h,shield,2H sword) is annoying and I have to make a lot of effort to keep up.

    The bleeding of the warrior, especially if you play with spear and have dealt with the scaling a bit, is strong yes, but there are not too many situations where you can make use of it, at least in our runs.

    I don't think there is a need to reduce the bleeding.

    Unless you design it in such a way that bleeding is completely omitted and instead buff the normal attacks of the warriors.

    But 100% support the opinion of some players that bleeding should stop doing damage when the target is immune.


    Warden is not that bad but way too slow in our parties in 12-People Inis. I think it can stay that way though as they are strong in not too fast parties and 6-People Inis except necro.


    As a champion I can't keep up either overall in our 12-People Inis he's not bad but it's complicated and I have to work hard to get any damage at all. The best choice for champion is [CH/WRD] and [CH/R] which get weaker the faster the run is. [CH/P] could still be good, but it definitely has a singletarget problem with damage.

    Buffs from Warlock

    I would like to address another weak point.

    As a melee fighter you get very little support from the WL in trash if he is not well trained. Only rarely a surge, soul seal, SA and wisper buff (normal trash no pulls) because the support is mostly given at the range dps. Maybe you should rethink the range of buffs.


    I would like it if rogues do more damage when they play properly with the katana than with 2 daggers (Offhand Murk)

    "nerf Rogues offhand damage (Offhand Mastery) from 48,5% to 40%"-Blackkid

    would be a good solution.

    [W/S] and [W/B] are good as they are I would say.

    Unfortunately, the other Physical Dps warriors are not really playable in our parties.

    It's bad that some warrior debuffs don't apply which breaks rotation soemtimes on shield boss but some other from other classes do.

    I never had this problem before in coa maybe you should redesign this to the shield which tynos (last boss idk) have because there I doesn't had the problem.

    Since the last patch, the movement speed for players has been drastically reduced which gives me as a tank and melee dps an uncomfotable feeling and a little unfluid. i suggest for the ini shoe store to create an item called "attacker shoes" which gives 50-60% movement speed and that you do not lose the speedbuff when making and getting damage.

    And for the persons wo wanna use diamonds create an itemshop item which is useable in all ini zones:)

    Kind Regard Idhril