Posts by JockelR

    Is there any timer for this? or does this mean if i do 2 runs monday 2 runs tuesday 1 wednesday, i get 4 times random cores and on wednesday i get the rest?

    Kind Regards



    can some1 explain the new core distribution excluding the obscure metal?

    • Changed ‘Dark Core’ loot to be distributed randomly until certain amount of runs instead of being a pattern. With this system, running instance constantly will provide always 39 cores in 5 loot including Obscure Metal.

    Including the obscure metal into calculation doesnt really make sense to me since u run this instance with more than 5 people.

    Kind Regards


    • Decreased messenger pull interval to 1.25 from 2.

    For me "2" was optimal - hard enough but not yet stupid. Whats the point of having eq when its useless when u fall? XD

    One mini lag and THE END.

    I'll say this, I've been playing RoM (currently CoA) practically since the beginning and I've never seen (excuse the expression) such idiotic tactics before, on any boss :| . I don't understand why you insist on changing this element of tactics, in my opinion the value of 2 was perfectly fine. I completely do not understand what purpose this is supposed to serve. By force you want to make it more difficult to perform an already quite demanding tactic. I wonder what the new players :rolleyes: , to whom you are supposedly very open, will think about this. Greetings

    I suggest changing it to 0.25/0.25/3 with 80 range its perfectly fine :)

    B5 cage event

    on rare occations the savior and the caged player get stuck in the thorns of the cage cause both players get teleported somehow.

    Maybe increase the range from the saving a bit so players dont need to stand super close to the cage.

    Kind Regards



    i suggest changing last boss loot from 3/6/9 to 6 always, it feels so unrewarding getting 4 times 3 cores in a row.

    Of course there is an unbound metal now but with 12 people 1 unbound metal will not make up for a whole party.

    Gamble mechanics like this quickly gets player frustrated with such long instances.

    Kind Regards


    Regarding the planned changes to last boss.

    I honestly think these changes will make the boss too easy. This boss is, by far, the hardest boss in the whole instance and that is a good thing! It is endcontent and it is supposed to be hard, which is why I have to say that I really like and enjoy the boss design.

    The event, once you figure it out, is basicly just practice. After recent changes it is already alot easier than it was and certain mechanics just need some practice (and are countered easily if you take a moment and think about it) which is why I think that changes like : Increased delay between messenger pulls to 2/3 from 0.3/3.

    will make this boss too easy.Greetings.

    Right now this boss is hard, yes, but isnt he supposed to be hard? some changes i think are ok like pull range to 80 is good but the intervall change will make this 1 mech kinda useless too me.

    I have enjoyed this fight very very much but now after reading the changes i think it gets a little too easy for the fact that this instance is out for 4 days.

    Maybe consider nerving it 1 by 1, first the pull range then interval and if then no one consistently kills it we can go further and look what the issues are.

    Kind Regards



    is the Slash/Blunt/Pierce resistance already active in Dark Core? Since the tooltip currently is only available on the english client and on the german client you wouldnt know which skills are blunt/slash/pierce.

    Kind Regards


    I also like a minimum gear score, but only if the system makes sense.

    For example Hoto Set is best in Slot but gives less gear score than golden accesoires. 22 each item

    Second example Full *correctly* statted t11 heal gear with XI runes with full titan stats aswell was barely making it into the instance with a bit over 2100 gear score. Now that it got fixed its better but still, if we continue this system then there are somethings that should be considered.

    Best in Slot items for classes should have also the highest gear score.

    Stats should matter the same way as runes does. why does clean gear have the same GS like perfectly statted.

    Also the mechanic should be preventing u from entering the Instance (or all mobs resist ur attacks) so for example, like Persil said, M/W doesnt die while swapping Equip.

    Kind Regards


    Thanks for the feedback,

    both skills have been added and a small notice that the shield only scales with mdmg right now.

    Kind Regards


    Good work,

    as far as i tried it feels very good now, if cenedrils and pet could be added would be nice but not bad if it doesnt work with the engine.

    Maybe in the future things could be done to the healing calculation since everyone overheals too much.

    But other than that buffs look fine, personally i would wish for more impact from stats than healing bonus but thats personal preference i guess.

    Kind Regards



    I really hope this is a mistake.

    U force all healers to restat into full wisdom(which was a great idea) and now u punish us for doing it?

    i can now build a dirty t14 gear and buff higher with this and since healing doesnt really matter i can just build 3/3 again with more stamina.

    I really hope u overthing this change since healers should be forced to build wisdom and we are not going back to the time where heal gear didnt matter.

    Kind Regards



    Grundsätzlich sind die seelensteine eine Währung die man bekommt wenn man die Karten entzaubert.

