Posts by Zyrex

    This is not true, the loss of life is denied by the other heal. However, the fact that your character's movement interrupts the casting (as far as I know) is not negated by another heal. So these things cannot be compared.

    Ofc it can be compared, that's class design. Scout can shoot while running, Mage can not. Scout looses life, Mage doesn't. You can also compare it with a Warrior: Scout is ranged, Warrior is melee. Scout looses life, Warrior does not. Every class has advantages and disadvantages. If you remove the life cost of Blood Arrow, Scout looses its only penalty, which makes it... broken (in terms of class design, not talking about class balancing).

    I don't want to remove the blood arrow mechanic but change it. I want it to be fairer, more logical and more enjoyable.

    Me playing scout, blood arrow only triggers phoenix sometimes, that's the only thing that could be fixed, since it doesn't kill the player anyways.

    I just want your gameplay as a scout to depend on you and your skills, not the heal and his skills.

    Guess you are not dependant of a healer, you can also use potions to refill your life or use the buff more wisely. For the raid/group content, you always have a healer with you, so it doesn't even matter.

    But enough of this topic for now, let's see what the Devs decide here I guess ^^ :)

    But I don't understand ... In one moment you say that blood arrow does not matter because any heal can heal it without a problem, and in a moment you say that changing this mechanics will turn the balance upside down. It may be my mistake, but I see a lack of consistency here.

    Using the skill ingame doesn't hurt the player if you have a heal in your party.

    Changing the skill mechanic will hurt the game, because this is one of the key factors of a scout.

    I also don't think this change can be compared with the fact that the mage will be able to cast spells on the run.

    Ofc not, it was just an example, as I said.

    The point was not about the "mage" example itself, but about the change of core mechanics: Mages are stationary casters and Scouts can run around, but loose life in return. That is default class design. If you remove one of these pillars (the loss of life for example, or the stationary cast), the construct of the class will break down.

    So Runs mit bspw "Gobo" in der ein lvl 100 einen Begleitet und hochzieht, mag ich nicht gern machen. Das habe ich an einem Wochenende gemacht und irgendwie wurde die Lust weniger, weil unbekannte Gebiete quasi sofort uninteressant wurden weil man overpowered war.

    Moin, dann würde ich vorschlagen, einfach klassisch zu questen. An sich hat sich da auch nicht viel getan, in manchen Instanzen solltest du vorher nur checken, in welchem Schwierigkeitsgrad du dich befindest - einige wurden überarbeitet und sind nun auf "Schwer" Lv 90+ betretbar. Ansonsten wirst du vmtl keine Gruppen für kleinere Inis, wie Abbey finden. Die breite Masse läuft eher die 104er custom Inis, ab und zu gibt's noch Memo-Runs.

    CoA unterscheidet sich von den anderen Servern insb. durch den Custom Content ab Lv 102 (Tikal) und Lv 104 (Kammer der Elemente), daher wirst du in den "alten" Inhalten nicht wirklich was finden und dich beim Questen auch sehr lange sehr alleine fühlen. Immerhin hast du dann ganze Kontinente quasi für dich allein, ist ja auch nicht schlecht ;)

    just nerf little aoe from mage i think 10% is ok or mobs should have more mdeff

    Partially agree on that. Since our guild seems to have very different results in balancing testing than most others, I just speak about the problem that Static Field maybe is way too strong these days. Even my Mage/Knight is dealing equal damage with it as with my Stars of Light (which is a stationary casted channel spell that blocks any other actions while executing).

    Also I don't see any use in the Electric Consumption that increases dmg of Static Field, bcz it uses a gcd which can also be used for a static field itself. Also, i haven't had any use case where the damage increment had an equal or higher affect in overall damage than not using it at all - those mobs die too fast, so that 1 more static field instead of the wasted gcd would be better.

    Really? Do you enjoy it? The fact that someone does not like something and tries to change it for the better and can justify it? Does it enjoy you? This is probably one of the weakest posts I have read here.

    Well, tbh changing the blood arrow isn't that important from my pov. There are much more important things to do first, before thinking about a quality of life change like that. I mean, always you let BA running, you also have a heal at your side. For the content without a healer, you don't need that buff at all. Also, since there is a short CD of 10 seconds, you can use the buff even for a short time without having any fatal penalties.

