Posts by Kagamiko

    I would like to describe my perception of Grafu from the eyes of a melee dps. I manage to interrupt most of the ALWAYS lethal casts(mostly 1 hit sometime 2hit depends of buffs but - not only 1 mob casting) , sometimes you miss a mob because you still don't see the cast bars under the life bar. Sometimes you die because you get a stun and can't interrupt. Some casts cannot be interrupted 100% of the time. I ask myself every time why only melee dps get such an ass-kicking. Fears,Stun,Deadly Aoes. If you play champion now it gets even worse because you can interrupt every 3 seconds (if you hit them all) but the positioning must always be perfect. I always have the feeling (which is confirmed) that ranged dps only have a fraction of the mechanics they actually have no deadly aoes and only a few stuns and mostly they can just hit stupidly. What do you have against melee dps that you have to punish them like that?

    I would suggest adding mechanics that are also deadly for range dps and stun as soon as they don't get close or don't interrupt the stun can come without notice like in meleerange. it makes it harder but fairer

    Teach your mates to play safety and help you with control :D

    Honestly I don't understand the change in mage/warlock. Why nerf it so much, from 30% to 5% and giving a huge hp loss? And the class combo wasn't that strong either.

    about its former power is a delusion. It was very strong. But the nerf is really too big

    Здравствуйте уважаемые администраторы, создается такое впечатление что у вас личная ненависть к классу магов. Мало того что магу/колдуну дали теперь личную кровавку, так еще и 10 секундный урон отобрали. Если учесть что маги это самый дорогой класс по экипировке, ни к статам, ни покупке шмота по цене не подступишься, то вы практически убиваете рынок маговских вещей, потому что они теперь никому не нужны. Перетачиваться в другой класс , как вы иногда советуете тоже не вижу смысла, маговский шмот продать не смогу, поэтому точиться не получится, остается завязать с такой игрой, где происходит настоящая сегрегация(

    Приветствую. Лично протестировал за последние 3 дня различные связки магов, такие как: маг-скаут,маг-колдун, маг-разбойник, маг-друид, маг-воин, маг-прист, а также колдун-скаут, колдун-глад, скаут-маг. Все, как минимум, эти связки сейчас более чем играбельные. Всегда в топ-3 по дпс, имея в рейде одних из самых сильных кольчужных и кожаных дд.

    Касательно маг-колдуна:

    Имеет ли смысл говорить о возврате урона от черной магии?

    Нужно ли делать черную магию аналогично кровавке?

    В совокупности, скорее, нет, чем да. Так как 5% снижения защиты не стоит того, чтобы у тебя взамен забирали хп, учитывая, что тканевое снаряжение самое уязвимое. Если бы говорили о снижении 30% защиты (маг и физ), то, наверное, это было бы справедливо, чтобы снималось хп. Касательно бафа урона от забытой черной магии: я бы вернул этот баф, сохраняя потерю хп от забытой черной магии и снижая деф на 5%, или, наоборот, убрал бы баф урона, но вернул 30% снижения защиты (возможно 20-25%, учитывая тенденцию ослабления саппортов), добавил бы снижение хп от работающего скилла и убрал бы баф урона. Это было сбалансированно.

    Об всех тестах пишу, имея эндгейм снаряжение и оружие с высоким тиром.

    Taking a person who a priori didnt play endgame in CoA to “balance” is wrong (and that’s the kindest thing I can say).

    Because the statement that r/wl is better than r/s requires at least a comment. And if we say about one of the strongest rogue combinations (r/w) that it is weak, then the question of the tester can be eliminated in its infancy

    and I would also like to launch a solo mode, but if this is not possible, then do it by analogy with Sathkur (I mean the amount of HP proportional to the number of players). Now it is impossible to get decent rewards from an event if 3+ people play at it.

    Just to make it clear, once again, mages and warlocks arent the strongest dps classes even for mdpses

    I would like to do 2-3 runs with you. Maybe I don't understand something... But mages are simply insignificant compared to the best combinations, they simply lack attack. I went to DC as mr, mch, mk, mwl, md and all this is much worse than the same sm even before the nerf. But I am also 100% sure that you are one of the strongest mages here (namely mages). And only one thought appears: there is no dps left in LL - which is also absolute absurdity... GO DC honey :D

    If you reset your elemental catalysis after half of its cd is completed, you can use it every 2 mins and combine it with the 2 funny ghosts which has 2 min cd as well. You can even use water and elven potion for a third burst-like burst that only works on single targets

    PS: Have fun including this into your next answer as well) 8o

    Yes, sorry, you're right, every 2 minutes. But unfortunately it is 33% less common than others :)

    А) I was in IDK as m/ch and s/m. And my slow fingers said me "play s/m, if u have w/s or w/d in group" :D doesnt matter both classes are strong for this

    C) I always only count damage throughout the dungeon. Because the result is the end. I never look at dps separately for trash and bosses (Provided that the group needs to pick up a setup so that there is enough damage at all stages)

    E) yes, perhaps I should have clarified :D I'm talking about the protection of mobs and bosses, in order to understand what food, synedrils, supports and what ranks to choose :D Our defense as a long-range dps is not important

    A) if you are talking about nostalgia for mages, then having a warrior and a scout in the group (where you are one dps more) you will not have time to deal damage. It's a setup question. When we talk about DC and talk about a mage, then personally I feel an acute shortage of parameters (specifically - magic attack). And it's pointless to compare classes, half are just dead.