    Alle Karten die im neuen Karten System implementiert sind, kann man entzaubern und für diese Währung kann man dann steine zum verbessern eben jener Karten die implementiert sind im Kartensystem kaufen.

    Im neuen Kartenkompendium solltest du auch filtern können nach "New Cards" dann siehst du welche karten alle davon betroffen sind.

    Bei Asmial in Atlas kannst du gucken welche Steine es alles gibt um Karten zu verbessern.

    Bei dem Händler kann man dann verschieden Steine kaufen wie z.b. chance auf mehr attribute oder eine veränderung der Höhe des Attributs.

    So siehst das dann aus wenn man eine Karte verbessert


    Kind Regards


    Hello Adventurers,

    This guide is made for people who just started and wonder how they could help their party in the best possible way even tho their gear isn't fully finished yet.

    As a support there are a lot of classes to choose from and I will cover the 5 supports which are played the most/are the most effective.

    1. Raid Setup and Siege War skills
    2. Classes covered in this guide ranked by Importance for the raid
    3. Warlock/Mage
    4. Champion/Druid
    5. Scout/bard
    6. Bard/Priest
    7. Warrior/Priest

    1 Raid Setup

    Group 1:

    This is the group where most of the times are 4 dps + 2 supports which are Warlock/Mage and Champion/Druid.

    These 2 People who support have the Task to supply the first Party with Siege war skills and other Support skills which are sometimes only Group wide and don't count for the whole raid.

    Group 2

    This is the group where other supports can be put, most of the time Classes which have either wide support or are less important than the other support classes.

    Always Play Music for your Raid Lute/Tamb/Guitar/Rattle

    Which Siege Skill should i Use?

    If you are playing in group 1 you should either have (2 Supports should communicate which skill they wanna use)


    Stormassault + 2 which supplies the Group with 15% attack and 15%




    Fire Training supplies the group with 10% cast/attackspeed

    If u happen to be a group 2 Support and u dont have any DPS in Group 2 then u can use


    Midnight which reduces the Defense of the Enemy by 10% for 15 seconds


    Tactical smash which reduces the Defense of all enemies in range by 20% for 10


    (can also be used in bigger Mob pulls)

    When do I use my Siege Skills effectively?

    Basically you use it everytime when DPS players also use their burst.

    Always communicate which Siege skill u are gonna use to prevent double usage of these skills.

    For example in Rofl u use them at Big Mob pulls and ofc bosses.

    2 Classes ranked by Importance for the Raid

    1. Warlock/Mage
    2. Champion/Druid
    3. Scout/Bard
    4. Bard/Priest
    5. Warrior/Priest - More important when u dont have a Knight/Mage as a tank

    3 Warlock/Mage

    Warlock/Mage Support Class Guide - Hexenmeister - Chronicles of Arcadia Forum

    4 Champion/Druid

    This class can either function as a small DPS or in heal gear as a good 2nd Healer.

    I will only cover the way you play it with heal gear.

    4.1 Buff food / Self buffs



    1 HP or defense Food

    2 Featured Cuisine Delicacy

    3 Egg rice dumplings

    4 Hero Potion

    5 Clear thought

    6 Dwarven Ale (regenerates PSI and Focus)

    7 Transformation Potion(Stamina/wisdom)

    8 Shield Form

    9 Wild blessing ( Will additionaly increase ur HP through an Elite)

    4.2 Buffs


    Field of replenishment: Ground Spell which heals all Players and increases their Attack, Always keep it up (15 Seconds runtime)


    Knowledge of Destruction: Increases Damage dealt by group members by 15.3%

    Can be used on CD but be aware that u have it up for Big Pulls/Bosses.


    Level 104 Setskill Secret Technique of the Ruins: it will increase Damage dealt by your party members by 10%

    Long cooldown keep it ready for big pulls/bosses


    Heavy Strike: reduces physical defense by 2% each stack (6 stack = 12%)

    You will only really be able to stack this at bosses.


    Mother Earths Protection: reduces all damage taken of party members by 20% for 10

    seconds. Very Usefull if u are in bigger Pulls or ur DPS are in danger from



    Since your skills are mostly group based you will be part of group 1.

    So you use either Stormassault or Firetraining depending on what the other support

    in g1 does.

    4 Scout/Bard

    Currently Scout/bard is a great Support + DPS class, if you think your gear is not really ready to become main dps, this class is great for practicing playing scout.

    Besides the normal DPS Rotation, ur Support part is as following.