    I also play scout a lot (even played it 3 years ago here and also on official, a lot in pvp as well). Never cared about the mechanic, it's just the game, so take it as it is or don't play it. That's as simple as it is.

    The point is, almost all strong buffs in the game have a downside, either high cost, high cooldown or other bad effects. I really don't see any reason to change that mechanic, since it's in the game for so long and as far as i remember, there were nobody complaining about it in those years.

    Now, if you wanna change the core mechanics of specific classes, you can surely go for it, but what else do you need in terms of "skill" in that game then? Scouts only need to take care of their blood arrow not proccing their phoenix and that's it (almost). As a ranged dps you have so many benefits and you can walk while casting almost all skills. Would you like having all mages (for example) cast while moving as well? Isn't that also a core mechanic of the game? What would happen, if we change all this and make every class equally played?

    So yea, this topic amuses me on a pretty sarcastic way, because changing core mechanics would result in breaking the game. Wouldn't be the first time btw.

    "You don't like some mechanics, don't change it, don't try to do anything, don't play it", golden advice, thank you. I hope when I can remind you of her.

    Always a pleasure. ;)

    This blood arrow discussion really amuses me :D I got a solution for all the scouts complaining about its core-mechanic that is in the game since 2008. My solution is working for 100% and solving all your problems at once. You will never have any further issues with the blood arrow or spend any further nerves on this topic. Don't play scout.

    Maybe remove other wowmap related addons, such as wowmap poi or wowmap instances? Maybe they interfere with the latest wowmap changes now. I think I got an equal error right after the patch and fixed it with that, but not sure. :/

    I'm not sure about the balancing these days. There are some classes that are really powerful and others that are quite...bad. I think, I gave up comparing our (different) classes in our runs, since pdps always complain about mdps and vice versa ^^ So I keep praying for no kill-nerfs and playing my favorite magical classes :)

    Regarding magical dps classes, I'm not sure what to think about balancing. Warlock is still very strong, but mage is kinda equal. S/M is better than any warlock or mage, but I have no clue about ranking the specific classes by dps. If a new mdps player asks me what to play, I always recommend Warlock/Warden, bcz it's the easiest way to deal tons of damage, but need specific "higher" ISS, for everyone else I recommend Scout/Mage, bcz it's the allrounder. Myself I keep playing the most anti-meta classes, bcz they are fun to play and got a lot of utility. :)


    I am saying to add option for leather gear. Maybe create classes like s/m? For two eq (leather+cloth).

    I agree. This could be a suitable reason to rework Priest/Scout Dps again and make it another (more balanced) Scout/Mage? As a mdps the class sucks, as a mdps/supp it's also useless (even in 6 player content we got a priest heal), so why not making it a hybrid class too? And a ranged leather class that can rez and such would be awesome, wouldn't it? &)

    1 full run = 1 orange, 4 purple, 1000+ green

    Really? I thought there are only about 250 mobs in there, that actually do drop green mats?! So droprate is a thing in hoto?

    I agree to points 1, 2, 3 and 6. The rewards need some rework and there should be some kind of quality of life changes, but still, in a well set up party, your wipe ratio will be rlly low... so it's not thaaat important to add a portal I guess.

    The amount of greens is ok I guess, but if you really lack that much, go farm the trash before b1, there you get enough for a pull in less than an hour without any drop rate buffs ^^

    Tbh I do like the 6 player content and would love to see more of these! We already got enough solo content (you can even literally challenge yourself by soloing DN, tikal, DL, Lv 95+ Instances, etc) we got raid content in the big custom instances, but there was no useful group content, for those who can't fill an entire raid or wanna do parallel runs. Just speaking for myself here, I really like that! :love:

    No pet running and still told you can't cast this spell while in combat

    If you don't see pets, this doesn't mean, that there is none ;) There is an option in your game settings to hide pets. The mentioned scenario is actually how this fluffy game works, ppl need to resummon pets to trigger the end of combat sometimes, because pets can participate in fights, using skills and buffs. :/ It's not always yours, but ppl keep resummoning until the combat ends. Ofc this doesn't always work, if you stand too close to fighting players/mobs, your combat won't end.

