Posts by Leszix

    I'm trying to use mouse to move camera or close windows but is not working. It's happening with the last update, before to this update, the mouse was working perfectly

    Video of the error:

    Also with the last updates on February, always I exit the game, the client crashes...

    Try it, solved for me.

    Go to main folder - interface - addons - xbar - bonus folder. In Bonus folder try to remove two "XMinimap" files.

    Let me know

    Personal memories chronologically:
    1. My first jump event when was not-yet-banable. Did not manage to jump but I was happy I see that many ppl

    2. Random Atlas pic with more than five players there

    3. Running in Logar ended up playing chess game with Devs

    4. Spending my New years eve online, waiting for 300% dias promo

    5. Waiting in line for some free items. Don't ask why there is only one guild

    6. Joining best guild, Cosmo mom invited me, wierd.

    7. First Normal World Bosses Dragons killed by guild

    8. Some random boss kill in DC. My favourite boss tactic ever (not dps)

    9. I was first here over Orkham. Yes it's possible without cheating

    10. Orkham last boss kill. Gather all those ppl again, not possible anymore :(

    What an adventure!

    About priest/scout and druid/scout changes.

    In first, i thank devs for heard to us. Buffs really need in revision. In second, hmm... crossbow for healer became a trash xd. Everything has become a opposite, now any healer give more atk and damage than druid/scout or priest/scout. In my opinion, crossbow should give advantage(but not like now and not before changes) and -30% is a lot. In third, i dont believe, that this change is the best, what could be.

    Any info about this?

    I suggest making p/s and d/s buff value little better than other heal classes f.e 5 or 10% better
    1) those two classes' crossbows will no longer be useless as atm
    2) other heal classes can also be played - you are not loosing that much

    Hello Arcadians.

    Sad news.

    Today our friend Johny passed away after a month-long battle for his life in a hospital.
    Fallen guild and whole server lost his best "bad server changes" defender.

    Peace to his soul and let him watch our bursts in instances

    P.S. something will be organized for us to give him last goodbye

    When will we have final version of creating set items? It changes everyday: No arcadia coins at start, now required. 100 purples mats, then 20, now 20 yellow. First blueprints bound, now not.
    Its so annoying, I cannot create drop rules in guild...

    Um thanks for info after some rolls but nevermind.
    I went to Orkham, try to roll something good but unfortunatelly some error appeared and now its like this

    Its grey and cannot move it

    Ok I love memes but its time for serious post about Corrupted weapons and sets.

    1. Corrupted weapons
    Not everyone wear cape, but Fallen guild do, so take a quick pick on rolls

    1a) WHAT XDDDD
    1b) If ranges are 0-100% good stat and 0-90% bad stat you can be super OP with 100% DMG
    1c) You can also have 100% DMG and -90% MATT
    1d) Stats in this STAFF are totally random, chosen from EVERY possible stat in game, f.e. katana dmg, ranged weapon, +RAGE or WAND SKILL UP :)
    1e) You can roll like million times and still nothing
    1f) If you wear it, cannot unbound later, right?
    Its totally RNG how it was never before.


    Basic info, If you roll f.e HANDS you get RANDOM HANDS unless we do not know something. So can be cloth, leather, chain or 5 times in a row plate :)

    Also rolling stats were very enjoyable:

    1) original item after roll
    2,3,4) corrupted crystal roll

    I'm little confused right now butmore I'm worried about another players.
    Stay strong!

    I want this only for me, as a special reward for promoting game trough 2137 memes and vids, please :D
    Badge: Badgetti Polonaisse

    And another ideas:
    Another country flags

    Diamond icon for spending 10k dias in IS in 5min - Dias Master
    Same with rubies and another currency
    Pepe frog - Badge: Arcadians Pepega

    XD badge - Badge: Hehehero potion maker

    Hello, hello!

    Please, change daily quest ID:428014 "Bring them back to the light" in Talaghan.

    Make the knights active for everyone, because now only one person can do it, everyone has to wait till that person to finish.

    Very annoying with fact that you already disabled bottles daily.

    Hello, hello!

    I just want to say that WB Hard is very interesting now, also quite challenging.

    But what hurt me the most is only 1 item drops from bosses, with 1 titan stat and 1 colossus :(

    It's a problem when we are doing this in 15-20 players each time.

    Quick math:
    Lets say we do this 20 times/month = 20 new stats
    1 stat for 1 person/month = 12 in year
    so almost 1 and half year for me to gather needed 17 in perfect world, when there is no 4 stamina stats in a row and 6 ppl beside me who want wisdom as I do.

    I suggest changing this somehow.
    Maybe 1 item and in it: 2 new stat, 1 old?
    Or 1 old item with 2 stat, 1 new with 2 new

    Titan stat will be useless in nearest future so..


    I am offering you "Jump or noob" event contest in my house.

    All tested! No bans! 102m jumps allowed! Free entrance!

    A lovely start!

    Few obstacles, nothing complicated!

    View from my eagle - during creation and for proove I made it to this point!

