to be honest with you guys it can't be in your interest to make heal classes completly wisdom based in this short time. Some ppl can't change their whole gear this fast to wisdom... With my heal gear (able to heal every content) I'm not able to heal inferno anymore... this is just ridiculous and makes me wanna quit game...
With all these buff/cooldown/ability changes you destroyed the fun of the game for me. Everyday new changes makes the game not worth playing and you can't focus on your main class because it gets so many changes everyday...
I hope you fix some things back because with the current heal formula and some buff changes it's not the game we used to know
Have a great day!

Class Balance [Patch] & Bard
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Beim Kundi/Druide scheint der Skill Fokus nach dem Patch nicht mehr richtig zu funktionieren. Zwar wird die phy. Angriffskraft um 47544 erhöht (wird auch angezeigt) aber er hat keinerlei Auswirkung. Seltsam ist auch, dass der Schaden am Trainingsbalton immer gleich bleibt. Bogenschuss z.B. 10x immer genau 267,334 ???
Ansonsten finde ich die Änderung mal eine ziemliche Abwechslung, also zumindest bis jetzt positiv.
Wenn es nicht hierher gehört, dann bitte verschieben.
Servus Peter
Hi Pistan,
das mit dem Fokus skill kann ich so nicht bestätigen. Gerade getestet und funktioniert wie er soll.
Zu dem Schaden: Ja, das ist beabsichtigt. Jede Heilung und jeder Schaden wird jetzt exakt berechnet und unterliegt keinen Schwankungen mehr.
Siehe auch Patch Notes 10-2-1-1254"Removed damage and heal output randomness."
Danke XLutines für die Antwort.
(Wenn man wie ich alt ist und nicht alles liest^^) Zum Fokus: hatte heute früh getestet und ich dachte mir wenn ich ca. 50000 Patt mehr bekomme sollte man das zumindest etwas merken, aber weder Bogenschuss, gezielter usw. haben sich dadurch im Schaden geändert. Werde dies heute Nachmittag noch einmal testen.
S.ervus Peter
Please, post your messages in English too, so that all players as well as developers and other team members can understand it
Thank you for the changes to Open Flank, Probing Attack & Slash. Makes playing warrior at least a little bit more rewarding, although warrior in general and especially some secondary classes still need work.
However, an issue with warrior/wardens Attack Weakener elite skill has arisen. Before the patch it dealt damage equal to Open Flank. Now it is just a useless skill.
Since all the similar skills for other warrior sec-classes have been buffed substantially, I'd suggest increasing Attack Weakeners damage at least to Open Flanks 1035% (altough imho a skill with cd should deal more damage than its spammable counterpart - hence 1350% would be reasonable as well).
Please, post your messages in English too, so that all players as well as developers and other team members can understand it
Sorry, i thought if a player does not write in english, he cannot understand english as well
If there would have been any bug, that i could reproduce, i would have answered also in english with a separate paragraph
I would like it, if the Bleed effect on Slash by the Warrior triggers with a Hammer too. Everyone is selling their Hammers now, because its only worth for the Champion.
That would help alot too.
I know this has been suggested already, however it still hasn't been implemented or any explanation for not adding it.
I think the requirement for a hammer to use R/ch should be removed as currently to do good dps with it you need a 1h hammer which naturally most rogues do not have(at least not tiered as their dagger is). If you still want to have a hammer requirement for some skills at least remove it for Dissasembly, as without the on-hit dmg the class isn't viable in single target boss fights. This is a fun class with alot of AOE potential which is something very different and interesting for rogues as this is not something we have.
Thank you
Btw, big thumbs up and thx, that the Knight/Mage now has a magical attack buff
It is missing in patch notes, but thx for it. Tests will follow
I would like it, if the Bleed effect on Slash by the Warrior triggers with a Hammer too. Everyone is selling their Hammers now, because its only worth for the Champion.
That would help alot too.
We do not plan to change this general mechanic of this class at this moment.
I know this has been suggested already, however it still hasn't been implemented or any explanation for not adding it.
I think the requirement for a hammer to use R/ch should be removed as currently to do good dps with it you need a 1h hammer which naturally most rogues do not have(at least not tiered as their dagger is). If you still want to have a hammer requirement for some skills at least remove it for Dissasembly, as without the on-hit dmg the class isn't viable in single target boss fights. This is a fun class with alot of AOE potential which is something very different and interesting for rogues as this is not something we have.
Thank you
We do not plan to change requirements of this class combination at this moment.
Btw, big thumbs up and thx, that the Knight/Mage now has a magical attack buff
It is missing in patch notes, but thx for it. Tests will follow
Thank you for reporting, it is updated in patch notes.
To inform our player base,
We are neither applying changes just by observing gameplay nor deciding by single observation. We are collecting data for class statistics and decide depending on the data we achieve.
We will continue to change until we obtain a stable result for most of the classes in average, of course by class roles. In this progress, your feedbacks are most valuable part of class balance.
Btw, big thumbs up and thx, that the Knight/Mage now has a magical attack buff
It is missing in patch notes, but thx for it. Tests will follow
First of all Big Thanks for buffing this class. Just a quick question. Is it intended that "Silence" (490007) only does 84 Lightdamage? Because this is so little damage that you could just leave it out. And if I remember correctly before the changes that skill did a lot more damage.