    I enjoy the new instance very much. The only thing that bothers me a bit is also the missing Arcadia Coins and some guild mates complaining about the "bad" item sets, too. So I would suggest, put 5% Movementspeed on any set and another additional 1% damage. Then the sets would be useful for any class for sure.

    Imo the loot distribution is fine as it is - you can farm the trash mobs before b1 if you lack in greens.

    I also agree to the portal issue, but would also not like using ostrich in there, because of reason that MidanLauert mentioned above. Also, the idea about movement speed on any set would be useless if you enable usage of a 120% speed buff lol. Maybe the portal could be a shortcut after b3, so you skip half the instance, but still need to pass the green bugs.

    Edit: We're already clearing the instance within 30-40 min, so imagine using ostrich speed additionally :pinch:

    Is it happening only after the latest patch, or you faced it before?

    How you are entering guild castle?

    What's previous zone you were in?

    Are you able to reproduce it?

    Happened only since last patch (for me).

    Ported inside via itemshop transport stone 30d (208786).

    Ported from Weeping Coast into the Castle.

    I ported from under water into the castle. I was able to reproduce it. Recorded it:

    So I guess, the bug lies under water :pinch:

    I didn't know where to put this msg, please move if it is necessary.

    I was checking new Ocean's set in charplan and Im really disappointed. Tank pieces are still only for physical tanks even tho since balance (almost a year ago) we have magical tanks. New custom ini (replacing rofl in some months) will also not have magical tank sets? Please reconsider this direction, items should be adapted to the game in 2021 and not to the classes we had 10 years ago.


    It has All attributes bonus and dmg reduction, right? It's just about the crit damage I guess, but for me that doesn't really matter. Already got my original physical tank jewelry set on my warlock tank, so the ocean set will fit in, too. But yea, maybe one could consider adding both magical and physical critical damage on those rings. :/

    Wenn ich 100 Auktionen einstell, und nach meinen eigenen eingestellten Auktionen suche, sind vielleicht nur 20 drin. Und das über Tage. Die Problemkategorien sind Manasteine und Monsterkarten

    Ich hab dabei eigentlich nie Probleme, nutzt du denn die Filter im AH? Damit kannst du deine Suche ziemlich genau eingrenzen, sodass du nur das bekommst, was du auch haben willst. Ich meine, klar, wenn ich ohne Filter nach Karten suche, bekomm ich "alle" angezeigt, bzw bis zum Limit des Auktionshauses ^^

    I don't have any problems like these, do you use filters in the auction house? You can locate your search results pretty much, then you only get the exact items, you're looking for. I mean, sure, if I search for any monster cards, I will get "all" of them, or respectively results up to the maximum amount that is being displayed ^^

    If you ask and won't force, it won't work, but surely you can try.

    The game offer a function to create a public channel for free and invite players to it.

    If someone wants to, you can shout out about on world chat.

    Well, that private channel thing never worked imho. Either the channel disappeared after reloading ui or nobody used it. But as a default chat channel, I think, players would use it. I mean, I saw this in several other MMO's and it worked quite well overall, but everyone needs access to that. So a private channel wouldn't work.

    How you would like to force players, to post there only trading offers?

    I wouldn't force them, but ask them, I guess. If you get such an offer, you may use it... at least I would. And looking at other games, it seems that most players actually use that. Guess that's a thing the community could handle themselves.

    Hi there,

    we all know, that trading in the global chat can be pretty annoying sometimes, if it comes, that your posts are spammed away by some trashtalk, guild recruitement posts or other stuff. But auction isn't an alternative if you wanna sell your stuff fast. People keep spamming their "WTS" posts like any 30-60 seconds in order to display them in the chat.

    So I suggest, implementing an additional default global chat channel, every player has access to, only for trading (for example by command /trade). This chat channel could be displayed in the general chat tab, too, but should have the option to (un-)activate it in the chat settings as well. So players could add another tab only for trading to filter the useless stuff out of the chat.

    In other MMO's this already is a standard, which is very useful for players, because we all are traders somehow, some more, some less. And if you need a megaphone for usage, Idc.

    Best regards


    This actually seems to be a pretty good idea, since (speaking for myself) me and my wife both play offensive and defensive classes, but only 1 of us can benefit from a given buff each. I know from my guild mates, that some got the relationship months ago (in the meantime pretty much high leveled), but partially changed roles in our runs.