    С) scout mage is utterly stronger than bard mage

    D) I tested M/K 5-7 days ago. It is really good, BUT before second boss DC (i lose 10-15% top1)

    E) My favorite category is testing for dummy... It's not the first day you've been playing and you should understand that here you can only compare the damage done. In a dungeon, you don't even know the meaning of protection. The only question is the stability of your game as a DPS

    Mage/rogue is in a veeeeery good spot at the moment. It has raid support, deals the best dmg type in the game (dark) and has an overpowered burst skill that lets it beat scouts and other burst classes as long as the burst doesnt last longer than 10 seconds. Probably not as good as scout/mage or mage/scout but a little too strong in bursts.

    Yes, its good as support, like mexxer, but not dps. It has burst each 2.5 min (at this time others - 1.5 min).

    1) You're making changes to rogues, but no change to the apparently necessary dps increase for various rogue combos. Some combos are completely forgotten.

    I don't know what other leather players plays, but I tested for example r/wrd in idk a few days ago (idk bcs I only have old weapons and there you don't get an extra boost with dc weapons).

    I for myself saw, that based on my eq the class was good. Not to weak, not OP. The biggest problem I always saw was, that most rogue players are very squishy (maybe bcs of greedy dmg), but I rarely died in general in idk, bcs I play more defensive and maybe that's why my overall dmg was always good

    My friend, if we say about rogue=0.6-0.8dps=not weak, u are right 100%. but if we're talking about competition, i have other opinion.

    And for u, my dear Zyrex, I'll write new post :D

    Too much to say and compare. Luckily, my mates have good equipment and a high level of gameplay. But I will touch everything with strokes and it will become clear to you why I asked the question in the paragraph above:

    1) You're making changes to rogues, but no change to the apparently necessary dps increase for various rogue combos. Some combos are completely forgotten.

    2) You take 10% dps from the mage, which is impossible to play in endgame instances (except m/s PS if someone decides to mention m/ch or m/r, then come to the dungeon and prove it to me in comparison with me). I will not even talk about the latest "boost" of m/p type connections. And we still remember "-26% intelligence". At the same time, such bundles as s/m, ch/b (mentioned by Noodlez), s/wl and the most juicy for a raid instance wl/d remain untouched. I still don't understand what you are balancing.

    3) Warlocks: I don't really understand the 11% elemental damage (dark) nerf. If we're talking about a Warlock/Scout, it's completely fair (obviously stronger than other Warlocks). Buuut, wait. Wl/s gets a minus 11% from the main skill, and the increase in dark damage from Blood Arrow is reduced to 11.4% from 22.8% (another minus 11.4). Perhaps (but you have to try), maybe this is true when it comes to a warlock / scout. But why did all the other warlocks suffer? Maybe someone knows more, I would very much like to talk with this player.

    4) if you need scout advice just ask Cruvor, Ramer, Lutine. This is because scouts also need balance. I'm not talking about boosting or nerfing combos, but the balance between them. It seems to me that starting with this, we can then talk about the balance of classes. And where is the much-awaited new skill? ;)

    5) Chain ... I can't comment here because I haven't played with this type of equipment.

    But I can say very exaggerated at the moment chain=cloth>leather (in general).

    oh yes... Of course, I appreciate the endgame ini (which rofl is no longer for me, for example)

    Can you check pls resist rate for static field? Just i still have a lot of resists(more 20% for this skill) with dmg tittle for tittle system, i havent only with +600% acc, but its the loss for 10-14% elementaly dmg (class dependent).

    you're toxic as always, buddy <3 The point is that you were always worried and worried, but for us they did it all of a sudden PS as I indicated in the post above, I support this idea, but I want more loyal solutions
    quality for all? i support it too
    #give1.3mattkforintand1.2mattkforwis :D

    don't you think that with the patch that made mages upgrade weapons now, the number of people playing on staff bonds (except for s/m, s/wl) has been significantly reduced?! I like the idea and I support it, but it might make sense to introduce some kind of item that increases hitting speed or experience per leveling (I did not see the announcement of the patch long before it was introduced), because leveling takes an incredible amount of time (I'm currently level 247, for example, to pump up to 248 I need 3.5 hours, given that I have a constant attack speed of 0.7, and with music, food and titles 0.5, and after level 260 I will have to change class on mage or warlock where constant attack speed will be 1.2 at best)

    PS i know about pets for this, enough for a level and a half for one day

    PS he plays wdd in DC and always the first in scruti. I finished.

    Good job guys, remember post above, where you can see my parameters on the maps (screen1). And what they became (screen 2). Will it be the fairness of the rationing system?



    as well as on screen 1 the parameters are reflected on 05/09/2022, as you can see.

    I can't help but share another good proposal, consisting of two points, which, IMHO, should be implemented ONLY jointly.

    1) there are currently cards in the game that can no longer be upgraded, such as


    it was great to have these cards back so everyone can improve them

    2) after my sentence in paragraph 1, someone will say: "no, I'm against it, I spent a lot of money before the patch, I'm entitled to this benefit." but the essence of the second point is that all players can complete their cards on the principle of "residual value". that is, for such a card, for example


    price improvement is not 600d, but in proportion to the missing parameters (in proportion to 600d)

    4 attr:

    cost one attr = 150d

    for this card, 3 attributes are maximum (almost;) for simplicity of calculation, we will assume that they are maximum) and one attribute is improved only by 50%. so the cost of upgrading to the maximum will be 50% (remaining) of 150d and will be equal to 75d.

    I think that this is fair and will bring a lot of positive emotions for all players. Thanks ;)



    I understand that something is not working properly. I ask you to fix. I explain: I don’t have only 2 two of the comendium, Lutine doesn’t have one. The difference in the rating is 2640-2637=3, although in fact the difference is one card.

    I will immediately answer the question: 1) I noticed this a long time ago 2) I changed equipment / location, etc.



    Both screenshots are taken in real time. These ratings have not been updated in principle for more than six months.