Champion/Rogues Shadow Pulse elite skill is dodged by targets by an unnatural high amount (had 24% dodge on one boss) since the last patch. Could you please look into it, I think something went wrong.
Btw, big thumbs up and thx, that the Knight/Mage now has a magical attack buff
It is missing in patch notes, but thx for it. Tests will follow
First of all Big Thanks for buffing this class. Just a quick question. Is it intended that "Silence" (490007) only does 84 Lightdamage? Because this is so little damage that you could just leave it out. And if I remember correctly before the changes that skill did a lot more damage.
According to the ROM Wiki (with the official elite skills still in place):
Silence causes 40.0..80.0 Magical Light Damage. The seals do exactly 8 damage and it's treated for another-person's-damage. Silence can place seals even on buildings during Siege War.
The red text is the skill's value upgraded to level 90.
to be honest with you guys it can't be in your interest to make heal classes completly wisdom based in this short time. Some ppl can't change their whole gear this fast to wisdom... With my heal gear (able to heal every content) I'm not able to heal inferno anymore... this is just ridiculous and makes me wanna quit game...
With all these buff/cooldown/ability changes you destroyed the fun of the game for me. Everyday new changes makes the game not worth playing and you can't focus on your main class because it gets so many changes everyday...
I hope you fix some things back because with the current heal formula and some buff changes it's not the game we used to know
Have a great day!I agree completely with this. I don't know what made you to change healing formula again, but right now most of us who still doesn't have gear with wisdom stats have a big problem. Since this change we can't heal properly (i would say about 50% from what we had before this patch, at least for me). You make such changes too quickly.
Embrace of the Water Spirit - it doesn't convert 20% ranged damage weapon into magical damage. It convert probably only 1-2%.
since the latest update where you changed the wis/wis stats also providing HP and Deff I would suggest that you also add a new fragment for heal, since you can only obtain these stats from the Knowledge Fragment
to be honest with you guys it can't be in your interest to make heal classes completly wisdom based in this short time. Some ppl can't change their whole gear this fast to wisdom... With my heal gear (able to heal every content) I'm not able to heal inferno anymore... this is just ridiculous and makes me wanna quit game...
With all these buff/cooldown/ability changes you destroyed the fun of the game for me. Everyday new changes makes the game not worth playing and you can't focus on your main class because it gets so many changes everyday...
I hope you fix some things back because with the current heal formula and some buff changes it's not the game we used to know
Have a great day!I agree completely with this. I don't know what made you to change healing formula again, but right now most of us who still doesn't have gear with wisdom stats have a big problem. Since this change we can't heal properly (i would say about 50% from what we had before this patch, at least for me). You make such changes too quickly.
Embrace of the Water Spirit - it doesn't convert 20% ranged damage weapon into magical damage. It convert probably only 1-2%.
You can make wings full of wisdom.
To be honest: the wisdom you need fullbuffed to heal to same like before all class balancing patches is kinda low.
You need ~50k wisdom fullbuffed. That will mean around 22-25k unbuffed. That could be reached with 1 or 2 runes.
I like the changes and I like that healer now have a primary stat
I Suggest Remove the 2sec Cooldown on purgatory Fire
since the latest update where you changed the wis/wis stats also providing HP and Deff I would suggest that you also add a new fragment for heal, since you can only obtain these stats from the Knowledge Fragment
In my opinion it would be nice, if you can get the new Heal stats with a Protectorfragment. For example a MDPS just need to collect one Fragment to choose the stat he needs. A Healer has to collect 2 different then. (I know a Scout/Rogue need to collect 2 different fragments aswell, but in my opinion STR/STR shouldn´t be a stat for a leatherclass.)
Since the newest update i got some Crash Report problems
if im trying logging back to character selection i get dcif im trying to make /run ReloadUI() i get dc
if im trying to close game with the leav game button i get dc
Since the newest update i got some Crash Report problems
if im trying logging back to character selection i get dcif im trying to make /run ReloadUI() i get dc
if im trying to close game with the leav game button i get dc
Got the same problem .
When i close my game /reload i get crashes 50% of the time
The octet must be removed from the "Charged Impact", compared with other classes there is no speed at all !!!
I would like to suggest a small change for Silent Rune Bomb and Pulse Rune Bomb from Rogue/Champion. Can you please remove the requirement to place the skills on the ground? Because you often cannot place it where you want due to bumps. Sometimes the skills are placed under the ground or somewhere in the sky causing no damage.
Mage/Scout need another nerf
1 skill class, so try to lower shot dmg for another 30%
many other classes deal a way more dmg and if u only do 1 skill u are lost 2m per hit isnt much
and a champ/warlock deal a way more dmg all over ini dmgand u can't use an old ini to compare classes
As for similar reports have already been written, but after this large patch, crashes often occur when return to the character select screen or log out.
Especially when two clients are run, they occur with a extremely high probability.
I took various possible measures myself, but none of them worked.
I have already sent crash reports to the support team many times. I want you to fix it as soon as possible.