    4.1 Buff food / Self buffs

    Since u play this class also as a dps your food should be as following


    1. HP Food
    2. Attack food
    3. Hero Potion
    4. Wedding Food
    5. Transformation Potion(Dex/str)

    4.2 Support Skills


    Musical Shot: Your shot increases your partys physical/magical dmg by 10% for 15s

    After that it gets a 10s cooldown. Always use Shot when the 10s cooldown of the

    effect expires


    We will win: Increases Attack + Castspeed from the raid by 12% for 20 sec (60s CD)

    Use it on CD.


    Bravery: 20 Seconds fear immunity for the raid. Always use it when the party gets exposed to fear mechanics (for example ROFL spider cave)

    On bosses and in trash you want to prioritize getting your support spells up and then do your other dps skills. Since your most likely in group 2 the Siegewar skill could be following

    If you have more dps in group 2 use Stormassault for them

    If not it can be useful to use Tactical smash or midnight if no one else has it available.

    5 Bard/Priest

    One of the recently released Bard Classes which provides all the typical Bard support + really good offensive boosts for the party.

    4.1 Buff food

    Just focus on survivabilty and if u have heal gear u can heal a bit.


    1. Def/hp food
    2. Damage Food(if u want to heal aswell)
    3. Hero Potion
    4. Wedding Food
    5. Transformation Potion(Stam/wis)

    4.2 Offensive Buffs


    Musical Chaos: increases Magical/Physical attack by 11.5% for 10 seconds.

    20 seconds cooldown so u can use it everytime its ready.


    Incredible Riff: increases Physical and Magical Damage from the raid by 10%

    for 30 seconds. 2min CD. Use it when ready but be carefull that its ready for big



    Rhytmic Delusion: Applies a debuff which reduces the Accuracy.T

    The debuff can be used by DPS to apply the ISS Stolen music faster.

    Tempo: Raid buff increases Physical/Magical Attack by 15% for 20seconds with a 90 Seconds CD

    Use it when ready but be carefull that its ready for big


    4.3 Defensive buffs


    Saint’s Blessing: Applies Iron Will to the whole Raid. Reduces area damage taken by

    29.8%. Use it on big pulls where people might get hit by AOE’s


    Spreading Love: AOE taunt on the target u use it on. If ur tank struggles to hold

    aggro in big pulls you can assist him by taunting mobs on him

    6 Warrior/Priest

    If ur party struggles to survive AOEs and the tank wants to play something diffrent then K/M

    this class can be useful for random party. It also has some good offensive buffs and offers AOE Crowd control from a warrior.

    4.1 Buff food

    Just focus on survivabilty and if u have heal gear u can heal a bit. Or you can try to do some dps with chain gear.


    1. Def/hp food
    2. Damage Food(if u want to heal aswell)
    3. Hero Potion
    4. Wedding Food
    5. Transformation Potion(Stam/wis)
    6. Defenders Roar
    7. lvl 85 ISS Guardian of the Pass
    8. Magic Barrier

    4.2 Support skills


    Barbarian Roar: Redcues Damage done from all mobs in your Range.

    Stand with the tank to apply the debuff to as much mobs as possible.

    If the tank is Knight/Mage dont use it since the Holy Field is stronger.


    Berserk: Applys a group buff which boosts damage by 7.9%

    Its a group buff so you can either use it with a group switch macro or if you are in

    group 1.


    Interrupting Strike: Interrupts casting and applies a debuff which increases damage

    taken by 5%. You can permanently use it on CD to have 100% uptime of the debuff.

    Since your a warrior u can also use Cyclon as CC and apply Bleedings/Vulnerable effects for other Warriors to take advantage of.

    Closing Words: This Support Guide covers only the basics of the most used Support classes. There is always stuff to add when playing certain classes but this guide should help to get started and be useful for partys. Some classes could be played diffrent but this is the way i would play the classes if i just get started.

    If u have any questions or need help just ask Ingame or write me a PN in the Forum

    Have Fun and enjoy Arcadia.


    I think the current state of healers, especially for 6 man content, is terrible.

    The only really viable class is Druid/Priest or Priest/Druid since u cant fit a second healer and most of the time u dont have a druid dps in order to play priest/druid.

    A good solution for this, which would also make other tank/dps classes more usefull and provide a bigger variety of heals, would be making the buffs depending on the main attribute of the class.

    For example Knight/Priest could scale with Stamina on Patt/hp buff so the druid healer can play any sec class he wants. (the buff should of course be lower than what a heal can buff).

    Or Druid/warrior wisdom buff scaling on strength, then u could finally see more priest healers in 6 man and 12 man content.

    I really enjoy playing all diffrent heal classes but most of the time for the content right now you are "forced" to choose between 2 classes.

    Kind Regards


    Is it intended, that Rogue/Bard is insanly broken right now? The aoe dmg is insane and even the single target damage of this class is really strong. Single target (strong) and aoe dmg (op!) seems to make this combination too strong right now.


