Posts by xLutinex

    btw. tested it and testing it now. r/ch and r/wrd no chance vs m/k. totally loosing. Acutally every non-m/k can go afk oO

    The latest buff should be changed into a buff for holy light only or something like that, but only for single target, if you really want to buff that class...

    Even when i hate Champs but, without Champ/Scout, there is no champ who can beat me even with better runes and a T16 Weapon. (Atleast in the runs i did).

    interesting and funny. Why you wanna compare one class with all others? You know rogue has more than 1 secondary class. if you say ch/s is strong as r/wrd, then compare second strongest class of rogue and champ and not only 1 combination with every other class.

    stones are ok now but i think u should change something with stats we need 5 run for one item and we can have crap xD

    its not funny when someone farm one item and have crap stat (mage item and sta/sta) what he can do after this ?buy next item ? 6 ppl if all have mats for one item its 30 x hoto

    30x hoto for next crap ? i dont like this

    just give stats from last boss like we have in DL

    I want to mention that I would support this idea of getting 1 stat at endboss. otherwise it is too much farm to get only 1 random stat that is like tikal (which not even need leather classes for example)

    I imagine m/k got a buf because when all mages got 15% extra static field buff months ago, m/k didn't.

    I don't know how the class is performing right now, I'm just thinking that could be the reason.

    try m/k. it is a monster now :D

    Tried it one hour before, even with r/w and pulling many mobs, have dwarven ale up to spam your AOEs, you cannot reach the dmg of m/k

    Is it really worth adding dmg m / k to aoe since it has the strongest aoe? Not better to reduce his aoe and add more damage for a single target?

    I am also confused, why m/k got light damage pushed. I guess this class hasn't the need for it. There would be other mages classes where a little buff fits better.

    But thx for some changes. Need to test some classes now

    Something you also never say: chain classes CAN use leather. Ive seen leather geared people using chain classes doing exact same dmg than using chain gear

    That is not possible because dex is useless on chain classes and give exactly 0 p-atk. for example 3-3 dex-str leather gear is maybe the same effective like full gorge str gear (I had this exactly gears, full golden leather and full gorge chain. I even think the gorge gear is minimal better)

    Furthermore if you want this specific, leather classes have also 2 tanks r/k and s/k. S/P is in my opinion a dps and not a supp. Btw which mage is a supp? I hope you don't count m/wrl as a supp :D

    But all in all the gap between the leather classes is big. look for example a r/wrd and a r/d. it's kinda you need 2 r/d to do the same like a r/wrd ^^. Don't know if it is the same with other classes

    I got an idea to dont make ppl mad if you balancing classes. Only buff classes dont nerf classes. you nerfed a lot and we got enough nerfes. so only buff classes till they do SIMILAR dmg like the best classes atm (r/ch). dont boost them more then r/ch. try to balance them to the same aoe and burstlevel. people wont loose dias cause they need to build new gear if you only boost a little bit and we can play every classcombination all the time. that should be great. People only will be happy and wont get mad cause there is no reason to be mad.

    Didn't know that r/ch can wear chain or do damage with mdps gear. strange. guess I need to test

    I you nerf classes to same level and need 5-6 hours again it will let the prices for goldengear explode again. if the ini is so much harder to clear again people cant run it random. I still think its better to boost classes on same level and create a new customini that is hard to clear on that level. Much harder than rofl. im not afraid of teamplay in guild but in randomparties and its not fair to make rofl so strong again. people could already farm the goldengear easier than people who doing it after classes get nerfed then. makes no sense

    Before all the balancing started, the classes were much weaker than now, you had much less support (classes, music which isnt raid music and so on). Right now, you can clear rofl in 1 hour with a full gorge equipped raid. I don't know what you think about 5-6 hours if all classes do the same "low" damage like the weakest one, but tanks are not supposed to do a damage dealer. All other classes, even the weakest one, is more than enough for rofl. Rofl is even easier than gorge btw

    Sorry but no. You should test yourself and don't compare with other different skilled players.

    My leather gear: T13/T14, T13 runes with T15 xbow does way less damage than scout/mage with my mage gear (T12, T10-t11 runes, T15 weapon). With way less I mean something like that my mdps is doing between 20-30% more damage. That are my test results weeks ago after the last changes of the class.

    (sustain of magical one is clearly higher because Joint Blow of magical one does way more damage than from physical one, which is the strongest skill. Also in burst Joint Blow of magical one 30kk+ and from physical one maybe 20kk-25kk (very optimisitc 25kk))


    I don't really understand why every leather player complains about that. Of course (in my case) i can say some magical classes are pretty strong. But leather has some very strong classes too and there is no point in bashing other classes while some of the leather ones are as strong too. Scout/warden, scout/druid, scout/mage, rogue/warden, rogue/champion for example are top tier too.

    Sorry but Scout/Druid for example isn't strong anymore xD. And I can outdps (in rofl) all of my scout/warden, scout/mage, rogue/warden and rogue/champ with a mdps class with my mdps gear. Whether I am totally noob with my leather classes or kinda some kind of super hero in mage gear. And get in mind that my main dps weapons from leather are 2-3 tiers higher than from mdps gear


    Regarding healer:

    If you see classes like Druid/Priest and Priest/Druid with their raid heal over time effects and many other damage mitigation skills, I suggest to change "Camelia Flower" of druid/scout to have an uptime of 15-20 seconds and maybe a range of 100, because right now everything the Druid/Scout have is better on Druid/Priest and Druid/Priest have way more ability :)


    put an Item in IS that make the card of 4 attributes you want with maximum values ^^

    Those ideas that anything depend on level of item or stats on item would never work for a realistic amount of time of DEV. What will you count? Any item that have a minimum level? one is needed? all items with a specific level? there are also green and blue items with such a level which are worse than for example 20 level lower purple items ^^. Same for stats. 1 stat per item? all stats on item? -> not possible for classes and so on.

    I tested healing inferno with tikal like gear several months ago. It was really hard. The heal amount is really really low. Yes, it was possible, but not easy. And if you now decrease the healing again, lower players cannot heal such instances anymore, get depressed and quit. Or they are forced to buy way better gear (that is not supposed to be used for their instances), get depressed and quit.

    You guys should also take care about lowgame/midgame heal output. In such cases, for example only with tikal gear and stats, the heal amount is really low and it is not as easy to heal inferno with that.

    My suggestion for new instances in future is, that the healers will get a virtual decrease of heal bonus in future instances (the higher the instance, the higher the decrease). That will decrease the heal output, forces also healers to do new gear (right now it is usable maybe for next 20 years) and let lowgame/midgame player/eq in low/midgame instances heal enough to play there.


    It has now been more than 53 hours since you replied to me with "I guess no, but will ask." on a question about an issue that might not be working as intended. This is a pretty long time for a simple yes-or-no question, that technicly would only take 5 minutes to get an answer to from Rake.

    Of course, this is a valid way to meet the expectation for Zhargos not being killed within "2 or 3 days", but it also leads to players losing interest in killing him at all... :rolleyes:


    On a question "Are there any bugs or is all working as intended" we got the answer, that there is no bug at world boss and everything working as intended :)

    So I guess everything works fine

    Edit: related to the mechanics. The lil drake damage were reduced because it were to high

    Is crash report created in game directory?
    Do you know if other players are also getting it?

    If no, I would suggest trying without addons or perform game reinstallation.

    crash report isnt created and it is not addon related sadly. manual re-patching does not even work.

    Reinstallation don't work... The only one new "software" I have is a windows update.... Please check it. It annoys hard that the problem still exists with a fresh installation without any addons