    Also, there are much more DPS players than Healers and Tanks, so it's quite hard to find a partner for many players I guess. I, as a main-tank, was asked by multiple persons back then (but there was only 1 right choice UwU).

    So I agree to the idea of giving both partners both buffs, or some kind of combined buff (since there are already too many buffs around). :thumbup:

    I was able to do this event with just candle/wine but it was harder than it needs to be due to not being able to stop moving by transferring aggro to meat.

    Just put the meat on the floor before the next wave spawns. But be careful, the buff expires by end of combat. The meat will exist longer than necessary normally. So after putting the meat on the floow, you instantly go take a wine and check the next possible candle position. Once the zombies spawned, you keep some distance for not face-aggroing them and apply your wine once the zombies attack the meat. Sometimes a single zombie isn't aggroed by the meat, so you gonna kite it through the stack at the meat while applying the wine.

    After you hit the zombies with wine debuff (its like oil, bcz alcohol can burn), you use a candle to light them all up. Your casts (wine, candle, soup) are hitting with splash effects, so they always hit all surrounding enemies around your target.

    So with some practice you should be able to solo it. But, it's still a more complex boss mechanic, so it needs some time to figure out the right timing of the waves (which is literally static time).

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but afaik the aggro of the meat is limited due to absolute values, so if you hit the zombies too hard, the meat can't pull aggro at all anymore. In the Chapter 4 ages back then, this wasn't an issue I guess - or it's still kinda buggy sometimes.

    However, with Lv 104 and some basic gear you may be able to burst down the adds quite easily or kite them while using soups more efficiently. So whatever happens at this event, it shouldn't be a thing I guess. The only issue I remember was running out of meat/candle/wine.

    I would like to see such an event, which could last for 2-3 days, similar to the already existing relationship event and such. The Weapon Lvl Exp Pets aren't enough by far to reduce the required amount of time.

    Maybe you could improve the exp bonuses of already existing itemshop books (encyclopedias) in that event, or include them (after making them useful first) into the bonus of the pets?!

    Hi my dear UwUs,

    first, the new forum update looks pretty awesome, I like the reaction mechanic that replaced the Like-mechanic. But I unfortunately miss an UwU-Emoji there.

    Could you maybe include one additionally? UwU

    Thanks in advance.

    Zyrex UwU

    Hi there,

    since the new worldboss is released, there is another title available, which offers better attributes than the original Aldo title. The current "Helper of the Chronist" title, which is obtainable by helping Playernet on certain ways, is based on the Aldo title plus 15% Movement and 8% Mount Speed.

    Now, since the Chronist title would be deprecated through the new better version through the new Worldboss, I would suggest an advanced Chronist-Title for those helping hands players. This title could be even harder to obtain, like another level you need to reach after getting the original Chronist Title.

    Also, there could be a Badge System Bonus which gives an alternative to the current best-in-slot Event-Title "Destroyer of the Underworld", which gives 1% Patt/Matt.

    The title would look like this:

    Helper of the Gods

    +5% Damage
    +5% Magical Damage
    +6% All Attributes
    +8% Mount Speed
    +15% Movement Speed

    Badge System Bonus: +2% Physical Attack, +2% Magical Attack

    The title would be categorized as an Event-Title, in order to put it into the Event-Title Slot in the Badge System. &) Also, there is no alternative existing yet instead of the Helloween Event-Title "Destroyer of the Underworld", which would kinda fill that gap, too. :thumbup:

    Also, the Helper of the Gods wouldn't replace the Helper of the Chronist, but present another "level" the helping players could reach. Currently you first get the Chronist Card on the "first level", get the Title on the "second level" and would get the advanced title on the "third level" after meeting another requirements, that could be even higher than the current ones. Only the worthiest of the worthy should get it.

    :!:The problem about the current Chronist Title is, that only few classes use it after succeeding over the new Worldboss. If you wanna deal the maximum of damage, the WB title is better. So the advanced title "Helper of the Gods" would be another motivation for players to support the server/team and get a very useful reward in return. Just the same way, the original Chronist Title was meant to be.

    "Whosoever holds this title, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of a God." - Thor in the Marvel Comics (slightly edited)