    I agree somehow this class is a little bit out of control and does insane in aoe while beeing still very good at single target.+ very good support for every other rouge in the party.


    is it intended that Bard/Mage basicly has no damage decrement on the aoe skills?

    With fireball i would understand no decrement but Fire Nova is nearly the same as Soulstorm on b/s or any other ground target spell.

    Kind Regards



    since nearly all rouge classes are doing some type of elemental Damage, would it be possible to also change the lvl 95 to make the elemental damage which the class is doing? Just like the lvl 85 AOE setskill from mage i.e. R/CH does wind damage so the aoe could do that aswell.

    Kind Regards


    Originally this is part of a bigger guide for all support classes and raid setup but i decided to publish a basic one for Warlock/Mage only.


    This Class is the most important one for the raid because its very versatile and supplies a lot of offense and defense boost for your Party members.

    Regarding buff food you should focus on food which increases your survivability since this class is not focused on doing any damage.

    1 Buff food


    The most basic buff food you can use are:

    1 HP or defense Food

    2 Featured Cuisine Delicacy

    3 Egg rice dumplings

    4 Hero Potion

    5 Clear thought

    6 Dwarven Ale (regenerates PSI and Focus)

    7 Transformation Potion(Stamina/wisdom)

    2 Offensive Buffs


    Warp Charge: You want to have this buff always up on all dps which adds

    Cast/Attack Speed and Magical/Physical Damage (every 5 seconds)


    Surge of Awareness: Adds 21.5% Attack Power but also reduces defense by that amount. Always try to hit the most DPS with it and spam it on cooldown(50% uptime)

    Can be used on CD but be aware that u have it up for Big Pulls/Bosses


    Soulseal: Increases the Damage dealt by 10% for 15 seconds

    Can be used on CD but be aware that u have it up for Big Pulls/Bosses


    Stormassault/Fire Training: If u are only 1 Support always prefer Stormassault

    instead of Fire Training. Long CD it should be always up for Big Pulls/Bosses


    Soul brand: Stacking it with Soulpain on 4 stacks increases elemental damage taken from the target by 20%. On bosses ALWAYS keep it on 4 stacks and in trash try to do it aswell if u have all other buffs running


    Otherworldly whisper: Only usable in Willpower construct

    Every stack will increase the Party members Attack power by 2% (10% total)

    It requires to build up PSI and enter Willpower construct which will be covered at 3.4


    Weakening Weave Cures: Targets receive 9.3% more Dark Damage

    Only use it if u have a class which does Dark Damge.


    Saces Cracking Spell: Only usable in Willpower construct

    Reduces the crit resistance of the target. Use this only when all other buffs are up.


    LVL 98 ISS: Deals Damage to a targeted Area and stuns all enemies.

    Great to use when more interrupts are need e.g. rofl after b5 magma elementals.

    3 Defensive Buffs


    Level 85 Setskill: Reduces all incoming Damage by 90%

    Usefull for big Pulls since it will nearly guarantee that DPS players wont die for 8 seconds even when they have Aggro


    Mind Barrier: Ground Spell which reduces all damage taken and increase incoming

    healing. Usefull for any situation where Players are getting Damage from AOEs.


    Shield of Solid Mind: Shields a Party member (scales with healing bonus, only really effective in heal gear)


    Defense Net: 100% less magical Damage taken and immunity to most CC(except


    Use this Spell to prevent Crowd Control most of the time for the tank.


    Saces Embrace: Basicly a Shield of Solid mind but as an AOE

    try to protect your DPS players with it. (scales with healing bonus, only really effective in heal gear)

    (Reported to only scale with MDMG)


    Lvl 95 ISS: Protects 1 Party member from Damage and when the Shield breaks everything around the target gets feared.

    Notice: In some instances the fear might not work.

    4 PSI and Focus regeneration

    In order to enter the Willpower construct for certain Spells u will need 6 PSI.

    It can be regenerate through specific Spells, Item Set Skills or Dwarven Ale.

    If you manage to regenerate it in trash through Spells, prefer it over Dwarven Ale.

    If you are at a boss with less than 6 Psi you should Use Dwarven Ale to stack Otherworldy Whisper before the boss fight Starts.

    Spells are used in Following order


    Level 75 Setskill: Instantly Regenerates 4 Psi + 6 Psi after 25 seconds


    Flaming Heart Strike: Regenerates 2 Points of Psi without Cast time.


    Puzzlement: Regenerates 2 Points of Psi.


    Psychic Arrows: Regenerates 1 Point of Psi without Cooldown.


    Heart Collection Strike: Regenerates 50 Focus

    Can be used every 8 seconds. Use it when u are under 50 Focus. Also applies

    1 stack of Soulbrand