I think r/m is the strongest rogue overall.
i disagree with this entirely. r/ch is currently most broken rogue in overall, and i can easily say r/w, r/ch, r/s can outdps a r/m in equal conditions
even the class which alot people were complained about when its nerfed, r/p, has higher base damage compared to r/m which results in higher sustain, and they both have same patk if you pay extra diamonds to r/m for statted high tier offhand, otherwise its even lower than r/p.
But you are able to buy projectiles.
classes with high mana consumption need to use mana potion every 20 seconds
didn't know there is a support class thats giving projectiles like mp
there are a lot of other classes which have an exclusive weapon only for their combination
exclusive weapon and extra weapon are different things.
2h hammer for r/ch is exclusive weapon, 2x 1h axe for w/r is extra weapon, w/r is an expensive class.
r/ch have insane sustain and burst, w/r has insane aoe burst, r/w has insane aoe burst and insane capability to do challenge runs without supports or some bad supports. while r/m has nothing special, there is no reason to make a 2nd dagger for this class in this state. playing r/m is rather like tiring than funny and enjoyable.