Hello, would be great to get Provisions Courier's Ostrich Mount (ID 206319) preferably this Wednesday or at least this weekend. Thank you in advance

Archived | || Item Shop Suggestions 2018-19-20-21-22-23
- Thor
- Closed
Pls add 212105 in the section Epic Weapon Costumes
I'd be happy to receive Arcane Transmutor Charges at happy hour on Wednesday. The last one was on 19.10.2018.
Hey Guys
is that possible to make Dura hammers for weapon/armor and accessoires in offer? ( ID: 207795 / 207796 / 207797 or 243432 / 243433 / 243434)
that would be very nice
Hey , i would to see some item like ( ID : 207953 / Mirrorworld Ticket )
Thank you in advance
it would be nice if we have alot of Phoenix's Redemption ID : 201141
thanks in advance
I'd love to see perfect titanium hammers in an upcoming promotion.
Thank you in advance
I'd like to see pet reset scrolls on happy hour or weekend promo, thanks in advance
Please add Bouquet of White Lilies
ID : 212245
Suggestion for next Happy Hour/Weekend
New 500 TP Pet Items
Title System Items
Runes (despite the fact they were in last)
Thank you and keep going ?
would be cool if we could get the perfect titanium hammers into the ruby shop - ID 243432/ 243433/ 243434
thanks in advance
As you added more skills for pets and these skills need alot of tps then i am sure alot of ppl in here would like to see
Enhancement Potion ID : 204927
Powerful Pet Growth Potion ID : 204235
ty in advance
in the previous Patch the patchnotes say that you "added new pet item that is adding 500 Talent Points".
I cannot find it in the item shop, nor in the actual weekend promo, which i was expecting.
Hope you can deliver some clearance
Please look more closely at this weekends promo.
The item is listed and has already been bought by other players. -
G'day mates,
Would like to see pet training charms in the itemshop promotion sometime soon. With the new pet skills being released, seems like a good of time as any to top up and farm away
Would also like to see the weapon from Transformation Potion - Kidd, ID 244028 as an item that can be used as a weapon agg
napisze po polsku!!!!
jak można dajcie w promocji 26/12/2018 pakiety na Staty z hoss bo już ich nie było dobre 2 miesiące jak nie lepiej a są potrzebne wielu gracza z góry dziękuje za wyrozumiałość :)))will write in Polish !!!!
How can you give in the promotion on 26/12/2018 packages on Staty with hoss because they have not been good enough for 2 months as not so much and you need many players in advance thanks for your understanding :)))
hope to see in Happy hour
1- Enhancement Potion ID : 204927 or 2- Powerful Pet Growth Potion ID : 204235
Cheers guys, could you please add transport runes (house and guild castle runes) in the next promotion? Would be appreciated
Goblin hero badge would be nice
id: 205037
Cheers guys, could you please add transport runes (house and guild castle runes) in the next promotion? Would be appreciated
Hey guys, you forgot to add the 30 days guild castle and housing runes in the current promotion
Cheers guys, could you please add transport runes (house and guild castle runes) in the next promotion? Would be appreciated
Hey guys, you forgot to add the 30 days guild castle and housing runes in the current promotion
They cant, 30 days items are added by schedule every 28, 32 days (their answer in a ticket). I still have 9 days on mine so might take 1-2 weekends more
Hi, if it's possible I'd like to see a new item in Item Shop: a sort of "pill" that locks your level and another "pill" that unlocks it, in order not to go too far beyond the level of the zone You are playing in
Mirrorworld Reset Scroll (ID-Number: 201772)
I would like to see the new pet crafting tools in the item shop, which have been announced in the last patch notes.
Thank you
I would like to see following items in one of the next promotions:
241090 - Random Attribute Extraction Stone
204235 - Powerful Pet Growth Potion
Thank you!
Cheers, I would also like to see random extraction stones and 30 days guild castle and housing runes this weekend