    Fear of heights?

    Easy! Bag of cookies - cookie for every winner!

    - Leszix -

    I totally agree.

    I also lost all my energy due to lesser activity in game (the last thing I would do in holidays time is to check every day if i have 2 or 1.9k energy in my house -_-)

    10 random items just stayed and the rest dissapeard.

    it's not possible to do a thing unless I restore all my slots - I mean BUY THE SAME THING AGAIN - ridiculous...

    I wanted at least put 10 chests on, and forget about the rest for now - lol not possible hehe

    Please consider:

    - make it possible to unlock already bought slots by recharging energy

    - If not, let players to remove everything to backpack, then allow to put 10 wanted items on

    And another best option for me...

    -because I spent a lot of hours creating my wonderful house with garden, garage and basement - and now I need to create it all over again i guess? u kidding me? add an option - if even I loose my energy and recharge, my objects will re-appeared in the same positions, or just one button, save different settings in house - wow would be perfect


    I finally forced myself to go to AoD.

    As a healer - means only as d/wrl (which 70elite is now changed to stupid but nevermind, wrong topic)

    It was and adventure of my life. One in a lifetime. Seriously because i dont think i will go there again.

    Took me about 30minutes to go trough 9 waves in 1st loop. 10th loop I was instantly silenced and dead 3 times.

    I got 21 Nero coins, so 11 days more like this and I will finally be able to buy 3% speed cast potion for 10minutes.

    I have no idea who is creating this or for who but I am sure not for me and other healers.


    There are people, like me, for who xbar is integrated part of the game. I have use it since my first days in 2010. Its evolving a little but literally cant play without this.

    So no unchangeable changes, please.

    Thanks for upload, will check tomorrow.

    Regarding Grox post.

    Some changes are good for some players, worse for others. In balance, QoL, and the same with Prestige Pass here. Some players who spend money on game will be pleased, those who want to play free must accept it and have hope they get smaller rewards also - at least for being online and some activity ,like me f.e.

    But you can't just delete post of some players if you don't like it. Even if bad for you - it is the same opinion as others, when someone is happy, want to laugh a little or make some argue. Some wants instances, some only logs to make goblins minigame and logoff. You gotta accept all of it. And forum I think is a place you can write all opinions, if they are not vulgar or flame someone.

    In overall I think the problem is communication between employees and players.
    We don't know anything and thats why our impatience and nervousness growing stronger every day.

    Thanks to Grox post (btw random post about VIP, not Future plans) now I can know there will be bigger instance this year.

    And I feel 10% better now than hour ago.

    Why can't you just inform us a little more about the whole game?

    Like f.e.

    -new instance this year

    -nostalgia this month or this

    - fishing around june/july

    -new stats from this

    - same stat from this

    - new ranking this an this

    And give us some real data showing who wants what, not always "new players want this", "we do this for new players".
    New players (which I counted 5!!) I'm spoking with, in game want only malatina game and don't know why you need gold in game...

    Life would be better, we could plan something calmly not being stressed all the time.

    P.S. Maybe reveal identity of beta testers also (so I can finally apply to make the game better)

    P.S.2 do not delete, please

    I just want to say that you don't need to add

    • Added PvP skills to each main class combinations.

    in planned change log, because it will not change overall gameplay and stupidity of "pvp balance" (there are none).

    Even with the changes you made by decreasing dmg of few class combo like wrl/wd and b/s, those classes still are only playable in pvp, with broken p/wd also.

    Warlock itself is too op while it has 85 iss Umbrella skill which allow someone to win most of battles because PvP at the moment is based on who hits the first then wins.

    1.5m cooldown on 90% both magical and physical dmg reduction is sick (with another 12% from wrl/wd which is 100%)

    Also with all those fast running abillities - allow you to run very fast even without the stable. Broken class.

    Wars now are complitelly useless and its waste of foods.

    -Runes in eq makes no difference

    -Rewards are almost none - I had 2 cards from about 20+ wars

    -Wars are at stupid hours, I don't wanna go war at 20 CET and loose 1 hour battling when I can go to Ini. Maybe add more hours f.e 5p.m.

    And btw bard skill "Misantrope" doesn't work, you get dmg 1 sec after use because of fight on bugged pets players use.


    I remember few changes on this boss since instance start. This time is little different because you were so brave to put it in patchnotes and forum.

    Maybe Im too rough but I am really tired of "It seems to work as intended" and then suddenly appears small "OOOPS" and you change something, despite the fact all this been tested.

    How can I know is it the same, is a bit different, or completely different? Or you will not change this again to another version? Or if pets are working or not unless I go there and check for myself. Ehh

    Anyway, is it possible the last door be open automatically after kill all previous bosses, without this stupid runes? If someone got dc or go save his house from fire, rest of the party is "bad word"

    You had looked too deep because the tactic is again different at this boss.

    Great that we, as a players, spend a lot of time at ini, learning tactics which in few days will be changed.
    And great you said everything is tested, then month later you find something wrong.
