Can someone answer the question why in ranged weapons you can't bet on attack speed or spell casting speed?

Runes in ranged weapons
bcs this destroy class balance
Byte answer from the past
bcs this destroy class balance
Byte answer from the past
What class balance?
Curse Rune should not be a problem
Why rune atk spd can use on Talisman, but not worked ?
while runes cast spd worked on all Talisman/weapon.
bcs talisman dont have attack speed
cast speed is for char not weapon
bcs talisman dont have attack speed
cast speed is for char not weapon
Yes, but there are magic combinations that deal damage based on attack speed, such as warden/druid.
Also it would be nice if this rune could be placed in a talisman
bcs talisman dont have attack speed
cast speed is for char not weapon
Yes, but there are magic combinations that deal damage based on attack speed, such as warden/druid.
Also it would be nice if this rune could be placed in a talisman
While I like the idea somewhere, it would make champions even more OP i think...